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Name of Company: RemitPlus Limited

Stanbic IBTC Business Continuity Management

Vendor/Third Party Review Questionnaire
No. Questions Y/N Explanation / Response
1 Does your organization have a Business Y
Continuity/Disaster Recovery (“BC/DR”)
2 Is your BC/DR Program reviewed and/or Y
approved by the regulator?
3 Does your Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Y
ensure availability of an alternative site should an
event interrupt operation from your primary site(s)
that support the services provided to Stanbic
4 How soon can the alternative site(s) become 2
operational in a contingency situation? Business
5 Does your organization have contingency Y
solutions for the loss of the following at your
primary site(s) – Electrical supply, Water,
Telecommunications, IT or Building?
6 Do you have a staff training program in place to Y
ensure continuity of services in the event that
your Business Continuity Plan is invoked?
7 How often is your BC/DR Program audited? Quaterly
Is this audit internal, external or both?
8 When was the last BC/DR Program audit? November,
9 What were the audit results? Improving
of audits
10 Have the recommendations been acted upon? Y
11 Can you provide Stanbic IBTC with a copy of your Y
latest Business Continuity Plan?
12 How often is your Business Continuity Plan Quaterly
13 When last was your Business Continuity Plan January,
tested? 2022
14 Did the test meet the Recovery Test Objectives Y
as agreed in the Service Level Agreement (SLA)
between your organization and Stanbic IBTC?
Name: Emeka Madu Designation: Executive Director


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