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PRU Link Protection Plus is a variable life insurance product, payable Proposed Life Insured : 29 FEMALE
during the lifetime of the Life Insured, that provides living, disability, Age : 29
accidental death and disablement, critical illness, hospital income,
accident and death benefits. The living benefits are the partially and Sex : Female
fully withdrawable values, subject to decreasing Surrender Charges
Total Annual Premium : PhP 60,000
for Top-ups (if applicable), which are taken from the Policy's share in
the separate fund(s). The Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability Basic Cover (Sum Assured) : PhP 3,500,000
Benefit advances a percentage of the Sum Assured. The Accidental
Accelerated Total &
Death and Disablement Benefit provides for the payment of the
Permanent Disability Benefit : PhP 2,500,000
Benefit Sum Assured in the case o f t h e L i f e I n s u r e d ' s a c c i d e n t a l
death, or a portion thereof, in the case of accidental disablement. The Accidental Death &
Accelerated Life Care Benefit provides a cash benefit equivalent to Disablement Benefit : PhP 1,000,000
the Benefit Sum Assured upon diagnosis of any of the critical
illnesses. The Hospital Income Rider provides daily cash benefits to
PRULink Bond Fund
help cover the cost of hospitalization due to injury or illness. The
Death Benefit is the total of the Sum Assured and the Policy's Fund The PRU Link Bond Fund seeks to achieve an optimal level of income
Value. Optional benefits can be attached to this product. in the medium-term together with long-term capital growth through
investments in fixed income securities and money market instruments.
This product is a variable contract. The benefits, namely the Partial PRULink Managed Fund
and Full Withdrawal Values and the actual Death Benefit at time of
death, all depend on the investment experience of separate The PRU Link Managed Fund seeks to optimize medium- to long-term
capital and income growth through investment in fixed income
account(s) linked to the Policy. If the Fund Value becomes insufficient
securities, money market instruments, and shares listed on the
to pay for applicable charges, the Policy automatically terminates, and
Philippine Stock Exchange.
all benefits end. The applicable charges are explained in the
Illustration of Benefits for each fund. PRULink Growth Fund

The PRU Link Growth Fund seeks to optimize medium- to long-term

capital and income growth, with an emphasis on strong capital
growth, through a greater focus of investment in shares of stocks
listed in the Philippines. The fund also invests in fixed income
If, a f t e r b u y i n g t h e P o l i c y , y o u d e c i d e i t i s n o t s u i t a b l e t o y o u r securities, and money market instruments.
needs, simply return the Policy Booklet with your Policy Data
Page to us for cancellation within fifteen (15) days from the 100 % PRULink Equity Fund
date you receive them. We will refund the Regular Premium The PRU Link Equity Fund seeks to optimize medium- to long-term
you paid in full. capital growth through investments in shares of stocks listed in the

I have read and understood the disclosures and the contents of PRULink Proactive Fund
this Sales Illustration. My agent has explained to my satisfaction
The PRU Link Proactive Fund seeks to optimize medium- to long-term
the principal features of the Policy plus the contents of this Sales
capital and income growth with emphasis on dynamic asset allocation
Illustration a n d t h e m a n n e r i n w h i c h t h e v a r i a b l e b e n e f i t s w i l l
by fund managers through investment in fixed in c o m e s e c u r i t i e s ,
reflect the investment experience of the separate account(s). I money market instruments, and shares of stocks listed in the
fully understand the terms and conditions of this Policy and that Philippines.
when buying this Policy, I am assuming all investment risks
associated with it. PRULink Peso Global Market Navigator Fund

The PRU Link Peso Global Market Navigator Fund aims to achieve
I have read and understood my I n v e s t m e n t R i s k P r o f i l e i n t h e
positive absolute returns over the medium- to long-term through the
Suitability Assessment Form and have made an assessment of my implementation of an actively managed investment strategy in a
risk appetite with the help of my agent. I have taken my Investment diversified range of global assets including cash, equities, bonds and
Risk Profile into consideration in my choice of fund allocation. currencies. Exposure to each of the asset classes will be primarily
through exchange traded funds, index futures, direct equity and
I also understand that in the event of claim, my Policy, including bonds (including high yield bonds, asset-backed securities and
any optional benefits, will terminate if the aggregate amount of mortgage-backed securities), swaps, options and foreign exchange
claim under the Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability Benefit forwards, each of which may be traded through recognized
and/or Accelerated Life Care Benefit is equal to the Basic Cover exchanges or via the over-the-counter markets.
(Sum Assured) under the Policy exclusive of any optional

