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Submitted by:
Wilmie A. Batadlan Grade 12 ABM 1

1. It is interaction between the self and the other,

which I the mutual recognition of each other as
2. It is a unique relationship between distinct subjects.
3. It allows a person to become closer to others in many
different ways.
What Characterizes a Genuine
Human Interaction?
1. Dialogue – when individuals begin to view each
other as an other. That is truly acknowledging each
other’s presence. Then that is the beginning of an
authentic relationship and a dialogue.
- a dialogue becomes a means by which
persons are able to share in other’s lives.
define our interaction with other persons?
1. Empathy – also known as the ability to share
emotions. This emotion is driven by a person’s
awareness that the other is a person with thoughts
and feelings.
2. Availability – the willingness of a person to be
present and be at the disposal of another.
3. Ethics of Care – an ethical theory that emphasizes
the moral dimensions of relationships and
How can philosophy help evaluate your
relationship with others?
Important values related to intersubjectivity include
acceptance of differences and embracing diversity.
When we look at physical traits and even behavior, we
can see that no two persons are exactly a like and think
the same . We have to accept that people will have
differ ent views and beliefs.
ALIENATION - a pessimistic this view that considers
human relationship frustrating and often inauthentic
or deceptive.
Example of people with disabilities who have successfully risen
above their physical limitations to live productive lives .
1. Hellen Keller – the first deaf-blind person to earn a
bachelor’s degree. She spent her time giving speeches
and writing books.
2. Nicholas James “Nick” Vujicic – was born with
phocomelia, a condition in which a person is born with
no arms and legs.
3. Roselle Ambubuyog – the first visually-impaired Filipino
who graduated summa sum laude from Ateneo De
Manila University in 2001.

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