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Journal of
Trace Elements
in Medicine and Biology
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249

Do indicators of maternal iron status reflect placental iron status
at delivery?
Silvia Haydee Langinia,,1, Marı́a Luz de Portelaa, Araceli Lázzarib,2,
Carlos Rafael Ortega Solerb,2, Bo Lönnerdalc,3
Department of Nutrition, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,
Junı´n 956-2do (1113) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Diego Paroissien Hospital, La Matanza, Argentina
Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

Received 19 September 2005; accepted 14 November 2005


Indicators of maternal iron (Fe) status were studied in relation to placental Fe (Pl-Fe) status. Placental (Pl) and
maternal (M) venous blood samples were obtained from primiparous women (n ¼ 38), with normal delivery at
Paroissien Hospital, Argentina. Maternal hemoglobin (M Hb), soluble transferrin receptor (M sTfR) (ELISA) and
serum ferritin (M S-Ft) were studied in relation to Pl-Fe, ferritin (Pl-Ft) and transferrin receptor (Pl-TfR). Pl-TfR was
measured by dot blot assay, Pl-Ft and M S-Ft by immunoassay (IRMA) and Pl-Fe by atomic absorption spectrometry.
Fe status indicators were, respectively, (mean7SD): M Hb 113716 g/L; M S-Ft 36742 mg/L; M sTfR 6.373.1 mg/L;
Pl-Fe 170756 mg/g placenta; Pl-Ft 33718 mg/g placenta; Pl-TfR 18718 (range 0–58) mg/g placenta. Pl-Fe, Pl-Ft and
Pl-TfR did not correlate to M Hb, M S-Ft and M sTfR. Women with Pl- Fe, Pl-Ft and Pl-TfR above or below the
corresponding median values did not show any statistical significant difference in M Hb, M sTfR or M S-Ft values.
Pl-Ft concentration was lower in women with Hbo110 g/L than in women with normal values: 26713 vs. 38720 mg/g,
respectively (p ¼ 0:021). When Pl-TfR, Pl-Ft and Pl-Fe were compared in women with M S-Ft above or below the cut-
off point of 10 or 20 mg/L, no significant difference was found for Pl-TfR neither for Pl-Ft nor Pl-Fe. These results
suggest that maternal indicators of Fe status, particularly M sTfR and M S-Ft, do not reflect Fe status of the placenta
at delivery.
r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Placental iron; Placental ferritin; Placental transferrin receptor; Maternal iron status; Dot blot assay

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.H. Langini). Iron (Fe) deficiency anemia is one of the most
Cátedra de Nutrición. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquı́mica. common nutritional problems in the world and remains
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Junı́n 956-2do (1113) Buenos Aires, a major public health problem in vulnerable groups,
Argentina. such as infants and pregnant women, mainly in
Hospital Diego Paroissien, La Matanza, Provincia de Buenos
Aires, Argentina. developing countries [1].
Department of Nutrition, University of California, One Shields The laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of anemia
Avenue, Davis, CA 95616–8966, USA. and Fe deficiency include analysis of hematocrit (Hct),

0946-672X/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
244 S.H. Langini et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249

