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Summer in India is hot and it is getting even hotter.

People are suffering from the heat. Many people die. Schools must close. Many countries,
including India, are buying more air conditioners (ACs) to cool down. ACs are good for health
and work. But they are bad for the natural world. They use bad chemicals. ACs with bad
chemicals can make the world even hotter.
Rich countries have strict rules to make ACs better for the natural world. But poor countries
cannot afford those ACs. It is a difficult problem to solve.
Difficult words: suffer (to experience something bad), air conditioner (a machine which
makes the air cold), afford (to have enough money to buy something).

UK waters are dirty.

The problem is that water companies do not clean wastewater enough. Big
companies release dangerous chemicals. They all end up in the ocean and rivers.
Last weekend, thousands of people protest in 12 places around the UK. They want to end
sewage pollution. Sewage pollution means that water gets dirty from things from homes and
toilets. Surfers Against Sewage is an organization which fights against this. For 30 years, this
organization wants to stop the pollution of UK waters.

A train crash happens in Odisha, India.

At least 288 people die. 803 people are hurt. It is the biggest train crash in India in the last 20
The Coromandel Express crashes into a freight train. The freight train is not moving. But it
leaves the tracks. The freight train then hits two coaches from another train which is going in
the opposite direction. Authorities think that there will be more dead bodies. Rescuers are
looking for people. Special dogs help them.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to know why the trains crash.
Difficult words: freight train (a train which carries things not people), coach (one separate part
of a train), direction (the way in which someone or something is moving).

A snow leopard jumped over a fence into a sheep pen

Later, herdsmen found it so stuffed that it could not jump back. Once the herdsmen managed
to get it moving again, the leopard was released back into the wild.
Snow leopards are extremely rare. They are more rare than giant pandas. They are one of the
most highly protected animals in China. This leopard was just under one and a half meters in
length and it weighed around 100 kilograms, but snow leopards can get much bigger.
Difficult words: pen (enclosed area for animals), herdsman (keeper of a herd of domesticated
animals), stuffed (completely full).
In China, fewer children are born every year
This starts in 1980 when the government says that people can only have one child. Now,
companies which make things for kids are having problems.
In 2021, the government says that families can have three children. But people do not want
them. Companies start clothes for adults and pets instead of products for babies.
Experts believe that sales of these companies will go down in the next few years. People who
like certain brands worry that the companies will end. Experts say that baby companies will
have a hard time in the future.
Difficult words: pet (an animal which people keep at home, for example, a cat or
dog), sale (how much a company sells), brand (the name for products of one company).

A new study shows that about 25% of jobs will change in the next five years
The study looks at information from over 800 companies and 673 million jobs.
The report says that technology and digitalization will make some jobs go away and create
new ones. Jobs like secretaries and bank tellers may not exist anymore because of
computers. But there will be more jobs in AI, cybersecurity, and machine learning.
This means the job market will change a lot soon. People need to get ready for the future of
Difficult words: digitalization (using digital technologies in business), bank teller (a person
who works in a bank and deals with cash), cybersecurity (keeping the internet and
information safe).

A kid prevents a bus to crash.

Dillon Reeves is 13 years old. He is a student from Michigan, United States. Now, he is a hero.
Dillon saves 66 students when their school bus driver cannot drive anymore. A video shows
the driver sending a message to officials. The driver is not feeling well. She faints. Dillon sees
that. He quickly goes to the front. He takes control of the bus. The boy stops the bus and calls
for help. We do not know why the driver gets sick. She never has any problems while driving
Dillon’s quick thinking and action stop a crash from happening. People in the town and officials
praise Dillon. The boy does not feel like a hero. But his mom and dad are surprised
and proud.
Difficult words: faint (to collapse), hero (a brave person), proud (when someone feels pleased
with someone’s result or qualities).
8 people in a motorcycle
A motorbike is for one person or two people. However, it is possible to have 8 people on one
motorbike. You can see it in a video.
In China, one man in a car saw this. He filmed the situation. He thought that it
was dangerous.
The video shows one man who drives the bike. Two girls sit at the front of the motorbike and
three women with two children sit at the back.
Difficult words: thought (“think” in the past), dangerous (when a person can get hurt or die).

A village with only women.

Jinwar is a village in northeast Syria. It is a safe place for women.
Workers build the village in 2018. The village has 30 houses. Women and children live there
together. There are 20 families. The village has a school, a training academy, and a bakery.
Women grow crops in fields. No men can live in Jinwar, but they can visit their families. Boys
can live with their mothers until they get married.
When there is a war, women and children always suffer the most. Women in Jinwar work
during the day and sing and dance at night. They have their own goals and dreams. Nobody
controls them. They become stronger. They do not just do chores at home anymore.
Difficult words: crop (a plant which a farmer grows), suffer (to have a hard time), chore (a job
which someone must do at home).

Brazil School Attack.

A man kills four small children in a private preschool. The attack happens in southern Brazil.
The man is 25 years old. He climbs over a wall. He gets inside the building. He attacks the
children with an axe. He goes to the police after the attack. Police arrest him. Police say that
the man attacks his grandfather with a knife in 2021. He also has problems with violence and
drugs. Local people do not understand how the attack can happen. They lay flowers in front of
the school.
One week ago, a 13-year-old boy kills a teacher with a knife. She hurts five other people. The
attack happens in Sao Paulo.
Difficult words: axe (a tool which people use to chop wood), violence (when someone hurts
others), lay (to put on the ground or floor).
Will AI take People’s Jobs?
For many years, people worried that one day, robots could take their jobs. Now, it seems that it
may start happening.
ChatGPT is an AI chatbot, which is the fastest-growing app. It had 100 million active users only
two months after launching. Chatbots are very creative, and they can do things, which we
thought only people could do. Chatbots can work with information, do research, and write
reports or commands. Some companies already realize this, and they start using chatbots.
Chatbots work very fast and they don’t need a break.
Some UK law companies already use chatbots to write legal letters or come up
with arguments in legal cases, which means less work for the staff.
Difficult words: launch (to start an activity or business), command (an order which tells
someone what to do), argument (a reason or view which supports an idea).

A phone that charges in 9 minutes.

Chinese company Realme makes a new smartphone. The phone is GT3. It is special because
it has a very good battery.
The battery can charge in just nine minutes. It is the fastest-charging battery in the world. You
need only 80 seconds to charge the phone to 20% capacity. When you charge the phone for
30 seconds, you can call for two hours, listen to music for three and a half hours or watch one
TV episode.
The company also says that after 1,600 charge cycles, the battery still keeps 80% capacity.
The phone also has a special design and new features. This makes it different from other
Difficult words: charge (to store electrical energy in a battery), capacity (the maximum amount
which something can keep or produce), feature (a special or unusual part of something).

Pig Hearth for people.

David Bennett comes from the United States. He is 57 years old. His heart is very sick. His
only chance is a transplant of a pig’s heart.
The surgery goes well. Doctors are happy that the man survives. But everything changes
quickly. The new heart is not working well. The man dies. Doctors find out that there is a pig
virus in the heart. Doctors do tests before the surgery. The tests don’t find the virus. Now, more
sensitive tests exist.
Doctors must also learn more about immune suppressing drugs. These drugs help the body
accept the new organ. Experts test this on monkeys. Monkeys get pig heart transplants.
Now, there is no plan for another such surgery.
Difficult words: transplant (an organ which doctors take from one body and put it into another
body), survive (to still live after an event or accident), immune suppressing drugs (drugs
which cause a body doesn’t react strongly to a transplant).

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