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Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

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Integrated LCA and DEA approach for circular economy-driven

performance evaluation of wind turbine end-of-life treatment options
Stavros Gennitsaris a, Angeliki Sagani a, b, Stella Sofianopoulou a, Vassilis Dedoussis a, *
Department of Industrial Management & Technology, University of Piraeus, 18534 Piraeus, Greece
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas/Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CERTH/CPERI), Athens 15125, Greece


• An integrated LCA + DEA methodology is applied to evaluate different end-of-life treatment alternatives for wind turbine decommissioning.
• Circular economy-driven policy-making scenarios are suggested to enable improvements towards a more sustainable waste management.
• Waste management of wind turbine blade composites is the most significant contributor to GHG emissions and non-renewable energy consumption.
• The efficiency of thermal recycling processes is a key element for the transition to a circular economy framework.
• Remanufacturing, repurposing or waste prevention of wind turbine blades via design-for-recycling is crucial for sustainable waste management.
• Financial incentives could offset the price handicap of chemical recycling relative to cost-efficient landfill disposal practices.


Keywords: The purpose of this paper is to present an integrated joint application of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Data
End-of-life options Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in order to evaluate the efficiency of different end-of-life treatment options for wind
Wind turbine decommissioning turbine decommissioning, considering, technological, economic, and environmental aspects in a circular econ­
Data envelopment analysis
omy context. Eleven scenarios have been configurated concerning the material waste management of a repre­
Life cycle assessment
sentative type of wind turbine operating in Greece. Mechanical recycling, landfill disposal and advanced thermal
recycling technologies, such as conventional or microwave pyrolysis are addressed. The proposed approach does
not only evaluate the efficiency of each one of the different end-of-life treatment processes relative to one
another, but it also suggests circular economy-driven policy-making scenarios towards more sustainable waste
management in the country. Real-world data calculations indicate that improving the performance of the energy-
intensive thermal recycling process could maximize the environmental benefits. А circular zero-waste approach
based on remanufacturing, repurposing or waste prevention through design-for-recycling of wind turbine blades,
could also favor long-term sustainability.

1. Introduction [2]. It is expected that this growth will be accelerated after the adoption
of the European Commission’s Action to reduce the dependence on
The installed capacity of wind generation is steadily growing imported fossil fuels [3]. The National Energy and Climate Plan of the
worldwide. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency Greek Government sets more ambitious targets to increase the RES share
[1], the rate of increase of the global installed capacity of Renewable in the gross final energy consumption at 35 %, which corresponds to an
Energy Sources (RES) reached the figure of 261 GW in 2020; with wind increase of the total installed wind power capacity from 3.6 GW to 7 GW
power share being 42.5 %, i.e. 111 GW. The total installed wind- in the time period 2020 to 2030 [4].
generation capacity has increased significantly from 7.5 GW in 1997 Currently, 34,000 wind turbines are 15 years or older, representing
to 735 GW in 2020. The European Union’s (EU) strategic vision for 36 GW of (onshore) wind capacity. 9 GW out of the total 36 GW
climate neutrality by 2050 includes increasing the share of RES to 32 % correspond to 20–24 years old wind turbines, whilst about 1 GW
by 2030, and wind energy is expected to play a key role in this growth correspond to 25 years or older ones [5]. Wind turbines are designed to

* Corresponding author at: at: Department of Industrial Management & Technology, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou st., 18534 Piraeus, Greece.
E-mail address: (V. Dedoussis).
Received 11 September 2022; Received in revised form 6 February 2023; Accepted 5 March 2023
Available online 15 March 2023
0306-2619/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

