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Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.



(Dành cho preppies aim 10+)

Một số trường hợp động từ chia ở số ít :

1. Danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ đếm được Ex1: Water is very necessary to our
số ít làm chủ t ừ. life.
Ex2: The film is very interesting.

2. V-ing; to V1, V1, mệnh đề làm chủ ngữ : Ex1: Collecting stamps and coins is
my hobby .
Ex2: That you get very high grades in
school is necessary.

3. Đại từ bất định: everyone, everybody, someone, Ex: Somebody has taken my books
somebody, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, away.
everything, something, anything

4. Đề cập đến khoảng cách, thời gian, tiền, số Ex1: Six miles is a long distance .
lượng, đo lường, tựa đề Ex2: Two years is long enough.
Ex3:The fifty dollars he gave me was
soon spent

5. Danh từ số ít tận cùng là “s” : measles, mumps, Ex: Physics is my favourite subject.
rabies, diabetes, physics, mathematics, statistics,
linguistics, news, billiards, Naples, Marseilles, the
United States, the Philippines, the Netherlands…..

6. Each/ Every/ One/ Neither/ Either + N (s ố ít)/ Ex1: Every seat has a member.
+ of + N ( số Ex2: Neither of my sisters likes film.
nhi ều)
Ex3: Each of children has a toy.
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7. Each/ Every + N(s ố ít) + and + each/every + N Ex: Each boy and each girl has a book.
(s ố ít)

8. N + and + N (khi các danh từ đề cập đến cùng 1 Ex1: Fish and chips is Tom’s
người, 1 vật) và biểu thức toán học với “and”. Ex: favourite.
fish and chip; meat pie and peas, bread and butter, Ex2 : Two and two is four .
bed and breakfast, …

9. Những danh từ thuộc loại không đếm được và luôn

dùng với động từ số ít: information, furniture,
knowledge, equipment, advice, traffic, scenery,
machinary, homework, housework, work, music,
money, luggage, baggage, rubbish, garbage, weather,

Một số trường hợp động từ chia ở số nhiều :

1. Danh từ số nhiều làm chủ t ừ. Ex1: These students are very good.
Ex2: Water and oil do not mix.

2. Danh từ tập hợp ( the + adj). Ex: the rich , the Ex: The rich are not always happy.
poor, the blind, the young, the old, the injured, the

3. 1 số trường hợp DT số nhiều bất qui tắc: people, Ex:Cattle are domestic animals .
police, staff, cattle, children, men, women, feet,
teeth,( bacterium- bacteria; medium- media;
criterion-criteria; datum-data; fungus-fungi;
stimulus-stimuli …)

4. Some/a few/ few/ both/ a lot of/ most/ many/ Ex1: Some books I read yesterday are
plenty of/ all/ several + N (số nhiều) famous.

Một số trường hợp vừa là số ít vừa là số nhiều :

Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

1. Either or Ex1: Either you or I am here.

Neither + S1 + nor + S2 => V Ex2: Neither Tom nor you are here.
(S2) Ex3: Not only my sisters but also my
Not only but also father knows you.

2. There/ Here + is/was/has + N (s ố Ex1: There is a picture on the wall.

ít) Ex2: There are two sides to every
are/were/have + N (s ố nhi ều) problem.

3. The number of + N (số nhiều ) -> V số ít Ex1: The number of students in this
class is small.
A number of + N (số nhiều ) -> V số
nhiều Ex2: A number of my students are
keen on learning English.

4. All/Some / Most/ N (số ít) Ex1: Most money is needed

=> V (s.ít) Ex2: One third of the population is
A lot of / None + of + N (số nhiều) unemployed.
=>V(s.nhiều) Ex3: One third of the villagers are

5. S1 + with/along with/ together with/ in addition Ex: My brother as well as my sisters is

to/ as well as/ accompanied by/ gi ới t ừ + S2 + V here.

6. No + N (số ít) + V (số ít) Ex1: No example is relevant to this

+ N (số nhiều) + V ( số nhiều) case.
Ex2: No students are here.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Jenny with two dogs ______________ walking in the park now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
2. Mai as well as her friends ________________having a picnic now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
3. My close friend and colleague, Mark, ___________married.
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A. have just got B. has just got C. just has got D. just have got
4. The singer and actor_________going to have a live show in our city next month.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
5. The singer and the actor______________donated a large amount of money to the local
A. has B. have C. is D. are
6. My family _________________ always the most important for me.
A. is B. are C. is D. are
7. Two hundred thousands ___________not enough for us to have a good meal in the restaurant
A. was B. were C. is D. are
8. Three years ___________ like a long time for her to live apart from her beloved parents.
A. is seeming B. are seeing C. seems D. seemed
9. The team _________playing very well and they make their fans shout and yell.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
10. Cattle_____________ allowed to graze on this meadow.
A. wasn't B. weren't C. isn't D. aren't
11. None of his money __________earned by his working.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
12. None of students ________failed in this examination.
A. has B. have C. was D. were
13. Every student _________willing to take part in the environment month.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
14. The number of students _________looking for a job now.
A. are B. was C. were D.is
15. A number of students _________ worried about their employment after graduating.
A. feel B. feels C. felt D. is feeling
16. Physics __________my favorite subject.
A. are B. is C.was D. have been
17. The boy, along with his two classmates ________climbing on the roof now.
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A. has B. have C.is D. are

18. Neither the mother nor the children _________aware of the danger.
A. were B. was C. is D. has been
19. None _________sorry for what they____________ for me.
A. is feeling/ did B. was feeling/ had done
C. feel/ have done D. has felt/ has been going
20. If anyone___________ , tell him I'll be back later.
A. was calling B. called C. call D. calls
21. Each of the boys___________ to write his curriculum vitae now.
A. have B. has C. had D. are having
22. Under the tree___________ full of food.
A. a basket was B. was a basket C. are a basket D. were a
23. Two-thirds of the lottery money ___________donated for the poor.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
24. About 60% of students in this class ___________from the countryside.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
25. A flock of sheep ____________grazing grass now.
A. are B . is C. was D. were
26. The number of books in this library __________written in English.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
27. Either you or I ___________here to clean the class before the teacher comes in.
A. am B. is C. are D. were
28. Neither her trousers nor her shirt_________________ with this hat.
A. is going B. are going C . goes D. go
29. The homeless ___________our help to settle their own life.
A. is needing B. are needing C. need D.
30. Several of the students__________ absent yesterday.
A. has been B. had been C. were D. was
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People say that the company lost money.

=> It is said that the company lost money.
=> The company is said to have lost money.



S + have + O ( người) + V1 S + have + O ( Vật ) + V3/ed


S + get + O ( người) + To_V S + get + O ( Vật ) + V3/ed


S người + need + To-V S vật + need + V-ing / To be V3.ed



Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

S + V + O1 + O2
Ex: The student gave me a book
BĐ: (C1) S + be + V3/ed + O2 + ( by + O) => I was given a book by the
BĐ: (C2) S + be + V3/ed + to/for + O1 + (by + O) => A book was given to me by the
- Các động từ thường đi với giới từ “to”: give, hand, lend, offer, send, show, pay, promise,
read, throw, wish, owe.
- Các động từ thường đi với giới từ “for”: buy, do, get, leave, make, order, save, spare.
Ghi chú :- Động từ Be phải được chia cùng thì với câu chủ động hoặc cùng dạng với

Choose the correct passive sentences.

