Shivalilamrut Stories

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Chapter 1: The tale of the countless crows

The first chapter tells us the glories of Lord Shiva & lists the 22 Jyotirlings spread across India. It also tells
the story of King Dashaharha & his wife Queen Kalavati.

Kalavati was a ardent devotee of Shiva & had taken diksha from Sage Durvasa. After marrying King
Dashaharha when he comes to her room she stops him from touching her & tells him that her sincere
Bhakti has generated a lot of “tapobal” in her & hence he should not touch her for if he does he would
burn up. But inspite of her warnings the King tries to hug her and experiences an intense burning all over
his body. He immediately releases her & asks her the reason behind this. She tells him that while she is
an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva he has never worshipped Shiva and hence is not suitable enough to be
with her. He asks her to accept him as his disciple and tell him the ways to worship Shiva. However she
says a wife cannot be a husband’s guru and asks him to visit Sage Gargya.

The King visits sage Gargya and there the sage accepts him as his disciple. As soon as he places his hands
on the King’s head to bless him countless crows emerge out of the King’s body. The King is shocked
seeing the crows flying out one after another from his body and he questions the sage about it. Sage
Gargya says that all the sins of his past seven lives have taken the form of crows and are flying out of his
body. Now the sage agrees to teach him the way of Shiva bhakti. After pleasing Lord Shiva with his
devotion the King returns back to his home and is finally able to be with his wife and proves to be
worthy of her.
Chapter 2: The hunter’s tale

This story tells how a hunter attains mukti after worshipping Shiva unknowingly.

On the night of Mahashivratri a hunter enters a thick forest and climbs up a tree. On the way to the
forest he had seen countless devotees gathered in the Shiva temple for worshipping Shiva Parvati on the
auspicious night of Mahashivratri. Being a non-believer he mocks them and starts chanting ‘hara-hara’
while imitating them. Coincidentally the tree he is sitting on is a Bel tree. While he waits for some prey
he sits there plucking the leaves of the Bel tree and throwing them absent – mindedly on the ground
below. Coincidentally the place he is throwing the leaves happens to have a Shivalinga installed there
and the leaves land on the Shivalinga. He stays awake the whole night and ends up worshipping the
Shivalinga with Bel leaves.

In the course of the night he meets 3 deers. When he aims at the first deer the deer tells him she is
pregnant. She pleads with him to not kill her and wait till she has given birth. She enumerates the sins
that accrue when a pregnant life is killed. She promises to come back after she has given birth. The
hunter allows her to leave. Soon after another deer comes to drink water and when the hunter tries to
kill her she says her husband is waiting for her and it is wrong to take away a wife from a husband when
he is waiting to copulate with her. She too tells him the fruits which various types of sins incur and the
various types of births a person has to take when he commits certain crimes. The deer promises to
return back to him after she has satisfied her husband. He allows her to leave. Later a male deer arrives
and when the hunter is about to kill him he says my wife is waiting for me, let me go and tell her that I
am about to die. He too tells the hunter about various birth and various sins. The hunter allows the male
deer to leave. By this time its morning and he has remained hungry for the whole night worshipping the
Shivalinga below with the Bel leaves.

He suddenly sees a divine plane descend on which there are present the attendants of Shiva who have
come to personally take him to Shivalok where he will be granted a seat on the stars. He is destined to
become the famous constellation of the hunter (Orion) along with the deers whom he let go.

Chapter 3: King Kalmashpaad & Gokarna teerth

Once upon a time there was a King by the name of Mitrasa (check name??). Once the King went out
hunting in Naimisharnya where he brought down many wild animals & birds. He also killed a rakshas
that day. The rakshas’s brother was enraged on learning about this and decided to avenge his brother’s
death. He presented himself before the King and said that he was an excellent cook and wished to work
in the King’s kitchen. The rakshash used to serve the King delicious foods all the while waiting for the
right opportunity to get his revenge. Once Sage Vasishta arrived at the King’s palace. The King
worshipped the great Sage and asked him to leave only after having had lunch with him. The sage
agreed. The rakshash thought that this would be the perfect time to destroy the King. He mixed up
human meat in the food which was to be served to Sage Vashishta. The sage with his intelligence was
able to guess that the food served to him was impure which enraged the sage. He cursed the King that
he would be reborn as a rakshash and would end up eating all sorts of dirt and polluted foods.