have a lifespan of approximately 20–25 years [5–7]. Furthermore, due options for end-of-life management of blade waste are reusing and
to the rapid developments in wind energy generation technology, there repurposing for different applications [34,35].
is a tendency to try to substitute old wind turbine models with new more Quite a few studies have been devoted to the environmental per­
efficient ones [8]. In this respect, the number of decommissioned wind formance of wind turbine systems [14–17,19,26,36–42]. Most of these
turbines is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. studies employed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach [43] in order
Identifying efficient options for the management of decommissioned to quantify the sustainability of wind turbine systems from a life cycle
wind turbines so as to maximize the environmental benefits of wind perspective, i.e. from the extraction of raw materials and their
energy generation from a life cycle perspective is, therefore, imperative. manufacturing stage to the end of their operational life and final
Most commercial (onshore) wind turbines are horizontal-axis ma­ disposal. General aspects associated with the end-of-life treatment of
chines with three rotor blades, which are usually located upwind of the wind turbines, however, are still not very clear, inconsistent, or non-
nacelle and the tower [9]. Wind turbines material waste includes mainly transparent [44]. Recently, Mello et al. [45] carried out a thorough re­
metals such as steel, iron, copper and aluminum, as well as composite view concerning the life cycle impacts of wind turbine systems. They
materials, and concrete, the latter being used in the tower foundation conclude that most of the published LCA studies, either disregard
[10]. It is evident, therefore, that according to the various material entirely or hardly consider, the environmental impacts of the processes
waste considered, different end-of-life management procedures should employed for the recycling of wind turbine components; thus, failing to
be employed. According to relevant literature, the recycling rate of a provide a complete perspective.
wind turbine itself, excluding the foundation, ranges between 80 % − The works of Nagle et al. [35] and Deeney et al. [46] provide,
90 % [11–13]. Regarding the metals used in wind turbines components, perhaps, more concise information on the impacts of different end-of-life
steel and iron are highly recyclable and easy to recover, simply because treatment processes for wind turbines; unfortunately, they focus on the
they are both magnetic. Copper is also highly recyclable and can be blade waste management part only. Nagle et al. [35] compared the
reused, retaining most of its original physical and chemical character­ environmental impacts of three end-of-life treatment alternatives for
istics. Many research works estimate an average recyclability rate of the wind turbine blades: (i) co-processing in cement kilns in Germany, (ii)
order of 90 % for all waste metals of decommissioned wind turbines co-processing in Ireland, and (iii) landfill in Ireland. They claim that the
[14–19]. As far as the concrete waste material of turbine foundations is second one clearly performs the best, simply because of the material
concerned, there are currently three options available: (i) it can be left in substitution and the lower transportation distances involved. Deeney
situ, (ii) buried in landfills or (iii) recovered [20]. The currently avail­ et al. [46] also compared various end-of-life blade waste management
able technologies for concrete recovery are well-established and, in alternatives from an economic, social and environmental perspective.
general, inexpensive. Nevertheless, the adverse environmental impacts Heat recovery, co-processing, bridge fabrication and furniture making
associated with the transportation of concrete waste to (distant) recy­ (re-purposing) were considered. It was found that bridge fabrication is
cling plants, in conjunction with the low cost of producing high-quality the most sustainable one, followed by furniture making.
new concrete, present significant handicaps in achieving materials The present research work tackles the wind turbine decommission­
circularity in the concrete industrial sector [21]. Concrete recovery ing problem using a circular economy focused approach. Various end-of-
could be a promising alternative approach to improve the sustainability life alternatives/scenarios for wind turbine decommissioning are iden­
of the construction industry from a circular economy perspective [22]. tified and evaluated. The proposed circular economy-driven approach
As indicated in the relevant technical literature, recycled concrete could addresses in an integrated/simultaneous manner both economic aspects,
substitute natural aggregates; thus, contributing not only to the con­ i.e., the costs related to the end-of-life treatment technologies to be
servation of natural resources, but also to the decrease of greenhouse gas employed and environmental impacts, such as GHG emissions, fossil and
(GHG) emissions and non-renewable energy consumption [23–25]. nuclear energy use, and land occupation.
Although most of the various materials that wind turbines are The environmental impact of the end-of-life scenarios considered is
composed of, are highly recyclable, end-of-life treatment of the blades evaluated via Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) employing the SimaPro PhD
composite materials, glass fiber thermoset composites, in particular, is 9.4 Software [47], which is a tool for the assessment of the impacts of a
still a challenge [12]. Nowadays, landfill disposal and incineration of system across all its life cycle stages. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
composite materials present the main end-of-life treatment options [26]. is next employed in order to evaluate the (economic) performance/ef­
However, the disposal of composite waste materials in landfills in EU ficiency of the decommissioning alternatives/scenarios. DEA is a well-
countries, is either expected to be banned or substantially reduced in the established mature multi-criteria analytic technique for assessing the
following few years, so as to meet the targets for a circular economy operational efficiency of multiple systems that exhibit similar charac­
[13,27]. In line with the latter, the European wind power industry has teristics, with several inputs and outputs [48]. DEA employs a mathe­
already called for a landfill ban on decommissioned wind turbine blades matical/linear programming model to identify the relationships
in Europe by 2025, whilst, at the same time, it commits itself to re-use, between efficiency scores and various cost and environmental parame­
recycle, or recover them by 100 % [28]. Also, the export of decom­ ters, with the dual aim of proposing the most efficient waste manage­
missioned blades from Europe to other countries is planned to be ban­ ment methods and defining targets for the inefficient ones to make them
ned. Furthermore, adverse environmental effects are also associated efficient. It is worth mentioning that DEA methodologies have been
with the incineration process. According to the work of Beauson and applied successfully in energy and environmental modelling [48–56] as
Brøndsted [20], significant amounts of ash are produced by this process. well as in the field of waste management [57–63].
Also, Lichtenegger et al. [29] estimate that the amount of blade waste in The main contribution of the present work is that it combines the
2050 will reach 325,000 t; such a high figure highlights the need for application of two well established analysis tools, namely the LCA and
developing alternative waste management processes. DEA techniques, in a novel integrated manner. To the best of the au­
Several recycling methods have been proposed in the relevant thors’ knowledge this work is the first to address decommissioning of
literature for the processing of composite materials, the most important wind turbine energy systems, in a comprehensive way, which covers all
being mechanical, thermal and chemical recycling. In mechanical life cycle aspects in a quantitative manner. Specifically, the proposed
recycling, wind turbines blades are cut and shredded. Shredded blade approach does not only access the environmental impact of various
waste material may be used as a filler, reinforcement material, and raw wind-turbine decommissioning alternatives, but it also evaluates them
material for manufacturing plastic objects or cement [30–32]. The most with respect to their economical effectiveness, implicitly suggesting
widely applied technologies related to thermal and chemical recycling circular economy-driven policy-making scenarios towards more sus­
of composite materials are conventional pyrolysis, or microwave py­ tainable waste management practices. Also, unlike most of the previ­
rolysis and solvolysis respectively [33]. Nevertheless, the most efficient ously published works, which concentrate on the end-of-life treatment of