1.People think that he is a big liar.
A.He is thought that he was a big liar.
B.He is thought that he is a big liar.
C.It is thought that he is a big liar.
2.They say that he was very kind.
A.He is said to have been very kind.
B.It is said that he was very kind.
3.We know that the director has bought a new limousine.
A.It is said that a new limousine has been bought by the director.
B.The director is known to have bought a new limousine.
C.It is known that the director had bought a new limousine.
4.I saw him take her to the park yesterday.
A.He was seen to take her to the park yesterday.
B.He was seen take her to the park yesterday.
C.He was seen taking her to the park yesterday.
5.She hears me say bad words about my mother-in-law.
A.I am heard to say bad words about my mother-in-law.
B.I was heard to say bad words about my mother-in-law.
6.The witness said that the robber had long hair.
A.The robber was said to have long hair.
B.It was said that robber had long hair.
C.A & B
7.I watched her make this souvenir in just 10 minutes.
A.She was watched to make this souvenir in just 10 minutes.
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B.She was watched make this souvenir in just 10 minutes.

8.We believe that Dr. James is a caring person.
A.It is believe that Dr. James is a caring person.
B.It is believed that Dr. James is a caring person.
C.It was believed that Dr. James is a caring person.
9. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.
A.He given a present when he retired.
B. A present given by his colleagues when he retired.
C. He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.
D. A present was given him when he retired.
10. People should send their complaints to the head office.
A.Their complaints were sent to the head office.
B. The head office was sent their complaints.
C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office.
D. The head office should be sent complaints.
11. We have to tell Mary about our change in plans.
A.Mary has to be told about our change in plans.
B. Our change in plans should be told for Mary.
C. Mary is told about our change in plans.
D. Our change in plans is told to
12. The engineers will construct a bridge over this house.
A.This house will be constructed over a bridge.
B. A bridge will be constructed over this house.
C. This house will be being constructed over a bridge.
D. A bridge will be being constructed over this house.
13. 1. I'll have the boys______ the chairs.
a. paint
b. to paint
c. painted
d. Painting
14. I am going to have a new house______
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

a. build
b. to build
c. built
d. Building
15. Have these flowers______ to her office, please.
a. taken
b. taking
c. take
d. to take
A. Lý thuyết
1. Câu mệnh lệnh:
- Open your books, will you?
- Don’t talk in class, will you?
- Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
- Let me lend you a hand, will you
2. . USED TO: từng (diễn tả thói quen, hành động thường lập đi lập lại trong quá khứ)
- Trường hợp này, ta cứ việc xem USED TO là một động từ chia ở thì quá khứ. Do đó,
câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ DID
- Thí dụ:
- HAD BETTER thường được viết ngắn gọn thành 'D BETTER, nên dễ khiến ta lúng
túng khi phải lập câu hỏi đuôi tương ứng. Khi thấy 'D BETTER, chỉ cần mượn trợ
động từ HAD để lập câu hỏi đuôi.
- Thí dụ:
- WOULD RATHER thường được viết gọn là 'D RATHER nên cũng dễ gây lúng túng
cho bạn. Chỉ cần mượn trợ động từ WOULD cho trường hợp này để lập câu hỏi đuôi.
Thí dụ:
4. Chủ từ là một số Đại từ đặc biệt:
1/ All can’t speak at a time, can they?
2/ Everyone cheered wildly, didn’t he( formal)/ didn’t they( informal)?
Khi chủ ngữ là anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, neither, everyone,
somebody, someone, everybody … ta dùng “they” ở câu hỏi đuôi
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5. Câu có little, a little, few, a few:

1/ Very little progress has been made, has it?
2/ A little progress has been made, hasn’t it?
3/ Few people knew the answer, did they?
4/ A few people knew the answer, didn’t they?
6. Trong câu có trạng từ nghĩa bán phủ định:
1/ The child rarely cries, does he?
2/ He could hardly feed a large family, could he?
3/ She seldom sees him, does she?
4/ We could scarely hear what he said, could we?
7. Trong câu có trạng từ phủ định hoặc từ phủ định:
1/ He went nowhere else, did he?
2/ They did nothing, did they?
3/ You have never in the house, is there?
8. Khi câu không có chủ ngữ, ở câu hỏi đuôi ta đặt it sau động từ
Nothing bad happened, did it?
9. Mệnh đề chính có từ Let’s, tag question sẽ phải là “shall we?”
Ex: Let's go to the movies, shall we?
10. Nếu mệnh đề chính là lời mời, tag question phải là “won’t you?”
Ex: Take your seat, won't you?
11. Câu đầu có MUST, must có nhiều cách dùng cho nên tùy theo cách dùng mà sẽ
có câu hỏi đuôi khác nhau
LOẠI 1: chỉ sự cần thiết hoặc cấm đoán
MUST (phải) => NEEDN’T
MUSTN’T (không được) => MUST
- We must go now, NEEDN’T we?
(Chúng ta phải đi bây giờ phải không ?)
- They must not enter the house, MUST they?
(họ không được vào nhà phải không ?)
LOẠI 2: chỉ sự dự đoán ở mức chính xác cao – thường là MUST BE: “chắc hẳn là,
chắc hẳn là phải” – dùng cho HIỆN TẠI.
=> dùng IS/ ARE (tùy chủ ngữ) làm trợ động từ cuối câu.
- She must be sad now, ISN’T she?
(Bây giờ cô ấy chắc hẳn đang buồn phải không ?)
- They must be spies, AREN’T they?
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(Chúng chắc hẳn là gián điệp phải không ?)

(MẸO: cứ có MUST BE thì nó thuộc loại này)
12. Câu đầu có I/ It + các động từ sau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume,
fancy, imagine, reckon, expect, seem, feel + mệnh đề phụ, lấy mệnh đề phụ làm
câu hỏi đuôi.
Eg: I think he will come here, won’t he?
I don’t believe Mary can do it, can she?
(lưu ý MĐ chính có not thì vẫn tính như ở MĐ phụ)
Cùng mẫu này nhưng nếu chủ từ không phải là I thì lại dùng mệnh đề đầu làm câu hỏi
Eg: She thinks he will come, doesn’t she?
It seems that you are right, aren’t you
13. Câu đầu là I WISH, dùng MAY trong câu hỏi đuôi
Eg: I wish to study English, may I ?2
14. Chủ từ là ONE, dùng one trong câu hỏi đuôi
Eg: One can be one’s master, can’t one?
15. – Chủ từ là mệnh đề danh từ, dùng “it” trong câu hỏi đuôi
Eg: What you have said is wrong, isn’t it ?
Why he killed himself seems a secret, doesn’t it ?
Fill in the blank with the correct tag questions
1. Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, __does he________?
2. Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, ___did she_______?
3. They’ll buy a new computer, __won't they________?
4. She can drink lots of tomatoes juice everyday, ____can't she______?
5. She may not come to class today, ____may she______?
6. We should follow the traffic rules strictly, ___shouldn't we_______?
7. Your mother has read these fairy tales for you many times, ____hasn't she______?
8. He seldom visits you, __does he________?
9. You’ve never been in Italy, ____have you______?
10. That’s Bob, ___isn’t it_______?
11. No one died in the accident, ___did they_______?
12. I’m supposed to be here, ____aren't I______?
13. Nothing is wrong, ___is it_______?
14. Nobody called the phone, ____did they______?
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15. Everything is okay, ___isn't it_______?

16. Everyone took a test, ____didn't they______?
17. Going swimming in the summer is never boring, ____isn't it______?
18. Let’s dance together, __shall we________?
19. Don’t talk in class, ____will you______?
20. Sit down, __will you________?
21. This picture is yours, ___isn't it_______?
22. Hoa never comes to class late, __does she________?
23. You took some photos on the beach, ____did you______?
24. He hardly ever makes a mistake, ____does he______?


