U04 Developmental Psych Slides

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m8 Prenatal Development and the Newborn


1,000 sperm produced per second 200 million per ejaculation Egg : Sperm = 85,000 : 1

Zygote: conception to 2 weeks 7-9 days implantation Embryo: 2 - 8 weeks 3 weeks, heart then central nervous system Fetus: 9 weeks - birth

25-28 weeks, viable

Sonogram images

Sonogram images

Sonogram images


Any factor or agent causing malformation Drugs Alcohol Disease

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Reex simple, innate response to a sensory stimulus Preferences Face-like images Voice and scent

Rooting reex

Morro reex

Sucking reex; no Fencer

Grasper reex

m9 Infancy & Childhood

Physical Development

Brain maturation & infantile amnesia Motor coordination

Roll > Crawl > Stand > Walk > Run

12 months

Cognitive Development


Assimilation Accomodation

p 143

8 months

12 months

3 years

Pretend play

Social Development

Stranger anxiety Attachment Body contact Familiarity Self-concept

Permissive Authoritative Authoritarian

m10 Adolescence



Lawrence Kohlbergs moral reasoning Jonathan Haidts social intuitionist Carol Gilligans empathy & caring

Kohlberg, Stages of Moral Development

Universal ethics

Social Contract Law & order

Good boy/ Good Girl Instrumental Punishment avoidance

Preconven tional

Imagine that a brother and sister made love to each other. No one else knew, no harm befell either one, and both felt that it brought them closer together as siblings.
To vote, text a keyword to 22333
12255 12256 Morally wrong Not morally wrong


Imagine that a brother and sister made love to each other. No one else knew, no harm befell either one, and both felt that it brought them closer together as siblings.
To vote, text a keyword to 22333
12299 12335 Morally wrong Not morally wrong


Carol Gilligan

p 166

Eriksons Stages

For your Trust score:

Reverse item #1 (03, 12,21,30), then sum

For your Autonomy score:

Reverse items #7,8 & 9

For your Initiative score:

Reverse items #12 & 13

For your Industry (Competence) score:

Reverse items #16, 18 & 19

For your Identity score:

Reverse items #21 & 25

For your Intimacy score:

Reverse items #26, 28 & 30

For your Generativity score:

Reverse items #31 & 33

m11 Adulthood

Declining sensory abilities Increased susceptibility to long-term illness and injury 5% brain weight decrease by age 80 Alzheimers


Decreased recall & prospective memory; no change to recognition Decreased uid intelligence; increased crystallized intelligence

Marriage Children Work 5 Stages of Death & Dying
Denial > Anger > Bargaining > Depression > Acceptance

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Stages of Death and Dying


Piaget terms
Pretend play Object permanence Conservation Stranger anxiety Egocentrism Abstract logic Language development Mathematics Potential for mature moral reasoning

Erickson terms
Competence vs Inferiority Trust vs Mistrust Identity vs role confusion Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt Initiative vs Guilt Integrity vs Despair Generativity vs Stagnation Intimacy vs Isolation

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