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Student: Savannah R. Walker

Clinical Staff: Jennifer Dral
Site: Therapy Services of Marlette Regional Hospital
Evaluation Name: PTH 634 Summer 2023 Class of 2025

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1.   Professional Practice – Safety

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I rarely require guidance with safety cueing, especially since my 3rd week started & I've been starting to do things
more independently with my patients & the CI steps in when she sees fit. I demonstrate a skilled level of
performance with patient safety, always being conscious when walking into a room to check where the gait belts
are located. I demonstrate a lower level of complexity, with at least 50-75% of the elements being controlled by the
CI. I routinely make sure that patients have their gait belts on before they perform any sort of activity. 95% of the
time I make sure that their wheelchair/4WW brakes are locked before transferring, unless they begin to stand up
before I am prepared. I also routinely use appropriate body mechanics. I am quick to place gait belts on patients &
ensure that is one of the first tasks that get done after entering a patient's room.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I always ensure that patients have gait belts on before ambulating, & if they are impulsive & try to stand before they
are safely able to do so I make sure to cue them quickly to sit back down until we are safely ready to perform the
task at hand. I also always make sure the patient's W/C are locked before performing transfers, and that beds are
locked before moving patients around. I routinely use appropriate body mechanics, asking my CI for cueing on how
I can improve it if I feel it isn't adequate (such as during Dix-Hallpike maneuvers).

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student maintains pt/resident safety at all times, effiently ensuring gait belt/socks/brakes, etc are always used
appropriately -pays attention and closely monitors pt response to treatment and adjusts as needed -appropriately
observes standard precautions -requires occasional reminders or demonstration of ways to improve body
mechanics or offer appropriate assistance

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student continues to maintain pt/resident safety at all times, efficiently ensuring gait belt/socks/brakes, etc are
always used appropriately -pays attention and closely monitors pt response to treatment and adjusts as needed -
appropriately observes standard precautions -maintains appropriate body mechanics independently


Self +4
CI +6

2.   Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I always show up early for work in appropriate attire. I could still work on my empathy with patients, as sometimes I
am still at a loss of words when tough topics are brought up (such as cancer or death of a loved one). I make sure
that I obtain a good relationship with the patients & their families, & thus far my CI & I have been thanked multiple
times for how great we were & how much they loved our care for them. I also make sure that I obtain a good
relationship with the other therapists in the OP clinic as well as the OTs that work in the acute care setting as well. I
am always looking for feedback, particularly with my documentation & never become defensive & always eager to
learn better verbiage for my notes. I also value the dignity of patients as individuals by creating their treatment plan
based on how they are presenting & what their goals are.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I always show up to work dressed in appropriate professional attire. I have also improved my empathy with
patients, & feel I have been able to establish a better rapport with patients when talking about difficult situations. I
have continued to maintain my relationships with the co-workers in the OP clinic, & they have verbalized to me how
they truly enjoy my presence in the clinic & how much help I can provide them while working with the PTAs in the
LTC unit. I also always am seeking feedback both in real time with patients as well as afterwards when working on

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -demonstrates excellent initiative and pays impressively close attention to detail -maintains excellent relationships
with pt/families and staff enhanced by her radiant personality and positive attitude -she smiles often, maintains
warm demeanor and puts her patients at ease -seeks feedback appropriately to enhance her understanding

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -continues to demonstrate excellent initiative and pays impressively close attention to detail -maintains excellent
relationships with pt/families and staff enhanced by her radiant personality and positive attitude -continually seeks
feedback from CI to ensure her understanding/to improve performance -makes her patients feel comfortable and
at ease


Professional Self +3
Behavior CI +6

3.   Professional Practice – Accountability

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker Supervision/guidance: Quality: Complexity: Consistency: Efficiency:

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I am always sure to place the patient's needs above my self interests, especially when creating their POC &
intervention choices for the day (including giving the patient options for what we can work on for the day). I accept
responsibility for all errors made & am sure to correct them in a timely manner. I am also always sure to lock out
the computers before leaving so nobody accesses information, & close doors when working with patients who may
be toileting or need extra privacy.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Consistently places pt needs above her own by being flexible with her time, treating into her lunch break if its what
the pt needs -Remedies errors quickly and does not repeat, seeking clarification to ensure improved understanding
-maintains pt privacy and modesty with good awareness of surroundings like when to close a door -maintains pt
confidentiality by ensuring no pt census pages are left open to read by those walking past computer station