● Diễn tả một kết luận ở hiện tại (logical assumption)
Dùng động từ must, may (khẳng định) hoặc can’t, couldn’t, might not (phủ định) để diễn tả một kết
luận có cơ sở về một sự việc ở hiện tại (logical assumption).
· Must (100%): chắc chắn xảy ra
Ví dụ: You have worked all night these days. You must be very tired.
· May/Might/Could (50%): có thể xảy ra
Ví dụ: It could/may/might be Jane. I don’t know
· Might not (30%): có thể không xảy ra
Ví dụ: It’s not very swollen, so it might not be serious.
· Cannot/ Can’t (2%): chắc chắn không xảy ra
Ví dụ: Look at him. He looks very young. He can’t be over forty years old.
● Diễn tả một kết luận trong quá khứ trong quá khứ
Modal + have+ past participle (PP)
• Diễn tả một kết luận trong quá khứ

98 98% must have + PP The grass is all wet. It must

have rained very hard last

50% may have + PP John looks sad. Something

could have + PP bad may have happened to
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2% couldn’t have + PP You couldn’t have talked to

can’t have + PP Tim yesterday. He was not
in town.

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (Modal
1. Tony ________ a university lecture; he’s too young.
A. must be B. mustn’t be
C. can’t be D. shouldn’t be
2. That ________ be my mobile – mine is sliver and that one is black.
A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. mustn’t
3. I didn’t hear you come in last night. You ________ very quite.
A. must have been B. must be
C. should have been D. could have
4. How very lucky you were! You ________ in the crowd.
A. could get lost B. could have got lost
C. didn’t lose D. could have lost
5. The boys we met on the train ________ soldiers on leave. They were young with
very short haircuts.
A. could be B. may be
C. had had to be D. may have been
6. Look at these photos. They ________ in Brazil or Columbia. Certainly not in Cuba.
A. could be taken B. might possibly have taken
C. may have been taken D. might possibly be taken
7. Tom had a lucky escape. He ________ killed.
A. could have been B. must have been
C. should have been D. had been
8. George won 5 medals at the competitions. His parents ________ very proud of him
A. can’t be B. can’t have
C. must have been D. couldn’t have been
9. You ________have seen Jeff in the street because he is in Paris.
A. won’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
10. According to the fire chief, it still isn’t clear where the fire ________ but he
believes that it ________ in the storeroom.
A. starts - has started B. was starting – ought to start
C. started – might have started D. has started – would be starting
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Reporting Verb



1. Admit Thú nhận S+ admit+ That + Tom admitted that he had

indirect speech tried to leave early.
S+ admit + (to) + Tom admitted (to) breaking
V-ing the law.

2. Agree Đồng ý S + agree + with + I agreed with you that they

someone should do that.

S+ agree + on/ I don’t agree with you on

about several points.

S + agree+ that+ She agreed that we needed to

indirect speech reconsider our plan.

3. Apologize Xin lỗi S + apologize for + He apologized for being late.


S+ apologize to You must apologize to her for

someone for being so rude.

4. Deny Từ chối S + deny + that + He denied that this was a

indirect speech political decision.

S + deny + Ving He denied having anything to

do with her.

5. Insist Khăng khăng S + insist + on + She insisted on doing the

Ving washing up.
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S + insist + that + He insisted that I bought it.


6. Promise Hứa S + promise + that + indirect He promised me that he

speech would
do it.

S +promise + to V He promised to buy me

a ring.

S + promise + someone+ He had promised me a

something bike.

7. Refuse Từ chối S + refuse + O+ to V My brother refused to

do the

8.Recommend Khuyên, S + recommend that + subject + I recommend that you

giới (should) V (should)
thiệu rest.

9. Remind Nhắc S + Remind + O + to V He reminded me to buy


10. Threaten Dọa S + threaten + to She threatened to jump

from 20th floor.

11. boast about Khoe S + boast about + Ving She keeps boasting
khoang about buying a rolex.

12. Congratulate Chúc mừng S + congratulate sb on + He congratulated me on

sth/Ving passing the exam.

13. Encourage động viên S + encourage sb + to V He encouraged me to

take part in the contest.
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14. invite mời S + invite sb + to V She invited me to stay

for a few days.

Chuyển các câu sau từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp, sử dụng động từ trong ngoặc.
1. ‘I didn’t steal the money.’ Jean said. (Denied)
Jean denied stealing the money
2. ‘Why don’t we go to the cinema this evening?’ Peter said. (Suggested)
Peter suggested going to the cinema this evening.
3. ‘I’ve broken your pen. I’m awfully sorry, Jack.’ David said. (Apologized)
David apologized to Jack for breaking his pen.
4. ‘Don’t forget to post my letter, will you, Sue?’ Diana said. (Reminded)
Diana reminđe Sue not to forget to post her letter.
6. ‘All right, it’s true. I was nervous.’ The leading actor said. (Admitted)
The leading actor admitted being nervous.
7. ‘It was me who stole the money,’ said Jim. (Admitted)
Jim admitted stealing the money.
8. ‘Sue, can you remember to buy some bread?’ Paul said (Reminded)
Paul reminded Sue to buy some bread.
9. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier.’ Jill said to me. (Apologized)
Jill apologized to me for not phoning me earlier.
10. “Yes, all right, I’ll share the bill with you, Dave.’ Brenda said. (Agreed)
Brenda agreed to share the bill with Dave.
11. ‘No, I’m sorry, I won’t work on Saturday. Definitely not!’ Catherine said. (Refused)
Catherine refused to work on Saturday.
12. ‘Let’s go out to the café for lunch, shall we?’ Wendy said. (recommended)
Wendy recommended to go out to the cafe for lunch.
13. ‘It’s not true! I have never been arrested,” Larry said. (Denied)
Larry denied being arrested.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

14. ‘I’ll definitely take you to the park on Sunday, children’. William said. (promised)
William promised to take his children to the park on Sunday.
15. Peter said to Nick, “Would you like to stay for lunch?” (Invited)
Peter invited Nick to stay for lunch.
15. Tim said to Martin, “You should join the party with us.” (encouraged)
Tim encouraged Martin to join the party with them.
17. Pat said to Jane, “You’re going to post the letter, don’t forget.” (Reminded)
Paul reminded Jane to post the letter.


1. To-infinitive
- Sau các động từ: Agree , appear, afford, ask, demand, expect, hesitate, intend, invite,
want, wish, hope, promise, decide, tell, refuse, learn, fail (thất bại), plan, manage, pretend
(giả vờ), remind, persuade, encourage, force, order, urge (thúc giục), seem, tend,
2. GERUND (V-ing)
- Sau các động từ: enjoy, avoid, admit, appreciate (đánh giá cao), mind (quan tâm, ngại),
finish, practice, suggest, postpone (hoãn lại), consider (xem xét), hate, admit (thừa nhận),
like, love, deny (phủ nhận), detest (ghét), keep (tiếp tục), miss (bỏ lỡ), imagine (tưởng
tượng), mention, risk, delay (trì hoãn), ….
3.1. Không thay đổi nghĩa:
- begin / start / continue/ like / love + To-inf / V-ing Ex: It started to rain / raining.
3.2. Thay đổi nghĩa:
+ remember / forget / regret + V-ing: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc đã xảy ra rồi (trong quá
+ remember / forget / regret + to-inf: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc chưa, sắp xảy ra (trong
tương lai)
Ex: Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed.
I remember meeting you somewhere but I can’t know your name.
Remember to send her some flowers because today is her birthday.
+ stop + V-ing: dừng hẳn việc gì
+ stop + to-inf: dừng ….. để …
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

Ex: He stopped smoking because it is harmful for his health.