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

the wind turbine composite blades only, this work does consider all parts Table 2
of a wind turbine system, including the metallic, electrical, and me­ Scenario‑based assessments for end-of-life management of materials of onshore
chanical components, the composite blades, and its concrete foundation. wind turbines.
The methodology has been applied to the decommissioning of a Scenario End-of-life waste management
representative type of wind turbine operating in Greece. It is envisaged Metals Foundation Wind Turbine Blades
that computational results and suggestions included in this paper could Concrete
serve as a technical, economic, and environmental basis for the devel­
1 Landfill Disposal Landfill Disposal Landfill Disposal
opment/proposal of appropriate public policies to encourage the 2 Mechanical Mechanical Landfill Disposal
implementation of circular economy-driven waste management pro­ Recycling Recycling
cesses at an industrial scale. 3 Mechanical Mechanical Repurposing
Recycling Recycling
4 Mechanical Landfill Disposal Landfill Disposal
2. Materials and end-of-life scenarios Recycling
5 Mechanical Landfill Disposal Repurposing
The methodology proposed in this work is employed in order to Recycling
identify the most sustainable option for decommissioning a Vestas V52 6 Mechanical Mechanical Thermal Recycling/Pyrolysis
Recycling Recycling
onshore wind turbine operating in Greece. The Vestas wind turbines are
7 Mechanical Mechanical Thermal Recycling/
the representative type of wind turbines operating in the Greek territory; Recycling Recycling Microwave Pyrolysis
45 % of wind turbines currently in operation in Greece are of this make 8 Mechanical Mechanical Recycling/Mechanical
[64]. Recycling Recycling Grinding
The main parts of an onshore wind turbine are: (i) the tower, (ii) the 9 Mechanical Landfill Disposal Thermal Recycling/Pyrolysis
rotor, (iii) the nacelle, (iv) the generator and (v) its foundation. Wind 10 Mechanical Landfill Disposal Thermal Recycling/
turbines predominantly consist of steel; this is because the tower, which Recycling Microwave Pyrolysis
is the biggest part of a wind turbine system, is made out of steel. Nacelles 11 Mechanical Landfill Disposal Recycling/Mechanical
are made out of both iron and steel. Small amounts of copper and silica Recycling Grinding
are also found in nacelles because of the electronic components
involved. In addition, the nacelle cover contains fiber glass and resins
3. Methods
since it is made out of composite materials. As far as the rotor materials
are concerned, iron or cast iron is used for the blade hub, whilst the nose
3.1. Life cycle Assessment - LCA
cone and the blades are made out of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and
resin. Last, but not least, the foundation consists mainly of concrete,
In order to evaluate the environmental impact of the different end-of-
with small amounts of iron and steel [65]. The relevant material
life material management scenarios considered for the decommissioning
composition of an onshore Vestas wind turbine, expressed as percent­
of a typical wind turbine, an integrated LCA was carried out using
ages by weight, is presented in Table 1.
SimaPro PhD 9.4 Software [47]. LCA is a technique employed to eval­
Considering the existing end-of-life treatment technologies for the
uate the possible energy and environmental impacts associated with a
materials associated with wind turbine systems (included in Table 1)
product, a process, or a system throughout its life cycle, in order to
eleven scenarios were defined. These scenarios, which are presented in
achieve sustainability goals in the context of circular economy. The
Table 2, are thoroughly examined in order to identify the relative ben­
relevant guidelines and modelling framework for conducting LCA is in
efits to be incurred by recycling (either mechanical or thermal) or by
accordance with the relevant ISO International Standards 14040–14044
repurposing of the various components of a wind turbine; thus, estab­
[43]. According to these Standards, LCA includes four interrelated
lishing the best waste management practice to be followed.
phases: (i) system boundaries identification, (ii) inventory analysis, (iii)
The scenarios included in Table 2 were defined by taking into ac­
impact assessment and, (iv) interpretation of results. These phases are
count both the waste hierarchy of the EU Waste Framework Directive
addressed in the following sections.
[67] and the level of technological maturity of the available end-of-life
treatment processes. Specifically, the scenarios investigated include: (i)
3.1.1. System boundaries & functional unit
landfill disposal or mechanical recycling (with a recovery rate of about
The system boundaries of this work include (Fig. 1): (i) the wind
95 %) for the metals found in wind turbine systems, (ii) landfill disposal
turbine to be decommissioned under consideration is broken down into
or mechanical recycling of the concrete used in the foundation (as
its major assemblies, sub-components and the associated materials, (ii)
concrete aggregates), and (iii) landfill disposal or recycling (either me­
the transportation of wind turbine subcomponents/materials from the
chanical grinding or thermal recycling, i.e., pyrolysis or microwave
installation site to landfill sites or recycling centres, and (iii) the avail­
pyrolysis) of the blades. It should be noted that mechanical recycling is
able alternatives to treat main wind turbine waste materials (either
the current end-of-life treatment practice followed in Greece, whereas
disposal or recycling).
advanced thermal recycling has not been widely deployed yet at the
It should be emphasized that the present LCA focuses on the wind
European level. However, thermal recycling was chosen to be examined
turbine decommissioning phase only, without considering the effect of
in the current analysis so as to highlight the importance of future in­
infrastructure construction, i.e., wind turbine components fabrication
vestment in advanced waste management procedures.
and assembly. Construction, installation and maintenance of trans­
formers, substations, etc., as well as other auxiliary devices, which are
components of a wind farm, were also excluded from the system
boundaries. This is a reasonable assumption to make simply because one
Table 1
expects the aforementioned infrastructure to remain operational beyond
Material composition of a Vestas wind turbine [66].
the wind turbine’s lifespan; consider, for instance, a repowering sce­
Material w/w
nario, or its utilization in a hybrid renewable electricity generating and/
Steel 71–79 % or energy storage system.
Fiberglass, resin, or plastic 11–16 % Selecting the functional unit is an important step in LCA modelling
Iron or cast iron 5–17 %
that enables the quantification of all inputs and outputs, as well as the
Copper 1%
Aluminium 0–2 % comparison among other LCA results reported in relevant literature. In

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

Fig. 1. System boundaries of end-of-life treatment of decommissioned wind turbine material.

