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2.0 SUMMARY 6-9


4.1 Technology and digital transformation 10-12

4.2 Creating Interdisciplinary Skills






Firstly, with all pride and gratitude to Allah S.W.T for his blessing, opportunities and strength
showed to me successfully finish my case study writing as one of the requirements started with
the course work evaluation has been given to me with the cooperation and support from a few
people include lecturer and classmates. Thank you to our lecturer Chef Hussin Khan Bin
Rahmatulla Khan for his kindness in helping me before and during the process of completing this
report writing. Chef Hussin has given me an instruction from google meetings and provided
useful information to me. without her help, I wouldn't be able in completing this assignment.

There are a lot of challenges that I have to face for example to find the right articles and
information related to the management changes in the restaurant industry and established goals
the objective through this food service, after the determined period of Covid-19, all the restaurant
company need to face various losses and how a restaurant survives during the pandemic, through
this article I also found that the trend of food in restaurants is also decreasing during a pandemic
because of virus that spreads quickly and infects customers. therefore, I want to know how a
restaurant survives or remains even in this situation, nowadays a restaurant industry is concerned
about how their customers eating habits and to keeping the working cycle at the restaurant
without closing the premises or declaring bankruptcy. Through this acknowledgment, I also have
problems with internet networks that are difficult to access but, I solve this problem well, as we
know restaurant industry is the biggest industry in the world. Through the instruction given I
understand and gain more information about how the restaurant survives well during this
complicated situation.

Then, I also like to thank all my classmates for their moral support. They were also supporting
me by giving explanations if I don’t understand this writing report and to be more attention in the
process of finishing the assignment. Next, I would like to thank you and express my love to my
parents for their sacrifices in my education and shows their support when I finish my assignment
under the subject Business Operation (HTC 586) Last but not least, I would like to thank those
who were involved and contributed directly or indirectly to this assignment, I’m so grateful that
they showed their support until I succeed in completing this assignment. Thank you so much.

In 1634, the first American restaurant industry is operating by Samuel Coles in Boston. This
prior of American Revolution show the limited menu which is only one dish was served and the
places to selling food and beverage. Nowadays, “Everyone Need to Eat” and according to
restaurant vision more meals than ever are being eaten away from home (WALKER). Restaurant
industry become worldwide chain in food management, basically, food services operation that be
manage by the owner or managers is to challenging their self-ability between independent and
franchise ownership. A restaurant can be defining as a perfect place, where people pay, relax to
sit and enjoy their meals that are cooked and serve by the restaurant crews on the premise. Beside
restaurant also can be define as eating house that run an establishment business where that meals
or snacks may be purchase. A function of restaurant, play a significant role in our lifestyle in the
social activity, the successful restaurant offers a reasonable return on investment start with a
small chain. In restaurant industry the consideration on experience, financial support, energy and
planning, also play an important part in restaurant operation.

The impression that few restaurant industries completely dominated the quick service change
but a failing restaurant need not be sold and everything can be change to fit the market,
conversion from one concept to another can take place while the restaurant is doing business. In
2019 most of people all over the world has been affected by coronavirus diseases since the late
December 2019. Scientist in United States make a research about how the diseases spread from
human to others. Someone who is affected by this virus they will have the symptomatology
including long term fever, dry cough, breathing difficulties, Short of breath and senses (N. Zhu,
W. Wang, X. Li, B. Yang, J. Song, 2020. For example, in Europe most Industry experts have
attempted to predict the effect upon the global restaurant industry for 2020, estimating a profit
decline, which is food and beverage Industries representing restaurants and cafeterias have said
that emergency interventions to minimize the spread of the virus have already had a significant
impact. Cancellations have risen by almost half, survey found that hospitality owners believe that
they could make losses in terms of covid prolong situation due to the emergency measures put in
place by the government.
The global structure of restaurant industry as stated in the journal conceptual trends has
constantly changing on considering condition, it is seen restaurant business must be focus on in
order to survive especially in the age of covid-19. How does a restaurant survive by using the
right technology, concept, social interaction and restaurant provided to their customers?
According to the National Restaurant Association (NRA) the restaurant industry all over the
world have a potential as money factory and it can be highly profitable even in a failing
economy. A few restaurant businesses can generate as much profit for a given investment but
there are many challenges that need to be overcome to continue to survive in the operation of a
restaurant. After the pandemic, all the restaurant started using the concept of precautionary
control and taking into the factors so that customers remain comfortable and continue to be a
recognizable chain in the restaurant segment.

