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PIG Installation

1. Start all the daemons

2. Verify with jps command
3. Download pig-0.16.0.tar.gz file
4. Extract the file
5. Copy that folder to hduser
Sudo cp –R sourcepath destinationpath
Give destinationpath as ~/pig
6. Give directory permission and ownership permission to the
directory pig
sudo chmod –R 777 pig
sudo chown –R hduser:hadoop pig
7. Set path in bashrc file
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
8. copy the following 4 lines at the end of bashrc file.
export PIG_HOME="/home/hduser/pig"
export PATH="$PIG_HOME/bin":$PATH
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/home/hduser/pig/lib/*:.
9. Execute the bashrc file
source ~/.bashrc
10. Type pig in the terminal

11. You shoud get the grunt shell as

12. To exit

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