this regard, the unit of analysis (functional unit) considered in the pre­ considering the avoided energy demand figure only. The positive effects
sent work is a Vestas 52 wind turbine, with a rotor diameter of 52 m and of material and energy recovery were excluded in the present analysis
a hub height of 50 m [68]. This wind turbine type was specifically because the high heating values of pyrolysis products depend heavily on
selected, simply because wind turbines with a rotor diameter of 52 m both the type of the reactor employed and the conditions of the pyrolysis
represent the most common ones installed within the time period process. Furthermore, such turbine blade pyrolysis processes with high
1998–2004 [64]. energy and material recovery potential can only be carried out in spe­
cifically designed facilities [73].
3.1.2. Data sources and life cycle inventory In order to estimate the required input data related to the trans­
The Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis phase of LCA includes data portation stages, it was assumed that the decommissioned wind turbine
compilation for materials, energy flows and emissions involved in the belongs to a wind farm, which is located in Xirolivado in Northern
decommissioning, transportation, and end-of-life management of the Greece; on latitude 40.99◦ N and 24.37◦ E. Mavroraxi Waste Landfill
wind turbine assemblies/sub-components and relevant materials. The Site, located in Thessaloniki, in Northern Greece, is identified as the
expected lifespan of the wind turbine is about 25 years. most appropriate site for the disposal of wind turbine waste material.
The required data for all unit processes included in the system Furthermore, the main mechanical recycling facility in Greece is located
boundaries were collected separately and are presented in Table 3. in the city of Kavala, in Northern Greece, whereas the most appropriate
Specifically, the material weight estimations for the decommissioning of recycling facility for both pyrolysis and microwave-assisted pyrolysis is
the wind turbine under analysis are those reported in the work of located in Northern Italy; on latitude 46.01◦ N and 9.57◦ E. The relevant
Andersen [10]. It should be noted that the wind turbine weight figure transportation stages related data are summarized in Table 4.
includes the tower, the nacelle and the rotor (involving its hub); all
weight estimations are based on a rotor diameter of 52 m. Additional 3.1.3. Life cycle impact assessment
material data concerning the wind turbine foundation correspond to the The data collection phase was followed by LCA. The various stages of
ones reported in [69]. the end-of-life management of the wind turbine sub-components and
On the other hand, the data for the end-of-life management of waste relevant materials, shown in Fig. 1, are introduced in the SimaPro PhD
material, namely, landfill disposal and recycling of metals and concrete, 9.4 Software. Following a thorough literature review on the existing
were taken from SimaPro PhD 9.4 Ecoinvent 3.9 database. Ecoinvent is Standardized Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Methodologies
the most widely accepted LCA database and has been established (distinguished either as single-issue ones or typical European ones) it
employing European industrial data [70]. It is worth mentioning that was decided to apply the IMPACT World + Midpoint methodology in
regarding the recycling process of metals and concrete, recyclability order to assess the potential environmental impacts of the different end-
rates of 95 % and 80 % were considered, respectively. Moreover, ac­ of-life scenarios under consideration (refer to Table 2). IMPACT World
cording to the work of Vo Dong et al. [71], which is devoted to the + Midpoint was selected because of its ability to address the particular
different recycling pathways of composite materials, the total energy environmental impact categories, which are of interest in this study, and
consumed in mechanical grinding, pyrolysis and microwave pyrolysis is evaluate multiple impact categories by considering the most
estimated at about 0.27, 30 and 10 MJ/kg, respectively. It is also
considered that the avoided energy consumption for both the conven­
tional and the microwave pyrolysis process is equal to the average en­ Table 4
ergy required for the production of virgin glass fiber reinforced polymer, Input data related to transportation stages.
estimated at 22.5 MJ/kg. As highlighted in Yang et al. [72], the pyrolysis Route Transportation Distance
process has high material and energy recovery potential, simply by using (km)
the syngas or the oil produced to power the actual process itself. Disposal
Considering that pyrolysis of wind turbine materials is an endothermic Wind Farm (Xirolivado) – Landfill (Mavroraxi) 120
process requiring heat to be supplied to the system to sustain the reac­ Recycling
Wind Farm (Xirolivado) – Main Recycling Facility 250
tion temperature at the appropriate level, the pyrolysis products, i.e., gas
and oil, have great potential for heat application, due to their high Main Recycling Facility (Kavala) – Landfill 160
heating values; the overall range of reported values being: 13.9–37.7 (Mavroraxi)
MJ/m3 for pyrolytic gas, and 33.6 to 37 MJ/kg for pyrolytic oil. In the Main Recycling Facility (Kavala) – Recycling 1750
context of the present research work, calculations have been carried out Facility (Italy)

Table 3
Material data for the Vestas V52 wind turbine [10,69].
Part Steel (t) Iron (t) Aluminium (t) Copper (t) Composite material (t) Concrete (t)

Wind turbine 76 11.0 1.2 1.2 8.0 –

Foundation 30.7 – – 0.025 0.025 570.9
Total 106.7 11.0 1.2 1.225 8.025 570.9

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

appropriated weight factors. According to Rigon et al. [74], this meth­ 3.2.2. Input & output parameters
odology is one of the most popular ones for LCA studies. IMPACT World DEA has been carried out employing real-world input and output
+ Midpoint represents a combined mid-point/damage-oriented data concerning the decommissioning of a Vestas V52 wind turbine,
approach; it links all types of LCI results throughout 14 mid-point cat­ which is currently operating in the Greek territory (refer to Table 2 and
egories to four damage categories, namely, (i) human health, (ii) Section 3.1.2). Having carefully reviewed the relevant literature, it was
ecosystem quality, (iii) climate change and (iv) resources. It should be decided to use the following input and output parameters in the analysis:
noted that ‘midpoint’ refers to indicators that express impacts some­ Input parameters:
where between the cause (emissions-LCI analysis) phase and the
damaging effect (harmful consequences) endpoint. Detailed presenta­ - Total cost, expressed in €; it represents the overall cost for disposing
tion of the IMPACT World + methodology may be found in relevant construction material associated with all wind turbine components.
technical literature, e.g. Bulle et al. [75]. In the context of the present Relevant data for the various scenarios considered is presented
research work, three midpoint impact categories were investigated: (a) collectively in Table 5. It should be noted that the cost of metal
climate change, expressed in ton of CO2eq, (b) land occupation, landfill disposal is assumed to be similar to the corresponding one of
expressed in m2, and (c) fossil and nuclear energy use, expressed in GJ. concrete.
- Material transport demand, expressed in tkm; for each one of the
3.2. Data envelopment analysis – DEA different scenarios assessed.

