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EM 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

Educational Management

The Soft Skill Model Based On Emotional Intelligence In Taruna

Polytechnic of Shipping Science Semarang

Sintha Yuar Ningga 1, Rusdarti2, Tri Suminar2

Sailing Science Polytechnic Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
History Articles: Learning soft skills as part of efforts to establish a professional attitude. Soft skills
Recived 15thMarch are skills that is done by non-technical, that is not shaped or invisible form. These
2019 soft skills can be regarded as personal and inter-personal skills at cadets in PIP
Accepted 31th May
Semarang to develop theirself in the course of work or activities. This study aims
to (1) analyze the impact of character education and parenting on emotional
Published 15thJune
intelligence (2) analyze the impact of character education and upbringing of the
soft skills through emotional intelligence (3) analyze the effect of the soft skills
Keywords: towards emotional intelligence on Politektik Youth Sailing Science Semarang.
Soft Skill, Character This study is used a quantitative approach, the entire study population cadets
Education, Parenting, PIP Semarang numbering 1. 189 cadets. The sample size is 175 cadets of PIP
Emotional Intelligence Semarang. The data used are primary data, the data captured by the
____________________ questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Analysis of data
using path analysis and Sobel test to determine mediasi.Hasil variables showed
that (1) the impact of character education and parenting on emotional
intelligence was positively and significantly, with Sig 0.000 <0.05, (2) the impact
of character education and parenting against the soft skills through emotional
intelligence, either directly or indirectly is positive and significant, (3) the effect
of the soft skills of emotional intelligence by 20.43%, a positive and significant
effect on PIP Semarang.

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence Address: p-ISSN 2252-7001
Jl. Singosari No. 2 A Semarang, Indonesia
e-ISSN 2502-454X
Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

INTRODUCTION 2012; Mutaqin, 2014). Many factors influence a

person's soft skills, in this study that the soft
skills is determined by three factors: (1)
PIP Semarang is part of higher education
education of character, (2) parenting and (3)
where the same task that educate and train
emotional intelligence.
cadets in the field of shipping and the harbor
Character education is values education,
cruise officers and experts of the Navy / harbor
character education, moral education, character
to meet the needs of the naval fleet nationally
education, which aims to develop the ability of
and internationally. Mission PIP Semarang
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor someone
Providing educational services and training
to give a decision was bad, preserve what is
cruise that meets the quality standards of the
good, and embodies goodness it in everyday life
National and International. While the objectives
wholeheartedly (Mahfud, 2014).
of education in the PIP is directed to materialize
Implementation of character education is the
and terbinanya mental attitude, moral, and
mandate outlined in Act No. 20 of 2003 on
personality as PIP cadets who have a fighting
National Education System in Article 3, which
value and strong leadership, mastery, breadth,
states that the national education serves to
and depth of science and technology, and skilled
develop the ability and shape the character and
civilization of the nation's dignity in the context
The formation of the attitude required
of the intellectual life of the nation. Fuel Ts
from the outset through the work of habituation
(2012) states that a character education has a
processes are developed and aligned with the
relationship with emotional intelligence. With
needs of learning. Soft skills is an ability, talent,
character education, it is expected that a person
or skill that is in every human being. Soft skills
will become more emotionally intelligent.
must also be accompanied by the hard skills,
Correspondingly, Dodds (2016) also states that
because we live must not only have high quality
the character education can improve aspects of a
soft skills, but hard skill we need attention. By
person's emotional intelligence.
having a good hard skills, soft skills then need to
In addition to character education,
be increased because menrupakan a technical
parenting is also a factor that can affect one's soft
talent beyond the academic. Soft skills are skills
skills. Parenting is an integral part of the process
that is done by non-technical, that is not shaped
of achieving educational goals. Parenting is
or invisible his form
including an important external factor that can
soft skills a competence that is nontechnical
affect a person's belief. Caregivers or parents is
refers to personality characteristics. It looks at a
the center of spiritual life for the individual and
person's behavior, both when interacting in
the beginning of the cause berkenalnya with the
social situations, language, habits of self, or
great outdoors, then each of the individual
qualities necessary to support the optimistic
reactions and thoughts at a later influenced by
behavior. Soft skills are as a person's ability to
the attitude of the caregiver or parent at the
motivate yourself and use initiative, have an
beginning of his life (Sriwulandari and
understanding of what is needed to be done and
Suratman, 2013). Parenting has an important
can be done well, useful for addressing minor
role in encouraging or motivating individuals to
issues that arise suddenly and continue to be
excel. Parenting is a system or way of working
able to survive if the problem has not been
to keep, care for, and educate the next
resolved (Grugulis, tt: 77; Hamida and Palupi,
generation (Mustaqim, 2001; Volunteers, 2017).
2012). Soft skills is a personal power to change
Parenting can be defined as a pattern of
or to address labor issues. To improve one's soft
interaction between children and caregivers
skills can be developed through education, ie
which includes physical needs, (such as eating,
with character education and through the
drinking, etc.) and psychological (security,
environment, ie with parenting (Muqowim,
affection, and others), as well as socialization
Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