On the way home, I stopped at the post office to buy a newspaper.
+ try + V-ing: thử
+ try + to-inf: cố gắng
+ need + V-ing = need + to be + V3: cần được (bị động)
+ need + to-inf: cần (chủ động)
Ex: I need to wash my car.
My car is very dirty. It needs washing / to be washed.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. They refused ______ to Tim’s proposal. They decided ______ their work.
A. to listen / continuing B. to listen / to continue
C. listening / to continue D. listening / continuing
2. I enjoy ______ to a number of programs on the radio. I am also fond of ______ novels.
A. to listen / to read B. listening / reading
C. to listen / reading D. listening / to read
3. No one will leave the classroom until the guilty student admits ______ the money.
A. steal B. stealing C. to steal D. stolen
4. Jack Anderson was caught ______ a match at the time of the fire. He was accused of ______
the fire.
A. to hold / set B. held / setting C. holding / to set D. holding / setting
5. I cannot imagine you ______ married to Peter. He might make you ______ unhappy.
A. to get / are B. get / being C. got / to be D. getting / be
6. Her boss promised ______ her a raise because she never minds ______ the night shift.
A. offering / work B. offered / to work C. to offer / working D. offer / worked
7. He disagrees ______ a new car. He prefers ______ by bus to by car.
A. to buy / travel B. buying / to travel C. to buy / travelling D. bought / traveled
8. The questions are easy ______ We hope ______ high scores.
A. to answer / to get B. answering / to get C. to answer / getting D. answered / got
9. The man asked me how ______ to the airport. He said he had to ______ the 9.00 plane to
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

A. getting / taken B. to get / take C. got / taking D. get / took

10. You were the last one ______ the office. Did you see anyone ______ the building?
A. leaving / to enter B. to leave / enter C. left / entering D. leave / entered
11. It is no use ______ the car. It would be cheaper ______ a new one.
A. repair / bought B. repaired / buy C. to repair / buying D. repairing /
to buy
12. She wanted ______ home, but her boss made her ______ until the work was finished.
A. to go / staying B. go / stayed C. going / to stay D. to go / stay
13. I will make an effort ______
A. stopping smoking B. stop smoke C. to stop smoking D. stop smoking
14. I am not sure if I have met Mr. Martino, but I remember ______ his name.
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard
15. He will never forget ______ so much money and time on his first computer. He bought it two
years ago and managed ______ on it himself.
A. spending / to work B. to spend / working
C. spent / work D. spend / worked
16. When I lived with my parents, they did not let me ______ TV at night. I was made ______ a
A. watching / study B. watched /studying C. watch / to study D. to watch / studied
17. If the printer does not work, try ______ everything off and then ______ again.
A. to turn / to start B. to turn / starting C. turning / to start D. turning / starting
18. - Are you thinking of ______ London?
- Oh, yes. I look forward to ______ my vacation there next summer.
A. being visited / spending B. visit / spend
C. visiting / spend D. visiting / spending
19. Everyone likes ______ when they have succeeded ______ something.
A. being congratulated / for doing B. being congratulated / in doing
C. be congratulating / do D. to be congratulated / to do
20. The police charged him ______ at a wrong space.
A. park B. to park C. parking D. with parking
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

21. The workers in our company have raised an objection ______ overtime.
A. to work B. to working C. working D. worked
22. We have discussed ______ a new house, but there is no point ______ further.
A. buying / talking B. to buy / talk
C. about buying / to talk D. buy / talked
23. You can open it ______ the wrapping paper.
A. remove B. to remove C. removing D. by removing
24. He recommended that we ______ overnight at a hotel, but we felt like ______ our journey.
A. to stay / continued B. stayed / continue C. stay / continuing D. staying/to continue
25. It is twelve o’clock. We should stop ______ lunch. We will go on ______ our work by 5pm.
A. having / finish B. have / finishing C. to have / to finish D. had / finished
26. He warned me ______ all my money in that company.
A. not to invest B. do not invest C. did not invest D. not investing
27. I regret ______ the lecture, which was not worth ______
A. attending / to listen B. to attend / listening
C. to attend / to listen D. attending / listening
28. The teacher expected Sarah ______ harder. He gave her a lot of homework ______
A. studied / do B. studying / done C. study / doing D. to study / to
29. Do you know what ______ if there is a fire in the shop where you go ______
A. doing / to shop B. to do / shopping C. do / shop D. do /
30. This advertisement needs ______. We will have Peter ______ it.
A. to redesign / doing B. redesigning / do
C. redesigned / did D. redesign / to do



Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

1. Ngữ hiện tại phân từ ( V-ing) được Ex: That man, who is standing over there , is
dùng khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ my best friend.
ở thể chủ động. => That man , standing over there, is my best

2. Ngữ quá khứ phân từ(V3/ed) được Ex:The boy who was injured in the accident
dùng khi động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ was taken to the hospital.
ở thể bị động. => The boy injured in the accident was taken
to the hospital.

3. “To infinitive” có thể được dùng khi Ex: He was the last man who left the burning
đại từ quan hệ làm chủ ngữ đứng sau building.
“the first, the second, …, the last, the => He was the last man to leave the burning
next, the only, the one, dạng so sánh building.
nhất( the + adj ngắn + est/ the most + adj
dài) hoặc để chỉ mục đích, sự cho phép)

Choose the correct relative clause reduction. Each question has only one correct answer.
1. My friends who are studying in Italy will be at the party.
A. My friends who studying in Italy will be at the party.
B. My friends studying in Italy will be at the party.
C. My studying in Italy friends will be at the party.

2. The man who was handsome worked in Hollywood.

A. The man handsome worked in Hollywood.
B. The man who handsome worked in Hollywood.
C. The handsome man worked in Hollywood.

3. The students who study at our school come from all over the world.
A. The studying students at our school from all over the world.
B. The students studying at our school come from all over the world.
C. The studying at our school students come from all over the world.

4. The cake that was selected came from an Italian bakery.

A. The that selected cake came from an Italian bakery.
B. The cake selected came from an Italian bakery.
C. The cake was selected came from an Italian bakery.

5.Franklin D. Roosevelt was _______ the great force of radio and the opportunity it provided for
taking government policies directly to the people.
A. the first President fully understood
B. the first President that, to fully understand
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

D. the first President to fully understand



1.Only after + S + V + Trợ động từ + S + V(chỉ sau khi)

Eg : Only after I had left home did I realize how important my family played a role in my
2.Only after + N + Trợ động từ + S + V(chỉ sau khi)
Eg : Only after his father's retirement did he take over the company.
3.Only by + V-ing + Trợ động từ + S + V(chỉ bằng cách)
Eg : Only by studying hard can you pass the exam
4.Only if + S + V + Trợ động từ + S + V(chỉ nếu)
Eg : Only if you promise to keep secret will I tell you about it.
5.Only when + S + V + Trợ động từ + S + V (chỉ khi)
Eg : Only when you grow up can you understand this matter
6.Only with + N + trợ động từ + S + V (chỉ với)
Eg : Only with your help can we manage.
7.Only once/ Only later/ Only in this way/ Only then + Trợ động từ + Chủ ngữ + Động từ
Eg : Only once have I met her.
Eg : Only later did I realize I was wrong.


1.Hardly/barely/scarcely + had + S + Vp2 + when + S + V (quá khứ đơn)

Eg : Hardly had I gone to bed when the telephone rang
2.No sooner + had + S + Vp2+ than + S + V (quá khứ đơn) (Ngay khi/vừa mới... thì)
Eg :No sooner had I gone to bed than the telephone rang.


Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

Not only + Trợ động từ + Chủ ngữ + Động từ + but also + Chủ ngữ + Động từ (không
những... mà còn)
Eg :Not only does she sing beautifully but also she learns well.


1.So + Tính từ + V + chủ ngữ + that + clause

Eg :So beautiful is she that many boys run after her.
2.Such + be + N + that + clause/ N + be + such + that + clause(quá... đến nỗi mà)
Eg :Her anger was such that she broke the vase.
= Such was her anger that she broke the vase.


Not until/till + Time/Time clause + Trợ động từ + Chủ ngữ + Động từ(mãi đến khi)
Eg : Not until/till midnight did he come home.
Eg : Not until/till I was 8 did I know how to ride a bike.


Neither + Trợ động từ + Chủ ngữ + Động từ

Eg : Neither is there excitement nor entertainment in this small town.