I have been provided all relevant sales materials which help me

The Fund Manager, Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited ("Eastspring
assess the suitability of this product to my needs.
Investments") is an ultimately wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential plc of the
United Kingdom. Eastspring Investments and Prudential plc are not affiliated in any
In addition, I understand that the Company has the right to vary the manner with Prudential Financial, Inc., a company whose principal place of
Insurance Charge, Policy Fee, Annual Management Charge, and business is in the United States of America, or with the Prudential Assurance
any Rider Charge and Extra Charge in the future, but will not do so Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom.
without the prior approval of the Insurance Commission. Eastspring Investments is the asset management arm of Prudential plc in Asia, and
has been managing Pru Life Insurance Corporation of U.K.'s ("Pru Life UK")
29 FEMALE underlying funds for its unit-linked or investment-linked product portfolio since Pru
Life UK pioneered the PRUlink product line in 2002.
This Sales Illustration shall form part of the Insurance Contract if the
Policy is issued. For more information on what constitutes the entire
Proposed Life Insured Insurance Contract, please ask your servicing agent or refer to your
Policy Booklet.

Presented by : CARMINA PANGAN Agent's Code : 70072158

Presented to : 29 FEMALE Agent's Signature :
This Sales Illustration was prepared on 02/11/2022 and is valid until 01/01/2023.
PRULink Protection Plus Page 2 of 6



Enjoy the advantage of having a comprehensive plan complete with additional protection benefit(s) which enhance(s) the PRU Link Protection Plus policy you
are going to purchase.

You have chosen the benefits below:

Benefit Benefit Type Benefit Amount Protection Benefit

(in PhP) (in PhP)

Basic Cover (Sum Assured) Lump Sum 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00

Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability Lump Sum 2,500,000.00 Included in Basic Cover
Accidental Death and Disablement Lump Sum 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Accelerated Life Care Benefit Lump Sum 2,000,000.00 Included in Basic Cover
Waiver of Premium on TPD Waiver 60,000.00 Future Premiums
Hospital Income Rider Benefit(s) Per Illness
Daily Hospital Income Daily 2,000.00 730,000.00

For the Hospital Income Rider , no benefit amount will be paid if the claim is based on a pre-existing condition , unless the Life
Insured has been continuously covered for twelve (12) months from Effectivity Date of the rider or the date of last reinstatement of
this policy.

A pre-existing condition shall refer to an injury, illness or condition which existed or was existing within the two-year period prior to
the Effectivity Date of the applicable benefit or the date of last reinstatement of this policy, whichever is later, and for which the Life
Insured has been investigated, diagnosed or treated or in which signs or symptoms have manifested and would have caused an
ordinary prudent person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment.

If, after availing of the Hospital Income Rider, you decide that it is not suitable to your needs, you may cancel such rider by
returning the Policy Data Page to us within fifteen (15) days from the date you receive it. We will issue a new Policy Data Page
without the rider and refund the premium you paid pertaining to said rider in full.

Presented by : CARMINA PANGAN Agent's Code : 70072158

Presented to : 29 FEMALE Agent's Signature :
This Sales Illustration was prepared on 02/11/2022 and is valid until 01/01/2023.
PRULink Protection Plus Page 3 of 6

PRULink Equity Fund
The values below are based on the projected performance of the Fund where The HIGH and LOW investment returns, at 10.00% and 4.00%, are those
your Policy is linked. Because fund performance is not guaranteed, the prescribed by the Insurance Commission. The illustrated “CURRENT”
values a r e a l so n ot g ua ra nte e d. In addition, the assumed investment returns investment return is based on the actual average investment return
used in projecting the LOW, CURRENT, and HIGH values represent a range of experienced by the Fund in the last thirty-six (36) months, as indicated in the
possible returns that may be achieved by the Fund. The HIGH and LOW Historical Unit Fund Performance page, except t h a t i f t h e a v e r a g e e x c e e d s
assumptions are only for illustration purposes and do not represent the upper 10.00%, the illustrated investment return is capped at 10.00%.
and lower limit of the actual investment return that may occur.
Policy Attained Top-up Fund
year age amount allocation**
Amount LOW (4.00%)* CURRENT (0.00%)* HIGH (10.00%)*