In the nutshell, the restaurant business nowadays has grown rapidly in term of trend and eating
habit because of the attention from customers and the factors used.   Technological advancements
have made a significant contribution to the development in restaurants businesses, their
recognition, and the attainment in a modern structure. Although it has gone through several
stages of growth, technology and businesses have only had a limited amount of connection so far
in this. Smart technologies are widely used across a variety of industries especially after the
pendamic situation, including marketing. The digitalization of marketing has led to the
digitization of customers. This is due to the fact that digital environments allow for effective
customer satisfaction in restaurant industry services. Due to the opportunities, many
organizations make investments in digital environments. One of the main opportunities for
encouraging the use of smart technologies in restaurant marketing has been the rise in the use of
smart devices like smartphones and tablet, robot service sterilize machine and many more. The
fact that especially smartphones with the Internet can be accessed without any place or time
limitations has been the most important factor allowing the use of smart technologies in food
industry regardless of whether they dine-in at a restaurant or use an online food ordering service

In the current market segment the owner of restaurant industry need to be more competitive and
face lots of effort on the theme and the restaurant concept to attract their customers. The idea of
this hipster cafe actually comes from the west with the concept of a place to relax and hang out
with friends while drinking coffee or light food. Historically, hipsters were a revolution brought
about by white musicians who protested the societal norms and traditions practiced at the time.
However, in Malaysia, hipster symbolizes a style or creativity that is different from others. Many
shops or cafes in Malaysia that practice the hipster concept attract people and become viral
material with a unique interior design cafe must be equipped with a themed design such as Urban
style, English style, Modern Retro style, Traditional and so on. The antiques also are also not left
behind to attract people to take pictures in the shop. The highlighting other signatures from other
restaurant as a unique signature product strategic or technical activities or feature that makes a
restaurant different from other food industry.

Beside the flow of modernity, the emergence of the food trend in restaurant industry is very
popular among millennials. They are more educated, and known as technologically savvy than
previous generations. The most aging group of this generation is individuals in their mid-20s and
above (Oblinger, 2003), for them something interesting and viral food is one of the places that
must be visited and should be tried at any time, according to the taste of the present community
in their late 20s and early 30s, who refer to a food such as western dishes, Korean dishes or
“Mukbang” influenced by Korean drama and K-pop fans, Tiktok best viral food trend in 2021
and more. The difference between a very popular restaurant food trend today with traditional
Malay dishes is their daily eating pattern. People or we know as “baby boomers” used to be very
fond of traditional dishes such as kuih the need a specific preparation and it is slower, because it
uses traditional methods during preparation.