Having evaluated the environmental performance of the different Output parameters:

end-of-life waste material management alternatives/scenarios using
LCA methodology, DEA approach is subsequently applied in order to - Land occupation, expressed in m2; it refers to the land, better landfill,
assess the scenarios from an economic perspective as well. DEA is car­ area required for implementing each one of the different waste ma­
ried out utilizing both economic and environmental indicators, the latter terial management scenarios.
having been estimated through LCA. - Climate change, expressed in tonCO2eq; it is the total amount of CO2
emitted to the atmosphere associated with each one of the different
3.2.1. DEA method scenarios. It reflects the adverse environmental impact incurred by
DEA is a data-oriented method that employs mathematical pro­ the different waste material treatment methods employed.
gramming techniques to assess the efficiency of several peer objects - Fossil and nuclear energy use, expressed in GJ; it refers to the primary
named ‘Decision Measure Units’ (DMU) that transform several inputs energy consumption associated with each one of the different end-of-
into several outputs/yields. Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the sum life management scenarios. It is noted that the primary energy is
of weighted outputs over the sum of weighted inputs. CCR model [76], defined as the energy associated with the amount of natural re­
which is one of the basic DEA models that have been proposed, is applied sources (in most of the cases fossil fuels, such as coal, crude oil,
in the context of the present work. Assuming that there are n DMUs with natural gas, etc.) that has not undergone any anthropogenic con­
m inputs and s outputs, the mathematical programming problem to be version and has to be converted and transported in order to become
solved in order to obtain values for the input (vi) (i = 1,…,m) and output useful energy.
weights (ur) (r = 1,…,s) variables is formulated as [77]:
∑s Data concerning the aforementioned output parameters were ob­
ur yrj0
maxz = ∑r=1m (1) tained via LCA employing the SimaPro PhD 9.4 Software. The relevant
i=1 vi xijo DEA matrix for the input and output parameters employed in this work
Subject to is shown in Table 6.
∑s The DEA model applied in the present work follows the assumptions
ur yrj involved in classical DEA models; namely, the inputs are minimized, and
m ≤ 1 (j = 1, ., n) (2)
i=1 vi xij outputs are maximized, whereas both input and output parameters take
only positive values. It is evident, however, that because of the adverse
ur ≥ 0, (r = 1, .., s) (3)
environmental impact of the output parameters considered, numerical
values of the undesirable output parameters should be minimized.
vi ≥ 0, (i = 1, .., m) (4)
Furthermore, the original output parameters, which are evaluated via
where xij and yrj correspond to the input and output parameter values
for the jth DMU, respectively. Index j0 refers to the particular DMU,
which is examined. The objective function, i.e., Equation (1), maximizes Table 5
the ratio of virtual output to virtual input of the DMU under consider­ Cost of end-of-life treatment of wind turbine materials.
ation, by calculating the appropriate vi and ur weights. Equation (2) Waste material Cost (€/t) Reference
represents the constraints. These constraints ensure that the efficiency
Mechanical Recycling
ratio of each one of the different DMUs considered does not exceed 1. Aluminum 45.5 [80]
Thus, the objective function ranges between 0.0 and 1.0; the latter value Copper 45.5
denoting that the corresponding DMU is efficient. The aforementioned Steel 181.8
non-linear program is linearized, and the solution of its linear equivalent Iron 181.8
Concrete (as aggregate) 30.5 [24]
provides the efficiency scores for all DMUs.
Mechanical Grinding
In this work, a Variable Returns to Scale (VRS) approach [78,79] is Composite Material 85.6 [81]
employed in the CCR model. Each one of the DMUs considered is asso­ Landfill Disposal
ciated with a different end-of-life scenario concerning a wind turbine to Aluminum 35.0 [82]
be decommissioned. Also, an input-oriented model has been adopted, Copper 35.0
Steel 35.0
with the dual aim of reducing the costs associated with the different Iron 35.0
scenarios and suggesting policies that could improve the overall effi­ Concrete 35.0
ciency by modifying the relevant cost parameters. Composite Material 88.2 [83]
Pyrolysis 255.6 [81]
Microwave Pyrolysis 182.6 [81]

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

Table 6
Original DEA matrix (Input – Output Parameters).
DMU Input values Output values (SimaPro 9.4 results)

Cost (€) Transport Land Climate Fossil and

(tkm) occupation, change nuclear
biodiversity (ton energy use
(m2) CO2eq) (GJ)

1 24,893.12 83,886.00 958.24 66.29 1,032.39

2 39,323.19 192,949.05 − 10.79 31.80 1,336.96
3 38,615.77 193,992.30 248.80 10.58 970.30
4 41,383.18 100,463.25 − 286.87 − 49.68 162.73
5 40,675.76 101,506.50 − 29.29 − 71.04 − 203.99
6 40,666.56 208,036.05 190.75 41.46 1,488.35
7 40,080.93 208,036.05 − 385.20 18.47 1,128.71
8 39,302.77 208,036.05 − 21.82 20.64 922.48
9 42,726.54 115,550.25 − 87.34 − 40.16 314.06
10 42,140.92 115,550.25 − 663.29 − 63.15 − 45.62
11 41,362.76 115,550.25 − 299.91 − 60.98 − 251.82 Fig. 2. GHG emissions of different end-of-life scenarios investigated (IMPACT
World + Midpoint methodology).

the LCA approach and are shown in Table 7, include both positive and
negative values. An appropriate numerical transformation [84] has been
applied to the original output values so as not only to make them pos­
itive, but also to convert them to desirable output measures, i.e., as the
transformed output value is maximized by the DEA method, the orig­
inal/actual output value is decreased [85]. The appropriately trans­
formed output parameter data are shown in Table 7. Also, it should be
mentioned that the present DEA was carried out using the transformed
output data employing the Excel Solver based DEA software – DEA
Frontier [86].