1 30 - - - - - -
2 31 - - 30,000.00 3,014.09 2,898.22 3,188.04
3 32 - - 30,000.00 19,599.35 18,730.01 20,921.81
4 33 - - 60,000.00 67,538.06 64,072.34 72,890.51
5 34 - - 60,000.00 116,780.51 108,825.41 129,407.76
6 35 - - 60,000.00 167,274.98 152,889.38 190,818.52
7 36 - - 60,000.00 218,995.05 196,190.78 257,531.18
8 37 - - 60,000.00 271,514.04 238,272.23 329,572.71
9 38 - - 60,000.00 325,055.68 279,318.18 407,678.77
10 39 - - 60,000.00 379,437.72 319,114.12 492,219.72
11 40 - - 66,000.00 440,893.33 363,621.32 590,396.27
12 41 - - 66,000.00 503,176.37 406,561.87 696,666.14
13 42 - - 66,000.00 565,609.66 447,252.86 811,087.25
14 43 - - 66,000.00 628,643.35 486,121.39 934,944.36
15 44 - - 66,000.00 692,128.23 523,000.96 1,068,997.68
16 45 - - 66,000.00 755,839.00 557,657.63 1,214,009.27
17 46 - - 66,000.00 819,569.65 589,884.65 1,370,847.29
18 47 - - 66,000.00 882,643.07 619,030.23 1,539,977.13
19 48 - - 66,000.00 945,140.72 645,198.01 1,722,741.66
20 49 - - 66,000.00 1,006,593.68 667,959.27 1,920,032.48
31 60 - - 60,000.00 1,385,740.09 514,038.48 5,305,365.43
36 65 - - 60,000.00 1,270,478.36 141,208.73 8,056,669.18
*Investment returns used are net of final tax, Annual Management Charge and other investment expenses.
**Fund allocation is the total allocated amount from Annual Premiums and Top-ups, and is inclusive of loyalty bonus, if any.
1. The projected benefits are already net of charges, as speci f i e d b e l o w . T h e s e remaining balance of your units which are no longer sufficient to pay o ff t h e
charges may vary. outstanding charges will just be refunded to you.
a. Annual Insurance Charge, inclusive of premium tax and Documentary Stamp 5.a. If Full Withdrawal Value is positive from year 1 : The Fund has no policy debt.
Tax, which starts at PhP 1.53 per 1,000 of the Sum Assured. All Top-ups shall The rest of Note 5 does not apply.
also be subject to Insurance Charge. While the Insurance Charge is quoted 5.b. I f t h e F u l l W i t h d r a w a l Va l u e i s z e r o ( 0 ) i n t h e e a r l y y e a r s : W h e n t h e F u l l
at annual rate, deductions from the Fund shall be made monthly. Rider Withdrawal Value is zero (0), the Fund Value may be insufficient to cover the
Charges, if any, are also deducted each month. Monthly deductions may charges. To provide you with insurance coverage(s), we shall create a policy debt
change within one Policy Year as monthly Insura n c e C h a r g e s a n d R i d e r corresponding to the monthly charges while there is no Fund Value, provided that
Charges are based on the attained age of the Proposed Life Insured. Premiums are paid on time and there are no Fund Withdrawals. This policy debt,
b. Policy Fee, deducted monthly from the total fund, amounting to PhP 33.33. accumulated in your account without interest, is extinguished if, and as, the Fund
The Policy Fee is guaranteed not to exceed PhP 100.00 per month. Value grows. The Policy will not be terminated on account of an outstanding policy
The annual Insurance Charge, Rider Charge (if any) and Policy Fee are debt within the first four (4) years, provided that Premiums are paid on time and
to be deducted proportionately based on the particular fund’s share in there are no Withdrawals from your account.
t h e P o l i c y ’s t o t a l F u n d Va l u e . I t m a y h a p p e n t h a t t h e L O W a n d 6. The above illustration assumes that all Premiums are paid in full when due and as
CURRENT, or CURRENT and HIGH investment returns are the same for planned with no premium holiday, and that the current scale of charges remain
a particular fund, but their year-on-year Full Withdrawal Values differ, unchanged.
because these charges are allocated to each fund based on the weight
7. In this illustration, Top-ups are made at the beginning of the Policy Year, and
of the Fund to the Policy’s total Fund Value.
Partial Withdrawals are made at the end of the Policy Year .
c. A n n u a l M a n a g e m e n t C h a r g e ( A M C ) o f 2 . 2 5 % o f t h e F u n d Va l u e f o r t h i s
8. Partial Withdrawals are funded by selling the number of units in your Fund that
particular Fund. The rate is guaranteed not to exceed 2.50%.
will cover the amount of your Partial Withdrawal. Partial Withdrawals will first be
d. For Fund Withdrawals on Top-ups, a Surrender Charge will be applied based
drawn from the units in accordance with the order of Regular Premiums and/or
on the amount withdrawn, at the following rates: 5% on the first Policy Year,
Top-ups paid, on a first-in-first-out basis. No Surrender Charge will be applied on
4% on the second Policy Year, 3% on the third Policy Year, 2% on the fourth
the portion of Partial Withdrawals drawn from units created from the Regular
Policy Year, and 1% on the fifth Policy Year. The Policy Year will be counted
Premiums. Surrender charge will only be applied to the portion of Partial
from the date the Top-up is made.
Withdrawals drawn from units created from Top-ups where the percentage applied
2. All Top-ups shall be subject to an initial charge of 3% of the Top-up amount.
will be based on item 1.d. The Surrender Charge shall be based on the Policy Year
3. The Loyalty Bonus is automatically added to the Fund starting on the 11th up to
counted from the date the Top-up is made. Because the performance of the Fund
the 20th Policy Year subject to certain conditions .
is not g u a r a n t e e d , t h e s u ff i c i e n c y o f t h e F u n d Va l u e t o s u p p o r t y o u r P a r t i a l
4. The Fund Value may run out due to Partial Withdrawals, deduction of charges
Withdrawal is also not guaranteed.
and/or extreme market volatility. If the Fund Value is no longer sufficient to pay
9. Values illustrated in this page are Full Withdrawal Values net of Withdrawals plus
for the Policy Fee, Insurance Charge, Rider Charge (if any) or other applicable
Top-ups indicated in this page. If Full Withdrawal Value is withdrawn, your Policy
charges (including any policy debt), the Policy automatically terminates on the day
automatically terminates, and all future Withdrawals no longer apply.
any such charges are due, subject to Note 5.b. below. In such an event, the

