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International College

Secondary School Nov 2020

Gr 11 Duration: 25 min

Assessment 1- Physics
Ch1 - Kinematics

The turn of a car

During a circular turn, of radius R = 100 m, of a car, the time equations of its center of mass are:
x (t) = 100 sin (0.25t)
y (t) = 100 cos (0.25t) - 100
x (t) and y (t) are in meters and t in seconds.
1. Determine the time equations vx(t) and vy(t) of the velocity ⃗v of the car. (3pts)
2. Deduce that the motion of the car is uniform. (2pts)
3. Determine the time equations ax(t) and ay(t) of the acceleration a⃗ of the car. (3pts)
4. Is the vector acceleration of the car constant? Is its magnitude constant? Justify. (3pts)
5. Give the expressions of the velocity and the acceleration vectors in the Frenet reference. (3pts)

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