The King was shocked and confused at what had happened but the rakshash pretending to be a cook
had fled long ago. The King felt that the sage had cursed him for no fault of his and in anger he too was
about to curse the sage back when his wife pleaded him to stop. She said that a Guru can curse his
disciple but if a disciple tries to curse his Guru then he would be committing a grave sin. The water
which the King had taken in his palm to curse the sage, he threw on his own feet. His feet turned black
and hence he got the name “Kalmashpad”
Due to the sage’s curse the King was transformed into a rakshash. Eventually the sage got to know the
entire truth behind the incident and told the King that after 12 years have passed he would once again
attain his human form and would be able to come back to his Kingdom.

The King, now as a rakshash started roaming about in the forest. He started feasting on all sorts of
animals and birds. Once while roaming about in the forest he came across a Brahmin couple. He caught
hold of the Brahmin boy and was about to gobble him up when his wife pleaded him to spare her
husband. She reminded him that he was once a good and pious King and you will soon regain your old
form. If you kill a human and a Brahmin you would have committed a grave sin. But the rakshash did not
listen to the Brahmin woman and ate her husband and left behind his bones. The Brahmin woman was
overwhelmed with grief and cursed the rakshash that he will never be able to be with a woman again
and you will die if you ever become intimate with a woman. Cursing the rakshash thus she gathered her
husband’s bones and committed Sati.

Eventually after the twelve years had passed the rakshas regained his original form and went back to his
Palace. Though he had regained his human form he still remembered his sins as a rakshas. He
remembered the Brahmin woman’s curse and could not enjoy a single moment in his Palace. He was
worried that his Kingdom would have no heir. Restless because of his unending worries the King once
again left the Palace. He journeyed all the way to Mithila where he met Sage Gautam. When the sage
enquired about the welfare of his Kingdom the King told him of his troubles. Sage Gautam narrated the
glory of Gokarna teerth to the King and asked him to listen carefully.

Ravan’s mother was a great devotee of Shiva. She used to worship a Shivalinga made out of 5 elements
daily. Indra was extremely disturbed seeing her penance and once while she was away he threw the
Shivalinga into the sea. Ravan’s mother was devastated seeing this. Seeing her sorrows Ravana promised
her that he would please Shiva himself and get an atmalinga from him for her to worship.

Ravana set out for Kailash where he worshipped Shiva with complete devotion and managed to please
the Lord. Shiva asked him to ask for a boon. Ravana asked him to give him an Atmalinga and to give him
the most beautiful woman in the three worlds. Shiva gave Ravana a beautiful and brilliant Atmalinga. He
also said that the most beautiful woman in the three worlds is Devi Parvati so you can take her.

Ravana set out for home carrying Parvati on his shoulder and the atmalinga in his other hand. Parvati
was unhappy at having to go with Ravana and in distress started calling out to Vishnu for help. Bhagwan
Vishnu hearing her prayers assumed the form of a Brahmin and came to the place where Ravana was.
Seeing Ravana with Parvati on his shoulder the Brahmin started laughing. When Ravana asked him why
was he laughing the Brahmin asked Ravana why was he carrying such an ugly woman on his shoulder?
Ravana told him he was mistaken, the woman on his shoulder was Parvati and she was the most
beautiful woman in the universe. But the Brahmin didn’t look convinced and kept laughing. So Ravana
decided to check himself and placed Parvati down. Parvati had by then assumed the form of an old
woman with a wrinkled face and toothless grin. Ravana was shocked and rushed back to Shiva. Shiva
told him that the woman he had given Ravana was indeed the most beautiful woman in this universe
but he had been fooled by her Maya and could not recognize her. Later Shiva crafted a daughter from
the dirt of his body and gave it Mayasura. He assured Ravana that when this extremely beautiful
daughter of Mayasura named Mandodari grew up into a woman he would marry her off to Ravana.
Ravana was pleased and left for his home

Seeing Ravana carrying away the atmalinga the Devas were worried. They pleaded with Ganesha to stop
Ravana from taking the atmalinga home. Ganesha assumed the form of a cowherd. Ravana suddenly
needed to urgently empty his bladder but with the atmalinga in hand he could not relieve himself and
neither could he place the atmalinga down because Shiva had warned him that the atmalinga would be
established forever once he placed it on the ground. At that time he spotted Ganesha who was in the
form of a cowherd. He asked Ganesha to hold the atmalinga for him for some time. The cowherd agreed
but told him that he needed to round up his cattle and leave soon so Ravana should come back quickly,
failing which he would place the atmalinga down and leave. Ravan assured him that he would be back
quickly and left.