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Consistently places pt needs above her own by being flexible with her time, pushing back her lunch break if its
what the pt needs and staying late if needed -Remedies errors quickly and does not repeat, seeking clarification to
ensure her understanding -maintains pt privacy and modesty with good awareness of surroundings like when to
close a door -independently maintains pt confidentiality


Self +2
CI +6

4.   Professional Practice – Communication

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I am still working on initiating communication in difficult situations with patients, usually letting my CI lead first to
see how she may handle it & making note for following situations where something may occur. I always work to
listen to other members of the patient's care team, as there could be something that they observed or saw in their
treatment session that we may not have gotten to & could impact our intervention choices for the day (such as
talking to nursing staff about how certain patients are feeling/energy levels). I am still working on my ability to
professionally write out what I am seeing during sessions in my notes, as I tend to use a lot of excess verbiage that
can be shortened. I also always make sure to explain concepts to patients in terms that they can understand, and
make sure to ask them if they have questions or if anything didn't make sense.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have improved my ability to communicate both verbally & nonverbally, tremendously increasing my portrayal of
confidence when working with patients. I listen to both the patient as well as the patient's care team to get an idea
of how they are feeling that day & of any relevant updates we may need to know about. I am getting better at
picking up on patient's nonverbal cues, including pain signals such as grimacing. I continue to explain concepts to
patients in lay-mans terms so that they can more easily understand what we're doing for the day.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student is a strong communicator, jumping in when appropriate to further educate pt -consistently demonstrates
active listening -effectively modifies communication to meet the needs of her pt -appropriately seeks assistance
when working with more complex pts where understanding their speech can be challenging

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student is a strong communicator, jumping in when appropriate to further educate pt -consistently demonstrates
active listening -effectively modifies communication to meet the needs of her pt -appropriately seeks assistance
when working with more complex pts where understanding their speech can be challenging


Self +3
CI +4

5.   Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker Although there isn't a large variety of cultural differences at the current site I'm at, I still am open to what patient's
wishes & desires are & make sure to obtain consent before performing any interventions/treatment on them to
make sure they are okay with what I think might be best. I ensure to place my own social & cultural biases to the
side when working with patients to get an idea of the type of treatment they would like to obtain from PT that will
also work toward their goals.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I am open to patient's wishes & decisions when performing patient care. I always make sure that they know at the
end of the day that we can only give our best recommendations for things, & that the decision will ultimately be up
to them. I continue to place my own biases to the side when working with patients to ensure their goals are being
met by PT in a manner that works best for them.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student respects individual differences of each pt and adapts interventions appropriately -provides care in non-
judgemental manner with respect and patience


Cultural Self +3
Competence CI +5

6.   Professional Practice – Professional Development

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I am always willing to seek guidance in topics I am unsure of. I speak to my CI about once a week during casual
conversation about what my goals are for the week & make sure we are on the same page of what I may be ready
to try & tackle on my own as well as what I think I still need some assistance with. I've spoken to my CI mostly
about my goals with documentation & decreasing the time it takes for me to complete my notes, but we've also
discussed initial evaluations & treatments beforehand with patients as to the questions I should ask & which
interventions I may have planned for them & get an idea of if I am on the right track or not. I am also always seeking
out learning experiences from others, including observing both the OP physical therapists as well as the OTs to see
which type of questions they ask during initial evaluations that I can carry over into mine.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I continue to seek guidance on all topics I am unsure of to further my understanding & get a better grasp on things.
I casually chat with my CI weekly/daily for what my goals are so that we are both on the same page of what I would
like to accomplish. I appreciate my CI as she sometimes pushes me to perform things that I may not have initially
chosen to do on my own, which has improved my ability as a clinician to push outside my comfort zone. I continue
to seek advice from OP PTs, OTs, & the PTAs as to what they do with patients to try & further my knowledge.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -actively seeks guidance to address limitations and strengthen her understanding -consistently establishes
appropriate and realistic goals for her clinical performance i.e. student will set a goal at beginning of the day "I
want to write a note in under __ minutes or I want to conduct one evaluation start to finish by the end of today." -
actively discusses current progress and growth

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -actively seeks guidance to address limitations and strengthen her understanding -consistently establishes
appropriate and realistic goals for her clinical performance i.e. student will set a goal at beginning of the day "I
want to conduct one evaluation start to finish by the end of today" or "I want to write a discharge note today." -
actively discusses current progress and growth