norms prevailing in the society so that children relationship between emotional intelligence and
can live in harmony with the environment soft skills.
(Zubaedi, 2011). Furthermore, Suryomentaram
(2003: 158-172) states the importance of METHODS
educating children to be able to think and
understand things right, shows the real thing, The study design was quantitative, data
educating children to love others and to educate used to support this research is primary data
children so happy at beautiful things. It thus obtained through questionnaires that have been
affects the child's emotional intelligence. and tested for validity and reliability. PIP Semarang
others) and psychological (security, affection, student population numbering 1,189 cadets in
and others), as well as socialization norms cross section. The sample size number of 175
prevailing in the community so that children can cadets. Analysis of data using path analysis to
live in harmony with the environment (Zubaedi, analyze the direct and indirect influence of
2011). Furthermore, Suryomentaram (2003: 158- independent variables on soft skills of cadets.
172) states the importance of educating children Sobel test to determine the mediating variables.
to be able to think and understand things right,
shows the real thing, educating children to love RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
others and to educate children so happy at
beautiful things. It thus affects the child's Effect of Character Education on Emotional
emotional intelligence. and others) and Intelligence Taruna PIP Semarang
psychological (security, affection, and others), as Effect of character education on
well as socialization norms prevailing in the emotional intelligence that is equal to 0.116 or
community so that children can live in harmony 11.6%. This means that the direct influence of
with the environment (Zubaedi, 2011). the emotional intelligence of character education
Furthermore, Suryomentaram (2003: 158-172) at 11.6%. The analysis also prove significant, as
states the importance of educating children to be can be seen from the t value equal to 5.045.
able to think and understand things right, shows Figures t proved to be greater than the value
the real thing, educating children to love others table t = 1.645. Thus the hypothesis can be
and to educate children so happy at beautiful accepted, and reject the null hypothesis or views
things. It thus affects the child's emotional of the significance value (Sig) 0,000 less than
intelligence. educate children to love others and 0.05. The results of this study explains that the
to educate children so happy at beautiful things. character education itself is an education that
It thus affects the child's emotional intelligence. instills values and character to every cadet,
educate children to love others and to educate which includes knowledge, awareness or
children so happy at beautiful things. It thus volition, and actions to implement these values,
affects the child's emotional intelligence. both against God Almighty (YME), ourselves,
Emotional intelligence is the other side of others , environment, and nationality to become
cognitive intelligence that plays a role in a quality human moral. Character education is a
person's activity (Goleman, 2009). Emotional thorough focus on education that not only
intelligence can affect a person's ability, and makes each of their students become intelligent
behavior. research shows that there is a human being and achievement but making them
relationship between emotional intelligence and as the perpetrator for a change in his own life,
affective responses (Zuniga, 2007), and there is a which in turn will donate a change in the social
relationship between emotional intelligence and order of society becomes more just, good, and
adaptive ability of someone who is part of the human. Relationship model character with
soft skills (Saptoto, 2010). Correspondingly, emotional intelligence education is significant, it
Firdaos (2017) states that there is a significant is indicated by the test value t = 5.045 is greater
than t table with an alpha of 0.05 (df = 171) of
Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