Ganesha waited for some time before calling out to Ravana asking him to hurry up. He called out twice
more but Ravana was nowhere to be seen. Ganesha quickly placed the atmalinga down and
disappeared. Ravana at that very moment came back and was shocked to see the atmalinga placed on
the ground. The cowherd had disappeared and so had most of his cows. He ran after the last remaining
cow which was about to disappear but managed to catch hold of only her ear (Go = cow, Karna = ear).

Ravana tried lifting up the atmalinga but to no avail. He finally brought his mother to worship the
Chapter 4: Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga, Ujjain

Once upon a time there was a King named Vimarsha. He was a brave King and loved hunting. He killed
many innocent animals in the course of his hunts thus accumulating a lot of bad karma but he was an
ardent devotee of Shiva and used to worship Shiva regularly. His wife was Kumudvati and she was
beautiful lady who was devoted to her husband. One day she wondered that her husband worshipped
Shiva with such devotion, then why does he kill animals? She questioned him about his behavior. Why
does he worship Shiva which results in good karma but also kills innocent animals which increases his
bad karma? The King said that thought I worship Shiva wholeheartedly, fast on Mondays, chant his
name daily all my bad karmas do not wash away. This is because in my past life I was a dog and some of
my nature in that birth has carried over to this birth. In my last birth on the day of Mahashivratri I was
standing outside a temple hoping that I would get something to eat. But some people beat me up with a
stick in order to shoo me away. I was completely lost in the pure atmosphere of the temple and the
chants of the temple and hence did not move. Some more people tried to shoo me away by throwing
stones at me. While I was staring at the Shivalinga someone shot me with an arrow and I died while still
looking at the Shivalinga and hearing the chants of Shiva’s name by his devotees. Indirectly I had
worshipped Shiva in this manner in my last birth and hence I was blessed in this birth and became a King
of this large Kingdom. But the basic nature of the dog is still stuck with me and no matter how I try to
wash away my bad nature with my good qualities I am unable to do it. The Queen then requested King
Vimarsha to tell her about her previous birth. The King replied that she was a female pigeon in her
previous birth. She had picked up a piece of meat in her beak and was being chased by a falcon.
Inadvertently she ended up circumambulating the spire of a Shiva temple thrice after which she landed
on the spire exhausted & scared. The falcon pounced on you and killed you. Your dead body landed up
in front of the Shiva temple. Just because of this small good deed you were granted the life of a Queen
in this birth. Even if we do something good inadvertently the Gods bless us.

The Queen grew more curious and asked him about their future births. He told her about their future
seven births and revealed that they would be husband and wife in every birth and would also be born in
as Royals. In my seventh birth I will attain fame as a Shiva devotee and will accept Vanaprasthahram in
my middle age. The Queen was overjoyed on hearing this.

Another story narrating the greatness of Shiva is covered in this chapter which goes as follows:

In Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh there once lived a King named Chandrasen. In Ujjain is present the famous
Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga and the King who was just and pious used to worship the Jyotirlinga
regularly. The King had a friend named Manibhadra. The two were extremely close. Manibhadra had
given the King a rare and precious gemstone as a gift. This gemstone was unique in that when it touched
the ashtadhaatu it would turn it into gold. People who saw this gem experienced that they have been
cured of all their illnesses. When the King wore the gem into a war he became undefeatable. Seeing this
the neighbouring Kings decided that they need to unite and attack Chandrasen as one, otherwise it
would be impossible to defeat him. The Kings came together and laid siege to his Kingdom. They sent a
message to the King asking him to handover the gem to them or come out and fight. The King was
saddened to see the neighbouring Kings get together to attack him out of their greed for the gem. Not
knowing what to do he decided to visit the Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga and request for the Lord’s
guidance. Outside the city the war began.