Furthermore, identifying issues about food trends regarding consumer health nutritional behavior
and attitudes is also part of the direction on the consumer's priority flow and to develop
understanding of the eating behavior towards their health and diet, also a trend of in the
restaurant industry now is not all that is virtualized or trending on social media is something in
ending modern society today, there are still low-calorie or vegetable-based dishes that should be
healthier to the consumers especially healthy food trends for those who are dieting or vegan.
In early 2018 the restaurant industry has been rumoured with one type of dangerous virus attack
which is COVID-19, Covid symptoms are incredibly varied, ranging from none to a chronic
disease. When individuals are near each other and meet closely, the virus spreads mostly through
the air when they breathe or speak, it will have infected individual and other person through
direct touch. It also can spread thru surfaces as well, the reaction to the pandemic has led in
global economic and social disruption. At the moment, all service operations businesses,
especially restaurants, have experienced difficulties with the limited seating capacity set by the
government. In addition, most people around the world should follow the standard operating
procedure SOP) which is keep social distance while doing any outdoor activities as a precaution
because our surrounding not save as before, whenever the customers only come to eat at the
restaurant, at that time, a latest technology were also created such as automatic self-sanitizing
that function as germ killers before customers enter the premises. It is important to customers
sanitize yourself and avoid crowded places not be allowed because it will lower the rate of
spreading the virus between human to others.

The situation is equally drastic in the food and beverage sector, which is mostly frequented by
expats and visitors in Malaysia's restaurants and bars and is temporarily closed. There are
thousands of restaurants facing bankruptcy. As diverse as the cultures are, so is the culinary
range in this Southeast Asian country. But they all run their company on a back burner, no matter
whether they are Malaysian, Chinese or Indian restaurants. They usually only sell take-away
meals, if at all. Many facilities are closed absolutely, others potentially permanently. Vast
numbers of street stalls were hit even harder by the months of the crisis. Tourists are the main
source of income, especially at attractions such as the popular limestone Batu Caves. The
livelihoods of many families are threatened without them and without social security. Non-profit
companies are supplying food to those with little left now.

The expense of the restaurant industry has become slower due to operations occurrence of an
extraordinary situation, in this case as the owner of a restaurant it is necessary to do
brainstorming to adjust the operating schedule and employee roles, for example, in a pandemic
situation the restaurant cannot operate as usual and there are also premises that need closed early
on government advice, this has affected the profit rate of a restaurant. In addition, the role of
workers will also be different because The socio-economic and job crisis triggered by the
COVID-19 pandemic could raise global unemployment by approximately 25 million, according
to a recent study by the International Labor Organization (IOL). Kitchen staffs and restaurant
operators across the region are being forwarded on leave without salary. Early indicators of the
damaging influence on the labor market emerge, in addition to the analysis of the first quarter
labor force survey since the pandemic was released worldwide. By that time, people who are
looking for a job in restaurant industry cannot apply it's because it is very limited and the owner
restaurant unable to pay the salaries of the staff due to lack of tourist arrival from various

This modern era where everyone wants everything fast has an impact on consumers as well as
merchants. Everyone wants to deal in the same way without having to think because everything
is at their fingertips, as well as in food ordering technology. Whether he likes it or not, it always
be with the current state of life if succeeds in the food business that involves buying and selling.
Next the restaurant industry began to benefit from digitalization service systems such as delivery
options, with this online delivery and application to easier their customers through GrabFood,
Food Panda, Shoppe Food, and many more. A Major marketing company operating in this
service includes a local takeaway order service. The big online food ordering was very successful
because it suits customers’ demands. When the state of dangerous viruses spread wild, online
ordering systems can help improve the relationship between customers and restaurants as a
whole. It is also equipped with an order management system that coordinates the entire order
process starting from placing the order to the delivery process. Every time a customer places an
order, an effective online ordering system sends a notification via email or SMS to help
restaurant staff make order execution faster. The software is also equipped with a GPS system
that helps the restaurant know the location of the customer's address correctly to ensure fast and
timely delivery.

