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Article A: An Analysis of Benefits and Risks Article B: Building Trust in Artificial EVALUATION
of Artificial Intelligence, (Win Mar , 2018 ) Intelligence,Machine Learning, and
Robotics, ( Keng siau , 2019 ).
 Artificial Intelligence-powered machines  Artificial Intelligence can complete a) Connection
are great at doing a particular repetitive tasks and finish those tasks in a  Both article give us information about
task with amazing efficiency. consistent and reliable manner. why human prefer to use artificial
Why human  Artificial intelligence powered machines  Most AI applications are developed to intelligence to help their work.
use Artificial can solve complex equations and perform perform tasks independently.  Article A provides benefits obtained in
Intelligence critical tasks on their own  artificial intelligence has the potential using AI to do work
 Artificial intelligence reduce cost of to demonstrate and even surpass  Article B gives us an overview of how
training and operation human intelligence. artificial intelligence work so that it can
 Atificial Intelligence can improve the be usefull to solve a problem.
processes and gather humongous amounts
of data related to our work. b) Evaluation
 We can use these both ideas from both
article as the point for our academic
paper.In article A,there are some benefit
given by artificial intelligence to do
work or solve complex problem.Article
B also mention the advantage of
artificial intelligence with addition an
overview of artificial intelligence work.
 There is a heightened risk that new AI  lack of opportunities to people to have a) Connection
technologies will be misused, or will access to AI applications. Thus  Both article mention about the
experience unexpected systematic failures. causing a lack of trust in AI disadvantage of artificial intelligence
The Negative  Sometimes,Artificial intelligence has from some aspect.

Side of  Cyber attacking are continually attacking low Security and privacy protection  Article A point out the risk of artificial
Artificial our computers with viruses and other and can invite cybercrime. intelligence in cyber-attacking and
Intelligence forms of malware.  Artificial intelligence can surpass abuse of artificial intelligence
human performance in many jobs and  Article B highlight the negative impact
 Sometimes,Artificial Intelligence has poor
replace human workers. of artificial intelligence from various
transparency and cause abuse of artificial aspect and negative prediction that can
intelligence (Journalists wonder about the happen in the future.
ethical issues of using AI to help reporting) b) Evalution
 We can use both ideas mentioned in
Article A and B.In both Article,they
provide the disadvantage of artificial
intelligence with some examples and
evidence that can be input in our
academic paper.
 We must know the artificial intelligence  Ethics and governance are areas that a) Connection
is,at least we have a general understanding need more attention to the  Both article mention about the effort to
Effort to of the analysis of benefits and risks of development of artificial intelligence prevent the issue of artificial
minimize  Create a good trust in artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence.
The intelligence by providing opportunities b) Evaluation
Disadvantage to people to have access to AI  Article A and B provide the way to
of AI applications and try it before accepting minimize the risks of Artificial
or adopting it. Intelligence.They give various kind of
 Building trust in artificial intelligence effort and we can add these into the
will create a good performance and solution part in our academic paper.
purpose of the artificial intelligence.
 The generalizations made by the writer is  In article B,the generalizations made
clear. The writer convinced that artificial by the writer is obvious. The writer is
intelligence gives positive impact to agreed that artificial can give positive
and negative impact to humanity.The
human in the future. The writer also
Generalization issue that highlighted in the article is
provide the negative impact of artificial to compare the impact between
intelligence to human that need to be positive and negative of artificial
concern.The issue author wanted to point intelligence and how to build trust in
out that, what is need to be concern of artificial intelligence. Based on that,
how artificial intelligence will affect the writer believe that the
human.So,the writer suggest us to at least development artificial intelligence

have a general understanding of the depend on the way we think and

analysis of benefits and risks of AI. After respond to it.After see the advantages
reading and compare the advantages and and disadvantages, we’ve to decisions
to stand with author that artificial
disadvantages,we absolutely agree to the
intelligence has positive and negative
writer.Beside the benefit,we also must impact.We can minimize the
think and find the solution to the negative disadvantage by the solution
impact of artificial intelligence. suggested the writer.And we also
agree that with building trust in
artificial intelligence,it will give a
positive thinking to the development
artificial intelligence in the future.

TITTLE : The Impact of Artificial Intelligence In The Future to Humanity



Instruction: Write your reflection of both articles in between 400 and 500 words. Use APA citation and referencing method.

The article which we are reflecting on demonstrate the advantage and disadvantage , that we can get from Artificial intelligence. Article A analyst the benefits
and risks of Artificial intelligence. whilst article b more focuses what is AI and strengthening how to build and develop trust to Artificial intelligence . Both
author are strongly approve that artificial intelligence can be useful and helpful for human, but also can be detrimental for human with their own perspective.

Firstly, Artificial intelligence is the technology of developing intelligence machines and smart computer systems that can think and act like human beings . For
now and for the future artificial intelligence may have important role to human life. For sure that AI will growing rapidly through the time, because of that we
must understand and analyst the positive and negative side of Artificial intelligence.

Moreover , the advent of Artificial Intelligence can makes human life better and easier. As well as that, Artificial intelligence may have some negative side that
can be affect human life. For example, Job losses that cause because the effectiveness of AI, Cyber-crime and unexpected systematic failure.

In addition, to built trust to Artificial Intelligence , we need some effort to minimize the negative of Artificial Intelligence. To minimize that , we need to know
that AI have many positive impact to human life. Building trust in artificial intelligence will create a good performance and purpose of the artificial intelligence.

We strongly agree to the author that that the advent of artificial intelligence will make human life better and easier , and also the negative side of artificial
intelligence that need to beware off. We also agree that we need to understand and analyst the benefit and risk of artificial intelligence , because AI may have
important role for the future to human life. The author also mentioned that how to built and develop trust to Artificial Intelligence. For sure to built that we
must know what is the benefit and risk of Artificial intelligence, we also need some effort to minimize the negative impact of Artificial intelligence to human.
The author is correct that to create a good trust in artificial intelligence , we need to providing the opportunities to people to have access to Artificial
intelligence applications and try it before accepting or adopting it.

In conclusion, Artificial intelligence have positive and negative impact to human life. To minimize the negative effect, we need to understand and analyst the
benefit and risk of Artificial intelligence. Besides that we also need to built trust artificial intelligence because AI may have important role to the future of
human life



Siau, K., Wang, W. (2018). Building Trust in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robotics. CUTTER BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, 31(2),


Win Mar., Yin Myo Kay Khine Thaw. (2019). An Analysis of Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD), 35, 1447–1448.

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