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Spectrochimica Acta Part B 56 Ž2001.


Effect of palladium modifier on the analyte vapor

transport in a graphite furnace atomizer

Yuri M. Sadagov 1, Dmitri A. Katskov U

Department of Chemistry and Physics, Technikon Pretoria, 0001 Pretoria, South Africa

Received 8 February 2001; accepted 24 May 2001


The effect of Pd modifier on vapor transport of In, Ga, Mn, Pb and Sn in a graphite furnace atomizer was
investigated using a Quant-ZETA atomic absorption spectrometer. The fast heating of the furnace Žramp time
0.15᎐0.25 s. followed by temperature stabilization at 2500᎐2800 K enabled us to measure the vapor dissipation rate
using the ‘tails’ of the atomic absorption signals. The analyte, 0.02᎐0.5 ng, was vaporized alone or together with Pd.
Pd was introduced and thermally treated before the sampling of the analyte. Small amounts of Pd Ž0.1 ␮g.
significantly changed the vaporization pattern and residence time of the atomic vapors, but affected the peak area
only slightly. In this case, the vapor removal is 1.5᎐1.8 times slower than that predicted by theory for the diffusion
mechanism of vapor release. The involvement of vapor adsorption by the wall and molecular diffusion in the vapor
transport is suggested. The increase of Pd amount Žup to 2.5 ␮g. causes the gradual reduction of residence time and
peak area, due to the increase of diffusion rate of atomic vapor. Using the two-line method of temperature
measurement, it is shown that this effect is accompanied by a temperature increase of 75᎐200 K, when 0.5᎐4 ␮g Pd
are vaporized. The hypothesis is advanced about an exothermal interaction of Pd vapor with graphite. The variations
of atom residence time in the furnace are discussed as practical limitations of the theory of absolute analysis. 䊚 2001
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Graphite furnace atomizer; Diffusion of atomic vapor; Pd modifier

Corresponding author. Tel.: q27-12-318-6369; fax: q27-12-318-6286.
E-mail address: ŽD.A. Katskov..
On leave from Cortech Ltd, Ozernaya St., 46, Moscow, 119361, Russia.

0584-8547r01r$ - see front matter 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 5 8 4 - 8 5 4 7 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 2 5 0 - 6
1398 Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405

1. Introduction in the presence of a Pd modifier was explained by

secondary absorption effects at the cooler ends of
The use of stabilized temperature platform fur- the longitudinally heated tube, which effectively
nace ŽSTPF. atomization is considered to be one confined the atomic vapor to its central, hotter
of the conditions necessary for the practical appli- part. Terui et al. w6x and Hirano et al. w7x observed
cation of the theory of absolute analysis by elec- similar effects in the graphite furnaces of the
trothermal atomic absorption spectrometry Hitachi Z8100 and Z9000 atomic absorption spec-
ŽETAAS. w1᎐3x. It is supposed that the theory can trometers. It was proposed that atoms and
provide the calibration of analytical signals on the molecules of the modifier transferred energy to
basis of the fundamental atomic and spectros- the analyte atoms, thus exciting them w6x. Katskov
copic constants, if the integrated absorbance Žpeak et al. recently observed the appearance of Mg
area. is measured. According to the theory w4x, atomic emission from highly excited atomic levels
the integrated absorbance is determined by the during the vaporization of micrograms of Mg
number of absorbing atoms in the sample Ž N0 . oxide w8x. The radiation continuum, related to a
and residence time of atomic vapor in the analyti- temperature higher than that of the tube surface,
cal zone Ž ␶ .. was observed during the vaporization of Mg, Be,
Pd and Cu nitrates w9,10x. The results were inter-
preted as evidence of energy evolution during
H AŽ t .dt ; N ␶ 0
chemical reactions occurring in the graphite fur-
When the STPF experimental conditions are used, If this interpretation w8᎐10x is correct, the va-
the residence time is determined by the diffusion porization of micrograms of specific matrices or
rate of the analyte atomic vapor in the furnace: modifiers in the furnace can cause deviations of
gas temperature and, consequently, variations in
␶ ; Ž DT . Ž2. atom residence time in the furnace. The effect
should cause errors in the practical application of
where D T is the diffusion coefficient of atomic absolute calculations. The comparison of the resi-
vapors in the purge gas. The ratio between ␶ and dence times of analyte atoms in the furnace, with
Ž D T .y1 is determined by the design of the tube and without a chemical modifier, should allow the
furnace. The diffusion coefficients are strongly evaluation of the effect.
temperature dependent: The diffusion of metal vapor in argon was
studied recently by Sadagov using a Quant ZETA
D T s D 0 Ž Tr273. Ž3. atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with
graphite furnace atomizer w11x. The graphite tube
where T is thetemperature ŽK. of the gas in the in the Quant ZETA is relatively small, so that it
furnace, D 0 is a constant, and n is a parameter enables fast heating and temperature stabilization
between 1.67 and 1.98 for various elements w3x. at 2500᎐2800 K after 0.15᎐0.25 s w12,13x. The
Obviously, the STPF atomizer may be con- decreased openings at the tube ends slow down
sidered as the instrumental basis for absolute the vapor release. The tube design and heating
analysis if it can provide vapor transport at a mode both provide the conditions for the measur-
constant temperature, independent of the sample ing ␶ with the use of the ‘tail’ of the absorption
nature and amount. The use of microgram sam- signal:
ples and chemical modifiers makes this approach
vulnerable. AŽ t . ; exp Ž ytr␶ . . Ž4.
A substantial increase of effective gas tempera-
ture was reported by Frech et al. w5x when 45 ␮g The validity of the experimental method was
of Pd was vaporized in the Perkin-Elmer HGA- proven by measurements of gas temperature dur-
600 atomizer. The higher temperature obtained ing the tube heating w12,13x. The atom residence
Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405 1399