1.645. With the results of computer output Sig their lives. Further described Casmini (2007),
0,000 less than the alpha (α = 0.05), which that parenting is how caregivers treat foster
means significant. Thus the character of the children, educate, guide, and discipline and
influence of emotional intelligence education protecting the foster care in achieving process
partially is significant. The findings of this study maturity, up to the efforts to establish the norms
that education affects the character of emotional expected by society in general. The research
intelligence is potif and significant cadets. The findings influence of parenting on emotional
positive sign means that the better the education intelligence is a positive and significant impact.
of character in the cultivation of character values The positive sign means that the better parenting
to the cadets, then emotional intelligence will be to the cadets, then emotional intelligence will be
increased in the same direction. increased in the same direction. The research
findings influence of parenting on emotional
Effect of Emotional Intelligence Parenting intelligence is a positive and significant impact.
against Midshipman PIP Semarang The positive sign means that the better parenting
Based on the results of multiple regression to the cadets, then emotional intelligence will be
can be seen that terdapat positive influence on increased in the same direction. The research
intelligence emisonal parenting youth that is findings influence of parenting on emotional
equal to 0.076 or 7.60 at.%. This means that the intelligence is a positive and significant impact.
direct influence of parenting on emotional The positive sign means that the better parenting
quotient of 7.60%. The analysis also prove to the cadets, then emotional intelligence will be
significant, as can be seen from the t value equal increased in the same direction.
to 3.765 t figure proved to be greater than the
table t = 1.645. Thus the hypothesis can be Effect of Soft Skills Character Education to
accepted, and reject the null hypothesis or views Youth Through Emotional Intelligence
of the significance value (Sig) = 0.000 from 0.05. The model results are keselurahan
This illustrates the condition in accordance with structure can be described variable path analysis
the desired theory, namely that parenting is an cadets with the soft skills of emotional
attitude of caregivers to interact, guide, nurture, intelligence as an intervening variable path
and educate foster children in everyday life in analysis depicted in Figure 1 as follow.
the hope of making a successful children live

e1 = 0.588
e2 = 0.729
Character Building 0.439
Emotional 0.452 Soft Skill Taruna
Parenting 0.281
Picture 1. Results Path Analysis Model with Emotional Intelligence Mediation Taruna

Based on the analysis path in Figure 1. path analysis model is a model of causality
The above education pengauhan character and relationship between variables. The results of a
pattern, either directly or indirectly to the soft detailed path analysis showed that the influence
skills, the indirect effect of all independent of character education and upbringing of the soft
variables through emotional intelligence cadets. skills of cadets either directly or indirectly,
The following test results influence, either influence indirectly through emotional
directly or indirectly, in accordance with the
Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

intelligence cadets. Model path analysis can be

seen in Figure 2 below.

Emotional intelligence 0,452

0, 324

Character building Soft Skill Taruna

Figure 2. Test Strip Character Penidikan and Parenting towards Soft Skills Through Emotional
Intelligence Taruna

Based on the test results of path analysis Influence Parenting towards Soft Skills
in Figure 2 above it can be seen that the direct Through Emotional Intelligence
and indirect effects of education through the Results of testing the influence of both
character of the soft skills of emotional direct and indirect, direct and indirect effects of
intelligence cadets as follows. parenting on soft skills through emotional
The direct effect = (0.439) (0.439) = intelligence cadets in accordance with the
0.1927 or 19.27% existing path analysis model in Figure 3 model 1
The indirect effect = (0.324) (0.452) = lane with emotional intelligence cadets
0.1464 or 14.64% intervening variables. Causality relationship
Effect of total = 0.3391 or 33.91% between variables to test the effect of parenting
The net effect of the soft skills of character cadets to soft skills, either directly or indirectly,
education through emotional intelligence cadets influence indirectly through emotional
showed a yield of 33.91% on Youth Sailing intelligence upbringing cadets. Model path
Science Polytechnic Semarang. The positive and analysis to test the fourth hypothesis can be seen
significant influence, positih sign meaning if in Figure 3 as follows.
there is a change in all variables will be changes
in skill softt cadets in the same direction.