Professional Self +3
Development CI +5

7.   Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker Supervision/guidance: Quality: Complexity: Consistency: Efficiency:

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have demonstrated improvements in selecting appropriate treatment options & patient recommendations using
my knowledge from school & previous cases we have worked with throughout the clinical experience. I have also
continued to ask for advice when I am unsure of or would like clarification on which setting may be most
appropriate for patients. I have also demonstrated the ability to make clinical decisions even when the patient's
values may be in conflict; for example, we have 2 current cases where we are working with the patient & their family
members to discuss the safest D/C option for them, and one of the patient's believes she should go home
independently when she is not an optimal choice for independent living.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student consistently asks relevant and engaging questions demonstrating her high degree of critical reasoning
and attention to detail -Does an excellent job recognizing patient response and individualizing each treatment
session and POC to the individual needs of the pt

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student consistently demonstrates a high degree of clinical reasoning and attention to detail, evident by asking
relevant and engaging questions -Does an excellent job recognizing patient response and individualizing each
treatment session and POC to the individual needs of the pt;


Clinical Self +2
Reasoning CI +5

8.   Patient Management – Screening

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker After talking with my CI about a game plan for the day, I get an idea of which new evals to the hospital there are &
review their medical history & what the patient is in for. We also sometimes chat with the NP on staff to get their
perspective the patient & if they had an idea of if they were to send them home or if they thought they would benefit
from PT. Just last Friday, we had a patient with a L THA come in whose LLE was completely swollen & causing her
a lot of pain; we had just gone in to see her after a Doppler was completed to assess for a potential DVT & were
awaiting results when we talked to the SNF coordinator about when we may hear back with her values. Upon
speaking to the SNF coordinator, we realized that as of the day before her hemoglobin values ranged from 6.9-7.4 &
no testing was done upon admission to the current facility; based on previous conversations in the first week of
coming to my rotation, I realized these values were too low to safely work with this person without any idea of her
values & we decided to push back the evaluation until we obtained all her lab values back.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I come into the clinic every day getting an idea as well as prepping how I might handle our caseload for the day, &
from that point I decide when I look at new admissions so their history is fresh in my mind before going to perform
an evaluation on them. We also chat with the nursing staff/hospitalist on staff to get an idea of if they plan to D/C
patients or if they think they are a good candidate for PT. I have also reviewed patient histories to decide if their lab
values are safe to perform evaluations on for the day.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -student is able to independently review medical record and identify contraindications for therapy including lab
values, vitals, etc -has participated in some screening of LTC residents -has contributed to discussion with provider
regarding indications for therapy or request for consult from specialty like neurology or need for IPR vs subacute

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student independently reviews medical record and identifies contraindications for therapy including lab values,
vitals, etc -has participated in screening of LTC residents including IDT quarterly screens-has contributed to
discussion with provider regarding indications for therapy or request for consult from specialty like neurology or
need for IPR vs subacute rehab


Self +2
CI +4

9.   Patient Management – Examination

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I still need some guidance while performing initial evaluations, as I usually forget to ask at least a couple important
questions, but I have been able to lead on at least 4-5 initial evaluations on my own with my CI stepping in where
she sees fit, and have completed the documentation independently as well. I always make sure to obtain vital signs
when performing an initial evaluation, especially with someone who has a pulmonary or cardiac disorder. If I see
from the patient records that they are a poor historian or have dementia, I make it a point that the first thing I ask is
if they are oriented. I tend to forget to ask about if the patient uses any ADs at home, and I sometimes forget to ask
about fall history, but that has been slowly declining. I am still working on my efficiency while performing tests &
measures, but I feel I am starting to find a groove of a way to perform the assessments in a more logical manner
after observing others perform it.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have tremendously improved my subjective history taking skills with patients, needing only minimal intervening to
ask questions that I have forgotten to ask. I have also improved my skills in asking questions to assess alertness &
orientation, going through the list of questions to ask patients when I feel they are at a potential risk of a cognitive
deficit. I have improved my ability to ask questions concerning patient's ADs at home, as well as remembering to
ask about their fall history. One thing I could improve on asking is how much assistance patients are receiving at
home from people that they are living with, as I sometimes forget to ask questions like if the person they live with
works & is gone from the home often.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -requires very minimal assistance to obtain all pertinent info for complete subjective hx -consistently hypothesis
with min assist from CI -performs appropriate test and measures including cognition, ADs, home environment
barriers, gait, muscle strength/ROM, sensory/neuromotor, pain, self care and respiratory/circulation appropriately
with min assist from CI -student beginning to require less direct supervision and beginning to share caseload with