times for different metals were evaluated w11x. Table 1

The calculated diffusion coefficients were close to Thermal program employed in the measurements of atom
residence times
those predicted by theory w3x.
In this work, the residence time of atomic Step Temperature, Ramp time, Hold time,
vapor in the analytical zone of the Quant ZETA ŽK. Žs. Žs.
atomizer are measured and compared for Ga, In,
Drying 483 1 20
Mn, Pb and Sn in the presence and absence of a Pyrolysis 773a , 1073 1 15᎐18
Pd modifier. The method and experimental tech- Atomization 2473᎐2723 0b 0.3᎐0.4
nique described by Sadagoff w11,12x and Sadagov Cleaning 2873 1 1
and Laptev w13x are used. a
In the experiments with Pb.
The setting provides the tube heating ramp up to
2500᎐2800 K during 0.15᎐0.25 s.
2. Experimental
␮l of Pd nitrate solution Ž20, 50, 200 or 500
The atomic absorption spectrometer Quant ␮grml. was injected in the furnace, dried and
ZETA ŽCortech, Russia. is designed according to held at 1200᎐1400 K for 15᎐18 s before the
a single-beam dual lens optical scheme. The lon- analyte sampling.
gitudinally heated graphite furnace in the longitu- The analytical lines employed in this work are
dinal magnetic field is mounted in the air gap Ž20 reported in Table 2. The peak height and inte-
mm. of alternating electromagnet. The field is grated absorbance were measured during the
alternated with the frequency of the power supply atomization step. The ‘tails’ of the absorption
Ž50 Hz. and the amplitude Ž7.5 T.. The system signals at stabilized temperature were used to
enables us to attain the Zeeman background cor- calculate the experimental value of residence time
rection by subsequent measurements of the total in the furnace, according to the equation:
Žzero-intensity field. and background Žthe field of
maximum intensity . absorbancies, made in 5-ms y1
␶U s  d w ln AŽ t . dt x4 Ž5.
intervals w12,13x.
The pyrocoated graphite furnaces are manufac- The parameters ␶U obtained experimentally as
tured by SGL carbon Group Ringsdorff-Werke the average of three measurements were com-
GmbH. The length of the tube is 16.5 mm and pared to ␶ calculated using the theory of vapor
external diameter 6 mm. The inside diameter at transfer for the end-cupped furnace w14x, dimen-
the central cross-section is 4 mm. Both the di- sions of Quant ZETA atomizer and parameters
ameter and the length of the end zones of the D 0 and n from w3x.
tube are equal to 3 mm. The diameter of the The effective gas temperature was measured
injection inlet is 1.5 mm. To increase the heating with and without Pd sampling using the two-line
rate and stabilize the temperature of the furnace, method based on 368.3 and 280.2-nm Pb lines,
the feedback by the irradiation of the internal and 286.3 and 284.0-nm Sn lines. The tempera-
walls of the furnace is applied. The maximum tures were calculated by the equations reported
input power of 2.2 kW provides a heating rate of by Sadagoff w11x:
approximately 10 K msy1 .
Aqueous solutions of In, Ga, Mn, Pb and Sn T Pb s 1770rlogw 3.68 A1Ž t . R 2rA 2 Ž t . R1 x Ž 6a .
nitrates were vaporized in the graphite furnace
with or without Pd nitrate. An element concen-
tration ranging from 4 to 100 ngrml was selected TSn s 2143rlogw 4.90 A1Ž t . R 2rA 2 Ž t . R1 x Ž 6b .
to provide a peak height of approximately 0.2᎐0.3
absorbance. A 5-␮l solution was introduced in the where A1Ž t . and A 2 Ž t . are the atomic absorption
furnace, and the thermal program ŽTable 1. was signals obtained with the first and second line of
applied. In the experiments with the modifier, 5 the pair, and R1 and R 2 are the Zeeman ratios
1400 Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405

