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International College

Secondary School Nov 2020

Gr 11 Duration: 25 min

Assessment 2- Physics
Ch1 - Kinematics URM - UVRM

A red car is stopped at a red light. As the light turns green, it accelerates forward at 2.0 m/s2. At the
exact same instant taken as t0=0, a blue car was 200m away from the red car and moving towards it
travelling at a constant speed of 15.0 m/s.
1. Draw a figure to illustrate the situation above while indicating on it the positive direction.
2. By considering the space origin O the position of the red car at t0=0 and the positive
direction the same as the direction of the red car, Write the time equations of motion of the
red as well as the blue car.
3. Determine when and how far from the origin the cars will meet.
4. Calculate the speed of the red car at the meeting point.
5. When the red car crossed the blue one, the driver noticed that one of his friends was in the
blue car and had to greet him. So he pushed the brakes and stopped after 5s.
a. Without any calculation, show why the value of the new acceleration of the car
during the stopping phase is bigger than its acceleration during the first phase.
b. By considering a new time origin t0=0 the instant when the driver pushed the brakes,
calculate the new acceleration of the red car.
c. Calculate the distance covered by the red car until it stopped.

Distribution of grades:
1. 1
2. 4 (2, 2)
3. 3 (2, 1)
4. 2
a. 1
b. 2
c. 2

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