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -requires very minimal to no assistance to obtain all pertinent info for complete subjective hx -consistently
hypothesizes with min assist from CI -performs appropriate test and measures including cognition, ADs, home
environment barriers, gait, muscle strength/ROM, sensory/neuromotor, pain, self care and respiratory/circulation
appropriately with min assist from CI -student beginning to require less direct supervision and beginning to share
caseload with CI


Self +2
CI +4

10.   Patient Management – Evaluation

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I am still working on my ability to appropriately place someone & give recommendations as to what setting will be
best for them based on my examination findings. I feel I have a good grasp on identifying their functional
limitations, but I struggle with how to compare what they are currently functioning at versus what their baseline
functioning is, especially if the patient is a poor historian & isn't able to give completely reliable subjective

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have improved my abilities in deciding where patients should be placed upon initial evaluation, but I still need
moderate levels of guidance to ensure my decision making choices are correct. I have begun looking into old
evaluations to see if the patient could potentially be at their baseline level of function, which has helped me if the
patient has been previously admitted to us.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student makes appropriate judgements based on info from examination portion of eval, reaching decisions
efficiently by identifying and processing data to determine the appropriate impairments/limitations and QOL of
each pt with moderate assistance from CI

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student makes appropriate judgements based on info from examination portion of eval, reaching decisions
efficiently by identifying and processing data to determine the appropriate impairments/limitations and QOL of
each pt with minimal assistance from CI for simple diagnoses and moderate to max for complex/unfamiliar


Self +2
CI +4

11.   Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker Thus far we have only had one patient who we have differentially diagnosed based on his symptoms, & it was a
patient who came in with CP & was experiencing heart issues. When he came in & we evaluated him to see if he
would be appropriate for PT, he could barely open his eyes & was leaning his entire upper body severely toward the
right side; we went to perform the evaluation a different day since he wasn't even able to sit upright, & when we
went back he still demonstrated severe trunk leaning toward the right. It was difficult to understand his speech, but
we didn't know what his baseline function was so we weren't sure how impactful his CP was on his speech. Once
we were able to more easily understand him, he complained that the right side of his face felt funny & that he
wasn't able to pronounce his words. To me, it appeared as red flags for a stroke, & that was what it appeared as to
my CI as well. We talked with the NP about it, & he ordered another CT scan which showed a CVA. Other than that
incident, I feel I've shown appropriate estimates on a patients prognosis for care based on their diagnosis from
admittance into the hospital.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have continued to improve my DDx skills, including reviewing patient charting upon initial evaluations to try &
decide what I think the patient may have going on. Just this week, we had a patient who came in with an altered
mental status & was an alcoholic; my initial impressions were wondering if she was dehydrated or had a UTI since
she was an older individual, & dehydration can increase your risk of UTIs (which cause AMS in older individuals).

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -student consistently establishes diagnosis/prognosis with moderate guidance from CI with improving efficiency,
beginning to share caseload with CI and least 75% supervision

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student consistently establishes diagnosis/prognosis with moderate guidance from CI with improving efficiency,
beginning to share caseload with CI and least 75% supervision


Diagnosis and Self +2

Prognosis CI +3

12.   Patient Management – Plan of Care

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I feel that I do a good job when choosing the patient's plan of care based on what was observed during their initial
evaluation, as well as based on what goals the patient has for themselves. I take into account things that I know
will help progress them toward their goals when making a patient's plan of care. One thing I am still working on is
the duration of how long a patient should be seen before being discharged from subacute care & when they are
able to progress to either an OP or home health PT setting.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have continued to improve my skills in choosing a patient's POC based on their evaluation & progress during
treatment sessions. I take into account the goals the patient has for themselves, as well as which ideas I have that
can help the patient achieve those goals when choosing my treatment options. I have also improved my ability to
decide how long patients should be seen before being discharged, as well as tell-tale signs of when it is getting
close for a patient to get discharged (including if they are at their baseline level of function).

