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Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258

Correlations between structural and electrical properties

of BaCeO, studied by coupled in-situ Raman scattering
and impedance spectroscopy
S. Loridant, L. Abello, E. Siebert, G. Lucazeau
Laboratoire d’lonique et d’Electrochimie des Solides, ENSEEG, BP 75, 38402 Saint Martin d’H&es, France

Received 12 December 1994; accepted for publication 1 March 1995


Coupled impedance and Raman measurements were achieved on a ceramic of undoped BaCeO, in the 25-600°C
temperature range under air, argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The sample was studied both in micro and normal Raman
spectroscopy. At 600°C in air, the conductivity of the compound decreases from 3 X lop7 to 1.5 X 10d7 S cm-’ after a
thermal cycle. The nature of the charge carriers is only briefly discussed. The simultaneous measurement of the Raman
spectra and of the impedance diagrams has allowed to show that a large part of the variations of the conductivity is due to
the structural changes induced by the temperature variation. Reciprocally, this coupled study contributes to the understanding
of the phase transition mechanism. The resistance of the compound and the intensity of the 133-110 cm-’ Raman band
vary in the same way when the temperature is raised or lowered between 400 and 600°C. These observations could be
related to the growth of the domains of the tetragonal phase. Their kinetics of growth is favored at 600°C but their
thermodynamic stability should be maximum at about 450°C: actually, as it can be deduced from the reduction of the
fullwidth of the Raman bands and from their intensity, the long range ordering takes place at about 450°C while the
nucleation process would start at a lower temperature. This process should start between 180 and 350°C and is characterized
by the variation of the frequencies of the modes at low energy. Thus, the increase of the resistance when the sample is
maintained at 600°C should be related to the ordering of the tetragonal phase and the large fluctuations in the electric signal
which are observed between 200 and 450°C could be related to the fluctuation of the sizes of domains. Finally, some
preliminary results related to the influence of water and of carbon dioxide are mentioned.

Keywords: Impedance spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; Ionic conduction; Phase transition

1. Introduction been mainly performed by using ex-situ and in-situ

IR, Temperature Programmed Desorption methods
The protonic conduction in Ln3+ doped BaCeO,, [8-101 or by weight changes [ll]. The nature of the
SrCeO, and mixed perovskite ceramics has stimu- conductivity has given rise to many debates and it is
lated a large number of works because of the poten- not yet clear if the protonic conductivity is the
tial use of these materials in fuel cells and sensors dominant one. Depending on the temperature, the
[l-7]. The incorporation of protons is ensured by conductivity by oxygen ions and even by electrons
H,O or H, at high temperature and its control has could become predominant. The chemical purity of

0167-2738/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDZ 0167-2738(95)00112-3
250 S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258