Presented by : CARMINA PANGAN Agent's Code : 70072158

Presented to : 29 FEMALE Agent's Signature :
This Sales Illustration was prepared on 02/11/2022 and is valid until 01/01/2023.
PRULink Protection Plus Page 4 of 6



The values below are based on the projected performance of the fund The illustrated "CURRENT" investment return for PRU Link Bond Fund, PRU Link
where your policy is linked. Because fund performance is not Managed Fund, P R U Link Growth Fund, P R U Link Equity Fund, and P R U Link
guaranteed, the values are also not guaranteed. In addition, the Proactive Fund are based on the actual average investment return experienced
assumed investment returns used in projecting the LOW, CURRENT, and by the Fund in the last thirty-six (36) months, as indicated in the Historical Fund
HIGH values represent a range of possible returns that may be achieved Performance page, except that if the average exceeds the HIGH rate, the
by the fund. The HIGH and LOW assumptions are only for illustration illustrated investment return is capped at HIGH rate. Since historical
purposes and do not represent the upper and lower limit of the actual performance is still unavailable for PRU Link Peso Global Market Navigator Fund,
investment return that may occur. the "CURRENT" investment return is based on the investment return assumed
during fund launch, which is a combination of past performance and expected
The HIGH and LOW investment returns meet the requirements prescribed future performance based on the Fund Manager's investment strategy, and not
by the Insurance Commission. on the actual performance of the Fund.