0.233 Intelligent 0.452

Parenting Pattern 0.281 Soft Skill Taruna

Figure 3. Test Strip to Soft Skill Parenting with Emotional Intelligence Taruna

Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

The fourth hypothesis testing results based soft skills of emotional intelligence that is equal to
on test results of path analysis in Figure 3 above it 0.204 or 20.4%. This means that the influence of
can be seen directly influence parenting patterns on emotional intelligence on the soft skills of the
soft skills and the indirect effect of the soft skills of cadets by 20.4%. The analysis also prove
parenting through emotional intelligence as significant, as can be seen from the t test value
follows. equal to 6.629. Figures t proved to be greater than
The direct effect = (0.281) (0.281) = 0.0789 the value table t = 1.645. Thus the hypothesis can
or 7.89% be accepted, and reject the null hypothesis or seen
The indirect effect = (0.233) (0.452) = from the significance (Sig = 0.000) less than 0.05.
0.1053 or 10.53% The influence of emotional intelligence to 20.4% of
Effect of total = 0.1852 or 18.42% soft skills is a direct influence. Thus the effect of
the soft skills of emotional intelligence by 20.4%.
The net effect of the soft skills of parenting Emotional intelligence, caused more by how the
through emotional intelligence showed a yield of individual can control his emotions themselves and
18.42% on Youth Sailing Science Polytechnic the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is
Semarang. The positive and significant impact, understood as a person's ability to recognize and
positive sign means that if there is a change in all control one's own emotions and the emotions of
the variables will change the PIP skill softt others and manage them for the purpose of
Semarang cadets in the same direction. The building relationships with other people must be
findings of this study indicate that the result is very closely related to the attitude of soft skills
positive and significant. Directions relationship possessed. Each person in a different move
marked positive meaning cadets parenting is better, between one another that depends on the ability,
it is increasing or better soft skills cadets. If there is willingness, wishes, expectations, needs, goals,
a change in parenting and emotional intelligence objectives, and so forth. Actually, humans have
will be changes in the soft skills in the same some type or level of intelligence. In the academic
direction. The study's findings are consistent with field, we know the cognitive intelligence. In
research conducted by Sriwulandari and Suratman conjunction with affection, we know that a lot of
(2013) states that parenting significant effect on the emotional intelligence emotional connection with
confidence a person who is a behavior that shows the management of self and others. Relating to the
confidence in the ability and self-assessment that development of one's spiritual life, we recognize
often arise in various situations and produce the spiritual intelligence begins to realize many
superior performance. Good parenting can provide perusal. As said Saidy, (2009), "As a whole,
a solid foundation for the development of a humans have various intelligence levels. The
person's emotions. Emotional intelligence is diversity of intelligence levels owned by humans
determined by good parenting, in turn, can will influence Reviews their life. This includes
improve the soft skills. Good parenting can provide intelligence level in terms of intellectual, emotions,
a solid foundation for the development of a and spiritual. "
person's emotions. Emotional intelligence is This is in accordance with the opinion of
determined by good parenting, in turn, can Goleman (2009), which states that there are two
improve the soft skills. Good parenting can provide factors that affect a person's emotional intelligence,
a solid foundation for the development of a the internal factors and external factors. Internal
person's emotions. Emotional intelligence is factors are factors that arise from within an
determined by good parenting, in turn, can individual who is affected by a person's emotional
improve the soft skills. state of the brain. "Someone high SQ is also likely
to become a leader who devoted - that someone is
Emotional Intelligence Effect on Soft Skills responsible for the vision and bring higher value to
Based on the results of path analysis can be others." (Goleman, 2009: 57).
explained that there is a positive influence on the
Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