The King was praying to Shivashankar with complete devotion. The villagers gathered to witness the
grand Pooja of the King. A widow with her 5-6 year old son too came to watch the Pooja. The little boy
observed the Pooja attentively and he was lost in the pious atmosphere of the temple. The mother soon
took away her son back home and got busy with her chores. Meanwhile the son gathered some stones
from the street and built a Shivalinga out of them. Picking up some wild flowers he sat in front of his
Shivalinga, offered water & flowers & started his Pooja of the Shivalinga. The mother called out to him
asking him to come in for lunch. When he didn’t come after her repeated calls she came out angrily and
saw him lost in his Pooja. Enraged she broke the Shivalinga made out of stones. The boy was extremely
shocked and fell unconscious. After some time he woke up and rebuilt the Shivalinga and began his
Pooja once again. Seeing his sincere devotion Shiva himself appeared before him.

Due to Shiva’s blessings a beautiful temple suddenly rose around the Shivalinga which the boy was
praying to. The temple was filled up with every kind of precious gems. Seeing this miracle the boy was
stunned and continued praying. Shiva was pleased with his devotion and asked him to ask him a boon.
The boy said, my mother broke your Shivalinga but please forgive her. Shiva agreed. The boy rushed into
his home so that he could bring his mother to have the divine darshan of Shiva. But he was shocked to
see that his whole house had been transformed into a palace filled with the best of riches. The boy
grabbed his mother’s hand and took her to see Shiva.
The villagers were surprised to see the transformation of the widow’s house and gathered in large
numbers to see this miracle. The news of this miracle reached the neighbouring Kings as well who had
gathered to defeat Chandrasen. The Kings stopped their war and sent a message to King Chandrasen
telling him that they have called off the war and wish to enter the Kingdom as friends. King Chadrasen
was overjoyed and thanked Shiva. He welcomed the Kings and they all worshipped Shiva.

Hanuman appeared in that newly raised temple and hugged the little boy and blessed him and gave him
the panchakshari mantra. He named the boy Shrikar and told him in your eight generation Lord Shri
Krishna will be born. King Chandrasen then honoured Shrikar and all the Kings.

Chapter 5: The tale of King Satyarath and the greatness of the Pradosh fast

Men and women who do the Pradosh fast with sincerity and devotion lack nothing in life. They are
blessed with good health, long life & prosperity. They bear healthy children.

The King of Shalva attacked King Satyarath with a huge army in which Satyarath was defeated and killed.
Satyarath’s Queen was pregnant. She was in her last week of pregnancy. She managed to escape from
the Palace using a secret door and fled to a forest. While wandering alone in the forest she finally gave
birth to a boy near a beautiful lake. She Queen placed the child safely under a tree and went to the lake
to quench her thirst. However a crocodile in the lake dragged her in and killed her.
The just born Prince sat wailing under the tree when a widow Brahmin woman Uma passed by with her
year old son. When she couldn’t find the child’s parents she wondered if she take it home. In that
instant Shiva assuming the form of a Yati appeared before her and instructed her to take the child home.
He told her that though this boy was a Kshatriya she should raise him like her own son with love and
affection and not tell anyone about his reality. The Brahmin woman obeyed the Yati and took the baby
home and started raising him like her own son. Her son’s name was Suchirvrat and she named the
Prince as Dharmagupta. The widow used to beg for alms and take care of her sons. Once while begging
for alms the three of them arrived at Ekachakra where they saw a beautiful Shiva temple. Under the
guidance of the great sage Shandilya many other sages were performing a Yagya. When sage Shandilya
saw Dharmagupta he instantly recognized that he was the son of a King and said that due to his past
karmas he lost his prosperity and is today standing before him asking alms. Uma was surprised at the
sage’s powers and requested the sage to tell her about Dharmagupta’s parents and whether they were
still alive or dead.