4. Results

4.1. LCA results

4.1.1. Climate change impact category

Estimated climate change emissions of the eleven waste management Fig. 3. Percentage share of different treatment methods in overall GHG emis­
sions of different end-of-life scenarios investigated (IMPACT World + Midpoint
scenarios considered in this work, are presented in Fig. 2, whilst the
corresponding percentage share of the different wind turbine materials/
components treatment methods in overall GHG emissions, is illustrated
in Fig. 3. The highest GHG emissions are associated with Scenario 1, composite materials using conventional pyrolysis exhibits adverse GHG
estimated at about 66.29 tonCO2eq/wind turbine (see Fig. 2). The most impact (see Scenarios 6 and 9, in Fig. 3). This is because the conven­
significant contributor to GHG emissions (94 %) is the transportation tional pyrolysis process is an energy intensive one, with the required
phase of wind turbine materials from wind farm to landfill field (see energy being generated mostly via conventional fossil fuels. Scenarios 2,
Fig. 3); this is directly related to the fact that the employed trans­ 3, 7 and 8 are also responsible for a high contribution to GHG emissions,
portation trucks are powered by diesel fuel. As expected, mechanical mainly because of the increased transportation requirements implied by
recycling of metallic materials contributes significantly (>41 %) to the mechanical recovering of foundation concrete of these scenarios.
avoided GHG emissions in all Scenarios; Scenario 1 in which metallic Referring to Fig. 2, it is observed that Scenario 2, with an estimated GHG
materials are landfilled is obviously excluded. Waste management of the emissions figure of 31.8 tonCO2eq/wind turbine, has higher GHG emis­
composite materials of blades, i.e., repurposing (Scenarios 3 and 5), sions than Scenarios 8, 7 and 3 (20.64, 18.47 and 10.58 tonCO2eq/wind
thermal recycling/microwave pyrolysis (Scenarios 7 and 10) and me­ turbine, respectively). This could be attributed to the landfill disposal of
chanical recycling (Scenarios 8 and 11), is also associated with moderate the blades composite material associated with Scenario 2. On the other
avoided GHG emissions, of the order of 4–10 %. However, recycling of hand, Scenario 5, which is associated with recycling of metals, repur­
posing of blades and landfill disposal of concrete, has clearly the best
environmental performance (-71.04 tonCO2eq/wind turbine), followed
Table 7
by Scenarios 10 (-63.15 tonCO2eq/wind turbine) and 11 (-60.98 ton­
Appropriately transformed Output parameters data.
CO2eq/wind turbine); the latter ones are related to recycling of metals,
DMU Land occupation, Climate change Fossil and nuclear landfill disposal of concrete, and microwave-assisted pyrolysis and
biodiversity (m2) (ton CO2eq) energy use (GJ)
mechanical recycling of blades, respectively. It is interesting to note that
1 95.82 6.63 604.80 negative GHG emissions values indicate a positive impact on the envi­
2 1,064.85 41.12 300.23
ronment. In general, blades repurposing has a favorable effect to the
3 805.27 62.34 666.88
4 1,340.94 122.59 1,474.46 overall GHG emissions produced; as it has already been mentioned,
5 1,083.36 143.96 1,841.18 Scenario 5 has the best environmental performance of all scenarios
6 863.32 31.46 148.84 considered, whilst Scenario 3 performs relatively better than Scenarios 1
7 1,439.27 54.45 508.48
and 2 (see Fig. 2).
8 1,075.89 52.28 714.71
9 1,141.41 113.08 1,323.13
10 1,717.36 136.07 1,682.81 4.1.2. Land occupation impact category
11 1,353.98 133.90 1,889.01 The effect of the different waste management options on land

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

occupation is presented in Fig. 4. It was found that the most sustainable

end-of-life treatment options of wind turbine materials/components are
the ones related to landfill disposal of concrete of wind turbines foun­
dation, as well as to thermal recycling/microwave pyrolysis of turbine
blades composite materials. In particular, Scenario 10 associated with
landfill disposal of concrete and microwave-assisted pyrolysis of com­
posite materials, presents the best option, with an estimated land
occupation indicator of − 663.29 m2/wind turbine, followed by Scenario
7 related to mechanical recycling of concrete and microwave-assisted
pyrolysis of composite materials (-385.20 m2/wind turbine) and Sce­
narios 11 and 4 (-299.91 and − 286.87 m2/wind turbine, respectively).
On the other hand, Scenario 1 performs significantly worse than any
other Scenario, with an estimated land occupation indicator of 958.24
m2/wind turbine. This poor performance could be attributed to the fact
that all materials, i.e., metals, concrete, and composites, that a wind
turbine is made of, are disposed to landfill sites. A comparison between Fig. 5. Percentage share of different treatment methods in overall land occu­
Scenarios 4 and 10 shows that thermal recycling/microwave pyrolysis of pation indicator of different end-of-life scenarios investigated (IMPACT World
composite materials as an alternative to their landfill disposal could + Midpoint methodology).
improve significantly the land use impact indicator by almost 131 %.
The contribution of the different wind turbine materials/components
treatment methods in the overall land occupation impact for various
end-of-life scenarios investigated in the present work, is presented in
Fig. 5. It is evident that metallic materials recycling has the most
important and environmentally friendly effect on the land occupation
indicator, which is exhibited by the corresponding relatively high
negative figures calculated.

4.1.3. Fossil and nuclear energy use

Calculated fossil and nuclear energy use-related indicator for the
eleven end-of-life scenarios considered, are presented in Fig. 6. The
relevant percentage contribution of the different wind turbine mate­
rials/components treatment methods is presented in Fig. 7. Scenario 6,
which is associated with the mechanical recycling of both metallic
materials and foundation concrete, and with conventional pyrolysis of
blades composite material, has the highest non-renewable (fossil and Fig. 6. Fossil and nuclear energy use of different end-of-life scenarios investi­
gated (IMPACT World + Midpoint methodology).
nuclear) energy consumption figure, estimated at 1,488.35 GJ/wind
turbine (see Fig. 6). Poor performance of this scenario is mainly due to
the high transportation requirements associated with both mechanical
recycling and conventional pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is energy intensive with
the required energy being generated mostly by conventional thermal
power systems, while diesel-powered trucks are used for the trans­
portation of composite materials. Scenarios 2, 7, 1, 3 and 8, are also
important contributors to fossil and nuclear energy consumption, with
1,136.96, 1,128.71, 1,032.29, 970.3 and 922.48 GJ/wind turbine,
respectively; figures which are almost exclusively due to the trans­
portation demands associated with mechanical recycling of foundation
concrete and waste management alternatives of composites. On the
other hand, Scenarios 11, 5 and 10 related to landfill disposal of concrete
foundation have the lowest adverse impact on the environment.

Fig. 7. Percentage share of different treatment methods in overall fossil and

nuclear energy use indicator of different end-of-life scenarios investigated
(IMPACT World + Midpoint methodology).