the ceramic, its microstructure, the presence of car- only a structural modification can explain both the
bon dioxide in the ambient atmosphere [12], its evolution of the Raman spectra and of the electrical
thermal history could favor one or the other of the properties.
possible conductivity mechanisms. In particular, the The electrical measurements were not repro-
compound can decompose slightly into BaCO, and ducible from one experiment to the other. For this
CeO, when heated in presence of CO, and water reason, it was felt necessary to perform electrical
[8,12], and its conductivity is expected to be strongly measurements under given conditions (temperature,
altered by such a reaction even if it is partial. atmosphere) and to characterize simultaneously the
Finally, it should be thermodynamically unstable chemical and the structural changes which could be
under 600°C [13] and could decompose into BaO and induced by the temperature changes and by the
ceria even in the air. ambient atmosphere. This paper reports the results
Undoped BaCeO, has not been much studied. In obtained by coupling impedance measurements and
particular, it is not clear at all if its conductivity at Raman spectroscopy on undoped BaCeO,. This work
high temperature, as for nonstoichiometric ceria [18- is not concerned with a discussion on the nature of
201, is purely electronic or if oxygen conductivity the charge carriers but aims to show that establishing
takes place as for zirconia. In any case, the absence the correlations between the electrical and the struc-
of electrode reaction semicircle in the impedance tural variations can help to understand some of the
spectra of undoped BaCeO, was interpreted [21] as resistance variations and reciprocally contribute to
the evidence of an electronic contribution. Moreover, the understanding of the phase transition mecha-
the water contained in the ambient atmosphere could nisms. In particular, instead of limiting the search of
introduce a protonic contribution even for the un- pseudo-critical laws in the frequency variations in
doped material. order to define the transition temperature, we shall
Two structural modifications ’ of the tmdoped show that depending on the spectroscopic parameter,
BaCeO, (orthorhombic + tetragonal and tetragonal different processes governing the transition can be
+ cubic) were evidenced by Raman spectroscopy followed.
and were reported in [14,15]. These structural changes
were not confirmed by standard XRD (X-ray diffrac-
tion) measurements: this disagreement can be ex- 2. Experimental
plained by the fact that XRD is not convenient for
the identification of dispersed segregated phases or 2.1. Samples
for characterizing slight structural changes involving
displacements of light atoms. The doping of the A ceramic of BaCeO, was prepared via the solid
cerate with Nd3+ ions was shown to down shift the state reaction of high purity powders of BaCO, and
transition temperature [16]. Recent neutron diffrac- CeO, (RhBne-Poulenc). The mixture was first treated
tion measurements [17] on doped barium cerate have at 1400°C for six hours. After milling, the pellets
not confirmed our Raman conclusions. The neutron were obtained by pressing, followed by sintering at
study shows that Nd-doped BaCeO, retains the or- 1600°C for 10 h. A disc of 0.6 mm thickness and of
thorhombic structure (Pmcn space group) up to 16% 6.5 mm diameter was prepared. Its density measured
Nd. One of the aims of this paper is to show that with a pycnometer was found to be slightly smaller
than the expected one (5.64 instead of 6.29 i.e. 91%
of the theoretical density). The ceramic was also
’ After submission of this paper a neutron study of a powder of water treated at 600°C. This treatment consisted of
BaCeO, between 373 and 1273 K has been published 1281. The pouring one drop of water on the ceramic and to
existence of structural modifications is confirmed. As shown in maintain the sample at 600°C in a closed cell for 10
this paper differences of 100 K in temperatures of transitions are h.
meaningless. The main contradiction comes from the attribution of
Different mixtures of CeO, and BaCeO, have
the intermediate phase to rhomboedral phase group ( LY= 90.156”).
This group was also proposed as possible in our previous paper been prepared and studied by Raman spectroscopy in
but was eliminated on the basis of glazer classification. order to get reliable data for dosing CeO,. Powders
S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258 251

of BaCO, and BaCeO, were also mixed in different was submitted to the following atmospheres: ambient
proportions in order to get reliable data for dosing air, argon U, nitrogen (high purity), water vapor. No
BaCO,. Powders presenting small deviations toward me~mements of partial pressures or of flows were
the theoretical composition were also prepared in performed. Coupled data were acquired every 10°C
order to have typical reference spectra. from 25 up to 600°C.

2.2. Cell 2.3. Impedance measurements

Fig. 1 represents the cell which has been designed The impedance measurements were carried out
for performing simultaneous Raman and impedance with a HP 4194A impedance meter in the 100 Hz-40
spectroscopy measurements [23]. Its temperature can MHz frequency range. It has been checked that the
be varied from 77 K up to 873 K and it is possible to amplitude of the ac signal could be raised up to 1 V
flush the cell with gas. The sample was covered with without perturbing the measurements. The electrical
Pt electrodes and placed in an alumina cup ensuring noise has been estimated from the impedance fluctu-
electrical insulation and thermal regulation. The ations at 5000 I-Ix deduced from 20 independent
whole set was placed on a heating sole. To allow the measurements.
photon penetration, a small window was managed in
the front electrode. In order not to perturb the electri- 2.4. Raman measurements
cal measurements, the size of the aperture in the
electrode was limited to 0.5 mm. Such an aperture The spectra were obtained with the XY DILOR
affords micro Raman spectroscopy as well as normal spectrometer. The 514.5 rim exciting line of an argon
Raman spectroscopy for which the diameter of the laser was focused on the sample through an objective
focus point is 1 and 20 p.m respectively. The sample (G = 50) of a microscope and was then limited to 35

Objective lens

eramic of


water water
cooling collmg



Fig. 1. Ceil used in coupled impedance and mi_Raman measurements.