In this study, the issue of technology and data is growth according to the trend, consumers and
taste preference, a smart technologies creation are integrated into the whole dining experiences
beside to help customers and the owner develop a customized and interactive relation order to
create unforgettable dining experience for example, Technological innovation in the restaurant
business is associated with the introduction of tablets, which can replace ordinary brochures or
menus. Each restaurant visitor is offered to choose a dish and directly contact the server using a
tablet. Customers also can see the amount of the order and the calorie content of the meal. If
something doesn't suit you, you can easily remove it and choose something else. While waiting
for the order, you should not waste time, but check your e-mail, or just play a game. In addition,
QR Code also known as two-dimensional square barcode, is an effective innovation in organizing
marketing business. By entering detailed information about the restaurant, menu and promotions.
QR codes can be easily scanned with the camera of a mobile phone, tablet or laptop and saved in
the bookmarks of your device. Innovation in the restaurant business most often requires
additional financial investment. Restaurant business owners fear them the most. But only
focusing on the current situation and refusing to invest in innovation will lead your restaurant to
losses and the threat of closure in the future. In other words, smart technology provided by the
restaurant will create a satisfaction dine-in experience to the customers, beside disseminate a
positive comment to others until the restaurant business can provided high productivities and
efficient in term of delivering high quality services.

Lastly, for the restaurant organization logos and visual identity element also important, in order
to highlight the significance of the restaurant. For the branding logo and marketing concept, the
symbolism of famous food to help the consumers to recognize our company restaurant. Basically
through this visualization make it easy for customers to recognize the business and provide an
identity to convince the customer to buy or deal with the company, known as a medium to attract
and increase business sales with their own outstanding logo. Logo is also a form of
communication in visual form and indirectly. For the figure ideas stated to the applying food
product and photography approach in advertising posters to make it look more appealing and
interesting to the consumers to try. The use of imagination and creativity through food
photography as the main medium to convey information. Focus on products present with
attractive food styling. In this poster, restaurant branding will create a real visual of the product
provided with attractive and catchy fonts as well as minimalist info, but enough to convey

Basically in this article stated, that restaurant technology can be divided inti two part which is
back and front of the house management system for purchasing and managing inventories. With
the economic trend line shows no sign of reserving direction any time in the industry. From this
the web- based centralized reporting and the document delivering method enable operators to be
update with accurate time result like restaurant profit and ability to compare in performance
In addition, purchasing and inventory control show the restaurant product is allowing managers
to track each stage of inventory cycle and automatically reorder the item below the stock level.
Furthermore, a new technology for front-of-the-house technology revolves around the system and
less handler dives involved. For example, for promoting branding and special offer by the
restaurant display will allows guest to interact and easily host and congestion, beside wireless
payment processing units are convenience, efficient and secure to interact with the customers in
the restaurant. Another technological advance design is to improve the guest experience in the
store dashboard displaying vital restaurant system.


In the article stated the innovations that can be used by the restaurant organization in order to
save a business environment and offer more challenges as a competitive person, through this
innovation show a new way to serve their customers. It is quicker to engage in discussion and
preserve content now that eating concepts have been established in written language. The role
that controls new concepts in creative cuisine, authorized inventors are able to trace the roots of
their concepts and choose the most suitable method.

4.1 Technology and Digital Transformation

According agreement is entered into by the government to always keep socially distant and
always sanitize your premise until it fully safety to the customers and before entering any
restaurant, café and all the food and beverage center, most of the restaurants provide
sophisticated technology such as robots and machines to handle their customer’s relations in a
who love to dine in at the restaurant. Food industry businesses have leveraged artificial
intelligence to support customer needs through the pandemic for example, implementing serving
bots to serve food directly to the customers without any physical touch between restaurant crews
with the customers, beside the customers can get the information they need with a minimum of
problems and they will be more likely to come back to the restaurant. Before and during the
pandemic, customers were seen telecommunications in the revolutionary use of technology in the
restaurant industries. The experiences of a customer in one industry will impact and bring
expectations in another, so in food and beverage organizations need to pay attention to new
trends that are emerging in various industries. All the customers believed that restaurant could
leverage to create the most compelling customer experiences. The top answer was for digital
representatives such as chat boats, voice automation with virtual reality, VR simulations or
public spaces to the dine in experience at the restaurant.