Table 2
Effect of Pd on residence time of atoms. Experimental conditions and results

Fig. Element Analyte Temperature Pd, Peak Experimental Theoretical

No. wavelength mass setting mass areaa Residence parameters from Ž2.
Žnm. Žng. ŽK. Ž␮g. Žms. time in the and Ž3. w11x
furnaceU D0 n ␶
␶U Žcm2 rs. Žms.
1 In325.6 0.5 2573 0 33 " 7 89 " 5 0.091 1.84 50
0.1 40 " 1 63 " 4
2.5 21 " 2 41 " 3, 69 " 4
2 Ga294.4 0.2 2773 0 33 " 5 65 " 3 0.102 1.87 36
0.25 30 " 1 85 " 6
2.5 15 " 2 29 " 2
3 Mn279.5 0.02 2573 0 32 " 4 67 " 4 0.130 1.7 42
0.1 31 " 1 73 " 5
2.5 23 " 1 44 " 3
4 Pb283.3 0.15 2473 0 46 " 5 103 " 6 0.079 1.84 63
0.1 48 " 1 111 " 6
1.0 33 " 2 78 " 5
5 Sn286.3 0.5 2673 0 26 " 3 71 " 4 0.076 1.9 49
0.25 30 " 1 79 " 4
2.5 26 " 1 53 " 3
The error is determined from three independent measurements.

Žsensitivity ratios with and without magnetic field.. the Sn line pair. The absorbance peaks were
In this experiment, the Zeeman ratio values were: registered sequentially on both lines, and the
R1Ž368.3. s 0.94, R 2 Ž280.2. s 0.70 for the Pb line temperature was calculated using the absorption
pair, and R1Ž286.3. s 0.89, R 2 Ž284.0. s 0.91 for measured at contemporaneous moments, with a
resolution of 0.01 s. The settings of the power
supply for the pyrolysis and atomization steps
were, respectively, 773 and 2473 K in the case of
Pb and 1073 and 2773 in the case of Sn.

3. Results

3.1. Residence time of atomic ¨ apor in the furnace

The experimental results are presented in Figs.

1᎐5 and Table 2. The atomization peaks are
shown in the figures with solid lines. The corre-
sponding functions lnw AŽ t .x are shown with dots
Fig. 1. Atomic absorption signals of 0.5 ng In Ž1᎐3. and their and straight lines for each individual regression.
logarithmic approximations related to constant temperature
Ž1⬘᎐3⬘.. Curves 1 and 1⬘ without Pd, curves 2 and 2⬘ with 0.1 The dotted lines show the approximation of the
␮g Pd, and curves 3 and 3⬘ with 2.5 ␮g Pd. The dotted line tube wall temperature according to the settings of
shows the tube wall temperature. power supply and measured ramp time.
Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405 1401

Fig. 2. Atomic absorption signals of 0.2 ng Ga Ž1᎐3. and their

Fig. 4. Atomic absorption signals of 0.15 ng Pb Ž1᎐3. and their
logarithmic approximations related to constant temperature
logarithmic approximations related to constant temperature
Ž1⬘᎐3⬘.. Curves 1 and 1⬘ without Pd, curves 2 and 2⬘ with 0.25
Ž1⬘᎐3⬘.. Curves 1 and 1⬘ without Pd, curves 2 and 2⬘ with 0.1
␮g Pd, and curves 3 and 3⬘ with 2.5 ␮g Pd.
␮g Pd, and curves 3 and 3⬘ with 1.0 ␮g Pd.