252 S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258

mW in order to prevent the heating of the sample. A

conventional focusing system was also used with a
laser power of 45 mW. A systematic control of the
heating effect of the laser has been performed (at
2OO”C, 35 mW of incident power raises the tempera-
ture of the front face of the ceramic of 5°C [23]). The
spectra were systematically decomposed into indi-
vidual Lorentzian components (peak-fit program) in
order to derive precise spectral parameters. However,
in the 190-300°C temperature range, although there
is no doubt that spectral changes take place, two
different solutions give the same fit and this situation 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
leads to a large indetermination for some parameters. cm-’
Fig. 2. Raman spectrum of the initial ceramic used in this study
(lower curve) and Raman spectrum of a 90% BaCeO, + 10%
3. Results and Discussion CeO, sample (upper curve). The 460 cm-’ band allows to
estimate the proportion (in weight) of ceria in the ceramic.

3.1. Heterogeneities
local phase segregations could be related to small
The BaCeO, sample has been characterized by local variations of the BaO-CeO, ratio.
XRD and Raman spectroscopy before the deposition
of electrodes. Fig. 2 shows that it was orthorhombic 3.2. Electrical properties
and contained approximately 1.3 wt% of unreacted
ceria as deduced from the intensity of the 460 cm-’ Fig. 4a gives typical diagrams in the Nyquist
band. Note that ceria is completely absent when the representation. They were obtained in air and consist
compound is prepared via the melting of the oxides of one depressed semicircle. The resistance of the
[22]. When the mixture of the reactive oxides is not sample is directly given by the intersect of one
complete, it is possible to identify segregated phases depressed semi-circle with the real axis. At 6OO”C, it
by micro-Raman spectroscopy. In the present sam- is still pretty high, and taking into account the geo-
ple, the absence of such heterogeneities was checked metrical parameters, a conductivity of 3 lop7 S .
before. Fig. 3 gives examples of Raman spectra
which are obtained on different grains of a heteroge-
neous sample. Note that this sample corresponds to
the theoretical composition and contains no unre-
acted ceria. Typical spectra of a well-stabilized te-
tragonal phase (point 4) and of the orthorhombic
structure (points 1,2) are observed. Point 3 has an
intermediate structure. These structural differences
can be explained by the dispersion in the size of the
grains. The stabilization of the tetragonal phase at
room temperature can be due to the presence of
strains, defects and surface effects, likely more nu-
600 400 200 0
merous in small grains. These defects can lower the
cm- ’
transition temperature. Furthermore, small grains
Fig. 3. Micro-Raman spectra of a chemically pure sample present-
cannot release easily the thermal effect due to the
ing phase heterogeneities likely due to small local variations of
probing laser. The proportion of the tetragonal grains the BaO-CeO, ratio: point 1 and 2 correspond to grams having
seems to be more important for the powder corre- the orthorhombic structure; point 4 is a grain of a well-stabilized
sponding to the mixture BaO-(CeO,),,~,. Thus, these tetragonal structure; point 3 has an intermediate structure.
S. Loridant et al./Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258 253

