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Monday, May 28, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

I am pleased to recommend Jaime Youngkin for a teaching job within your school
district. I had the pleasure of having Ms. Youngkin as my student teacher in the
fall of 2022 in my Life Skills classroom. She planned lessons and activities for
students with varying disabilities including Intellectual Disability, Speech and
Language Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impairment,
and Autism.

Ms. Youngkin is an excellent candidate for a teaching position. She worked to

plan lessons that met each student’s individual needs while also making them
engaging. Ms. Youngkin was knowledgable of IEPs and attended meetings for
students. She provided input for the students and contributed to discussions by
mentioning strengths and needs for the students. Ms. Youngkin used the
knowledge she had from their IEPs and used it to help plan her lessons. She had
great rapport with the students and worked to know them individually. Her
rapport with the students went beyond the classroom. She attended band
concerts for the students and other extracurricular activities. Ms. Youngkin also
still is involved with the students to this day by coming back to visit them,
stopping on field trips, and taking part in their after school activities. She knows
the students – their likes, their dislikes, their socioemotional needs.

One of the standout traits of Ms. Youngkin is her ability to adapt and to work
with other kids. The dynamic of the classroom has changed from last spring to
the fall, and she adapted easily and adjusted her instruction accordingly. She
created a classroom community that was welcoming and inviting and students
loved coming to see her. They still ask about her to this day.

In closing, I have no doubt in my mind that Jaime Youngkin would make a great
teacher. She is a responsible, dedicated caring individual that strives to reach
each and every student in the classroom. She is hard working and her dedication
to the students goes well beyond the classroom walls.

Elizabeth Heckard

Elizabeth Heckard
Life Skills Support Teacher
Lebanon High School
(717) 273-9391 X1102
• (717) 273-9391 • FAX (717) 270-6778 • Website:•

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