Mechanical recycling of wind turbines metallic materials has also a

beneficial contribution to the fossil and nuclear energy use indicator (see
Fig. 7). It should be noted that repurposing of composite materials as
alternative to thermal recycling/microwave pyrolysis, i.e., consider
Scenario 3 instead of Scenario 7, could lead to a significant decrease in
fossil and nuclear energy consumption of the order of 15 % (refer to
Fig. 6).

4.2. DEA results

Fig. 4. Land occupation of different end-of-life scenarios investigated (IMPACT
World + Midpoint methodology). As it has been pointed out in Section 3.2, DEA methodology was

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

applied in order to discriminate the efficient end-of-life treatment pro­

cesses/scenarios (in terms of both economic and environmental aspects)
from the inefficient ones. DEA also provides targets and benchmarks for
the inefficient end-of-life scenarios.
The DEA efficiency scores φ for the different scenarios (DMUs)
investigated in this work are illustrated in Fig. 8. These results have been
obtained with the DEA approach carried out “in terms of the inputs”, i.e.,
trying to minimize the cost of waste management treatment and trans­
portation demand (inputs) of each one of the different end-of-life sce­
narios, with respect to constant/given environmental indicators
(outputs). It is seen that Scenarios 1, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are technically
efficient management scenarios, since φ = 1. Scenarios 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and
9 are inefficient exhibiting efficiency scores ranging between 0.81 and
0.98 (i.e., φ < 1).
Original input values of the different scenarios/DMUs considered
Fig. 9. Cost of end-of-life treatment for the original and virtual DMUs and the
and the estimated target values of virtual ones are presented in Fig. 9
corresponding cost reduction target.
and Fig. 10, for the case of cost of end-of-life treatment processes and
transportation demand, respectively. Reduction targets represent po­
tential input savings to be achieved by the (estimated) inefficient DMUs,
if they were to operate under the conditions of the DEA calculated ef­
ficiency matrix. It is interesting to note that a reduction between 2.2 %
and 18.7 % could be achieved in the cost of end-of-life treatment pro­
cesses. It is observed that most inefficient scenarios are associated with
highest percentage reductions. Inefficient DMUs represent Scenarios 6,
3, 9, 2, 8 and 7, which are ordered in descending values of potential
reduction. On the other hand, target reduction for the transportation
demand ranges from almost 10.6 % to 52.5 %. Similarly, highest re­
ductions are associated with most inefficient scenarios.

5. Discussion

Results obtained with DEA methodology show that end-of-life sce­

narios that have adverse environmental impact, from a life cycle
perspective, may be efficient when economic parameters, i.e., the cost of
waste management processes and the transportation stages, are Fig. 10. Transportation demand for the original and virtual DMUs and the
corresponding transportation reduction target.
considered. DEA results indicate that Scenarios 1, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are
technically efficient end-of-life management options from both an eco­
nomic and environmental point of view, with a cost of end-of-life Furthermore, end-of-life scenarios corresponding to landfill disposal
treatment processes ranging from 24,893–42,141 €, and a trans­ instead of mechanical recycling for concrete material (found in wind
portation distance for materials/components distribution ranging from turbine’s foundation) are technically efficient, mainly due to the high
83,886–155,550 tkm. transportation distances associated with the mechanical recycling of
DEA outputs, which represent the environmental impacts obtained concrete; compare technical efficiency scores of Scenarios 2, 3, 7 and 8
with LCA, significantly affect the efficiency of the different waste with those of Scenarios 4, 5, 10 and 11 in Fig. 8. The alternative of
management treatment procedures. Thermal recycling/pyrolysis mechanical recycling for foundation concrete exhibits significant envi­
employed for blade composites has adverse environmental impact, ronmental impacts due to the associated transportation demands. Thus,
mainly because of the high (fossil fuel generated) energy requirements mechanical recycling instead of landfill disposal of concrete leads to less
of this process. On the other hand, thermal recycling/microwave py­ efficient end-of-life scenarios; compare the scores of Scenarios 7 and 10
rolysis of composite materials represent an efficient end-of-life treat­ in Fig. 8.
ment option for wind turbine blades due to the lower energy demand of DEA results suggest that a potential decrease of transportation de­
the process compared to conventional pyrolysis; refer to the scores of mand associated with the mechanical recycling of foundation concrete
Scenarios 10 and 9 in Fig. 8. by 46.7–52.5 % could improve the efficiency of end-of-life options
involving mechanical recycling of foundation concrete. Thus, decision-
makers should promote the operation of dedicated facilities for me­
chanical recycling of concrete material close to wind farm clusters. Such
a policy would encourage the recycling of foundation concrete; there­
fore, it would significantly contribute to the achievement of wind tur­
bine materials circularity.
It is interesting to note that Scenario 1, which is associated with
landfill disposal of all wind turbine materials and components was found
to be technically efficient (refer to Fig. 8). This result is obviously
attributed to its relative lower end-of-life treatment costs and trans­
portation demands compared to alternative scenarios considered.
Obviously, this option is the least sustainable one [46]. Moreover, it is
not expected to be an acceptable one because of the introduction of new
Fig. 8. DEA efficiency score for the end-of-life scenarios/DMUs under regulations. Landfill of composite wastes has already been banned in
investigation. many European Countries, such as Germany, Austria, the Netherlands