cm-l is obtained. The capacitance calculated from of our sample being very far from such values, we
the maximum frequency slightly varies with the tem- believe that the concentration of Ce3+ is much
perature. It is of the order of lo-l1 F indicating that smaller than 1%. To end with, the ionic radius of
the observed semicircle can be related to bulk phe- Ce3+ is about 1.034 instead of 0.80 for Ce4+ [26].
nomenon. So, if the proportion of Ce3+ were lo%, the contrac-
A large proportion of Ce3+ in our sample is tion of the crystallographic lattice would be about
unlikely. A large deviation from stoichiometry seems 5% and could be observed in XRD.
impossible for a compound having a low conductiv- Previous measurements [21] undertaken on a simi-
ity. Typically, for a stoichiometry of lo%, one would lar ceramic also in ambient air had led to a much
expect both ionic and electronic conduction (via higher conductivity. Such .a discrepancy suggested
polaronic hopping) and the ionic conductivity would that the ceramic is sensitive to the water content of
be similar to that reported in Ref. [6] for Gd doped the ambient atmosphere and could be partially pro-
material. Assuming that the mechanism for generat- tonic conductor. This assumption was confirmed re-
ing electronic conductivity is associated with the cently by submitting undoped BaCeO, ceramics to
creation of vacancies and correlatively with the for- water at 600°C. The conductivity at 600°C of a water
mation of Ce3+ ions, a high electronic conductivity treated sample is significantly increased (10m5 S .
is expected. For example, in CeO,,,, (40% of Ce3+), cm-‘>. The thermal history of the sample also influ-
the electronic conductivity is of 1 S . cm-’ at 600°C ences the conductivity. In order to clarify this point,
[18]. As a further proof, the compound is yellowish coupled in-situ Raman and impedance measurements
and does not change to a black coloration from 25 up were performed.
to 600°C this could mean that the content in Ce3+ is
nearly as small in BaCeO, as in non reduced CeO,.
In ceria, one must work with PO, = 10-l’ atm at 4. Conductivity and structural changes as a func-
800°C to generate a concentration of vacancies x = tion of the temperature
1O-4 [19]. At PO, = 1 atm by extrapolation of the
curve 800°C of Fig. 3 in [19], it should be x: = 10p5. 4.1. Thermal treatment at 600°C
It can also be checked from [20] that the ionic
conductivity in ceria is quite large as soon as the Fig. 5 gives the resistance variation as a function
vacancy concentration reaches 5%. The conductivity of the time when the sample is maintained at 600°C

(a) (b)

0 500000 1000000 1500000 1,l 1.15 1,2 1,25 1,3 1,35 1,4 1,45 I,5
1000/T (K)
Re(Z) (ohm)

Fig. 4. Evolution of impedance diagrams for the non-treated BaCeO, ceramic in the Nyquist representation in the 420-600°C temperature
range (a) and representation of the conductivity of the sample in the Arrhenius plot (b).
254 S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258

is characteristic of a disordered phase which prefig-

ures the cubic structure.
The increase of R is not due to a decomposition
but to the ordering of the intermediate tetragonal
phase. The corresponding orthorhombic-tetragonal
structural transition was mentioned as taking place at
133°C in our previous work [14]. Surprisingly, it
seems to develop at a much higher temperature in
this study.

4.2. Thermal cycles between 20 and 600°C

6 “‘C”‘b”‘I”,I”..
0 200 400 600 800 1000 Fig. 4a and Fig. 6 report respectively the evolu-
Time (min)
tion of impedance diagrams and Raman spectra
Fig. 5. Resistance versus time of BaCeO, at 600°C under air: (a) recorded for a non-treated BaCeO, sample during a
and (b) are two of the Raman spectra recorded during a 16 h
thermal cycle causing to raise the temperature from
period. The spectrmn (b), characteristic of the tetragonal phase,
has gained in intensity. 20 to 6OO”C, maintain the sample at 600°C for 1000
min and then return to 20°C. The conductivity (Fig.
4b) is represented by the Arrhenius plot. Two very
during 1000 min, in air. The resistance increases close values (E, = 1.0 eV and 1.06 eV) for the
rapidly until it tends towards 9.5 X lo5 n after 800 corresponding activation energies can be derived
min. The same result was observed in argon and from the slopes in the 350-600°C temperature range.
nitrogen atmospheres. The Raman spectra recorded Such high energies are usually rather associated with
at the beginning and at the end of the thermal ionic conductivity. Below 4OO”C, the conductivity
treatment are also reported on the figure. It is obvi- cannot be determined with a good accuracy (Fig. 4a).
ous that no band due to any other compound is As stated in Refs. [14-161, only relative motions
observed, in particular the weak band of unreacted of 0 and Ce atoms can give rise to Raman active
ceria does not evolute. On the other hand, the Raman modes. Recent normal mode calculations [24] have
signal of BaCeO, is substantially improved after shown that bands above 300 cm-i involve mainly 0
such a treatment. The spectrum in Fig. 5b is much displacements while those taking place at low fre-
more intense and shows that the tetragonal phase is quencies are rather motions of octaedra as a whole.
the dominant structure while the spectrum in Fig. 5a For instance, the A, mode at 133 cm-’ is mainly a

