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Matthew Chu

Frankenstein Notes

3.1 Letters - Ch. 8 (VIII)

Thursday, December 17, 2020
8:05 AM
Directions: Use the table below to track your thinking about the novel. Note that the boxes expand to
accommodate your typing, so don't let the current size of the boxes limit your thinking. Your response
to each prompt should include multiple specific details along with notes about your initial thoughts
about the significance of these.
  Significant details (summary, Significance of details
paraphrase, or quote) with page (separate comments about
numbers individual details, comment on
pattern and meaning of
collection, or both)

Narrators: How are Robert Page 15: describing Robert's thirst Both Victor and Robert both
Walton and Victor Frankenstein for knowledge and exploration seem to want to explore the
similar to each other? How are through his readings of his uncle's unknown, they both have
they different? books. desires to learn more.
(Most of Chapter 3) In both circumstances, the
Leaving to attend university, men leave a life of structure
Frankenstein is so focused on his and family to embark on a
studies that he does not think quest fueled by their passion.
much about his family and other  
people, driven by knowledge much Though the types of motives
like Robert. that fuel the two men are
  similar, the quests and the
  goals they are trying to
achieve are starkly different.
Both want to make a discovery
that will benefit humans.
Both have a fascination with
Differences in faith and

Family relationships: What Elizabeth Lavenza is adopted into After finding Elizabeth, we see
stories of family relationships the Frankenstein family after an introduction to the family
(e.g. parent/child, siblings, seeing that the family she is with and how the main characters
adoption, etc.) do we get, and cannot sustain her. Victor's mother are close to eachother.
what patterns do they decides that Elizabeth and Victor  
establish? should marry (seems to establish a After the death of his bother,
pattern of friendship and it seems to have drawn Victor
companionship )page 20 both closer to reality and
  farther from it. He begins to
Page 50: Elizabeth's letter reconnect with his family but
adressing Victor and how ill he is, at the same time begins to
wants him to re-establish the draw conclusions about the
family connection after he had monster and grows his
shunned his family out of his life paranoia.
for so long to focus on his studies.  
  Victor strongly believes that it
Page 58: death of Victor's brother is his fault. After Justine
brings victor closer to his family, confesses to them that she did
driven by grief. He goes to the city not murder him, he further
and sees the monster he created, thinks that it is his monster
and begins to think it is the that has commited the murder
monster that had killed william. and therefore he holds himself
Page 64: Justine framed for the
killing of William. Justine is the
family caretaker and has been a
close part of the family. This brings
out distrust among the family and
an inner conflict within Victor. He
cares about Justine but also cares
what his family would think of him
if he defended her. Establishes
pattern of conflict for victor.

Intertextuality: Where does Page 5 Using rime of the ancient

Shelley directly reference "The Alludes the rotam to show how mariner to communicate
Rime of the Ancient Mariner"? frankenstein has been affected by emotions that Frankenstein is
Once she's made those the events in his life, drawing a feeling
references, what other connection between the two men.  
connections do you see   Communicating the
between the two? How do the Page 8 importance that certain events
characters and experiences in Life death allusion- both men have to both frankenstein and
Frankenstein align with the   walton- such as drawing
characters and experiences in Page 13 parallels between their
"Rime"? The connections that both men connection to nature and
have to knowledge and the idea of devotion to their passions.
gaining knowledge - pushing their  
limits to explore and gain for the
good of humankind
3.2 Ch. 9 - 16 (IX - XVI)
Thursday, December 17, 2020
8:06 AM
Directions: Use the table below to track your thinking about the novel. Note that the boxes expand to
accommodate your typing, so don't let the current size of the boxes limit your thinking. Your response
to each prompt should include multiple specific details along with notes about your initial thoughts
about the significance of these.
  Significant details (summary, Significance of details
paraphrase, or quote) with page (separate comments about
numbers individual details, comment
on pattern and meaning of
collection, or both)

Narrators: How is the creature 97- develops an interest of the All three men have embarked
similar to Robert Walton? To unknown. For the creature, this is on a quest for self-fulfillment.
Victor Frankenstein? How are the light of the fire and the cottage In doing so they encounter
they different? with the young girl. the wonders of the unknown,
bringing on new emotions
and experiences

Family relationships: What Victor feels bound to elizabeth and Family relations of those that
further stories of family this prevents him from committing lived in the cottage that the
relationships (e.g. parent/child, suicide in the lake. 78 creature had watched so
siblings, adoption, etc.) do we   intently.
get? What patterns do they Safie is Felix's love, Agatha is Felix's
establish, or what existing sister, and De Lacey is his father, or
patterns do they fit into? the old man who lives in the cottage
with his children.

