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Selma Lagerlöf
About the Author
► Author Name:Selma Lagerlof

► Born--20 November 1858, Marbacka, Sweden

► Died--16 March 1940, Marbacka, Sweden

► Profession--Writer, Teacher

► Movies--The Enchanted Boy, The Saga of Gosta


► She was the first woman to receive Noble prize

Learning Outcome
► The students will appreciate the unique fairy tale quality of the story and the skill of the writer.

► The students will learn about the human tendency to redeem oneself from dishonest ways.

► They understand the characters and appreciate their qualities.

► They will understand that the whole world is nothing but a big rattrap. The moment anyone touches
the bait, the rattrap closes in on him. Then everything comes to an end

► They will understand that we can change a person from his evil thoughts by showing love and
The Tramp:

● The protagonist of the story. AKA - The tramp, vagabond, peddler, stranger.
● He is a vagabond and a traveler who earns a meager living by selling rat traps.
● Initially portrayed as cynical and mistrustful of people due to his difficult life experiences.
● His interactions with the ironmaster and other characters bring about a transformation in his
outlook on life.

The Ironmaster:

● A wealthy man who lives in a mansion near the forest.

● The tramp seeks shelter in his house, mistaking it for an inn.
● The ironmaster treats the tramp kindly, offering him food, warmth, and hospitality.
● He engages the tramp in conversations, treating him as an equal, which surprises and affects the
Edla Willmansson:

● The daughter of the ironmaster.

● She takes a sympathetic and compassionate approach towards the tramp.
● Edla sees the tramp as a human being rather than a beggar, and she treats him with kindness.
● She gives him money and helps him escape when he is falsely accused of theft.

The Crofter:

● A poor farmer who lives in a cottage in the forest.

● The tramp seeks refuge at the crofter's cottage after escaping from the ironmaster's house.
● Initially, the crofter is suspicious of the tramp and treats him with caution.
● However, when the tramp reveals his true identity and intentions, the crofter becomes more
trusting and friendly
● The power of kindness and compassion: The story emphasizes the transformative impact of
genuine human connection and empathy.
● Transformation of identity: The tramp's encounter with kindness leads to a change in his
perception of himself and others.
● The trap of materialism: The rattrap symbolizes the entrapment caused by the pursuit of material
possessions and wealth.
● Possibility of redemption: The story suggests that individuals have the potential for change and
can find redemption despite their past mistakes.
● The rattrap: Symbolizes the traps and entanglements that people find themselves in, both literal
and metaphorical.
● The ironmaster's house: Represents a temporary refuge and a safe space where the tramp
experiences kindness and understanding.
● The ironworks: Symbolizes the world of materialism and entrapment from which the tramp seeks
to escape.
● The tramp: Initially portrayed as cynical and suspicious, he undergoes a transformation and finds
hope and redemption through kindness.
● The ironmaster: Portrayed as a compassionate and open-minded individual who treats the tramp
with kindness and respect.
● Edla Willmansson: Represents empathy and compassion, challenging societal norms and treating
the tramp with dignity.
● The crofter: Initially suspicious of the tramp, he ultimately displays trust and friendship.
● The tramp, a poor wanderer, sells rat traps to earn a living.
● Seeking shelter, he enters the ironmaster's house, where he is treated with unexpected kindness.
● Edla, the ironmaster's daughter, befriends the tramp and gives him money to escape when he is
accused of theft.
● The tramp seeks refuge with the crofter, reveals his true identity, and is accepted with friendship.
● The story ends with the tramp's newfound hope and the realization that kindness can change
"The Rattrap" by Selma Lagerlöf is a short story about a poor tramp who finds himself caught in a web
of cynicism and despair. The tramp survives by selling rat traps made from wire and iron. Feeling
trapped in his own life, he sees the world as a giant rattrap, luring people with false promises.

Seeking shelter and warmth, the tramp enters the home of an ironmaster, mistaking it for an inn. To
his surprise, the ironmaster treats him kindly, offering him food, comfort, and engaging him in
conversations. The tramp starts to feel a glimmer of hope and questions his cynical outlook on life.

The ironmaster's daughter, Edla, shows empathy towards the tramp. She sees him as a person deserving
of kindness, rather than a mere tramp. Edla treats him with respect and understanding, giving him
money and helping him escape when he is falsely accused of theft.
The tramp, now filled with gratitude and a newfound sense of worth, seeks refuge with a crofter. He
reveals his true identity to the crofter, who responds with acceptance and friendship. Through these
encounters, the tramp experiences a transformation. He realizes that genuine human connection and
acts of kindness can break the cycle of despair and cynicism.

"The Rattrap" serves as a reminder that material possessions and societal judgments can trap
individuals in a cycle of unhappiness. However, acts of kindness and empathy have the power to unlock
the potential for redemption and transformation. It highlights the importance of treating others with
compassion, as even a small act of kindness can bring about significant change in someone's life.
The Rattrap” is an appropriate title as it is the story of a rattrap peddler. The author has used the
metaphor of a Rattrap to highlight the human predicament. Just as a rat is fooled by bait and gets
trapped, most human beings also fall into the trap of material benefits. The story revolves around the
incident of a man getting trapped due to his greed. Hence, the title is an apt one.
● The importance of empathy and treating others
with kindness, regardless of their social status.
● The potential for transformation and redemption
in every individual.
● The traps and entanglements of materialism and
the value of seeking genuine connections.
Thank You
A Presentation by
Shahrukh Mehta
Vice Principal
Vasishtha Genesis School

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