cm-’ cm-’
Fig. 6. Evolution of Raman spectra of the undoped BaCeO, sample between 160°C and 260°C.
S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258 255

plet and which cannot be viewed as an envelope of

this multiplet. The background (baseline) and the
Rayleigh intensity increase from 160 up to 210°C
and then recover their initial level. This is correlated
with the electrical noise observed in impedance mea-
surements in this temperature range (see further).
The evolution of some spectral parameters as a
function of temperature is presented in Figs. 7 and 8.
As expected from the anharmonicity phenomena, the
frequencies start to decrease when the temperature is
raised (Fig. 7). This behavior is interrupted for the
133 cm-’ (curve a) and the 110 cm-’ (curve b)
0 200 400 600 modes in the 220-280°C range if (a) is connected to
Temperature (“C) (c) and (b) to (d). On the other hand, it is possible to
consider that (d) is the continuation of (a) and that a
Fig. 7. Evolution of the frequency of some modes versus tempera-
new mode (c) has appeared above 300°C. (c) appears
ture in the 60-130 cm-’ frequency range. Bands (c) and (d) are
attributed to the tetragonal structure. only as a weak shoulder and thus, its frequency is
not determined with a good accuracy. Recent normal
mode calculations [24] favor the first interpretation
libration of octaedra around the b axis while that at consisting of making of (d) a librational mode of
114 cm-’ of the B,, symmetry is a libration mode octaedra similar in both orthorhombic and tetragonal
around the a axis (axis of the orthorhombic Pmna structures. However, whatever the interpretation is,
space group). the most important conclusion is that anomalies in
Fig. 6 shows that a clear modification of the the frequency variations are encountered in the 220-
spectra takes place in a narrow temperature range 300°C range. As already stated, the frequency pa-
near 190°C. These spectral changes are associated to rameter changes are rather representative of short
the orthorhombic-quadratic modification, The multi- range order (SRO) structural modifications. Such a
plet at about 100 cm-’ gives rise to a single band, modification which is likely characteristic of small
the width of which is smaller than the initial multi- domains seems to be completed at about 300°C.

(a) (b)

5 10000
g 8000
z 6ooo
_ 4000

90 n
200 500 600 300 400 500 600 400 450 500 550 600
Temperature (“C) Temperature (“C) Temperature (“C)
Fig. 8. Temperaturedependence of frequency (a), intensity (b) and FWHM (c) of the 110 cm- band of the tetragonal structure (named (d)
in the discussion) during the thermal cycle.
256 S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (199.5) 249-258