1.Câu điều kiện loại I: Should + S+V, V + O /S + will, can... + V

Eg : Should he come, please tell him to see me.
2.Câu điêu kiện loại II:Were + S + (to V) + ..., S + would/could + V
Eg : Were I you, I would apply for that job. Were I to have enough money, I would buy
that car.
3.Câu điều kiện loại III:Had + S + Vp2, S + would/could + have + Vp2
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

Eg : Had the car in the front not stopped so suddenly, the accidents wouldn't have


1.Although/even though/though + S + V, S +V
= Much as + S + V, S + V
= No matter what + S + V, S + V hoặc No matter how + adj/adv + S + V, S + V
Eg : Although the exercise is difficult, the boys can solve it.
= Much as the exercise is difficult, the boys can solve it.
= No matter how difficult the exercise is, the boys can solve it.
= However + adj/adv + S + V = Adj/adv + as/though + S + V, S + V
= However difficult the exercise is, the boys can solve it.
= Difficult as the exercise is, the boys can solve it.


Nor + Trợ động từ + Chủ ngữ + Động từ

Eg : He doesn't smoke, nor does he drink


So/Neither + Trợ động từ + Chủ ngữ

Eg : I can't sing well, neither can my sister. He loves football, so do I.


Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

Adv of place + V + S
Eg : Near my house is a bus stop.


Cụm phân từ (V-ing/Vp2) + V + S

Eg : Situated in the central mountains of Alaska is a peak named Denali.
Eg : Coming first in the race was my sister.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Never in her life ________ this exhilarating emotion.
A. she experienced B. she did experience
C. she had experienced D. had she experienced
2. ________seen such awful behavior.
A. Have I never before B. Before have I never
C. Never before I haved D. Never before have I
3. They were wealthy. Money was plentiful, and ________to be very bothered about levels of
A. rarely anyone seemed B. rarely did anyone seem
C. did anyone rarely seem D. rarely anyone did seem
4. Not only do I enjoy classical music, ________ a season ticket to the symphony.
A. but I also have B. but also have C. but also I have D. I but also have
5. ________ so upset!
A. Has the boss seldom been B. Seldom the boss has been
C. Seldom has the boss been D. Has the boss been seldom
6. ________ the situation.
A. Little he understands B. Little he understood
C. Little did he understand D. Did he understand little
7. There ________
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

A. comes my bus B. does my bus come

C. my bus come D. did my bus come
8. ________ his terrible secret.
A. Did they learn only later B. Only later they did learn
C. Only later they learnt D. Only later did they learn
9. - I’m from Turkey.
- ________
A. Am I, too B. I am, so C. So am I D. Either am I
10. I cannot swim very well ________
A. and neither my sister can B. and neither can my sister
C. and so my sister can D. and so can my sister
11. So difficult ________ that ________ three months to prepare.
A. is the test / do the students need B. the test is / do the students need
C. is the test / the students need D. the test is / the students need
12. ________ the problem, he wouldn’t have committed those mistakes.
A. Had he understood B. He had understood
C. If had he understood D. Unless had he understood
13. ________ a more beautiful sight.
A. Nowhere hadn’t Susan seen B. Had Susan seen nowhere
C. Nowhere Susan had seen D. Nowhere had Susan seen
14. By the gate ________
A. a little girl stood B. stood a little girl
C. did a little girl stand D. a little girl did stand
15. Not until the next morning ________ how serious ________
A. she realized / was it B. she realized / it was
C. did she realize / was it D. did she realize / it was
16. Not till ________ that he had lost the key.
A. he got home did he find B. he got home he found
C. did he get home did he find D. did he get home he found
17. Only when ________ into smart clothes after the match ________ to talk to the TV reporters
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

A. the players had changed / they were allowed

B. the players had changed / were they allowed
C. had the players changed / were they allowed
D. had the players changed / they were allowed
18. No sooner ________ the door than ________ it was locked.
A. had I reached / did I realize B. I had reached / did I realize
C. had I reached / I realized D. I had reached / I realized
19. ________, he can never follow me.
A. Fast as he runs B. Fast as does he run
C. As he runs fast D. As does he run fast
20. ________ John that she talked about him all the time.
A. Did so much she adore B. Did she adored so much
C. So much she adored D. So much did she adore
21. ________ kinder to his employees, his business would not have collapsed.
A. Mr. Chan had been B. Had if Mr. Chan been
C. Had Mr. Chan been D. If had Mr. Chan been
22. Scarcely ________ out of bed when ________
A. had I got / did the doorbell ring B. had I got / the doorbell rang
C. I had got / did the doorbell ring D. I had got / the doorbell rang
23. Little ________ how much trouble ________ in.
A. you know / are you B. you know / you are
C. do you know / are you D. do you know / you are
24. On the table ________
A. lay a yellow cat B. a yellow cat lay
C. did a yellow cat lie D. a yellow cat lies
25. Such ________ that ________ whenever it was on.
A. the popularity of the film was / the streets were deserted
B. was the popularity of the film / the streets were deserted
C. the popularity of the film was / were the streets deserted
D. was the popularity of the film / were the streets deserted
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

26. They can neither read nor write, ________ such concepts.
A. they can nor comprehend B. nor can they comprehend
C. nor they can comprehend D. can they nor comprehend
27. Hardly ________ before ________
A. had I left / did the trouble start B. had I left / the trouble started
C. I had left / the trouble started D. I had left / did the trouble start
28. Only after ________
A. the teacher understood the situation and did he make a comment
B. understanding the situation the teacher made a comment
C. the teacher understood the situation and made a comment
D. understanding the situation did the teacher make a comment
29. ________ to win the election, what ________ first?
A. You were / you would do B. You were / would you do
C. Were you / you would do D. Were you / would you do
30. Down ________
A. fell half a dozen apples B. half a dozen apples fell
C. did half a dozen apples fall D. half a dozen apples fall



If + S + were/ V2/ed, S + would/could/might + V

Không có thực trong hiện tại/ tương lai

If only + S + V2/ed

Không có thực trong hiện tại/ tương lai

S + wish + (that) S + V2/ed

Không có thực trong hiện tại/ tương lai

S1 + would rather/ would sooner + (that) + S2 + V2/ed

Diễn tả cái chúng ta thích người khác làm cái gì đó hơn

Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

It’s (high/ about) time+(that)S + V2/ed

= It’s high time + (for O) + to V

Diễn tả khoảng thời gian làm cái gì đó

S + Vs/es + as if/ as though + S + V2/ed

Không có thực trong hiện tại/ tương lai


If + S + had V3/ed , S + would/could/might + have V3/ed

Không có thực trong quá khứ

If only + S + had V3/ed

Không có thực trong quá khứ

S + wish + (that) S + had V3/ed

Không có thực trong quá khứ

S1 + would rather/would sooner + (that) S2 + had V3/ed

Không có thực trong quá khứ

S+Ved+ as if/ as though + S + had V3/ed

Không có thực trong quá khứ


Nếu như S1 và S2 giống nhau thì áp dụng công thức sau :

S + would rather + V (than V)

Diễn tả hành động hiện tại/ tương lai

S + would rather + have + V3/ed

Không có thật trong quá khứ

+ Ex:

a. I would rather study English.

b. Jim would rather have gone to class yesterday than today.

Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. I’d rather you ________ say anything to John about this conservation.

A. don’t B. won’t C. didn’t D. can’t

2. I would rather you ________ to school so late last Tuesday.

A. wouldn’t have got B. wouldn’t get

C. didn’t get D. hadn’t got

3. I wish Paul worked as hard as Mary ________.

A. did B. does C. will D. can

4. John left without a word. If only he ________ something.

A. says B. had said C. was saying D. to say

5. It has been raining for days now. I wish it ________ soon.

A. would stop B. will stop C. stops D. has stopped

6. Vicky was surprised to see us there. I wish you ________ her face.

A. have been B. saw

C. could have seen D. would have seen

7. Frankness is a great thing, but I’d rather you ________ to Miss White what I think about her.

A. not repeat B. won’t repeat

C. don’t repeat D. didn’t repeat

8. I left my office at four because I was sure Mr. Andrews wouldn’t come. Now I wish I

________ for him.

A. had waited B. did wait

C. would have waited D. would wait

9. I’m afraid very few people know about the concert and almost no one will come. If only the

porters ________ on time.