Motivation: What are the Death of Francine awakens a guilt in Frankenstein was right that
strongest motivators for Frankenstein. He wanted to help his monster had caused the
individual characters in the humantiy but he felt that his destruction, and when he
novel? What do they want? creation only caused destruction of went to the mountains to
How do they act because of those he loved. 77 relax, he meets the monster
these motives, and do their    
actions get them what they Avenge the deaths of william and The monster provides his side
want? Why or why not? justine (gnashing teeth ) 79 of the story, in the time that
  had been between the last
Seeking peace of mind in Arveiron, time they saw eachother,
he goes to visit a place he had gone expressed his sentiments and
in his childhood (84) issues an ultimatum to
  frankenstein: create a
The creature is motivated to monster like him so he may
befriend the family that he had been not be alone on earth, or he
watching for so long, to gain their will become a scourge to
trust as a means to become a part of humanity and cause even
the human world 124 more death and destruction.
After being shot by the man in the
woods, he is motivated to cause
destruction for mankind, as he has
more than countless times been
abused in payment for his kindness.
The creature wants frankenstein to
create a second monster, one that
can understand him so that he will
no be alone in the world.

Intertextuality: Where does 87- Frankenstein and the creature The creature declares himself
Shelley directly reference have a dialogue which as one that should have been
Paradise Lost? What other the creature compares to "paradise treated like Adam, as
connections do you see lost" their relationship is more Frankenstein was his lord and
between the two? How do the complicated as revealed god. But instead he is being
characters and experiences in   treated like satan, cast away
Frankenstein align with the 88- after the creature delivers his and not given a chance to be
characters and experiences in story, he will issue an ultimatum- to forgiven and is being forced
Paradise Lost? be unhostile to humanity or become to be frankestein's enemy.
"the scourge" all dependent on if  
Victor gives him a second chance. The creature does not want
This is parallel to Satan and God's to be hated by Victor, as he
dilemma sees him as his master and
93- Demons and pandemonium are  
referenced in comparison to the While resting in the Old
creature finding the hut and staying Man's hut, the creature
inside. compares it to the safety and
  warmth that the demons of
127- created me to be scorned by pandemonium felt.
mankind! Parallel to the rhetoric of

Page 100; refers to the cottage people as friends
Referred to the family that hated him as his "protectors"

3.3 Ch. 17 - 24 (XVII - XXIV)

Thursday, December 17, 2020
8:06 AM
Directions: Use the table below to track your thinking about the novel. Note that the boxes expand to
accommodate your typing, so don't let the current size of the boxes limit your thinking. Your response
to each prompt should include multiple specific details along with notes about your initial thoughts
about the significance of these.
  Significant details (summary, Significance of details
paraphrase, or quote) with page (separate comments about
numbers individual details, comment
on pattern and meaning of
collection, or both)

Narrators: How is the creature The creature is similar to This draws a parallel between
similar to Robert Walton? To frankenstein in that they are both the creature and the creator,
Victor Frankenstein? How are very determined in reaching the that their desires are both
they different? goals of their personal desires, truly human and they are
mostly both are revolving around both willing to go to lengths
love. Victor takes away the to achieve what they desire.
oppurtunity for the monster to have  
someone to love, and in return, the  
monster takes away Elizabeth, his  
wife. (184) Anger and very human
  emotions are being used to
"revenge endowed me with strength justify actions and unfold the
and composure" (189). Here, course of the story- their
Frankenstein and the monster share superego and id clashing to
a similar response to emotional know what is right, what is
damage done to them. After the wrong, and how to respond
creature is shot in the forest a few to being hurt.
chapters back, we see an interesting
similarity in how they describe their
sentiment in a sense of anger as
justification and motivation.

Motivation: What are the The creature is driven to be These details reveal the true
strongest motivators for accepted by someone, he is only motivations behind the
individual characters in the acting out because he is not being actions of these characters,
novel? What do they want? accepted and instead is being how they are both driven by
How do they act because of attacked- reason (138) very human desires and
these motives, and do their   emotions and we see how
actions get them what they "Ghastly grin" page 154, they end up battling over
want? Why or why not? Frankenstein is rethinking his what is right and what is
decision, and sees that if he creates wrong for them to live their
a second monster it would just be happiest lives.
curse to humanity as they would
have devilish children that would
haunt humanity forever
Page 162, Frankenstein just wants to
be left alone, and to do that he must
create a second monster. But by
doing so he believes he will curse all
of humanity.

Intertextuality 1: What 154- creating a second creature that Draws parallels to Adam and
connections do you see the first creature would breed with eve garden of eden story, the
between Frankenstein and and they would have "daemon first creature is adam and the
Paradise Lost? What parallels children second creature is created in
do you see between the two? " response to cure his
  loneliness, and they go on to
155 "shall each man have a wife for populate the world with their
his bosom, and each beast a mate" kin

Intertextuality 2: What Pg 197 As frankenstein is out in the Lost out in the eternal
connections do you see waters and chasing the monster expanse of the sea, and
between Frankenstein and "The across northern europe and frankenstein searching
Rime of the Ancient Mariner"? eventually out into the ocean. desperately for the monster-
What parallels do you see following this path of
between the two? determination that we also
see in ROTAM.


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