Fig. 8a, b and c gives the temperature dependence

of the frequency, the intensity and FWHM respec-
tively for the band (d) in the 300-600°C temperature
range. This band (which likely corresponds to the
133 cm-’ mode measured at room temperature) is
chosen because it is particularly sensitive to struc-
tural changes. The intensity of this band (Fig. 8b)
starts to increase and reaches a maximum at 400 or
450°C depending on the thermal protocol. For a
given short range structural organization such as
octahedra, for instance, the intensity parameter varia- log(l(counts))
tions are representative of the overall symmetry of
Fig. 9. Correlation between conductivity and Raman integrated
the crystal. It can thus be concluded that the tetrago-
intensity of the 110 cm-’ band (d) in the 450-600°C temperature
nal domains grow between 300 and 450°C and that range during the temperature decrease.
the actual tetragonal phase exists only around this
last temperature. This phase is particularly well de-
veloped after a thermalization at 6OO”C, which should
favor the kinetics of long range ordering. This model and 600°C means that the local structure does not
is confirmed by the FWHM evolution (Fig. 8~). The vary anymore and that the changes in the mobility of
reduction of FWHM takes place only when the the particles participating in the ionic conductivity in
ordering is achieved. From these Raman measure- this temperature range is determined only by the
ments, it can be concluded that 340°C marks the end long range structure changes. In any case, if oxygen
of the short range evolution (nucleation), while 450°C vacancies are generated when heating the compound,
is the average temperature for long range ordering their concentration is not high enough to influence
(growth process). the local structure. Note that we assume that a small
It must be emphasized that such a temperature concentration of vacancies is preexisting in order to
dependence of the integrated Raman intensity is allow an oxygen mobility. Magnetic and optical
unusual since no marked effect of the temperature is measurements are in progress in order to check if
generally expected for a compound not undergoing a these oxygen vacancies are associated with Ce4+
phase transition. The same temperature dependence vacancies or if they imply the presence of reduced
has been observed for PbF, 1271. However, at the Ce3+ ions. As far as electronic contribution is con-
difference of the barium cerate, the gain of intensity cerned, it is interesting to recall the conclusions
of PbFZ when approaching the transition temperature obtained by Tuller and Novick [18] on non-stoichio-
was accompanied by a broadening of the band and metric CeO,_ X. The oxygen vacancies order and the
thus the gain of intensity was interpreted as being corresponding SRO persist above the temperature Ti
due to the appearance of k # 0 phonons induced by of the order-disorder transition. The rate of SRO
disorder. In BaCeO,, the gain of intensity and reduc- increases with x (the order-disorder transformation
tion of halfwidth is fully interpreted in terms of takes place at 450°C for CeO,,,, ). This SRO should
ordering of an intermediate phase. be responsible for the high activation energy for
Fig. 9 shows the variation of BaCeO, conductiv- electrical conductivity via small polaron hopping.
ity as a function of the integrated intensity parame- The same interpretation can be proposed for BaCeO,:
ter. In the 450-600°C temperature range, the conduc- the conductivity decrease which accompanies the
tivity can be correlated to the intensity parameter tetragonal structural change can be related to the
with a good accuracy. Thus, the long range ordering blocking effect of the vacancies ordering (it should
responsible for the observed intensity variations in block both electronic hopping and oxygen ion mobil-
the Raman spectra is responsible for the decrease of ity). When the compound is heated further, an or-
the conductivity. The fact that the frequency (Fig. der-disorder transition (tetragonal -+ cubic) takes
8a) does not reveal the same sensitivity between 400 place as for ceria.
S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (199.5) 249-258 257

100 200 300 400 500 600 0 loo 200 300 400 500
Temperature (“C)
T (“C)
Fig. 10. Evolution of the impedance fluctuations versus tempera- Fig. 11. Evolution of the resistance of the water treated sample as
ture. 6 is the standard error of Z determined from 20 measure-
a function of the temperature.

When random fluctuations take place, both give rise

The impedance fluctuations were studied as a to noise (background, Rayleigh scattering in Raman).
function of the temperature. Fig. 10 gives the stan- When BaCeO, is water treated, a single circle is
dard error S of 2 (6= iARe( + Aim(Z)‘) in still sufficient to describe most of the impedance
the 20-600°C temperature range. This parameter measurements in the 100 Hz-40 MHz frequency
gives an indication on the noise corresponding to range. However, it becomes possible to measure a
these electrical signals. It is interesting to note that resistance already at room temperature (Fig. 11).
this noise seems to be maximum in the 250-450°C When the sample is heated in a closed cell, the
range. It could be related to the domain size fluctua- resistance increases up to 200°C likely because a part
tions which could take place during the growth of the incorporated protons are weakly bound water
process. It is interesting to note that for conductivity molecules, for instance, at grain boudaries as sug-
data, the probing particles are mobile charges mov- gested in [25]. Above 200°C the resistance decreases
ing in the lattice (a small fraction of the atoms) while up to 2 X lo4 R at 600°C and seems to vary as a
in Raman spectroscopy, the probing particles are thermally activated process. The charge carriers could
photons. Both are sensitive to structural fluctuations. be then the remaining protons. The Raman spectra

1100 1000 900 800 700 600 400 200 0
c m-’ cm-’

