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Your could keep your learning journal on a computer or in a note book or binder. Think of capturing your new
learning there, and then on the spot.

Here are some example questions that you could come back to on a regular bases : for example, in the beginning,
every Friday.

A What have I learnt during the past period (technical and non technical)?
B In which situation did I fell comfortable? Uncomfortable? Why?, What can I do about it?
C What are the main strengths that were confirmed during the past period and that I now feel
comfortable with?
D What are the areas for improvement?
E What should I bring up in the next coaching session?


A I have learned how to build an effective emergency plan

B I have a brief meeting every morning with all my team and it work very well, we must continue
C I need to know our main customers better an to understand their need
D I don’t know who my main customer are and what their exact needs are
E I would like to discuss what I need to do in order to know my customer’s needs better

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