Sage Shandilya told Uma that King Satyarath was the father of Dharmagupta. He was a valorous King.
Once while he was performing the Pooja of Shiva his kingdom was attacked by the enemy. He left the
Pooja mid-way and even when he returned victorious he did not complete the Pooja and instead sat
down to have his meal. Hence he was cursed with a short life. That is why it is unadvisable to leave
Shiva’s Pooja midway. His mother too had killed her husband’s second wife due to which she too died
early. Dharmagupta in his previous birth never worshiped Shiva in any way and hence in this birth he
was born an orphan.

Hence never leave Shiva’s Pooja midway. Always worship Shiva. The time of Pradosh is very auspicious.
During this time Shiva himself is dancing in front of Parvati with the rest of the Gods participating as well
as enjoying his performance in various ways.

After this Uma enquires about her son Suchirvrat. The sage tells her that in his previous birth Suchirvrat
amassed a lot of money through various means but never donated anything and never worshipped
Shiva. That is why he is suffering in this birth. Uma then instructed the children to fall at the sage’s feet.
The sage blessed them by giving them the panchakshari mantra and told them to do the Pradosh Vrat.
He also told them the correct procedure for performing the Pradosh fast. The brothers stayed in
Ekachakra for a few days and worshipped Shiva with complete devotion and began with the Pradosh

Once Suchirvrat was roaming in a forest when a huge rock collapsed in front of him and in the debris he
found a large pot filled with gold coins to the brim. He picked up the pot and rushed home and offered
half of the gold to his brother. However Dharmagupta refused to take the gold.

The brothers once again started meditating on the name of Shiva. Due to their constant Shiva bhakti
their prosperity increased. Once Dharmagupta was roaming about when he encountered few Gandharva
girls playing in a group. Among them was a beautiful girl who was the Gandharva Princess Anshumati
who seemed to have captivated Dharmagupta. Suchirvrat nudged Dharmagupta to stop staring at a
strange woman and scolded him for his inappropriate behavior. The Gandharva Princess came up to
Dharmagupta and she seemed as captivated by him as he was. She remembered that when her father
had asked Shiva who would be a suitable groom for his beloved daughter he had said that his devotee
Dharmagupta would be the best person for Anshumati. She wonders if this man is Dharmagupta

She cleverly sent off her friends to fetch some flowers and coming closer to Dharmagupta said that she
had fallen for him completely and could not imagine her life without him. She requested him to accept
her and garlanded him using a garland she was wearing. Dharmagupta told her that he was poor and an
orphan. His real father had been killed in battle and hence he did not have any Kingdom to rule over and
so your father may not like me as his daughter’s groom. She told him politely that she will speak to her
father and asked him to come to the same spot three days later for their marriage.

Dharmagupta came back home and told his mother and brother about everything that had happened
with Anshumati. Three days later Anshumati came to the decided spot with her father and family and
the two of them got married in the presence of their families. The Gandharva King honoured his son-in-
law with riches. After the marriage Dharmagupta returned to his Kingdom and immediately defeated the
enemy King and drove him out. He was installed as the King and he ruled for thousands of years.

He continued with his Shiva bhakti and hence his Kingdom was rich and prosperous and his subjects
were happy and content. Eventually he had a son named Suraj who went on to become the King after
his father.

Chapter 6: King Chitraverma and the story of Simantini

Sage Shaunak recounts an old tale in which King Chitravarma ruled over Aryavarta. He was brave and
courageous and was an ardent devotee of Vishnu and Shiva. He had sons but no daughter. He tried to
please the Gods in many ways in order to obtain a daughter from them. After many years he was
blessed with a beautiful daughter. When the astrologers studied her Kundali they predicted that the girl
would one day rule all over the Earth for ten thousand years. The king was overjoyed on hearing this.
However a Brahmin present there predicted that there is a chance that your daughter might be
widowed when she reaches fourteen years of age and we must do everything to avoid that. The King
was shattered hearing this. The Brahmin advised him to worship Shiva in order to prevent this tragedy.

Simantini was growing up and one day while chatting with her friends she learnt that the learned
Brahmins had predicted that she would become a widow when she turns fourteen. She was distressed
on hearing this and started wondering what could be done to prevent this from happening. She met the
wife of Sage Yagnyavalya, Maitreyi and told her her entire story and requested her to save her from this

Maitreyi consoled the little girl and gave her the Panchakshari Mantra and chant it continuously and
regularly. Start fasting on Mondays. Worship Bhagwan Shiva with complete devotion. You may
experience many difficulties while performing these fasts and worshipping Shiva but do not give it up at
any cost. Invite Brahmins and Brahmin couples and offer them food. Even if you encounter the biggest
difficulties and sorrows do not stop your worship. Simantini thus began her worship of Bhagwan Shiva.

