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Read the text carefully and answer the question

The Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower is a TV tower in Shanghai. Its location at the tip
of Lujiazui in the Pudong New Area by the side of Huangpu River, opposite The Bund, makes it
a distinct landmark in the area. Its principal designers were Jiang Huan Chen, Lin Benlin, and
Zhang Xiulin. Construction began in 1991, and the tower was completed in 1994.
At 468 m (1,535 feet) high, it was the tallest structure in China from 1994–2007, when it was
surpassed by the Shanghai World Financial Center. It is classified as an AAAAA scenic area by
the China National Tourism Administration. The tower is brightly lit in different LED sequences
at night. On 7 July 2007, Oriental Pearl Tower was host to the Chinese Live Earth concert.
The tower features 11 spheres, big and small. The two largest spheres, along the length of the
tower, have diameters of 50 m (164 ft) for the lower and 45 m (148 ft) for the upper. They are
linked by three columns, each 9 m (30 ft) in diameter. The highest sphere is 14 m (46 ft) in
diameter. The entire tower is supported by three enormous columns that start underground.

1. What is the text about?

A. The history of The Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower 
B. The structure of The Shanghai World Financial Centre
C. The description of The Oriental Pearl Tower
D. The profile of The Oriental Pearl Tower’s principal designers

2. When did the construction of The Oriental Pearl Tower commence?

A. In 1991
B. In 1994
C. In 2001
D. In 2007

3. What may be the reason why the building was named Pearl Tower?
A. Because its shape is like a pearl
B. Because it features several number of spheres look like pearls
C. Because the columns of the tower look like pearl
D. Because it is decorated with pearl
4. Noah : Is there anything interesting on the news?
Klein : … They demanded $ 500,000.
A. The elected president, Donald Trump is scheduled to visit Thailand.
B. The annual economic summit was attended by more than twenty world leaders.
C. Dozens of citizens of Palestine have been killed by the Israeli rockets.
D. A plane traveling to Los Angeles was hijacked by four men.

5. Helena : What do you think of my presentation?

Firsty : Well, it was great but … if you had used media or slides.
A. I wish you had done better
B. I think it would have been much better
C. I hope it’ll be much better next time.
D. I don’t think you were all out.

Read the text carefully and answer the question

It was about 9:30 in the morning and we were in the room planning on making plans for the day.
All of a sudden water just started coming in between the wall and the roof. It came in very fast
and then the next minute I was trapped on the floor underneath the bed which had turned over on
top of me. The roof of the hut was turned off by the force of the water and both Fernando and I
were taken out of the hut and it just felt like we were drowning immediately.
It was just a huge force and I had no sense of direction whatsoever. The only direction that I
knew was up and we were washed out and ended up popping up together. Fernando and I were
trying to stay together but the currents were going sideways and we were just swirling and trying
to keep our face up.
Then the two of us wrapped ourselves around the telephone pole and then all of a sudden we felt
the water surge again. Fernando looked at me and said, “It’s not over! And I felt his hand on the
back of my shirt and I felt his hand slip away. And then I was drowning again he was forced to
let go. The force of the water pushed me underneath and I got my face trapped between two
telephone wires and it pulled myself out from underneath it and kept travelling.
It's a miracle that I am sitting here. I believe that I was spared for a reason. I'm really thankful
that I was given the strength and the presence of mind that I had.

6.What does the text tell us about?

A. The description of tsunami
B. The story of tsunami survivor
C. The report of the damage caused by tsunami
D. The report on the situation after the strike of tsunami

7. What made the writer survive?

A. His spirit to stay alive
B. His friend pulled the back of his shirt
C. The telephone wires pulled him from underneath
D. He grabbed a telephone pole

8. “ …we were drowning immediately (see paragraph 1, line 5). Which of the following words is
synonymous with the underlined word?
A. Sinking
B. Pushing
C. Leaving
D. Abandoning
Read the text and answer the following question

If you have no idea how to travel around Bangkok by BTS, follow the instructions below.
One-Time Ticket 
- First of All, have a look at the route map of BTS at the ticket machine. The location you are at
is the station with solid green color; the others are white color with the price for getting to that
destination listed. After knowing the price, make sure that you have enough coins to insert into
the machine - the machine can accept only 5 and 10 Baht coins. If you do not have enough coins,
go to the information counter; you can change coins there. 
- Press a ticket price button, where the price starts from 15 Baht to 60 Baht, increased by 5 for
each. After pressing the button, it will turn to the red color.
- Insert coins following the ticket price. Don’t forget that the machine can accept only 5 and 10
Baht coins. The machine can give you change when you insert money more than it needed. 
- The machine will return a ticket to you after your payment. Just take it from the machine. The
changes returned (if any) will then be in the change slot.

