Respected Teacher and Fellow Students

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Our islam

Respected teacher and fellow students

Assalamu Alaykum
Today I am going to talk about Islam. About 14 hundred years ago
when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came in this world for inviting
people towards Islam. He went to many places to spread Islam. Our
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) faced many difficulties in spreading
Islam. Although he was at times persecuted severely, he never gave
up. He kept on calling people towards the message of Allah. He sent
the Sahaba here and there to spread Islam. Some people became
Muslim but some people still ignored the Sahaba. The Sahaba
fought for Islam. They gave their lives for Islam but now in 2020
people can’t bear any hardship and difficulties for Islam. I am not
talking about any war. I am only talking about hardworking in
tableegh like Haji Abdul Wahab sahab did. If you become like him
many people can become Muslim. Spread my massage in every
corner of the world. Summary of Islam is these five pillars . There
is no god worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is
his messenger, Salah, which is one of the most important obligation
in Islam, never miss it or you will be punished. Give Zakkzh once a
year if you are able to pay. Ramadan is a month for fasting and
every Muslim must fast unless he or she is unable due to some
problem. Do Hajj once in your life if you can afford there is no
problem doing more then one time. In these five pillars the most
important is believing in the oneness of Allah. Islam helps Muslims
grow in faith and spirituality ,supports new Muslims in learning
their religion and build bridges with fellow human beings.

By : Muhammad Yousuf

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