hemoglobin (Hb), mean cell volume, serum Fe, total Fe- Table 1. Characteristics of the participating women and
binding capacity, transferrin saturation, erythrocyte newborns
protoporphyrin and serum ferritin (S-Ft) [2]. In addi-
Pre-partum weight (kg) 68.7711.3 (47–93)
tion, Fe status can also be assessed by measuring the
Post-partum weight (kg) 62.1711.1 (40–85.5)
concentration of the soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) Height (cm) 15977 (138–175)
[3], a truncated form of the receptor, which is present in Age (years) 2075 (16–38)
soluble form in the circulation. Gestational age (weeks) 3972 (31–41)
There are contradictory opinions with respect to the Infants birth weight (g) 31357519 (1565–4100)
influence of maternal Fe status on fetal Fe status. It has Apgar score 9 (8–10)
been believed for a long time that maternal Fe deficiency Female:Male 22:16
has little or no effect on the acquisition of Fe by the fetus
Values are means7SD (range).
[4,5]. However, a number of investigators have found a
positive correlation between maternal and newborn Fe
status, suggesting that the fetus is vulnerable to Fe
deficiency during intrauterine life [6], particularly with partum weights were recorded. Infant birth weight, sex
increasing severity of maternal anemia [7]. and Apgar score were registered by the physician. The
Furthermore, the effects of maternal Fe status on Fe characteristics of the participating women and newborns
status of the placenta, the organ supplying the fetus with are shown in Table 1.
Fe, have not been extensively studied or understood.
The placenta is the point of interchange between Blood sampling and hematologic assessment
maternal and fetal circulation, where oxygen and
nutrients are transferred to the fetus and fetal waste Maternal (M) venous blood samples were collected
products are removed. All these activities are essential just before delivery for the hematologic assessment.
for maintaining pregnancy and promoting fetal devel- Hct, Hb, red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells
opment [8]. Placental Fe content at term was shown to (WBC) were determined by an electronic counter (Mega,
correlate with birth weight, gestational age and placental Bitex SA, Argentina).
weight [9] thus affecting fetal outcome. However, S-Ft and sTfR were measured by immunoradiometric
placenta is not usually analyzed in clinical practice. assay (IRMA; Diagnostic Products, San Diego, CA,
Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate USA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELI-
whether accessible parameters of maternal Fe nutri- SA; Ramco Laboratories, Inc. Houston, TX, USA),
tional status, assessed in blood samples, could be a respectively.
useful approach to evaluate placental Fe status at The following cut-off values were used: Hct (%)o33;
delivery. We studied the maternal Fe status in relation Hb (g/L)o110; and S-Ft (mg/L)o10 [10]. Values of
to placental Fe (Pl-Fe), placental ferritin (Pl-Ft) and sTfR between 2.9 mg/L and 8.3 mg/L were considered in
placental transferrin receptor (Pl-TfR) at delivery in a the normal range according to the manufacturer
group of healthy women. (Ramco).

Placenta samples
Materials and methods
Placenta samples were collected immediately after
Subjects delivery. The whole placenta was weighed and a small
piece (10 g) was excised from the portion nearest to the
The study was carried out in 38 pregnant women site of implantation of the cord. Samples analyzed for
assisted at delivery at the Obstetric Service of Diego Pl-Fe content, Pl-Ft and Pl-TfR were obtained from the
Paroissien Hospital, in Greater Buenos Aires, Argenti- identical portion of the placental plate, as regional
na. The study protocol was conducted in agreement with variations in the levels of trace elements have been
local ethical standards (Paroissien Hospital Committee, reported [11]. A visual inspection of the placenta for
September 8th, 1997 and University of Buenos Aires, necrosis or any other abnormality was made by the
Argentina) according to Helsinki Declaration. physician. Samples were kept frozen at 20 1C until
Selection of the women was based on the following analysis.
criteria: parity, mode of delivery and age. Only
primiparous healthy women with normal deliveries Placental transferrin receptor determination
and older than 15 years were included. Delivery
gestational age was calculated as from the last menstrual Pl-TfR was measured by dot blot assay [12]. Placental
period and through ecography. Maternal pre- and post- homogenates were obtained in phosphate buffered
S.H. Langini et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249 245