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

and Finland [13]. DEA methodologies in order to evaluate the efficiency of waste man­
Reuse or repurposing of composite materials from decommissioned agement treatment of all the materials of a decommissioned wind tur­
wind turbines represent, perhaps, the preferred recycling process; refer bine in a novel integrated manner. The proposed approach is applied to
to adverse GHG emissions values in Fig. 2. However, the low price of the decommissioning of a representative type of wind turbine, namely,
virgin glass fibers acts as a disincentive for the adoption of composite Vestas V52, which is located in northern Greece. Different end-of-life
materials recycling [81]. According to DEA results, mechanical recy­ treatment scenarios including landfill disposal, mechanical recycling,
cling/grinding of composite materials can be technically efficient, when advanced thermal recycling (conventional or microwave pyrolysis) and
it is combined with landfill disposal of concrete material, i.e., Scenario repurposing, were considered.
11. Comparing the results of Scenario 11 for all the three categories of The detailed LCA carried out shows that transportation demands
environmental impact considered (refer to Fig. 2, Fig. 4 and Fig. 6), with associated with waste management of the concrete material found in
the corresponding ones of Scenario 5 and 10 (which are associated with wind turbine’s foundation is the most significant contributor to GHG
repurposing and microwave pyrolysis of blades, respectively) it can be emissions and non-renewable (fossil and nuclear) energy consumption.
concluded that mechanical recycling/grinding of blades composite Recycling of the metallic materials, on the other hand, has a favorable
material has a favorable effect. The feasibility of mechanical recycling/ effect on GHG emissions, land occupation and fossil and nuclear energy
grinding is verified by the findings of a recent economic study indicating use. Alternatives associated with conventional pyrolysis of blades
that mechanical recycling is the only recycling alternative for decom­ composite material are characterized as inefficient. This is mainly
missioned wind turbine blades that is currently profitable [81]. because pyrolysis process is energy intensive, with most of the required
Although, mechanical recycling represents a technically mature pro­ energy generated using conventional fossil fuels. Furthermore, the
cedure for composite waste materials processing at an industrial level, transportation stage of the blade composite materials from mechanical
the quality of recycled composites is quite low because of the high facilities in Greece to pyrolysis plants in Italy are also associated with
content of foreign materials. It should be noted that a high percentage of adverse environmental impacts, simply because diesel-powered trucks
about 40 % of material waste is generated during the grinding and are considered. On the other hand, repurposing of composite materials
sieving processes [13]. as an alternative to thermal recycling/microwave pyrolysis, could lead
In general, the high cost associated with recycling processes presents to a significant reduction in fossil and nuclear energy consumption of the
a significant handicap for their implementation. An increase of landfill order of 15 %. Finally, thermal recycling/microwave pyrolysis of com­
gate fees for composite materials could certainly make the landfill posite materials instead of landfill disposal could result in significant
disposal option less attractive. However, a key element of a sustainable improvement of the land occupation indicator by almost 131 %.
action plan for promoting recycling processes, might be to invest in The combined application of LCA and DEA identified the relation­
research and development in order to improve the efficiency of thermal ships between overall technical efficiency scores and various environ­
recycling processes, namely, energy-intensive conventional pyrolysis, mental performance indicators (GHG emissions, fossil and nuclear
which could certainly reduce the relevant cost [75]. Central government energy use and land occupation) and cost parameters (cost of waste
financial incentives/subsidies could also boost the adoption of the management procedures). It was found that end-of-life scenarios asso­
‘expensive’ conventional pyrolysis technology and improve its techno- ciated with landfill disposal of concrete material found in wind turbine’s
economic feasibility. DEA results indicate that subsidies of the order foundation are the efficient ones. DEA results suggest having facilities
10.6–18.7 % could make conventional pyrolysis more competitive. for mechanical recycling of concrete close to wind farm clusters.
Besides the financial cost itself associated with recycling processes, Substituting mechanical recycling or microwave–assisted pyrolysis for
there are also quite a few issues related to market issues and supply composite materials with conventional pyrolysis leads to inefficient
networks that hinder the adoption of recycling as a universal waste waste management procedures, mainly because of high cost and sig­
management option for decommissioned wind turbine blades. In nificant energy requirements, and transportation distances associated
particular, new business models and value chains should be developed with this process. DEA results indicate that investing in research and
to deal with the absence of a market for recovered materials, as well as, development in order to improve the efficiency of advanced thermal
the lack of expertise in integrating recycled composite materials into recycling processes, could increase the environmental and cost benefits
new products [87]. Rentizelas et al. [88] highlight that a barrier-free associated with material waste that cannot be recycled mechanically.
movement of waste and recovered materials between countries is the Nevertheless, in addition to thermal recycling, a circular zero-waste
key element for minimizing the cost of recycled products. approach based on remanufacturing, repurposing or waste prevention
The fact that there is no thermal recycling plant in Greece presents a through design-for-recycling of existing wind turbine blades, could also
serious handicap to the implementation of conventional pyrolysis in the support the transition from a linear to a circular economy framework.
country as a sustainable alternative to landfill disposal of decom­ Financial incentives from the Greek government could offset the price
missioned wind turbine waste materials and components. In the present handicap of advanced thermal recycling relative to cost-efficient landfill
work, it was considered that pyrolysis plants for further processing of the disposal practices.
relevant composite materials are located in Italy. DEA results suggest Results of the present work are expected to provide useful informa­
that a potential reduction in transportation distance by 10.6–52.5 %, tion to policy-makers for developing appropriate energy and environ­
could improve the efficiency of conventional (and microwave) pyrolysis mental policies that could encourage the implementation of enhanced
related end-of-life scenarios. It is evident, therefore, that policy-makers waste management approaches in the country. Such approaches include
should encourage the operation of advanced thermal recycling facilities repurposing, and mechanical and advanced thermal recycling, which
in Greece that could also make feasible the application of microwave involve lower GHG emissions, lower non-renewable (fossil and nuclear)
pyrolysis at an industrial level. It is believed that a cross-sectoral energy utilization and lower amounts of waste materials in landfills. The
approach, where composite waste materials not only from wind farms operation of dedicated facilities for mechanical recycling of foundation
but also from manufacturing, aircraft and automotive industries could concrete material close to wind farms could contribute to the circularity
be processed in the same plants, should be adopted. Nevertheless, the of wind turbines. Another possible parameter to be examined in a future
financial feasibility of this proposal and the corresponding material work, which could contribute to the sustainability of wind power in­
flows, and value chains are topics for future research. dustry, is the economic viability of operating composite recycling fa­
cilities in Greece.
6. Conclusions

The present research work concerns the joint application of LCA and

S. Gennitsaris et al. Applied Energy 339 (2023) 120951

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