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -student requires min assistance to develop appropriate goals and expected length of stay -establishes POC in
collaboration with pt and family to individualize to each pt situation -POC and goals are relevant and consistent
with eval findings, selects appropriate interventions to assist in meeting goals -student consistently monitors and
adjusts POC and DC planning as needed with constant supervision from CI

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student requires min assistance to develop appropriate goals and expected length of stay -establishes POC in
collaboration with pt and family to individualize to each pt situation -POC and goals are relevant and consistent
with eval findings, selects appropriate interventions to assist in meeting goals -student consistently monitors and
adjusts POC and DC planning as needed with constant supervision from CI; student is beginning to share caseload
in respect to POC. Student is learning home services available and concerns about home set up/long term
independence to help make POC recommendations.


Self 0
Plan of Care
CI +3

13.   Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I particularly feel within the last week in particular that I have improved immensely in the interventions category. I
have started to implement more functional training into patient's daily treatments instead of only focusing on basic
OKC strengthening exercises. For example, for two of the patients that I saw last week, instead of having a patient
perform seated LAQ, I had them perform sit-to-stands with either none or unilateral UE support to facilitate
quadriceps strengthening in a more functional way. We also implemented balance training for a patient with her
eyes closed, explaining to her how if she ever had to get up in the middle of the night when it is dark that this is a
great task for us to work with her on to be sure she would be safe to do it at home once she was discharged.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have demonstrated competency in performing pursed lip & diaphragmatic breathing patterns with multiple
patients, as well as functional strength training, manual therapy (stretching), patient instruction, & therapeutic
exercises. I feel most confident in my therapeutic exercise & activity prescriptions for patients, but I am increasing
my confidence with functional based training for patients. I am also skilled in performing hemodynamic monitoring
on patients, performing them on nearly every single patient we see.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -student has performed various interventions including functional training in self-care and home management,
manual therapy, pt education, AD prescription, ther ex and pursed lip breathing each consistently with POC and
goals -performs skilled hemodynamic monitoring of response during treatment with min guidance from CI -student
does a good job of identifying when interventions need modification due to pain/difficulty demonstrated by patient
and appropriately asks for assistance from CI for guidance

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student has performed various interventions including functional training in self-care and home management,
manual therapy, pt education, AD prescription, ther ex and pursed lip breathing each consistently with POC and
goals -performs skilled hemodynamic monitoring of response during treatment with min guidance from CI -student
does a good job of identifying when interventions need modification due to pain/difficulty demonstrated by patient
and appropriately asks for assistance from CI for guidance; she has recently completed canalith repositioning
several times. She is capable of about 50% caseload


Procedural Self +1
Interventions CI +4

14.   Patient Management – Educational Interventions

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I feel that I have shown immense improvements since my first week here in educating & instructing patients. I have
been better about identifying the patient's learning style as well as which cueing the patient may need for certain
tasks as well as keeping in mind certain barriers to learning that may hinder the patient's progress. For example,
with a lot of our dementia patients, they don't necessarily have the cognitive ability to focus on everything at once,
so we need to focus on the big safety tasks we want them to focus on first.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have improved tremendously in providing patient education & instruction, expanding the ways that I would usually
explain things through visual, verbal, & tactile cueing to facilitate appropriate movement patterns. I also am able to
provide patients with HEPs that pertain to them & are specific to their POC with very minimal instruction &
assistance. I've also been able to help in explaining how equipment works with the nursing staff in the LTC unit,
including how to use the Golvo & MCPro harness with patients.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student does a good job of instructing caregivers in LTC setting regarding resident needs or precautions with
confidence -consistently provides patients with needed tools to be successful following treatment or DC to manage
problems such as edema/CHF/DM management

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student does an excellent job of instructing caregivers in LTC setting regarding resident needs or precautions with
confidence -consistently provides patients with needed tools to be successful following treatment or DC to manage
problems such as edema/CHF/DM management; student assisted in transfer training education with a difficult to
transfer LTC resident; participated in care conference where family were educated on pt needs prior to DC home