3.1.1. Indium proximation for one of the runs are reported in

When 0.5 ng In was sampled, the absorption Fig. 1, line 1⬘.
peaks consisted of two components ŽFig. 1, curve The presence of a small amount of Pd Ž0.1 ␮g.
1.. The first was observed during the heating in the furnace drastically changed the pattern of
ramp. The RSD of total peak area reached 20% the absorption pulses ŽFig. 1, curve 2.. The vapor-
ŽTable 2.. Regardless of the peak area variations, ization occurred as a single peak shifted into the
the residence time ␶U remained stable; approxi- area of stabilized temperature. The integrated
mately 89 ms. The function lnw AŽ t .x and its ap- absorbance increased slightly compared to that

Fig. 3. Atomic absorption signals of 0.02 ng Mn Ž1᎐3. and Fig. 5. Atomic absorption signals of 0.5 ng Sn Ž1᎐3. and their
their logarithmic approximations related to constant tempera- logarithmic approximations related to constant temperature
ture Ž1⬘᎐3⬘.. Curves 1 and 1⬘ without Pd, curves 2 and 2⬘ with Ž1⬘᎐3⬘.. Curves 1 and 1⬘ without Pd, curves 2 and 2⬘ with 0.25
0.1 ␮g Pd, and curves 3 and 3⬘ with 2.5 ␮g Pd. ␮g Pd, and curves 3 and 3⬘ with 2.5 ␮g Pd.
1402 Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405

obtained in the absence of Pd. The R.S.D. for the

peak area decreased to 3%. The residence time
of atomic particles, calculated from Fig. 1, line 2⬘,
decreased to 63 s.
A further increase in the amount of Pd up to
2.5 ␮g caused the decrease of the peak area ŽFig.
1 and Table 2. and the distortion of exponential
‘tails’. In fact, two ␶U could be obtained at 41 and
69 ms respectively, for the beginning and the end
of the ‘tail’ ŽFig. 1, line 3⬘..

3.1.2. Gallium
The vaporization of Ga showed a pattern simi-
lar to that of In. The absorption profile consisted
of two distinct components ŽFig. 2, curve 1.. The
Fig. 6. Measurements of gas temperature using Pb Žcurves 1,
␶U term related to the second component occur- 2, 3. and Sn Žcurves 4, 5. line pairs. Curves 1 and 4 without Pd,
ring at stabilized temperature was 65 ms. In the curve 2 with 0.5 ␮g Pd, curve 3 with 1 ␮g Pd, and curve 5 with
presence of Pd, only one peak was observed ŽFig. 4 ␮g Pd. Dotted lines show the tube wall temperature.
2, curves 2 and 3.. When a small amount of Pd
Ž0.25 ␮g. was added, the peak area was slightly
ŽFig. 4.. The presence of Pd shifted the signal
reduced, but ␶U increased to 85 s. The addition of
towards higher temperatures. The addition of 0.1
2.5 ␮g Pd caused the reduction of the residence
␮g Pd caused a slight increase of both ␶U and
time of Ga vapor to 29 ms and a significant
peak area. The increase of Pd mass to 1 ␮g
decrease of integrated absorbance ŽTable 2..
caused a significant decrease of both parameters
ŽTable 2..
3.1.3. Manganese
In the absence of Pd, the absorption signal of
0.02 ng Mn was broad and the vaporization began 3.1.5. Tin
at low temperature ŽFig. 3, curve 1.. The ‘tail’ at The behavior of tin with and without Pd dif-
stabilized temperature could be described by the fered from other tested elements. In fact, the
exponential function with ␶U s 67 ms. In the pres- atomic absorption signal of 0.5 ng Sn did not
ence of Pd, the signals were narrower and shifted change its position, with or without Pd ŽFig. 5..
towards the region of stabilized temperature ŽFig. Nevertheless, tin showed the same tendency as
3, curves 2 and 3.. The peak position was almost already observed in the case of Ga, Mn and Pb.
not affected by the amount of Pd Ž0.1᎐2.5 ␮g.. The residence time slightly increased in the pres-
The presence of 0.1 ␮g of Pd caused an increase ence of small amount of Pd Ž0.25 ␮g., and de-
in ␶U to 73 ms and an insignificant decrease of creased when 2.5 ␮g Pd was added ŽTable 2..
the peak area. The addition of 2.5 ␮g of Pd
caused a change of the vapor transportation rate. 3.2. Temperature measurements
The beginning of the ‘tail’ showed much faster
vapor release than the end ŽFig. 3, line 3.. The The calculations of gas temperature using Pb
decrease of ␶U to 44 ms was accompanied by a and Sn line pairs are reported in Fig. 6. The
reduction of integrated absorbance ŽTable 2.. stabilization of the gas temperature occurs 0.05 s
later than that of the tube wall. Random devia-
3.1.4. Lead tions of calculated temperature at times longer
The initial part of the atomic absorption signal than 0.35 s were caused by too low AŽ t . values.
of 0.15 ␮g Pb was observed during the tempera- The gas temperature in the tube without modi-
ture ramp and the tail at stabilized temperature fier was approximately 50᎐75 K lower than the
Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405 1403