saline (PBS), pH 7.4 (Sigma). Homogenization was done Table 2. Hematologic values in maternal venous blood just
in an Ultra-Turrax Tissumizer, Janke & Kunkel, IKA- before delivery
Werk. The mixture was centrifuged (Sorvall RG-5B
Hct (%) 3574 (26–43)
Refrigerated Superspeed Centrifuge) at 2000g for 15 min
RBC  103/mm3 39487530 (2900–5300)
and the supernatant was centrifuged again (IEC MCV (fL) 9075 (76–100)
Micromax RF) at 21 000g and 4 1C for 60 min. The Hb (g/L) 113716 (75–140)
pellet was re-suspended in PBS buffer. Protein content WBC/mm3 10 08173433 (3500–17 800)
in the pellet and in the supernatant was determined by S-Ft (mg/L) 36742 (5–189)
Lowry assay [13]. sTfR (mg/L) 6.373.1 (2–16)
A volume of pellet containing 0.5 mg of protein was
Values are means+SD (range).
blotted onto nitrocellulose membrane (Hybond ECL
MCV: mean corpuscular volume.
Nitrocellulose Membrane, Amersham Pharmacia Bio-
tech) in a Microfiltration Apparatus (Bio-Rad). The
membrane was placed in a 5% powdered milk blocking
solution overnight at 4 1C. After three 10-min washes
with PBS/Tween solution, a monoclonal mouse anti- Results
human TfR antibody (Zymed Laboratories, INC)
(dilution 1/1000) was applied for the detection of TfR Hct, Hb, sTfR, S-Ft and WBC count in maternal
protein followed by three 10-min washes with PBS/ venous blood just before delivery are shown in
Tween solution. The blots were afterwards incubated Table 2. M Hb concentration was o110 g/L in 36%
with an appropriate peroxidase-conjugated secondary of the women, while M sTfR was 48.3 mg/L in 23%
antibody (DAKO) (dilution 1/10000) followed again by and M S-Ft was o10 mg/L in 20% of the women
three 10-min washes with PBS/Tween solution. Visua- (Fig. 1).
lization of the immunologically detected proteins was The mean values 7SD in the placenta were: Pl-TfR,
achieved using the SuperSignal West Femto detection Pl-Ft and Pl-Fe concentrations: 18718; 33718 and
system (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Processed blots were 170756 mg/g placenta, respectively; placental weight:
exposed to X-ray film and analyzed in the ChemiDoc 5857105 g, with a range of 400–800 g; placental total
System (Bio-Rad). The amount of TfR protein was TfR, ferritin and Fe content: 10710; 20712 and
assessed by the Quantity One Software (Bio-Rad). A 102744 mg, respectively. The distribution of total
standard curve (0–400 ng/mL) (Ramco Laboratories, Pl-TfR, Pl- Ft and Pl-Fe in the studied women is shown
Inc.) was run to determine the concentration of the TfR in Fig. 2.
protein in the sample. Correlation analysis showed that Pl-TfR correlated
inversely with placental total Fe content (r ¼ 0:43;
Placental ferritin determination p ¼ 0:007) (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, the Pl-Ft content
correlated positively with the Pl-Fe content (r ¼ 0:392;
Pl-Ft was measured by immunoradiometric assay p ¼ 0:015) (Fig. 3b). However, Pl-TfR did not correlate
(Coat-A-Count Ferritin IRMA) (Diagnostic Products) with Pl-Ft (Fig. 4).
in the 21 000g placental homogenate supernatant. No statistically significant correlations were found
between Pl-TfR, Pl-Ft or Pl-Fe total content or
concentration and maternal M Hb, M sTfR or M S-Ft.
Placental Fe content

Pl-Fe was measured by atomic absorption spectro-

metry (AAS) using the Smith-Hieftje 4000 instrument, Discussion
following wet-ashing in ultrapure nitric acid. The
National Bureau of Standard0 s bovine liver (1577a) The Fe status of human placenta is important with
was used as a standard. regard to nutrition of the developing fetus [14].
Pregnancy outcome in the studied group showed no
Statistical analysis fetal growth impairment as infants’ birth weights were
adequate for gestational age and Apgar scores ranged
Statistical analysis was performed using Excel 6.0 between 8 and 10, with a mean value of 9 (Table 1).
(Microsoft, Seattle, WA, USA). Correlation analysis Although gestational age was o37 weeks in 3 out of 38
(r, p) was performed for the association between each of newborns, according to the guidelines of the Argentine
the measured variables. Data sets were compared Society of Pediatrics, their body weights were within
according to Student’s t test or Mann–Whitney test normal values compared with a weight/age ratio
when appropriate. nomogram [15,16]. Pre-maturity was not due to
246 S.H. Langini et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249

Hb (g/L)
sTfR (mg/L)
S-Ft (ug/L)


% of women






3. 5
5. .0

8. 3











Fig. 1. Distribution of hemoglobin, soluble transferrin receptor and serum ferritin in maternal venous blood.