Eventually her father married her off to the son of Indrasen, Chitrangada. The King insisted that the
couple stay with him for a few more days before going back to their home. Once Chitrangada went out
hunting with his retinue and took a boat to cross the Yamuna. Midstream the boat overturned and
Chitrangada drowned in the deep waters of the Yamuna. His fellow soldiers rushed back to the Palace to
report about the accident. Simantini fell down unconscious while the elders were devastated on hearing
this news.

Simantini’s in-laws stayed with her in her kingdom for a few days before returning back to their
Kingdom. However a neighbouring King had attacked and overtaken their Kingdom while they had been
away. The King and Queen tried to escape but the enemy czught them and imprisoned them.
Meanwhile still remembering the words of Maitreyi, Simantini continued worshipping Shiva.

The day the boat of Chitrangada had capsized in the river, the Naga Princesses took him to their home
where they presented him before the Naga King Takshaka. Chitrangada bowed down before Takshaka
and told him his story. Takshak felt sorry for the Prince and asked him to stay at his place. Chitrangada
said that I am a devotee of Bhagwan Shiva. I am an only child of my parents. My wife too must be
waiting for me. I wish to serve my parents in their old age. Hence he requested Takshak to let him go
back to his home. Takshak was pleased seeing his love for his parents and wife and gifted him with many
precious things and allowed him to go back to his home. He also gifted him with the strength of a
thousand snakes. He also assured Chitrangada that if he ever called him when in need Takshak would
rush to his aid.

Chitrangada returned home and found Simantini on the banks of the Yamuna with her friends. When
her friends asked him who he was he said jokingly that I am a siddha who roams around the three
worlds as per his will and can tell you your past and forecast your future. Listen carefully! Your husband
is not dead and three days from now I will get him to meet you. Simantini was overjoyed on hearing this

Chitrangada immediately left for his country of Naishad. There he came to know that the enemy had
imprisoned his parents. A snake took the form of a human and went in the court to warn the King that
Chitrangada is back and would soon attack his Kingdom. He is a strong and brave Prince and has the
support of the King of the Nagas, Takshak. Hence you should surrender to the mighty Chitrangada and
release his parents immediately. The enemy King got scared and immediately ordered the release of
Chitrangada’s parents and surrendered to him. He returned the Kingdom back to Chitrangada and
aplogogized for his behavior. Later Chitrangada along with his parents went to get back Simantini.
Simantini and her father welcomed Chitrangada and his parents with great fanfare and he married
Simantini once more. Chitrangada was declared the Emperor by all the Kings of the Earth. Indrasen
handed over his Kingdom to his daughter Simantini and left for the forests devoting his remaining life to
Shiva and he attained mukti.

Simantini gave birth to eight sons. Chitrangada was a just King and he ruled his Kingdom ensuring the
welfare of his subject in every matter. He continued with his Shiva bhakti over the years. The benefits of
Shiva bhakti are thus endless.

Chapter 7: The tale of Bhadrayu:

In Vidarbha there once lived a Brahmin named Vedamitra. His friend was Saraswat and both of them
were learned in the Vedashastras. Each of them had a son. Vedamitra’s son was Sumedha and
Sawaraswat’s son was called Somavant. These sons just like their fathers were learned and had a deep
study of various scriptures and holy books and they had mastered every knowledge. Proud of their son’s
knowledge Vedamitra and Saraswat took their children to the King’s court so that they could display
their son’s knowledge in front of the King.

The children recited all that they had learned so far in front of the King which pleased the King a great
deal. The King said that I will shower you with riches but you must do something for me in return. There
is a Queen named Simantini who is a great Shiva devotee. She fasts and worships Shiva on every
Monday and feeds a couple. He asks the two boys to pretend to be a couple and go to Simantini. She will
worship you as per her routine and shower you with riches. When you return back to me I too will give
you lots of money. This is your King’s order so follow it at any cost. Sumedha and Somavant requested
the King to not make them do this sinful task saying that it was wrong to fool a sincere devotee but the
King did not budge.