atomization temperature setting Ž2473 K., as Substantial variations of peak area and the
shown in Fig. 6, curve 1. A similar tendency was double mode character of atomization evidentiate
observed when the atomization temperature was an incomplete atomization of In without Pd addi-
set to 2773 K ŽFig. 6, curve 4.. The vaporization of tion. The comparison of curves 1 and 2, Fig. 1,
0.5 and 1.0 ␮g Pd was accompanied by an in- shows that the first component of the absorption
crease of gas temperature, approximately 75 and signal, most probably attributable to the molecu-
150 K respectively ŽFig. 6, curves 2 and 3.. The lar fraction, disappeared due to the presence of
addition of a higher amount of Pd Ž4 ␮g. caused 0.1 ␮g Pd, and the peak area reached maximum
an even more significant increase of temperature, when ␶U decreased ŽTable 2.. It appears that the
up to 200 K ŽFig. 6, curve 5.. presence of Pd causes an increase in both the
atomization degree and diffusion rate, as a conse-
quence of molecular species decomposition.
4. Discussion In the case of Ga, Mn, Pb and Sn, the peak
area with and without small amounts of Pd is
The presence of different amounts of Pd caused changed less than in the case of In. Therefore,
significant deviations of residence time of the the atomization degree is not affected signifi-
analyte vapor in the furnace. Several reasons can cantly. The increase of ␶U can be caused by vapor
be suggested to explain the phenomenon. adsorption on the tube wall, more intense in the
According to Grinshtein et al., the increase of
presence of Pd. The effect probably has a similar
residence time can be caused by an involvement
nature to the delay of the analyte vaporization in
of the adsorption᎐desorption processes on the
the presence of Pd.
tube wall in the vapor transport w15x. It is as-
The decrease of both peak area and ␶U is
sumed that there is equilibrium between numbers
observed for all tested elements in the presence
of atoms in gas phase and on the tube surface. In
of 1.0᎐2.5 ␮g Pd. The temperature measurements
this case, the residence time in the tube measured
ŽFig. 6. make it possible to address the pheno-
experimentally will be longer than that related to
the gas phase transport, that is ␶U ) ␶. Obviously, menon of the increase of diffusion rate of atomic
the adsorption᎐desorption processes should not vapor. Both results confirm the data obtained by
affect peak area as far as ␶, residence time in the Frech et al. w5x. However, the temperature in-
vapor phase, remains constant. crease is observed for much lower amounts of Pd
Furthermore, the formation of free atoms can than those employed by Frech et al. w5x, due to
occur as a result of thermal dissociation of molec- the smaller volume of the atomizer.
ular vapor during the move through the tube, or The discussed phenomena deserve special in-
due to the interaction of molecular vapor with the vestigation beyond the frame of this paper. How-
furnace wall, as suggested by Gilmutdinov et al. ever, the suggestion about the interaction of Pd
w16x. In this case, the release of atomic vapor vapor with graphite can be advanced as a possible
should be slowed down by the molecular diffu- explanation. The chemical properties of both
sion. reagents do not discard the idea. According to
Finally, a temperature increase due to exother- Sosedov w17x, liquid Pd has a tendency to dissolve
mal reactions of major sample components with carbon. Cooling of the solution is accompanied by
the furnace wall should cause a simultaneous the release of carbon as pyrographite.
reduction of residence time and peak area due to The enthalpy of the possible reaction that initi-
the change in diffusion rate. The direct measure- ates the effect, ⌬ H, can be roughly estimated
ments reported in Fig. 6 show an increase of gas considering the balance of energy evolved and
temperature in the presence of Pd. transferred to argon gas in the tube Žif the tem-
All these processes can be involved in vapor perature distribution is considered to be uniform
transport, depending on the characteristics of each and the dissipation of heat in the furnace wall is
element. neglected.:
1404 Y.M. Sadago¨ , D.A. Katsko¨ r Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 56 (2001) 1397᎐1405

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