9. What is the text about?

A. The steps of how to travel around Bangkok by bus.

B. The steps of using the Sky Train ticket machine.
C. The steps of traveling around Bangkok City for backpackers.
D. The steps of using the route map of BTS at the ticket machine.

10. What should you do after you press a ticket price button?
A. Press the red button.
B. Take the ticket from the ticket slot.
C. Take the coins from the change slot.
D. Insert coins based on the ticket price.

11. The word “destination” in the first step is synonymous with …

A. Vocation
B. Platform
C. Endpoint
D. Route

12. What will happen if you insert money more than the price appears on the screen?
A. The machine will reject the money you insert.
B. The machine will give you the change.
C. The machine will return you double tickets.
D. The button of the machine will turn to the red colour.
Read the text carefully and answer the question

The term tsunami comes from two Japanese words that mean "harbor" and "wave". A tsunami is
a series of large waves generated by an abrupt movement on the ocean floor that can result from
an earthquake, an underwater landslide, a volcanic eruption or - very rarely - a large meteorite

However, powerful undersea earthquakes are responsible for most tsunamis. Seismologists say
only earthquakes measuring greater than 7.0 on the Richter scale can produce a major tsunami. 

Most earthquakes that generate tsunamis - including Friday's jolt off Japan's eastern coast - occur
in areas called seduction zones, where pieces of the Earth's crust press against each other.
Seduction means that one tectonic plate slides beneath another and sinks deep into the Earth's

The friction between two slow-moving plates of the Earth's crust creates vast amounts of seismic
energy which is released in the form of an earthquake. When a strong undersea earthquake
strikes a relatively short distance below the sea floor, it abruptly pushes up one of the immense
plates of the Earth's crust. That suddenly displaces an enormous amount of ocean water which
becomes a tsunami, spreading outward in every direction from the epicentre of an earthquake -
like ripples on a pond, only on a much larger scale.

13. What information can we obtain from the text above?

A. The causes and the effects of tsunami

B. The types of earthquakes which can cause tsunami
C. The explanation about what tsunami is and how it happens
D. The seismic energy of the Earth’s crust which trigger tsunami

14. What is the cause of a major tsunami?

A. The volcanic eruption

B. The displace of ocean floor
C. The moving plates of the Earth's crust
D. Undersea earthquake over 7.0 on the Richter scale

15. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the text?

A. All earthquakes generate tsunamis

B. The word tsunami derives from Japanese words
C. The Earth's crust creates massive amounts of seismic energy
D. The displacement of a huge amount of ocean water create a tsunami
Question 16 to 18 refer to the following text.
How to safely use an ATM

1. Choose ATMs are well-monitored and well-lit.Visit an ATM that is a well-lighted

area, or one that is monitored by surveillance cameras or security personnel.
2. Be aware of your surroundings. Before using your card, be carefull and look
around for anyone who may arouse your suspicion
3. Minimize your time at the ATM. Prepare all your transactions before. Have your
card ready so you won’t have to fumble around with your purse or your wallet.
4. Protect your PIN. Never share it with bank personnel, strangers, or anyonenot
associated with the account.
5. Withdraw your money quickly and securely. Be sure to place your card, money,
16. What
the purpose of theplace
in a secure writer composing
such the text?
as your wallet or purse before leaving the ATM
A. To inform about how to choose in ATM
B. To explain the secure steps in using the ATM
C. To protect the PIN from the illegal users
D. To avoid spend time too long in ATM

17. What should we do before using the card?

A. Tag it in the counter
B. Use freehand
C. Place it in a secure place
D. Keep alert of suspicious people

18. “Never share it with bank personel,....”

The italic word refers to...
A. Bank
C. Account
D. Card

Question 19 and 20 refer to the following text.

