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Well, social media is a phenomenon that we have been experiencing in the last two decades.

phenomenon as been considered like the social revolution in this millennium and all of us are
involved in one way or another way. I have read a lot about this topic, and I have realized that
most of people are influenced by social media, it doesn´t matter their age or social status, the
most important is to be updated every day with the current news, that´s why I have concluded
that people prefer to be informed by using the Internet, the fastest way to be informed in real

It´s well-known that Internet is faster every day, and all kind of information can be found there, all
the institution of the governments and countries upload the information there. All the information
has been democratized; it means that every individual has the right the get the information at any
time. Of course, there are some private institutions that avoid uploading some information on the
Internet, but with legal advisory any individual can manage to require this right at any time.

I strongly believe that everyday human beings are evolving, and more and more individuals are
linked with the Internet as a necessity, like water and electrical power, so very few individuals
prefer to stay apart from media and news, this is a global phenomenon that affect to everyone, in
this order of ideas, someone who has decide to stay apart from this phenomenon, doesn´t exist!

To sum up, it´s really significant the amount of Internet users there are in the world, every day
there are more connections and people using this useful tool of communication, it doesn´t matter
the social status, Internet is for free in public spaces and education was involved by this
phenomenon, too. Colombia is a non-developed country, and the use of the Internet is huge, now
imagine this situation in developed countries where the internet speed is better and the quality
education levels are higher than Colombia.

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