Pl- TfR (ug/g)
Pl-Ft (ug/g)
50 Pl-Fe (ug/g)

% of women































Fig. 2. Distribution of transferrin receptor, ferritin and Fe in placenta samples at delivery.

maternal Fe deficiency as M Hb was 4120 g/L and M S- The fetus has a high requirement of Fe for normal
Ft and M sTfR were within normal ranges in the 3 development. In most mammalian species, fetal Fe is
mothers. derived from maternal transferrin Fe, which delivers Fe
S.H. Langini et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249 247

70 70
y = -0.1372x + 41.689 y = 0.1082x + 8.5957
60 r= -0.43; p= 0.007 60 r= 0.392; p=0.015
Pl- TfR (µg/ g placenta)

50 50

Pl-Ferritin (mg)
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250
(a) Pl- Fe (µg / g placenta) (b) Pl-Fe (mg)

Fig. 3. (a) Placental transferrin receptor and placental Fe. (b) Placental ferritin and placental Fe.

70 3
y = -0.9318Ln(x) + 5.2819
60 2.5
r = - 0.538
Pl-TfR (µg / g placenta)

50 2
Pl - TfR/Ft

40 1.5

30 1

20 0.5

10 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 Pl-Fe (µg/g placenta)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Pl-Ft (µg / g placenta) Fig. 5. Placental TfR/Ft ratio and placental Fe.

Fig. 4. Placental transferrin receptor and placental ferritin. this may be a mechanism that seems to provide a proper
amount of Fe to the fetus, reducing the risk of fetal Fe
deficiency or toxicity, probably playing a regulatory role
to TfR on the layer of fused cells that separates the in the process of Fe uptake by the placenta. In the
maternal and fetal circulation [17]. Placental tissue present study, although placental non-heme Fe was not
extracts have been used for the purification and determined, a similar correlation was observed between
biochemical characterization of TfR, as high amounts TfR, measured in placental tissue by the slot-blot
of TfR are present, particularly on the microvillous method, and Pl-Fe, as well as between Pl-Ft and Pl-Fe
surface of the syncytiotrophoblast. The Pl-TfR content supporting Bergamaschi’s results for the role of Pl-Fe
has been assayed indirectly in a study by Bergamaschi content in the expression of Pl-TfR and Pl-Ft protein
et al. [18] by evaluating the capacity of a placental (Figs. 3a and b). However, Pl-TfR and Pl-Ft were not
extract to bind diferric transferrin. However, in our correlated to each other (Fig. 4) suggesting that other
study, the Pl-TfR content was measured directly in factors also affect the expression of these proteins. The
placental homogenates by an immunodetection method serum transferrin receptor-ferritin ratio (TfR/Ft) pro-
(slot-blotting) [12] using a monoclonal mouse anti- posed by Cook et al. [3] as an indicator of Fe stores was
human TfR antibody. This methodology does not calculated for the placental tissue in this study, giving
appear to have been undertaken previously for the an inverse correlation to total Fe content (r ¼ 0:538)
measurement of the TfR protein in placental tissue. (Fig. 5). The correlation between TfR/Ft and Pl-Fe is
In the study by Bergamaschi et al. [18], the amount of mostly due to the increase in Pl-TfR at lower Pl-Fe
TfR in the placenta was found to be inversely correlated concentrations.
to the amount of non-heme Fe, which represents the Early studies found that maternal serum Fe in
storage form of this element. The authors suggested that maternal hypoferremia is positively correlated with
248 S.H. Langini et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249

placental tissue Fe concentration [19], suggesting that 100

the placenta extracted Fe in amounts proportional to M Hb > 110 g/L
90 M Hb < 110 g/L
circulating levels in the mother. In the present study, no
correlation was found between Pl-TfR, Pl-Ft and Pl-Fe 80
and maternal Hb, sTfR and S-Ft. These results may be
related to the limited sample size which did not allow
comparisons across a wider spectrum of placental Fe 60

Pl-Ft (µg /g)