In addition, the intelligence term of smart machines is very accurate to solve problems or
decision making of restaurant service. The use of food delivery and ordering robots is widely
used to the business restaurant, it is faster without customers waiting a long time to order food.
These robots are also known as something that makes things easier because they have artificial
intelligence and they become smarter than to receive a human task for example restaurant service
robot which could be applicable to providing basic service, for the customers in the robot
restaurant. In this study, both three landmarks positioning and landmark-based localization
algorithms are proposed to localize the mobile robot with rough precision in the restaurant. And
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is used to distinguish the unique table number
of different landmarks. When the high localization precision must be granted around the pantry
table, the RFID-based localization algorithm is proposed to localize the mobile robot (Yu Qing-
xiao). Many of the sensors available to mobile robots are introduced in (R.Siegwart et al, 2004),
giving their basic principles and performance limitations. With the use of smart technology in
restaurant industries, the operation and productivity become increase because it is allowing
restaurant to achieve service rehabilitee for the customer’s satisfaction. The article also shown
the knowledge and skills related to the smart services and it will help to less customers complain
and revenue loss.

4.2 Creating Interdisciplinary Skills

In this article, the researcher proposed three function in the institutionalization of culinary
innovation from strategically crucial for the restaurant business to move to a new model that
emphasizes strengthening multidisciplinary skills and enhancing problem-solving abilities. In
order to supply the sector with skilled workers especially in kitchen area, it is vital to update and
enhance the current systems in light future trends. When it relates between customers and
restaurant worker’s interactions, these technologies demand that workers handle large volumes of
data, perform several job-related section, solve difficult, collaborate with robots, and use
technological advancement.
However, these abilities are particularly lacking in small and medium-sized businesses. The use
of virtual trainings, the establishment of organizational processes that prioritize user feedback,
social skills and digital skills, and the incorporation of adaptable human-centric production
models into the process are, consequently, strategic success indicators. In creating
interdisciplinary among restaurant workers able to create qualified staff not only in food handling
or good interaction with customers. For example, if the restaurant is understaffed, it means that
customers have to wait a long time before placing an order or maybe they will give a bad review
to the restaurant for wasting their time. Therefore, a restaurant employee must be professional in
dealing with problems with customers.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) need to overcoming the challenge in
the scope of food safety in the restaurant, it is not just to ensure the process of handling, storing
and preparing food is free from any danger to their customers, but also to ensure high nutrient
content in line with healthy eating. The fact is, food contamination can occur at every level in the
food production chain, In the past year the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of
2019 is still a health crisis that inhibits the social activities of the restaurant sectors (Husain).
The Movement Control Order (MCO) that has been running in Malaysia as a control measure to
deal with the increase in cases of COVID-19 has become a major challenge to food safety control
procedures in restaurant premise. The intended challenge is related to the reduction of
enforcement activities and the limited inspection of food premises, the mobilization of restaurant
as well as the limitation of physical promotional activities which are largely limited under the
rules of the MCO. The food sector is one of the essential services during the MCO.

This is comparable to the health, safety and retail sectors, so food production and sales activities
will continue. Therefore, it is not surprising that this situation becomes a golden opportunity for
the food industry to market food products without emphasizing the quality and safety of the food.
Furthermore, the increase in online food sales throughout the pandemic has made it more
difficult for the monitoring enforcement authorities. The next challenge in ensuring food safety
during the era of the pandemic is the uncertainty of information regarding food safety. This
question often arises in the general public regarding the potential of food as a source of
transmission of the virus. In addition, these questions and inquiries also arise from the customers,
especially consumers and the food industry.

In the conceptualizing innovation in the restaurant industry, the use of modern

technologies is very important in solve problems or decision making of restaurant service.
Especially in the food delivery and ordering robots is widely used to the business restaurant.
Innovation on new food permits future advances by adding more strengthening
multidisciplinary skills and enhancing problem-solving abilities.


