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Exploring Earth's Systems: Geophysical Feedbacks and Human Impact

Author : Lovepreet Singh ,GEOG102A

Coquitlam College , British Columbia , Canada.

Introduction Overview And Significance Importance of geophysical feedbacks

The interaction of Earth's systems, geophysical feedbacks, and human Geophysical feedbacks shape the Earth's climate, weather
Geophysical feedbacks are interconnections and interactions
effect is investigated in this field of study. It highlights the importance patterns, and ecosystems. Understanding geophysical feedbacks is
within Earth's systems in which changes in one component cause
of understanding how human activities affect Earth's processes and crucial for predicting and managing environmental impacts, such
responses that either reinforce (positive feedback) or negate
ecosystems. We can make well-informed choices to mitigate negative as climate change, and developing strategies for sustainable
(negative feedback) the initial change. For example, as global
impacts and improve sustainability by researching these connections. resource management and mitigation of negative feedback effects.
temperatures rise, ice melts, reducing reflective surfaces and
leading to further warming.
Humans’ positive impact on glacial system Humans’ negative impact on glacial system
• Scientific Research – These human researches help to • Climate Change: Human-caused climate change causes rising
understand glacial systems. temperatures, faster glacier retreat, and ice mass loss(because
Importance of Glacial System
• Education and Awareness – Education provided on glacial of green house effect as shown in fig 1).
• Freshwater Source system help to aware the people about the importance of • Polluting and contamination: Human activities inject
• Climate Regulation glaciers. contaminants and garbage into glacier habitats, destroying their
• Glaciers store water • Conservation Efforts- Conserving vegetation on glaciers humans pristine conditions and contaminating glacial meltwater.
are trying to save glaciers • Glacier Tourism: Uncontrolled tourism can harm fragile glacial
• Geological Processes habitats and disturb natural processes.
• Cultural and Recreational Value • Disruptions in Water Resources: Glacial retreat and changes in
meltwater patterns affect downstream water availability,
resulting in water scarcity and conflicts over water resources.

Figure 1
In summary, studying how different parts of the Earth
interact with each other and how human actions affect
these processes is incredibly important. By understanding
these connections, we can make smart decisions to reduce
harmful effects and make the world more sustainable. It's
crucial to recognize how our actions impact the
environment and work towards protecting and preserving
Earth's valuable resources.

Contact References
Lovepreet Singh


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