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Nama Mahasiswa : Aditya Baswara

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 045123772

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : BING4105


1. When I retire, I hope to enjoy a relaxed and fulfilling life. I plan to travel to different
places, explore new cultures, and experience the beauty of the world. I look forward to
spending more time on hobbies I love, such as reading, painting, and playing musical
instruments. Volunteering and helping others will be a priority for me, as I want to
positively impact the community. Most importantly, I hope to cherish precious
moments with my loved ones, creating lasting memories and sharing laughter.
Retirement will be a time of happiness, growth, and making the most of life's simple

2. If I had the opportunity, I would love to experience the Medieval Age. This period,
spanning roughly from the 5th to the 15th century, was a time of immense historical
significance. I would be fascinated to witness firsthand the rise and fall of feudalism, the
development of chivalry and knights, and the cultural and intellectual achievements of
the time. Exploring magnificent castles, observing medieval art and architecture, and
participating in medieval festivities would provide a unique insight into the lives and
customs of that era.

Additionally, Ancient Rome is another period that captivates my curiosity. As one of the
most influential civilizations in history, the Roman Empire profoundly impacted politics,
law, engineering, and culture. I would relish the opportunity to wander through the
streets of Rome, witness the grandeur of the Colosseum, and marvel at architectural
marvels like the Pantheon. Furthermore, observing ancient Rome's political and social
dynamics, interacting with its citizens, and witnessing iconic events such as gladiatorial
contests would be an extraordinary experience.

3. Ethan Mitchell
1234 Maple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90001
31st October 2022

Mr. Lucas Reynolds

Senior Human Resource Development
Horizon Solutions
5678 Oak Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101

Dear Mr. Lucas Reynolds,

I am writing to apply for the position of interpreter, as advertised on the advertisement

billboard. As a recent graduate with a passion for languages and cross-cultural
communication, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and expertise
to your organization.

My educational background, combined with my language proficiency and strong

interpersonal skills, make me a suitable candidate for this role. I have recently
graduated with a bachelor’s degree in French Literature from the University of Southern
California, where I honed my language comprehension, verbal expression, and critical
thinking abilities. During my studies, I specialized in French, developing a deep
understanding of both the linguistic nuances and cultural context necessary for effective

In addition to my academic qualifications, I have gained practical experience through

internships and volunteer work. I have provided interpretation services in various
settings, including the International Language Exchange Fair. These experiences have
allowed me to refine my interpreting skills, adapt to different subject matters, and
handle high-pressure situations with professionalism and accuracy.

Furthermore, I possess excellent multitasking abilities and keen attention to detail,

enabling me to convey messages swiftly and accurately between parties while
maintaining linguistic and cultural integrity. I am proficient in the use of interpretation
tools and technologies, ensuring smooth and efficient communication throughout the

I am confident that my strong work ethic, adaptability, and commitment to delivering

exceptional interpretation services would make me an asset to your team. I am eager to
contribute my language skills and cultural knowledge to facilitate effective
communication and bridge the gap between diverse groups of people.

Thank you for considering my application. I appreciate your time and consideration. I
have attached my resume for your review, and I look forward to the opportunity to
discuss how my qualifications align with your organization's needs.

Yours sincerely,

Ethan Mitchell
4. (1) Mike said that he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

(2) She asked me how long I had lived in Jakarta.

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