Fig. 12. Raman spectra in the 30-1100 cm-’ frequency range of 90% BaCeOs + 10% BaCO, (a); BaCeOs under f&O 6) and BaCeO,
under CO, (c). The 1060 cm-’ band allows to estimate the proportion (in weight) of carbonate in (b) and (C).
258 S. Loridant et al. /Solid State Ionics 78 (1995) 249-258

for the water treated sample vary exactly in the same acknowledged for his help in the implementation of
way as for the non-treated one. The only difference the cell.
is the presence of a very weak band at 1060 cm-’
attributed to the presence of about 1% (in weight) of
BaCO, (Fig. 12). It shows that the carbonation of the References
compound is more favored by the water treatment
t11 H. Iwahara, Solid State Ionics 52 (1992) 99.
than by heating the sample between 25 and 600°C in 121H. Iwah.ara, Solid State Ionics, (1992) 575.
a pure CO, atmosphere. [31 N. Bonanos, Solid State Ionics 53-56 (1992) 967.
[41 N. Bonanos, in: Proc. 14th Rise Intern. Symp. on Materials
Science, ed. F.W Poulsen @iso Natl. Lab. Rosvilde, 1993) p.
5. Conclusions
[51 N. Bonanos, J.Phys. Chem. 54 (1993) 867.
b1 J.F. Liu and AS. Nowick, Mat. Res. Sot Symp. Proc., Solid
Coupled impedance and Raman measurements State Ionics II, 210 (1991) 663.
performed on undoped BaCeO, ceramic have al- 171 K.C. Liang and A.S. Nowick, Solid State Ionics 61 (1993)
lowed to show that a large part of the variations of
@I T. Hibino and H. Iwahara, Sensors Actuators B 13-14
the electrical resistance is due to the structural (1993) 483.
changes induced by the temperature variation. Recip- [91 T. Hibino, K. Mizutan, T. Yajima and H. Iwabara, Solid
rocally, this coupled study contributes to the under- State Ionics 58 (1992) 85.
standing of the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase tran- t101 T. Hibino, K. Mizutan, T. Yajima and H. Iwahara, Solid
sition mechanism. The resistance and the intensity of State Ionics 57 (1992) 303.
ml R.C.T. Slade and N. Singh, J. Mater. Chem. 1 (1991) 441.
the 133-110 cm-’ Raman band vary in the same
WI S. Gopalan and A.V. Virkar, J. Electrochem. Sot. 140 (1993)
way when the temperature is raised or lowered be- 1060.
tween 400 and 600°C. The following interpretation is t131 M.J. Scholten and J. Schoonman, Solid State Ionics 61
proposed: the increase of the intensity is due to the (1993) 83.
growth of ordered domains of the tetragonal phase, r141 T. Scherban, R. Villenueve, L. Abello and G. Lucazeau, J.
Raman Spectrosc. 24 (1993) 805.
correlatively this explains the increase of the resis-
t151 T. Scherban, R. Villeneuve, L. Abello and G. Lucazeau,
tance. The kinetics of growth of these domains seems Solid State Commun. 84 (1992) 341.
to be favored at 600°C but their thermodynamic [I61 T. Scherban, R. Villeneuve, L. Abello and G. Lucazeau,
stability should be maximum at about 450°C. Actu- Solid State Ionics 61 (1993) 93.
ally, as it can be deduced from the reduction of the I171 KS. Knight and N. Bonanos, Solid State Ionics 77 (1995)
fullwidth of the Raman bands and from their inten-
[I81 H.L. Tuller and A.S. Nowick, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 38
sity the long range ordering takes place at about (1977) 859.
450°C while the nucleation process would start at a [191 H.L. Tuller and A.S. Novick, J. Electrochem. Sot. 125
lower temperature. This process should start between (1979) 211.
180 and 350°C and is characterized by the variation DO1 M. Mogensen, T. Lindegaard and U.R. Hansen, J. Elec-
trochem. Sot. 141 (1994) 2122.
of the frequencies of the modes at low energy.
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will be reinvestigated and the influence of the atmo-
t241 S. Loridant, F. Genet and G. Lucazeau, Spectrochim. Acta,
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Intern. Symp. Materials Science, ed. F.W Pot&en @iso Natl.
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We are thankful to Dr P. Maestro @h&e-Poulenc [271 I. Kosacki, Appl. Phys. A49 (1989) 413.
company) for his support in this study. M. Bonnat is D31 KS. Knight, Solid State Ionics 74 (1994) 109.

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