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Article A: Artificial Intelligence Article B: Building Trust in Artificial EVALUATION

and the Future of Humans Intelligence, Machine Learning, and
a. List all the main ideas from the article.  Connection
Article A : The affect of artificial intelligence towards human in the future that need to be
concern  Both article A and B highlight about the
positive and negative impact of
Article B : Building trust in AI and how to develop Continuous Trust in AI in various Artificial intelligence towards human.
 Article A emphasized, negative things
b. What are the relevant examples found in the articles that can be included in that need to be concern of how Artificial
your academic paper? intelligence will affect human.
Article A come up with go through the impact of artificial intelligence that need to
concern and beware off. There are also some example advantage and disadvantage from  Article B mentioned the negative impact
artificial intelligence towards human . In that academic article gave a comment from a of artificial intelligence to humans
few expert that give a solution and what to beware of about artificial intelligence in the
future . Article B give example in form of aspects related to artificial intelligence. For From our reading, the both article have same
example,in term of jobs,Some predict that more than 800million workers, about a fifth of connection, both are agreed about how
the global labor force, might lose their jobs soon. Lower-skilled,repetitive, an dangerous artificial intelligence gave positive for some
jobs are among those likely to be taken over by machines. aspect in human life. For example , how
artificial intelligence help human in
c. Were there any generalizations being made by the writers in the articles? Do you industries. How they reduce error and
agree with them? reduce time in production. It means how
artificial intelligence help optimize
processes, due to the high efficiency of the
employed algorithms, the several factors
(origin/destination of the payment, customer
name, business entity details, history and
etc). Both article also mentioned about
artificial intelligence on health-care or
medication. Both article also gave the
negative impact off artificial intelligence
such as “ Job Losses “. In this paper, the
© IAD, University of Edinburgh 2018 CC BY-NC 4.0

main arguments and ideas are very

important to us because they provide
appropriate examples and data. Both articles
help us to understand why Artificial
intelligence can gave us positive and
negative impacts to human life from now
and the future . From this article we can see
that how pro and cons even positive and
negative impact to artificial intelligence in
different perspective.

The writer convinced that artificial The Writers for the articles have a clear
Identify the intelligence gives positive impact to human in view that Artificial intelligence give positive
point of view, the future. The author also provide the impact to human future.The issue given by
issues, negative impact of artificial intelligence to
the writer is the example and data that
arguments, human that need to be concern.The issue
and/or ideas author wanted to point out that, what is need support their point of view.based on that,the
in article A & to be concern of how artificial intelligence idea give us more information related to our
B) will affect human and the suggest solution for main idea which are compare the advantage
human in the future for manage artificial and disadvantage of artificial intelligence to
intelligence to help humans. human future.

Artificial intelligence has been used on Artificial intelligence can surpass human  Connection
because the efficiency and other economic performance in many jobs and replace
advantages.For examples like artificial humans. There are several example why  Both article A and B showed the
intelligence will be able to do more advanced artificial intelligence can surpass human negative impact of artificial intelligence
work, reduce errors and improve accuracy.l like, dangerous job that may have higher on human which mean job loss.
Job losses These advantages can be disrupt all aspect of risk for human can be taken by machine,
human work. Because of that Artificial workers with lower-skilled and keep  Both article A and B gave some aspect
intelligence will be takeover jobs that done by repetitive. For sure in the future AI will why human can be replace by artificial
human and causes massive job losses . This continue to enhance its capability and intelligence ( machine )
issues will be leading human to social infilltrate more domains and threatening
upheaval and widen economic divides. human job.

© IAD, University of Edinburgh 2018 CC BY-NC 4.0


 Evaluation

 Article A and B reveal in the same way

artificial intelligence can replace human
on job. Both article have same statement
and also example why artificial
intelligence can takeover human jobs.
For sure Artificial intelligence will make  Connection
humans lives easier and better. Beside that
benefits , it will likely reduce human value
along the way and become more dependent
Mobility on Artificial intelligence. To the extent that
their natural intelligence would be more and
more diminished.  Evaluation

the use of artificial intelligence is becoming

increasingly and develop rapidly. Artificial  Connection
intelligence has huge potential to transform to
cybercrime. AI can be easily able to launch
attack, and negatively affect people’s live.

 Evaluation

© IAD, University of Edinburgh 2018 CC BY-NC 4.0


© IAD, University of Edinburgh 2018 CC BY-NC 4.0





© IAD, University of Edinburgh 2018 CC BY-NC 4.0

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