Educational Self +2
Interventions CI +3

15.   Patient Management – Documentation

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I believe that I select relevant information when documenting PT at least 90% of the time. Thus far there have only
been a handful of times with my documentation that I forgot to note something that I should have, & I'm acceptive
& receptive with that since I understand this is my first rotation & I won't know everything yet. I sometimes forget to
document when we co-treat with OT, & I still struggle with discharge recommendations, but I feel I am getting a
better idea of what patients may need from us & where they should go. I produce documentation based on site
guidelines, needing the most assistance when working on discharge or progress notes. I do ensure to explain in my
assessment section how my treatments are relevant to the patient's plan of care, but that is something I can
continue to work on. I can also continue to work on understanding the insurance side of documentation & what
patients need as well as decreasing the time it takes me to perform my documentation.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I have improved my documentation in including relevant information up to 95% of the time, only needing very
minimal constructive criticism to include certain topics I had forgotten to. I have continued to decrease my time in
documenting evaluations, daily treatments, progress notes, & D/C notes, although it still takes me a bit more time
to complete D/C & progress notes as those are still somewhat unfamiliar to me. I am also continually improving my
ability to document assessments & the patient's response to treatment and why they would benefit from PT. I still
require minimal assistance in professional verbiage and avoiding contractions/pronouns while documenting.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student has caught on extremely fast to documentation of both daily treatment and evaluation documentation -
initial notes/evals took substantially longer but have continued to be fine tuned and speed/accuracy have improved
dramatically with minimal errors -student requires most assistance from CI to include more professional and
technically sound wording without use of contractions/pronouns, etc

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student has caught on extremely fast to documentation of both daily treatment and evaluation documentation -
student requires very minimal assistance from CI to include more professional and technically sound wording
without use of contractions/pronouns, etc; student does an excellent job of writing concise and thorough notes;
she is able to write easier/familiar notes with minimal time but requires increased time for notes about unfamiliar
interventions, etc; she is able to carry about 50% caseload of notes in allotted timeframe.


Self +3
CI +3

16.   Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker I am frequently checking in with patients, asking them how they think their POC is coming along & if they feel they
are making any progress toward their goals. In the subacute setting so far we haven't had many orthopedic
patients, so we haven't handed out many functional outcome measures. Instead I focus on their functional goals &
what the patient is looking to get in order to be able to go back home & check in with them every other visit or so to
see how they're feeling. I could improve on checking more frequently on the computer as to the more specific goals
that have been written, including transfers, bed mobility, & ambulation goals.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I always ask patients during their sessions how they think the day went as well as how they felt they recovered
from the previous treatment session to gauge their current session interventions. I also perform patient
satisfaction rounding assessments on our patients where we ask them about how they felt about their level of care
we provided. I could still improve on frequently checking their goals, but I have improved on checking their goals
before discharge to see what needs to be assessed that day.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -student has participated in assessing patient response to each intervention as well as patient/family satisfaction
with care under direction from CI -student has observed CI perform patient satisfaction rounding

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student has participated in assessing patient response to each intervention as well as patient/family satisfaction
with care under direction from CI -student has performed patient satisfaction rounding independently; she has
written progress and DC notes with min A and is beginning to carry a caseload.


Outcomes Self +2
Assessment CI +4

17.   Patient Management – Financial Resources

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker We are always sure to check with OT at the beginning of the day in order to see patients at the same time if we both
have admits into the ED in order to optimize functional outcomes. We are also ALWAYS accommodating the
patient's schedules, which is part of the reason why we don't create one at the beginning of the day. It is very
dependent on the patient, including when they've received their pain meds, if they're eating, if they have doctor
appointments, or if they are napping as to if we are going to see them or someone else at that point in time.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I am still sure to check with OT to see which patients we can see together in order to optimize the patient's
functional outcomes. I have also been more involved in creating patient schedules at the beginning of the day to
get an idea of who may be best to see when, as well as accommodating for when we have meetings in the day. I
am sure to market our services to our patients, as we do rounding services where we advertise both our swing bed
& OP clinic. I am able to confidently use ICD 10 codes when diagnosing patients. I am still working on appropriately
billing for services correctly every single time, with minimum assistance from my CI for advice.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student assists with formulating schedule for the day including coordinating with OT -consistently demonstrates
flexibility to accommodate unexpected changes to schedule including taking a late lunch in order to treat a SNF
resident at a time convenient for the resident -consistently enters accurate charges for services rendered with
fiscal responsibility -is requiring less assistance in entering appropriate ICD10 codes to evaluations

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Student assists with formulating schedule for the day including coordinating with OT -consistently demonstrates
flexibility to accommodate unexpected changes to schedule including taking a late lunch in order to treat a SNF
resident at a time convenient for the resident -consistently enters accurate charges for services rendered with
fiscal responsibility -independently enters appropriate ICD10 codes on evaluations; can carry about 50% caseload