This condition illustrates that emotional Testing the role of mediating emotional is
intelligence is strongly influenced by the intelligence on the effect of parenting patterns on
environment, do not be sedentary, can change at soft skills using the Sobel calculation test. The
any time. For the role of the environment, results of the calculation of the mediating role of
especially parents in childhood influence in the emotional intelligence on the influence of
formation of emotional intelligence. EQ skills is parenting patterns on cadets soft skills, can be seen
not the opposite of IQ skills or cognitive skills, but from the Sobel Test Statistic results produced
they interact dynamically, both at the conceptual which amounted to 2.6983 with a p-value two-
level and in the real world. In addition, the EQ is tailed probability of 0.034 and p-value one-tailed
not so influenced by heredity. monolithic probability of 0.006 at the level significance p =
intelligence which is important for success in life, 0.05. The results of this test clearly prove that the
but there is a wide spectrum of intelligence with the new concept proposed in this study, namely
seven main varieties that include two types of raw emotional intelligence plays an important role to
academic intelligence, verbal and mathematical overcome the research gap regarding the effect of
skills-logic, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, parenting patterns on cadets' soft skills. Thus the
interpersonal and intrapersonal. variable emotional intelligence is the mediating
variable between the patterns of care for the soft
Variable Testing Mediation with Sobel Test skills of cadets is significant in this study.
The effect of character education and Results in brief overall hypothesis testing are
bringing up is towards the soft skills with the presented in Table 1 as follows.
mediation of emotional intelligence. The test
results with Sobel tests to determine the effect of Table 1. Hypothesis Testing Results Summary
indirect character education and parenting through Test
hypothesis Percentage (%)
emotional intelligence cadets. Sobel Test results of hypothesis result
the calculation of the mediating role of emotional
hypothesis The better Be
intelligence variables influence the character 1 the 19.27 - 19.27 accepted
education that is accessible online on the education, t =
website, the better 5.045
the Sig =
The results of calculating the mediating role
character or 0,000
of emotional intelligence on the influence of the higher
character education on soft skills show that the
emotional intelligence has a significant role in emotional
overcoming the research gap regarding soft skills.
hypothesis The better Be
This can be seen from the value of the Sobel Test 2 parenting, 7.89 - 7.89 accepted
Statistic produced which is equal to 2.835183 with the better or t =
a p-value two-tailed probability of 0.002 and p- higher the 3.138
emotional Sig =
value one-tailed probability of 0.00457 at a
intelligence 0,000
significance level p = 0.05. The results of this test hypothesis The better Be
clearly prove that the new concept proposed in this 3 the 19.27 14.64 33.91 accepted
study namely emotional intelligence plays an education of t =
character, 7,500
important role to overcome the research gap
the better or Sig =
regarding the influence of character education on higher the 0,000
cadets soft skills. So that it can be said that the soft skills
coefficient of indirect influence is significant. Thus hypothesis The better Be
4 the 7.89 10.53 18.42 accepted
the variable emotional intelligence is the mediating
education of t =
variable between character educations to the soft character, 3.447
skills of PIP Semarang cadets in this study. the better or Sig =
higher the 0,000

Sintha Yuar Ningga, Rusdarti, Tri Suminar/ Educational Management 8 (1) (2019) 113 - 123

soft skills sufficient category. By way of educative parenting

hypothesis The better Be
patterns in each activity carried out, so cadets feel
5 the higher 20.43 - 20.43 accepted
the t = they have gained valuable experience while
emotional 6.629 studying at PIP Semarang.
intelligence Sig = For PIP Semarang: the existence of policies
or better the 0,000
relating to character education, parenting patterns,
soft skills of
cadets emotional intelligence because it was proven to be
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