Tugas 3 Pbis4115 Aditya Baswara 045123772

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Nama Mahasiswa : Aditya Baswara

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 045123772

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : PBIS4115


A place I really love is the Plaça Sant Felip in my city. I love it because the place is very
peaceful right in the center of a lively, noisy city. It is a small square (1) that is quiet with no
bars, shops, or cars. It has a beautiful fountain (2) which is located in the middle. There are
(3) a few little benches to sit on, but not so many people go there. However, now (4) more
and more people come there. (5) From what I remember, there is a nursery school where
two or three times a day the little children come out to play. Sometimes, there are families
going there too to enjoy the view. I once met a little girl (6) who is great at singing. She was
just 5 years old (8) so she sang next to the fountain beautifully. I admire her because (7)
singing is something I am very bad at. I always go there when I am tired of the noise and
stress of the city. It is a beautiful place to relax and (9) listen only to the noise of water and
happy children. There, I usually love walking around or just sitting (10) to read my favorite
book. I once almost lost my book there because I forgot that I left it on the bench. The book
is (11) written by James Arthur, a famous author from England. Fortunately, a man found it
and (12) returned the book to me. There are many unexpected things happening (13) when
I was there. (14) Do those experiences make me love the place more? Well, I think so. I
think I fall for the place (15) even more.

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