The traditional vehicle of Indonesia, popularly known as “becaks”, which are basically
pedicabs or tricycles, are rarely seen these days in the metropolitan city of Jakarta.
Becak cluttering the main streets of Jakarta were a common sight before 1994. After
that, they were banned in the city because of their propensity to cause traffic jams.
Consequently, becaks are widely missed by people living in housing complexes
situated away from the main roads, because of the lack of public transportation in the
small and narrow streets of the city. These traditional vehicles are still a favorite in
cities and towns across Java island and elsewhere. In the nation’s leading cultural city,
Yogyakarta, which has numerous attractions an is the second most visited destination
in Indonesia after Bali, becak is being promoted as the tourism icon.
The head of Yogyakarta’s tourism development office, Bambang Suwarmintarta, said
Becak will continue to exist as a means of public transport even as he said that
Yogyakarta develops as a metropolitan city. “Becak has had a positive impact on the
development of Yogyakarta’s public civilization” he noted. “The link between becak
and the development of public civilization in Yogyakarta can be seen from several
dimensions, namely becak as a mode of traditional transportation, becak drivers being
responsible citizen of the city and becak as the mover of economic activity” Bambang
pointed out.
“In the city of Yogyakarta, which covers of total area of 30.5 sq km becak has become
the essential mode of transportation for the city’s people, especially tourist.
19. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform about a beneficial and helpfull traditional tranportation
B. To persuade people to abandon traditional tranportation in Java
C. To reduce the number of traditional tranportation in highway
D. To replace traditional tranportation with modern tranportation

20. Based on the text, what is becak?

A. It is the main cause of traffic jam in the big cities
B. It is a popular tradional pedicab
C. It is the only transpotation in Yogyakarta
D. It is not popular among Jakarta citizen in 1994

Question 21 to 23 refer to the following text.

My family and I went on a recreation to Solo. We went there on Monday by car. We stayed
at grandparents’ house.
        On Tuesday we interested went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view with its
waterfall and had lunch there. We had traditional foods like gudangan, tempe bacem, fried
fish and fried chicken. Then we continued our trip to Taman Jurug.
        The next day, we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw many kinds of historical heritage
of the palace. After that we had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought
some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town.
       On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really
enjoyed my holiday. It was fun

21. What did the writer and his family does on Wednesday evening? They….
A. Had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall.
B. Saw many kinds of historical heritage of the palace
C. Bought some souvenirs for the writers cousins
D. Went sightseeing the town

22.‘ On Thursday morning, we said goodbye…….’ The word we refers to….

 A. The writer                                                                         
 B. the writer and his family.
 C. The writer’s parents                                     
 D. the writer and his grandparents

23. ‘ In the evening, we went sightseeing the town.’ The bold typed word is closely in
meaning with…
A. Going around                                                                
B. going shopping
C. Having dinner.         
D. watching a movie

Question 24 and 25 refer to the following text.

The Sasak are the indigenous people of Lombok island, West Nusa Tenggara. They are
greatly influenced by Balinese culture. It can seen in the language, dance, or music. However,
the majority of Sasak people are Moslem.
The men make a living by farming and sailing for fish while the women traditionally
weave at home. The weaving of Sasak women is women traditionally weave at home. The
weaving of Sasak women is very famous for its beautiful colors and pattern. A lot of people
admire ikat and Songket made by the Sasak women.
The uniquess of the Sasak tribe is that the floors of their houses come from a mixture of
soil with cow droppings. It is believed the cow droppings can keep the house warm, protect
them from mosquitoes, and help to drive evil spirits away.
24. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. The unique houses of the Sasak people
B. The Sasak people from Lombok Island
C. The famous weaving of the Sasak people
D. Lombok Island in West Nusa Tenggara

25.“The Sasak are the indigenous people of Lombok Island. ”(paragraph 1)

The word ”indigenous” in the above sentence has the closest meaning with…….
A. General
B. Family
C. Popular
D. Original

Questions 26 refer to the following announcement

Issues & Strategies
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The platinum Hotel Oklahoma, Nebraska

Our Experienced faculty will alert you to key changes in egislation,

regulation and case law
 take you from the basics through advanced areas of workers’
Compensation law
 show you how to anticipate new trends in defense
 give you many practical strategies

26. What else can you learn?

A. Where to practice your new skills
B. How to advance your career
C. How to influence the law
D. Arguments being used by the defense

Questions 27 refer to the following announcement

Fernando Alcuaz
Famed International Pianist
Recently arrived from the Philippines
Jazz, modern, and classical pieces
Surrey Room, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Admission gratis for hotel guests

27. Who is Mr. Alcuaz?

A. International violinist
B. Famous international guitarist
C. Famed international pianist
D. Famed international drummer
Questions 28 refer to the following advertisement.

