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Problem :

As a little girls, we have the fairy tale story telling in

mind always and that is what we grow up believing
fairy tale is exist in real life. We dream of a
enchanted forest decorated with beautiful flowers and
mytology creatures, under the colorful sky. The
problem is thatwe forget two little words, fairy tale,
and instead we cling tightly to the otner words,
reality. When we forget the fairy tale part of that
phrase, we set ourselves up to be disappointed in
reality. This fictional story is defined as, "children's
story about magical and imaginary beings and lands".

Solution :
Me as a fashion designer decided to make my own brand
using fairytale concept in a modern look and more
futuristic. Fairy tale is my dream since I was little and I
want to make it seem like it exists in real life through
fashion. I want to create an atmosphere thatonly exists in
fairy tales or in movies so that visitors can come and
feelthey are in the fairy tale itself.
Brand Story : C-Tales 'pronounced She Tales or She Tells' was founded
as I create a unique retail store inspired by the fairy tale world and
avatar movies combine with futuristic concept. I want to make my retail
store different from the others, recreate the non-exist atmosphere becomes
exist through my fashion collection and the installation inside the store. It’s
suitable for you who like feminine, cute, and elegant outfits. The best part,
we provide an incredible atmosphere and installation where allows you to
take out your camera and take pictures together.

In a Nutshell : Experience the unreal

Measure of Success : In the retail store, I creating an installation at the

entrance and putting some of my best collection aside to catch the attention
of customers. Other than that, I create the interior to look similar like the
fairy tale world inspired by the Avatar movie with modern technology and
colorful lights.

Why it Works : From the past till present, the Avatar film has never
disappointed the audience because of the extraordinary beautiful and
amazing setting. In late 2022, avatar films are back in trend due to the
release of the latest sequel. The world in this film is definitely fictional and
included in a fairy tale. There are not a few fans who imagine or imagine a
place as beautiful as that. This brand will take advantage of this trend to
attract consumer attention by realizing what is missing in the fashion

Version 1 Version 2

Unexpected Attire

Taken from my initial name 'Chelle', I makw it reflected into a heart shape. the shape of the
logo is inspired by a fantasy theme with cyberpunk or futuristic, made more modern.

Font : Euphoria Script

A gorgeous font with fast curves and slight angle giving the text a playful look.


This contrasting color palette is inspired by the playful personality of the supranatural
beings, with sky blue, violet, and pink combining for the spirited effect.
Additional color like silver to make it more futuristic.

Inspired from my cat name Nala. I chose a cat to be the icon of my brand because it
symbolizes both positive and negative aspects. When one looks at it as a symbol of the
feminine, it contains positive aspects like the spiritual instinct, fertility, richness, and healing.
On the other hand, it also represents destructive and negative aspects like darkness and
sorcery. By using the same elements and colors as the logo.

My Intentions
I used th Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop applications
to be able to provide a clearer description of the design and concept.

For the space, I am wanting something more complex, The atmosphere is like being in
a fairy tale by using technology such as lights on the floor paths like flowing colorful
water, some elements and interiors that look modern and futuristic, decorated with
colorful lights. I really hope to attract the attention of customers by creating very
attractive spaces and harmonious collections.

For the installation, I will make it simpler to focus on the mannequins that use my
collection, not covering the overall space but still eye-catchy to be seen in the central of
the store.


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