A. were hanging B. were hung C. were hanged D. had been hung

Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

10. Jack, the security guard at the factory, ________ the robbery ________ on his shift.

A. was wishing – hasn’t been occurring B. had wished – shouldn’t occur

C. wishes – hadn’t occurred D. wished – hasn’t occurred

11. I wish I ________ to that party last night.

A. didn’t go B. wouldn’t have gone

C. hadn’t gone D. wouldn’t go

12. I wish I ________ able to accept that role, but I was preparing for another play at the time.

A. have been B. would be C. was D. had been

13. What a party I was away! If only the fax ________ me an hour earlier.

A. did reach B. would reach C. reached D. had reached

14. The situation was a little embarrassing when Mary served roast beef for dinner. I wish I

________ her that Nick was a vegetarian.

A. had told B. told C. better told D. would tell

15. “If only we ________ about this service before!”

A. had known B. knew C. could know D. could have known

16. “I’d rather you ________ me the truth now.”

A. tell B. told C. talked D. say

17. I’d rather you ________ the tickets before they are all sold out.

A. bought B. not buy C. to buy D. should buy

18. I wish I ________ time to see more exhibitions

A. was having B. had C. have had D. would have had

19. I’m really sleep today. I wish I ________ Bob to the airport late last night.

A. weren’t taking B. hadn’t had to take

C. didn’t have to take D. didn’t take

20. I’d rather you ________ absent from the meeting yesterday. Things might have been
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN


A. not be B. weren’t C. hadn’t been D. haven’t been


1. As if/ as though:

A) Diễn tả điều không có thật ở hiện tại (không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại)

Cấu trúc: S + V + as if/ as though + S + VED

Eg: He talks as if he were a king. Eg: She orders me as though she were my mother.

B) Diễn tả điều không có thật ở quá khứ (không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ)

Cấu trúc: S + Ved + as if/ as though + S + had + P2

Eg: He looked as if he had sên s ghost.

2. It’s high time

A) It’s time dùng với động từ nguyên thể

Eg: It’s time to go to school.

B) It’s time dùng với mệnh đề

It’s time + (for sb) + to V

It’s time + S + Ved

Eg: It’s time you went to school.

3. Would rather

Với câu có một chủ ngữ (Would rather = thích làm gì… hơn)

A) Ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai

Eg: I would rather stay at home than go to school.

Eg: I would rather not go out this evening.

Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

B) Ở quá khứ

Eg: I would rather have gone to cinema last week.

Với câu có 2 chủ ngữ (mong muốn người khác làm gì)

* Ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai

Eg: I would rather you went home now.

Note: were có thể thay thế cho was với ngôi he, she, it

* Ở quá khứ

She would rather they hadn’t left home yesterday.

Note: trong trường hợp này người ta thường dùng wish

She would rather they hadn’t left home yesterday

= She wishes they hadn’t left home yesterday



It + is/ was + subject (chủ ngữ) + that + verb (động từ): chính ai đó làm ………
1. My mother loves me most. (mẹ yêu tôi nhất)
It is my mother that loves me most.(chính mẹ là người yêu tôi nhất)
2. That man stole my wallet. (người đàn ông đó đã trộm cái ví tiền của tôi)
It was that man that stole my wallet. (chính người đàn ông đó đã trộm cái ví tiền
của tôi)
It + is/ was + object (t. ngữ) + that + clause (mệnh đề= ch. ngữ + v. ngữ): chính ai/ cái gì đó,
một ai đó làm/ đã làm…
1. I love my mother most. (tôi yêu mẹ tôi nhất)
It is my mother that I love most. (chính mẹ là người tôi yêu nhất)
2. I bought this motor in 2001. (tôi đã mua chiếc xe máy này vào năm 2001)
It was this motor that I bought in 2001. (chính chiếc xe máy này tôi đã mua năm 2001)
It + is/ was + adverbial (trạng từ) + that + clause (mệnh đề= ch. Ngữ + v. ngữ): chíng nơi nào
đó/ chính lúc nào đó, ai đó làm/ đã làm …………..
1.I was born in Can Duoc. (tôi được sinh ra ở Cần Đước)
It was in Can Duoc that I was born. (chính Cần Đước là nơi tôi được sinh ra)
2.We often gather for our study at her house. (chúng tôi thường tập trung để học tại nhà của cô
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

It is at her house that we often gather for our study. (chính tại nhà của cô ấy là nơi chúng tôi
thường tập hợp để học).


It + is/ was + subject(lấy từ tân ngữ) + that + be + V-ed/ V cột 3.
(chính……………được …..)
1.My father gave me a lot of toys. (cha tôi cho tôi nhiều đồ chơi)
It was I that was given a lot of toys by my father.(chính tôi được cha tôi cho nhiều đồ chơi.)
2. His wife cleans the floor every evening.
It is the floor that is cleaned by his wife every evening.

Choose the best answers:

1. ________ I bought the golden fish.
A. It was from this shop that B. I was from this shop where
C. It was this shop which D. It was this shop that
2. It was Tom _______ to help us.
A. comes B. that comes C. to come D. who came
3. _______ the police had rescued from the fire.
A. The baby B. The baby that
C. It was the baby whom D. The baby whom
4. ________ my parents gave me the fish tank.
A. It was on my birthday when
B. It was my birthday on that
C. It was my birthday that
D. It was on my birthday that
5. _______ I first met my girlfriend.
A. It was in London that B. It was in London where
C. It was London that D. It was London which
6. _________ on the phone.
A. It is his mother whom is B. It was his mother whom is
C. It was his mother who is D. It is his mother who is
7. ________ a high level of blood cholesterol.
A. It is eggs that contain B. Those are eggs it contains
C. It is eggs that contains D. It is eggs contain
8. _________ England won the World Cup.
A. It was in 1966 that B. It was on 1966 that
C. It was in 1966 when D. It was 1966 in that
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

9. __________ we all look for.

A. It is happiness that B. That happiness
C. Happiness it is that D. Happiness it is
10. ____________ me how to play the drum.
A. It was my uncle who taught B. My uncle who taught
C. It was my uncle taught D. It is my uncle teaching

Supply the correct verb forms:

1. We would rather (stay) __stayed_______ home tonight
2. Mr. Jones would rather (stay) __had stayed_______ home last night
3. We would rather (drink) __drink_______ coffee than tea
4. The photographer would rather that we (stand) ___stood______ closer together than we are
5. Carmen would rather (cook) ___cook______ for the entire family
6. She would rather you (not arrive) ____hadn’t arrived_____ last night
7. John would rather you (sleep) __had slept_______ than worked last night
8. George would rather Jane (be) __were_______ here tomorrow
9. I would rather my sister (not fail) ___hadn't failed______ the driving test yesterday
10. I would rather that they (invite) ___had invited______ her to their party last Sunday
11. Henry talks to his dog as if it (understand) ____understood_____ him
12. It’s time we all (go) ___went______ now
13. I’d rather you (go) ___went______ now
14. It’s high time you (get) __got_______ the tea ready
15. He acts as if he (know) ____knew_____ English perfectly
16. I’d rather you (pay) _paid________ me now
17. It’s high time you (have) ___had______ a haircut
18. He was wet as if he (swim) __had swum_______ for hours
19. She acted as if she (meet) __had met_______ him before
20. Jack spent his money as if he (win) ____had won_____ a lottery

Giới từ chỉ địa điểm và thời gian
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