Restaurant nowadays having a good point of sale system to essential their business operation
until it been created a technology and innovation to produce POS system that are most faster and
easier to use. By increasingly competitive restaurant industry, the investment of the quality POS
system to the standard component and operational cost will improve the guest check control,
reduce labor cost, fasters reaction trend and increase average guest check. Fortunately, POS
system work with applications tools that enable enhanced management to the guest experience
table and kitchen operation beside on handheld POS system means the server simply help the
guest order and send them directly to the kitchen with the tap of their access list, the handheld
can provide a benefits number one and move around such as faster table turn because no longer
to record each order twice and to reduce errors, especially for the customer’s order. This function
also makes it less complicated to provide spilt check even the total has been calculating

Lastly, POS system have come down in price and offer the independent restaurant the
convenience of providing information for financials that obviates the need for cash registers and
spreadsheets. which are time consuming and often have to be reentered into the accounting
journal of restaurant bookkeepers. Nowadays POS system have a credit card services integration
and interface with payroll and financial system.

5.1 Online Business Promotion

Many entrepreneurs in Malaysia, especially restaurant owners, continue their business online
during the MCO. In fact, this method is not something new. Many restaurant premises in
Malaysia take advantage of this method including promoting sales products on digital platforms
such as Shoppe, Grab, FoodPanda and many more. The online food delivery service used by
restaurant premises must have a level of credibility, in order to ensure the success of online
business a restaurant must have a strong credibility, it will be able to help the business to gain the
trust of their customers. With rapidly developing technology and systematic delivery system, the
online restaurant business is growing rapidly. This aims to promote the online business of the
restaurant industry.

Next, through the online business a restaurant using social media as a marketing medium to
the restaurant industry. Nowadays, Facebook become very popular among the internet users
especially Malaysians who have their own Facebook account. This gives an advantage to
restaurant businesses that use Facebook because the potential to get new customers is very high.
Advertising through social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Significant
conversions for our business official page will help us to grow in marketing and introducing to
the customers from inside or outside the country. In modern society nowadays, almost 60% of
social media users spend their free time by searching about updated information on the internet,
for example viral restaurant and delicious food. From this action, they will get complete
information about the restaurants. In addition, most young generation now prefer to access
Instagram accounts more than Facebook, by comparing current trends, as a famous platform
provide options to the customers to choose between these 2 platforms. On Instagram, we can
state our product link there, beside consumers who browse Instagram can directly access on the
official website of our business, if they want to know more about our products for example
information, prices, content and information.

5.2 Knowing The Target Market

After conducting a market research on costumers eating habit and market segment in the
restaurant industry, based on observation, consumers are very attracted to try something new
especially when eating at a restaurant. For the millennial community, they prefer restaurants with
a minimal and relaxed concept. Therefore, the creation of restaurant concept product is the best
choice, especially among students and also those who are working. A target market can be
defined as a group of people or organizations who are most likely to purchase a service or a
product that is interesting in the market. Basically, market segments are often classified based on
age, region, income, and consumer lifestyle. the successful product according to consumer
support through the appeal and loyalty of the satisfaction experience. According to the research
of the group ages, we are focusing on the age 17 and above. For teenagers or office workers,
who are busy with daily activities until not even taking a balanced diet, especially in the
morning, causing the problem of lack of important nutrients, the content of restaurant provided
with complete carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins is indeed as the best choice for customers to
enjoy at any time. Beside, those who eat at the restaurant are focused on all middle -income and
high - income consumers. Based on the cost of preparation and ingredients used clear
determination, it is important for the restaurant to develop a food with complete nutrition in every
plates, basically the product is made according to an individual who has a busy lifestyle and don't
have enough time to eat a proper meal.