As shown in Fig. 2, the distribution of TfR, Ft and Fe 50
in the placenta samples was not Gaussian. Besides, no 40
cut-off points or reference values regarding placental Fe
indicators are available. Therefore, in order to elucidate a 30
relationship between placental and maternal Fe status, 20
Hb, sTfR and S-Ft were compared above and below
Pl-Fe, Pl-Ft and Pl-TfR median values. Women with Pl- 10 p = 0.021
Fe, Pl-Ft and Pl-TfR above or below the corresponding 0
median values, did not show any statistical significant
difference in M Hb, M sTfR or M S-Ft values (Table 3). Fig. 6. Placental ferritin in women with hemoglobin values
However, the arbitrary choice of a midpoint may obscure above and below the cut-off point.
associations between maternal and placental indicators.
Moreover, Pl-TfR, Pl-Ft and Pl-Fe were compared in significant difference was found for Pl-TfR, neither for
women with M Hb, M S-Ft and M sTfR above and Pl-Ft nor Pl-Fe.
below the corresponding cut-off points, Pl-Ft was lower Furthermore, no significant differences were found
(p ¼ 0:021) in women with low M Hb values than in between Pl-TfR, Pl-Ft or Pl-Fe in women with M sTfR
women with normal values at delivery: 26713 vs. concentrations above or below 8.3 mg/L, according to
38720 mg/g placenta, respectively (Fig. 6). the normal range for M sTfR in healthy male and female
The appropriate cut-off point for M S-Ft is con- volunteers, as measured by the Ramco TfR assay. Choi
troversial and may be affected by infections or et al. studied sTfR concentrations during normal
inflammation. As shown in Table 2, WBC count was pregnancy by ELISA (Orion Diagnostica) [22]. They
in the normal range accepted during the puerperium reported an sTfR reference interval of 3.52–5.94 mg/L
[20], therefore ferritin values would not be affected. for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. No significant
Recent results of our group in pregnant women after differences were found between Pl-TfR, Pl-Ft or Pl-Fe
delivery showed that M S-Ft correlated inversely with M in women with sTfR concentrations above or below
sTfR and with sTfR/SF ratio when the WBC count was 5.94 mg/L.
in the range of the present study [21]. When Pl-TfR, The results of the present study suggest that, at
Pl-Ft and Pl-Fe were compared in women with M S-Ft delivery, low maternal Hb levels (o110 g/L) are
above or below the cut-off point of 10 or 20 mg/L, no associated with a decrease in Pl-Ft concentration. This
finding may be in agreement with an increased efficiency
of transfer of Fe to the fetus rather than to the placenta
Table 3. Maternal hemoglobin, soluble transferrin receptor in maternal Fe deficiency, as hypothesized by Gambling
and serum ferritin in women with values above and below et al. in an experimental rat model [23], and occurs in
median placental iron, ferritin and transferrin receptor spite of the detriment for maternal erythropoiesis.
concentrations Moreover, data on transplacental transfer of B vitamins
suggests that the placenta extracts these essential
Median values M Hb (g/L) M sTfR (mg/L) M S-Ft (mg/L) micronutrients from the maternal circulation and
Pl-Feo159 mg/g 113714 6.072.7 44771 redistributes them, probably favouring the fetus [24].
Pl-Fe4159 mg/g 114719 6.673.4 35744 Overall, our results suggest that maternal sTfR and
p value 0.426 (ns) 0.277 (ns) 0.433 (ns) S-Ft do not reflect Fe status of the placenta at delivery,
Pl-Fto28 mg/g 110718 6.272.6 36746 although low maternal Hb may decrease placental Fe
Pl-Ft428 mg/g 117713 6.373.6 36739 stores.
p value 0.086 (ns) 0.457 (ns) 0.499 (ns)
Pl-TfRo15 mg/g 115714 6.373.0 40739
Pl-TfR415 mg/g 111719 6.373.2 31746 Acknowledgements
p value 0.222 (ns) 0.487 (ns) 0.271 (ns)

Values are means7SD. We are grateful to Dr. Marcelo Piñero for helping
ns: not significant. collecting the placenta and mother’s blood samples; to
S.H. Langini et al. / Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 19 (2006) 243–249 249

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