Choose the best answer

1. I arrive at work _____ nine o'clock.
A. at B. in C. to D. for
2. April comes _____ March.
A. after B. before C. during D. with
3. I get up ____ seven o'clock every morning.
A. till B. in C. for D. at
4. I had only a sandwich_______ lunch.
A. for B. to C. at D. by
5. They will come here ______11:30 AM.
A. between B. at C. for D. in
6. She has come here _____ yesterday.
A. since B. for C. on D. X
7. There is a meeting_____9:00 AM and 2:00 PM.
A. till B. at C. on D. between
8. He was born_____15th, January.
A. on B. at C. in D. of
9. We have lived in Hanoi_____ 4 years.
A. since B. for C. at D. in
10. We will be there _____ 5:00 o'clock early_____ the morning.
A. on / in B. at / in C. in /on D. in / at

II. Giới từ theo sau các tính từ (prepositions following adjectives)

Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

1. OF
- ashamed of : xấu hổ về... - afraid of : sợ, e ngại...
- ahead of : trước - aware of : nhận thức
- capable of : có khả năng - confident of : tin tuởng
- doubtful of : nghi ngờ - fond of : thích
- full of : đầy - hopeful of : hy vọng
- independent of : độc lập - proud of : tự hào
- jealous of : ghen tỵ với - guilty of : phạm tội (về), có tội
- sick of : chán nản về - joyful of : vui mừng về
- quick of : mau, nhanh chóng vẻ
2. TO
- acceptable to : có thể chấp nhận - accustomed to : quen với
- agreeable to : có thể đồng ý - addicted to : đam mê
- delightful to sb : thú vị đối với ai - contrary to : trái lại, đối lập
- familiar to sb : quen thuộc đối với ai - grateful to sb. : biết ơn ai
- clear to : rõ ràng
- equal to : tương đương với, bằng - favourable to : tán thành, ủng hộ
- harmful to sb. (for sth.) : có hại cho ai (cho cái gì)
- important to : quan trọng - likely to : có thể
- lucky to : may mắn - next to : kế bên
- open to : mở - pleasant to : hài lòng
- preferable to : đáng thích hơn - profitable to : có lợi
- rude to : thô lỗ, cộc cằn - similar to : giống, tương tự
- useful to sb : có ích cho ai
- necessary to sth/sb : cần thiết cho việc gì, cho ai
- available to sb : sẵn cho ai
- responsible to sb : có trách nhiệm với ai
3. FOR
- available for sth: có sẵn (cái gì...) - difficult for : khó...
- late for : trễ... - dangerous for : nguy hiểm...
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

- famous for : nổi tiếng... - greedy for : tham lam...

- necessary for : cần thiết - perfect for : hoàn hảo
- suitable for : thích hợp - sorry for : xin lỗi
- qualified for : có phẩm chất - helpful/ useful for: có lợi, có ích
- good for : tốt cho... - grateful for sth: biết ơn về việc...
- convenient for : thuận lợi cho... - ready for sth: sẵn sàng cho việc gì...
- responsible for sth : chịu trách nhiệm về việc gì
4. AT
- good at : giỏi (về...) -bad at: dở (về...)
- clever at : khéo léo... - skilful at : khéo léo, có kỹ năng
- quick at : nhanh... - amazed at: vui về…
- excellent at : xuất sắc về... - present at : hiện diện
- surprised at: ngạc nhiên - angry at sth : giận về điều gì
- clumsy at : vụng về - annoy at sth : khó chịu về điều gì
- delighted with : vui mừng với - acquainted with : làm quen (với ai)
- crowded with : đông đúc... - angry with : giận dữ...
- friendly with : thân mật... - bored with : chán...
- fed up with : chán... - busy with : bận...
- familiar with : quen thuộc... - furious with : phẫn nộ...
- pleased with : hài lòng... - popular with : phổ biến
- satisfied with : thỏa mãn với... - contrasted with : tương phản với
- confused about : bối rối (về...) - excited about : hào hứng...
- happy about : hạnh phúc, vui - sad about : buồn...
- serious about : nghiêm túc... - upset about : thất vọng
- worried about : lo lắng - anxious about : lo lắng
- disappointed about sth : lo lắng về việc gì
7. IN
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

- interested in : thích, quan tâm (về...) - rich in : giàu (về...)

- successful in : thành công (về...) - confident in sb.: tin cậy vào ai
- isolated from : bị cô lập - absent from : vắng mặt (khỏi...)
- different from : khác - far from : xa
- safe from : an toàn - divorced from : ly dị, làm xa rời
9. ON
- keen on : hăng hái về...
Lưu ý:
sau giới từ ta thường dùng danh động từ (V-ing) hoặc danh từ (Noun).
III. Giới từ theo sau động từ (prepositions following verbs/ two-word verbs)
Sau đây là một số giới từ theo sau các động từ thường gặp.
- apologize sb for sth : xin lỗi ai về việc gì
- admire sb of sth : khâm phục ai về việc gì
- belong to sb : thuộc về ai...
- accuse sb of sth : tố cáo ai về việc gì
- blame sb for sth : đổ lỗi cho ai về một việc gì đó
- congratulate sb on sth : chúc mừng ai về việc gì
- differ from : khác với
- introduce to sb : giới thiệu với ai
- give up : từ bỏ
- look at : nhìn vào
- look after : chăm sóc, trông nom
- look for : tìm kiếm
- look up : tra từ (trong từ điển)
- look forward to : mong đợi
- put on : mang vào, mặc vào
- put off : hoãn lại
- stand for : tượng trưng
- call off : hủy bỏ, hoãn lại
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

- object to sb/ V-ing : phản đối ai/ việc gì...

- infer from : suy ra từ...
- approve of sth to sb : đồng ý về việc gì với ai
- participate in : tham gia
- succeed in : thành công về
- prevent sb from : ngăn cản ai
- provide with : cung cấp
- agree with : đồng ý với
- beg for sth : van nài cho, xin
- borrow sth from sb : mượn cái gì của ai
- depend on/ rely on : dựa vào/ phụ thuộc vào
- die of (a disease) : chết vì (một căn bệnh)
- join in : tham gia vào
- escape from : thoát khỏi
- insist on : khăng khăng
- change into, turn into : hóa ra
- wait for sb : chờ ai
- arrive at (station, bus stop, airport...)
in (London, Paris, England, Vietnam, France...) thành phố, đất nước

Fill in the missing prepositions.

1. I shall meet you ________ the corner ________ the street.
2. I always come ________ school foot.
3. It never snows here ________ Christmas.
4. The country looks beautiful ________ spring.
5. I can see you ________ Monday.
6. I live ________ the country, but she lives ________ the seaside.
7. Have you got any money ________ you?
8. He always comes ________ bus.
9. I don’t like getting up ________ the morning.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

10. He has learned the whole poem ________ heart.

11. This book is ________ Dickens.
12. Is Miss Smith ________ home?
13. I have breakfast ________ 7:30 every morning.
14. Can you translate that ________ German.
15. My birthday is ________ May 5th.
16. My birthday is ________ the 5th.
17. They come ________ the room.
18. I like swimming ________ summer.
19. We get a lot of rain ________ November.
20. He never comes ________ time for the class.
21. I’m very busy ________ present.
22. I have no time ________ the moment.
23. He was standing ________ the middle of the room.
24. Please write your name ________ the top of the page.
25. There is vocabulary ________ the end of the book.
26. I shall see her ________ the beginning of the week.
27. What would that be ________ German?
28. ________ my opinion, it is a very good book.
29. She is ________ the garden.
30. We are going ________ the theatre this evening.
31. The train arrives ________Victoria station ________ 4:30.
32. Please tell me ________ once.
33. I waited for half an hour, and ________ last she came.
34. The book is ________ the table.
35. He is sitting ________ an armchair.
36. The picture is ________ the wall.
37. I put my hands ________ my pockets.
38. She is drinking ________ a cup.
39. She took ten shillings ________ her bag.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