5.3 Strategic Location

The location of the restaurant business will determine its success as much as the menu provided
by the restaurants. Therefore, you may want to research suitable locations with high traffic, easy
access, and good visibility. Another factor that can determine the position of your restaurant is
the target market of your business and the competitors that are nearby. the location of a restaurant
business is enough to give a great influence to the entrepreneur who runs a restaurant. This is
because the profit or loss of a premise is closely related to the choice of location. Especially if the
business involves a group of customers who like to dine in the restaurant area due to several
factors. This shows that it is important to first recognize and study strategic areas close to
business locations based on demographics and customer demands. It is better if the restaurant or
the brand to introduce is compatible with the nearby group. For example, if you want to open a
restaurant that maintain a hipster and modern concept, it is more suitable if it is near an
educational institution such as a university. It is important to attract customers to eat at a
restaurant or cafe. The same goes for others who suit their tastes.

In the restaurant industry is a place to socialize exchange which is customers satisfying the need
of people with higher needs interaction. The style of operating may be highly compatible with the
location. Most of the restaurant franchise operation call for a lot of hard work, which many
people perceive as sufficient capital and less a building. The goals of strategic location are
maximum support in marketing and franchised service. For example, the first Subway franchise
that is located in a wide range of site that includes schools, colleges, office, hospital airports and
grocery stores. Depending on the company’s approval, the location, hours of operation and
additional food items offer are flexible (WALKER)

According to the new era of technologies, a restaurants become very significant as a place to the
customers who want pleasant surrounding while eating and enjoy their good food. Known as a
potential money factory to the owner, a successful restaurant must offer a reasonable investment,
beside the restaurant can be a place of socialize exchange and satisfying the need of people to
interact. Whenever a few restaurant businesses offer more challenge to the competitive owner,
there is always a new way to serve, new concept of decoration and new ways of marketing
promotion to the public restaurant. Samuel Coles is one of the first owner who started the
restaurant operation in Boston said the prior of the business is the revolution of the location to
selling a food and beverage.
The technologies toward restaurant industry have been commercialize in 2019, when the most
people all over the world has affected by coronavirus diseases. In Europe most Industry experts
have attempted to predict the effect upon the global restaurant industry for 2020. Restaurants
representing restaurants and cafeterias have said that emergency interventions to minimize the
spread of the virus have already had a significant impact. In Malaysia, hipster with restaurant
concept, symbolizes a style or creativity that is different from others. Many shops or cafes in
Malaysia that practice the hipster concept attract people. Cafe must be equipped with a themed
design such as urban style, English style, modern retro style, traditional and so on. Most of the
restaurants provide sophisticated technology such as robots and machines to handle their
customer's relations in a who love to dine in at the restaurant. Food industry businesses have
leveraged artificial intelligence to support customer needs through the pandemic for example,
implementing serving bots to serve food directly to the customers.

The article reviews of technology and the application for the front and back of the restaurant
operation. The use of the technologies in restaurant operators may require or be able to afford,
the sophistication of technologies that chain the operation for the available and affordable for
independence restaurant. From this innovations restaurant becoming more sustainable and
reducing food cost by getting back to basic. Based on observation, consumers are very attracted
to try something new especially when eating at a restaurant. For the millennial community, they
prefer restaurants with a minimal and relaxed concept. Based on the cost of preparation and
ingredients used clear determination, it is important for the restaurant to develop a food with
complete nutrition.

Husain, Dr Mohammad Fazrul bin Mohammad Basir and Prof Madya Dr Nik Rosmawati Nik.
"Keselamatan makanan di era COVID-19: Cabaran dan Prioriti." Harakah Daily (2021).

Scanlon, Nancy Loman. "Restaurant Management." John Wiley & (1992): 251.

Tuncer, Ilhami. "Customer Experience in the Restaurant Industry: Use of Smart Technologies."
Handbook of Research on Smart Technology Applications in the Tourism Industry (2020): 19.


Yu Qing-xiao, Yuan Can, Fu Zhuang, and Zhao Yan-zheng. "Research of the Localization of Restaurant
Service Robot." sage journal (2010).

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