With a heavy heart the two dressed up as a couple and on a Monday went to meet Simantini. Simantini
instantly recognized that these two were men and not a real couple. But Simantini worshipped Bhagwan
Shiva wholeheartedly and then worshipped this couple assuming them to be a form of Shankar – Parvati
and gifted them with garments and jewels while leaving. On their way back Sumedha recognized the lust
that had kindled in the subconscious of Somavant and scolded him to give up his womanly attire and get
back to his normal form immediately. Somavant said that having assumed the form of a woman I have
truly turned into a woman and now I need you to fulfill my desire. Sumedha ignored him and both of
them returned home. They later narrated their tale to their fathers. The fathers’ rushed to the King and
chided him and ordered him to return Somavant his manhood. The King began worshipping Devi in
earnest. Once he had managed to please the Goddess he prayed to her to make Somavant a man once
more. Devi said that I cannot help you in this calamity. Simantini’s lifelong devotion to Shiva has made
her powerful and she has turned this boy into a woman. Even Shiva himself will not be able to undo this.
Now you get the two of them married because there is no other choice.

In the city of Avanti there lived a Brahmin named Madan. He used to visit Pingala, a prostitute regularly
and used to spend days together intoxicated. Once a sage named Rishabh came to Madan’s home.
Pingala and Madan worshipped the sage with due honours. The offered him food and invited him to
spend the night at their home. When the sage laid down to sleep the two of them massaged his legs.
Doing these little things the two of them managed to accumulate some good karma.

After a few years the Brahmin and Pingala died and were later reborn on Earth. Madan was reborn as a
son to the King Vajrabahu and Queen Sumati while Pingala was born as Simantini’s daughter. When
Queen Sumati was pregnant with Madan the other Queens used to hate her and trouble her in various
ways as she was the chief Queen. Once the other Queens plotted to kill Queen Sumati and poisoned her
food. When Sumati consumed the poisoned food big boils erupted on the body of the Queen and her
baby. The boils were very painful and would continuously ooze out blood and pus. The baby used to cry
continuously due to the pain. The King tried to find a cure for the Queen and the Prince but to no avail.
When the pain became unbearable the Queen started praying to Shiva devotedly and used to pray to
him to grant her and her baby relief from their pain. While the Queen was busy in her prayers and still
suffering from the boils the King abandoned the Queen and the Prince in a forest.

The Queen roamed about in the forest with her wailing baby. A man who was passing by came across
the mother and child and immediately reported about them to King Padmakar. King Padmakar invited
the mother and son to his Palace and allotted a room to them. Days passed but the Prince’s pain did not
end and his boils did not heal. One day the baby died. Sumati’s grief knew no bounds. Many people
gathered to console her. There a Shivayogi appeared. Sumati fell at his feet and pleaded with him to
bring her son back to life. The Shivayogi consoled her and said that like a man changes clothes so does
the soul change its body. Hence crying over the dead is useless. Human birth is extremely rare and is
obtained after 84 lakh births. Hence one should devote this human birth to the worship of Bhagwan
Shiva and make good of his life. Do not grieve for your dead son and instead spend your time
worshipping Bhagwan Shiva. The world does not stop for anyone. Many Gods took birth on Earth and
died and went back but the world did not stop. The world and humankind went about its life as usual.
Sumati fell down at the Shivayogi’s feet and said that you are none other than Mahadeva! She
requested him to reveal his true form to her. Shankar was pleased and he brought back her dead son to
life. In an instant all the boils on her body disappeared. King Padmakar was overjoyed.

King Padmakar raised Sumati’s son Bhadrayu like his own. The two boys played together and grew up
together. After many years the Shivayogi visited Sumati and Bhadrayu once more. The mother – son
welcomed the shivayogi wholeheartedly and the Shivayogi imparted knowledge of the Neetishastra to
Bhadrayu and asked him to behave with full morality throughout his life and told him the right way to
lead a good moral life. Worship Shiva devotedly and fast on Mondays and perform the Pradosh vrat.

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