Financial Self +2
Resources CI +4

18.   Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker We keep in close communication with our PTAs, & only give them patients that would be most appropriate for them
to take on. There are some patients who require longer sessions in the SNF setting, & so we usually keep those for
us & give the PTAs the patients who are able to be completed in a shorter amount of time since their schedule is
more rigid than ours is. I am always sure to thank the PTAs when they assist us, as sometimes our schedule can
get hectic & I want them to know that their work is appreciated & doesn't go unnoticed.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker I've been able to guide the PTAs during treatment sessions when my CI was gone, & they have verbalized how
thankful they are that I have a better idea of what each patient needs to work on most during sessions as they don't
get to see the patients as often as I do. We still work to give PTAs patients who require less time to perform a
treatment session on as they have a much more rigid schedule than we do. I am sure to double check PTA notes
before seeing patients now so that I can check the patient's treatment response as well as what activities they

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Student has interacted with office staff and has participated in direction of PTA staff by assisting in deciding
which residents to give them to treat during their available blocks of time -student helps to provide instruction to
PTA staff for interventions needed with each resident -demonstrates effective interpersonal skills and is respectful
during all interactions

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -student helps to provide instruction to PTA staff for interventions needed with each resident and has helped
decide which residents are a good fit for treatment by which PTA staff member -demonstrates effective
interpersonal skills and is respectful during all interactions


Super vision of Self +3

Personnel CI +4

19.   Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments on her CPI assessment.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -takes initiative in patient care and documentation -critically thinking and asking questions -consistently writes
thorough and timely daily notes -warm and approachable to patients, builds rapport and confidence in her abilities
as a clinician -punctual, reliable and professional in all situations -maintains safety of her patients -interpersonal
skills and communication with staff and other professionals -confidence in educating patients in a manner they

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Professionalism and demeanor make you a pleasure to work with for patients and staff -Consistently produces
excellent documentation -Always critically thinking and analyzing -Punctual and reliable -Patient enjoy working with
you and you are effective -Excellent communication skills -Confident yet humble and seeks feedback -Asks relevant
and meaningful questions

Areas for Further Development

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments on her CPI assessment.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -confidence with initial evaluations -independence in directing confused/agitated/complex patients -performing
evaluations and documenting in time allotted -writing progress and DC notes -performing patient rounding to
monitor satisfaction /quality of care -actively participating in IDT meeting and writing IDT notes -independence in
determining DC plan and recommendations

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -continue to develop confidence and independence with experience in initial evaluations, especially complex cases
-increasing time of documentation to better manage patient caseload in allotted time -independence in DC decision

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of
managing at this time?
Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments on her CPI assessment.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral 1.) 5-8 patients in 8 hours, depending on census and PTA availability 2.) about 50%

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral 1.) 5-8 patients in 8 hours, depending on PTA availability 2.) 50-75%


Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments on her CPI assessment.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker See CI's comments.

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral -Savannah you are a wonderful student to work with and your patients enjoy working with you as well! Keep
pushing yourself and taking advantage of every opportunity offered

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral -Savannah you will make an amazing PT! Keep working hard, pushing yourself and paying attention to detail the
way that you have here at MRH.

Mid-Term Days Absent Student: 0 days

CI: 0 days

Final Days Absent Student: 0 days

CI: 0 days

Reason for Absence

Self Mid-Term — Savannah R. Walker No absences.

Self Final — Savannah R. Walker No a

CI Mid-Term — Jennifer M. Dral N/A

CI Final — Jennifer M. Dral N/A

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/ Times

Self Mid-Term
[CI] Jennifer M. Dral - 06/06/23 08:41 AM
[Student] Savannah R. Walker - 06/06/23 08:40 AM

Self Final
[CI] Jennifer M. Dral - 06/21/23 04:11 PM
[Student] Savannah R. Walker - 06/21/23 04:10 PM

CI Mid-Term
[Student] Savannah R. Walker - 06/06/23 08:40 AM
[CI] Jennifer M. Dral - 06/06/23 08:35 AM
[CI] Jennifer M. Dral - 06/06/23 08:35 AM

CI Final
[Student] Savannah R. Walker - 06/22/23 08:28 AM
[CI] Jennifer M. Dral - 06/21/23 04:10 PM
[CI] Jennifer M. Dral - 06/21/23 04:10 PM

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