40. For the last few days I haven’t been able to sleep ________ night.
41. She always agrees ________ everything he says.
42. Are you acquainted ________ the lady?
43. You will soon get accustomed ________ English cooking.
44. She is very angry ________ me.
45. I apologize ________ keeping you waiting.
46. The dog begged ________ a piece of cake.
47. Does this belong ________ you?
48. She is always borrowing money ________ me.
49. My cat is very fond ________ fish.
50. I’m very grateful ________ her ________ her help.
51. The room was full ________ people.
52. I’m quite different ________ her.
53. She insists ________ coming.
54. He is quite incapable ________ such a thing.
55. I should like to be independent ________ everyone.
56. May I introduce you ________ Miss Brown?
57. I’m afraid ________ this dog.
58. Are you interested ________ literature?
59. She is very jealous ________ her sister.
60. Won’t you join ________ the game?
61. Clean air provides us ________ a healthy supply of oxygen.
62. I’m very sorry ________ what I have done.
63. His son succeeded ________ the throne.
64. My hat is quite similar ________ yours.
65. I’m tired ________ waiting for her.
66. I’m so worried ________ my sister who is ill.
67. It is very bad ________ you to eat so quickly.
68. I’m not good ________ tennis.
69. My birthday is ________ the first the month.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

70. This will come in very useful ________ her.

71. Out ________ sight, out ________ mind.
72. The sun rises ________ the east, and sets ________ the west.
73. Were your friends successful ________ getting a loan from the bank.
74. I’m sure the explanation in the book will be quite clear ________ you.
75. Miss White was very upset ________ the news of her father’s death.
76. I’m not familiar ________ his name.
77. We were very grateful ________ our friends ________ all of their assistance.
78. Don’t you think you should try to be friendly ________ your classmates?
79. Mr Green is responsible ________ hiring employees.
80. That type of music is quite popular ________ teenage boys and girls.
81. My daily expenses are just about equal ________ my income.
82. Fred is capable ________ doing better work than he is doing at present.
83. We were very doubtful ________ his ability.
84. Ken was proud ________ his good marks on English.
85. My plan is similar ________ yours, but it is different ________ Ken’s.
86. Piere said he had become quite fond ________ American hamburgers.
87. We are still hopeful ________ hearing from our friends before Saturday.
88. That fashion magazine is full ________ advertising for women’s clothes.
89. This gloves aren’t very suitable ________ that kind of work.
90. They were happy ________ the results of the election.
91. It was certainly kind ________ you to help me.
92. Mrs Brown is often worried ________ money.
93. Her parents are very pleased ________ her French.
94. I’m not interested ________ politics.
95. She was sad because he was rude ________ her.
96. She was angry ________ Tom.
97. Travelling by air is preferable ________ traveling by train.
98. Thank you. You are kind ________ me.
99. Everybody was surprised ________ the news.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

100. I was delighted ________ the present you gave me.

101. Are you excited ________ going on holiday next week?
102. Tom is excellent ________ repairing things.
103. You get bored ________ doing the same thing every day.
104. I’m sure you are capable ________ tourists.
105. Mary is very fond ________ animals.
106. Ann wasn’t very keen ________ going out in the rain, so we stayed at home.
107. Hurry, or you’ll be late ________ school
108. Were they present ________ the meeting.
109. Jane was absent ________ class yesterday.
110. She was confused ________ the dates.
111. The house was crowed ________ students.
112. Miss White is very kind ________ her colleagues.
113. She is accustomed ________ rising early.
114. He was successful ________ his job.
115. Tom is very quick ________ maths.
116. I’m rather anxious ________ her, I haven’t received a letter.
117. He was sad ________ his failure.
118. This country is rich ________ oil.
119. Are you aware ________ the time.
120. The museum is now open ________ all visitors.
121. Smoking is harmful ________ your health.
122. Are you afraid ________ snakes?
123. Is she serious ________ learning to be a pilot?
124. Is this matter important ________ you?
125. I just couldn’t believe what he said. It was contrary ________ his thought.
126. Don’t give up hope yet. Be confident ________ the success.
127. Please wait here. I’ll have some tickets available ________ them.
128. Make yourself useful ________ others.
129. It’s very kind ________ you to help them.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

130. Hurry up, or you’ll be late ________ school.

131. He said he had given ________ drinking.
132. Don’t put ________ until tomorrow what you can do today.
133. What does NATO stand ________?
134. This is a different car ________ the one I drove yesterday.
135. Everyone is aware ________ air pollution.
136. This building belongs ________ those who live in it.
137. They are good ________ learning English.
138. A man usually takes off his hat when he is introduced ________ a woman or a girl
the street.
139. Drinking is harmful ________ your health.
140. We are interested ________ swimming.
141. He has waited ________ her for a long time.
142. I agree ________ you completely.
143. His opinion differs ________ mine.
144. She said that she had been absent ________ school the day before.
145. There were crowds ________ people in the park yesterday.
146. The park was crowded ________ people.
147. The convict escaped ________ prison.
148. I’m fed up ________ my job.
149. My parents are pleased ________ my result.
150. I think you are qualified ________ this job.
151. Mr Smith is very kind ________ us.
152. We are pleased ________ the result of our work.
153. We are confident ________ the success.
154. Most people are afraid ________ snakes.
155. Our country is rich ________ natural resources.
156. Hue is famous ________ its historical vestiges.
157. My mother is always busy ________ her housework.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

158. Dirty air is harmful ________ health.

159. We are proud ________ our people’s heroic tradition.
160. The teacher’s advice is profitable ________ the students.
161. The streets are crowded ________ vehicles at the rush hour.
162. The climate of our country is favorable ________ agriculture.

163. The air at the seaside is good ________ health.

164. My friend is good ________ maths and physics.
165. John is skillful ________ dancing.
166. This opportunity is lucky ________ us.
167. I’m not acquainted ________ those fellows.
168. Mr Smith is not accustomed ________ hot weather.
169. Your words are contrary ________ your acts.
170. My home is far ________ school.
171. He is sad ________ his son’s laziness.
172. Many young people want to be independent ________ their parents.
173. We are grateful ________ our teacher.
174. I’m interested ________ current events.
175. Your profession is similar ________ mine.
176. This chemical is dangerous ________ humans.
177. This work is not suitable ________ him.
178. Her voice sounds familiar ________ me.
179. My house is next ________ the post office.
180. This man is greedy ________ fame.
181. I was absent ________ class yesterday.
182. Children are fond ________ candies.
Được tổng hợp và biên soạn bởi PREP.VN

183. Teachers are responsible ________ the principal ________ their teaching.
184. The beach is full ________ tourists in summer.
185. We are present ________ the lecture yesterday.
186. We must hurry, otherwise we should be late s ________ chool.
187. Air is necessary ________ life.
188. He is friendly ________ everybody.
189. The day seems perfect ________ a picnic.
190. That singer has become very popular ________ the youth.
191. This sweater will keep you safe ________ the cold.
192. She said she came two hours ahead ________ the performing time.
193. Everything looks sad ________ autumn.
194. Your plan will be acceptable ________ some respect.
195. Was she aware ________ not doing anything contrary ________ her parents’
196. The lesson was difficult ________ us, but the teacher was capable making us
understand it
197. My brother wasn’t confident ________ passing the exam.
198. After many months of living in Canada he got accustomed ________ the cold.
199. He was absent ________ work yesterday because he was ill.
200. We are ashamed ________ his behaviour

I. 1. at- of 2. to - on 3. at 4. in 5. on 6. in - at
7. with 8. by 9. in 10. by 11. by 12. at
13. at 14. into 15. on 16. on 17. in/ into 18. in
19. in 20. in/ on 21. at 22. at 23. in 24. at
25. at 26. at 27. in 28. In 29. in 30. To
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