Don’t miss the end season sale. All men’s sport

are 25 % off. Women’s dresses are 40% off. And
we also have special offer for children’s jackets,
two pieces for the price of one.

28. What is being sold?

A. Kitchen utensils
B. Jewelries
C. Clothes.
D. Groceries
Questions 29 refers to the following notice.

Fill out this card and mail it to the businesses and publications which send you mail

Your name John Bagus

Old address JL.Anggrek B5 Jakarta Selatan
New address Jl. Mutiara 204 Bandung

New address effective immediately

29. Why would you send this card to the publications?

A. To get their new address
B. To give them your new address.
C. To find out where they are located
D. To send mail to someone else

The following text is for questions 30 and 31

You are cordially invited to view

An exhibition of work by
Yoshiko Yamaguchi

Included will be works from her most

Recent project in the Arctic Refuge
8028 Lakeshore Boulevard

Opening Reception: 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Friday, April 6th

Show runs from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


30. Where will the event be12:00

held? to 5:00 p.m. Sat & Sun
A. In a garden
B. At a private home Admission – Free
C. At a gallery
D. In a movie theatre

31. What time does the reception end?

A. 12:00
B. 4:00
C. 5:00
D. 10:00

The following label is for question 32

Milk Vit with MV-4

The milk chocolate drink that gives instant health. Take Milk Vit with MV-4, the health
drink for young and old. Milk Vit with MV-4 gives you good health all day an everyday.
Drink Milk Vit, hot or cold, morning and evening. All over the world, healthy and vigorous
man and women are drinking Milk Vit. MILK VIT WAS GOOD BUT MILK VIT WITH

Take a glass of water, add two scoops of milk with MV-4. Delicious and refreshing. Milk
Vit Keeps you healthy all day. Miss G of Kowloon writer’s used to be tired all day and
always in trouble over my work. Now thanks to milk bit. I am the fastest typist in the
office. I don't make so many mistakes either !’

is Milk
MV-4with Vit with MV-4?
A. Soft drink enriched with vitamins
containing alcohol for drinking
C. The milk chocolate drink for instant health
(inlarge, super
D. Water large
from and giant
a spring in family size tins)
the ground containing mineral salt

The following label is for question 33

Skin Cream

Indications : For minor burns, insect bites, and minor cuts. Helps prevent infection.
Direction    : Apply a thin layer on the affected area thee times a day, Do not use it for more
than two weeks.

Caution      : Do not use on deep wounds. For external use only.

Keep out of children's reach. Consult a doctor if irritation occurs.

Net weight :  5 gram

Expiration  :  January 2021

33. “Consult a doctor if irritation occurs”.

The underlined word has the same meaning as…
A. Cures
B. Happens
C. Arrives
D. Comes
Question 34 to 36: Choose the appropriate option to complete the dialogue

35. Ronald : You look so busy. ...........

Marry : No, thank you. I can handle them
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I will leave you alone
B. Do you want to help me?
C. Would you like some help?
D. Sure, I would like to

36. Sandrina : I’ve got fever for 3 days.

Samuel : ……..
Sandrina : That’s right. Can you take me to the doctor?
A. Why don’t you finish your job soon?
B. You must had a vacation for a few days
C. You’d better check to the doctor.
D. You should take a rest forever

The following reported speech is for questions 37

37. He asked me, “Can I borrow your book for a moment?”

A. He asked me whether I can borrow your book for a moment
B. He asked me whether he can borrow my book for a moment
C. He asked me if he can borrow my book for a moment
D. He asked me if he could borrow my book for a moment

The following suggestion dialogue below is for questions 38

38. Fizha : Hi. What’s up, Nina?

Nina : I don’t feel well. I think I’ve got the flu. What should I do?
Fizha : …... You need to take a rest.
A. You should keep on working.
B. You can continue studying the lessons.
C. You can go home and go to bed.
D. You must study hard indeed

The following conditional sentence below is for questions 39

39. If you call Tessa, I ….other.

A. Want call
B. Will call
C. Should call
D. Would call

The following dialogue is for questions 40

40. Jimmy : What do you think we should give Nina for her birthday?
Cinthya : How about a pair of sports shoes? She can wear them for playing basketball
Jimmy : ………She already has a lot. I think a new backpack will be useful for her
A. I disagree with you
B. I couldn’t agree with you more
C. I think the same way
D. You’re absolutely right

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