Policy Attained
(4.00%)* (0.00%)* (10.00%)*

1 30 3,486,585.75 3,486,585.75 3,486,585.75

2 31 3,503,014.09 3,502,898.22 3,503,188.04

3 32 3,519,599.35 3,518,730.01 3,520,921.81

4 33 3,567,538.06 3,564,072.34 3,572,890.51

5 34 3,616,780.51 3,608,825.41 3,629,407.76

6 35 3,667,274.98 3,652,889.38 3,690,818.52

7 36 3,718,995.05 3,696,190.78 3,757,531.18

8 37 3,771,514.04 3,738,272.23 3,829,572.71

9 38 3,825,055.68 3,779,318.18 3,907,678.77

10 39 3,879,437.72 3,819,114.12 3,992,219.72

11 40 3,940,893.33 3,863,621.32 4,090,396.27

12 41 4,003,176.37 3,906,561.87 4,196,666.14

13 42 4,065,609.66 3,947,252.86 4,311,087.25

14 43 4,128,643.35 3,986,121.39 4,434,944.36

15 44 4,192,128.23 4,023,000.96 4,568,997.68

16 45 4,255,839.00 4,057,657.63 4,714,009.27

17 46 4,319,569.65 4,089,884.65 4,870,847.29

18 47 4,382,643.07 4,119,030.23 5,039,977.13

19 48 4,445,140.72 4,145,198.01 5,222,741.66

20 49 4,506,593.68 4,167,959.27 5,420,032.48

31 60 4,885,740.09 4,014,038.48 8,805,365.43

36 65 4,770,478.36 3,641,208.73 11,556,669.18

*Investment returns used are net of final tax, Annual Management Charge and other investment expenses.

The Death Benefit is comprised of the following:

1. Sum Assured;
2. Fund Value; and
3. one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of all Top-ups less one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of all Withdrawals on
Top-up units, but not to fall below zero (0).

I f t h e L i f e I n s u r e d i s b e t w e e n a g e s 0 t o 4 a t t i m e o f d e a t h , o n l y a p o r t i o n o f t h e b a s e S u m A s s u r e d a n d To p - u p s w i l l b e p a i d a s D e a t h
Benefit. For additional information on the specific percentages applicable, please consult your servicing agent or refer to your Policy

Any outstanding policy debt shall be deducted from the death benefits/supplemental benefits.

When the Fund Value is no longer sufficient to pay for the Policy Fee, Insurance Charge, Rider Charge (if any) or other applicable charges (including any
policy debt), the Policy automatically terminates and all benefits end on the day any such charges are due. In such an event, the remaining balance of your
units which are no longer sufficient to pay off outstanding charges will just be refunded to you .

Presented by : CARMINA PANGAN Agent's Code : 70072158

Presented to : 29 FEMALE Agent's Signature :
This Sales Illustration was prepared on 02/11/2022 and is valid until 01/01/2023.
Page 5 of 6




The actual returns from Pru Life UK's unit funds, net of final tax, Annual Management Charge, and other investment expenses, are shown below. Please
note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the funds.

Fund Name Bond Managed Growth Equity Proactive Money Market Global Market
Fund Fund Fund Fund** Fund Fund Navigator Fund
(Fund Launch Date) (Sept. 24, 2002) (Sept. 24, 2002) (July 22, 2005) (July 19, 2005) (Feb. 17, 2009) (Feb. 17, 2009) (Sept. 16, 2019)

2012 7.44 % 9.15 % 27.85 % 39.65 % 11.55 % -0.51 % N/A

2013 6.52 % 5.20 % 1.39 % -0.72 % 3.21 % -0.80 % N/A

2014 2.28 % 4.18 % 17.22 % 24.88 % 6.83 % -0.39 % N/A

2015 -0.24 % -1.69 % -4.37 % -4.69 % -4.18 % 0.10 % N/A

2016 0.96 % -0.06 % -1.79 % -1.96 % -1.84 % 0.32 % N/A

2017 -1.29 % 4.41 % 19.27 % 23.42 % 13.01 % 0.84 % N/A

2018 -6.32 % -8.40 % -12.83 % -13.82 % -11.33 % 1.56 % N/A

2019 17.92 % 14.76 % 6.30 % 3.99 % 9.93 % 3.42 % 0.79 %*

2020 8.98 % 6.22 % -4.49 % -8.59 % 1.30 % 1.73 % 2.61 %

2021 -4.91 % -4.13 % -1.24 % 0.05 % -3.12 % 0.75 % 14.60 %

Compound Annual Investment 5.90 % 6.67 % 8.20 % 9.65 % 6.82 % 0.89 % 7.25 %
Return based on completed
years (since fund launch)
Average Annual Investment 7.33 % 5.62 % 0.19 % 0.00 %*** 2.70 % 1.96 % N/A
Return for the last 36 months
preceding December 31, 2021

* Returns are from fund inception date and not full year returns.
** The Equity Fund served as an underlying fund of the Managed and Growth Fund prior to Equity Fund's launch date.
*** Equity Fund has an interest rate floor at zero percent (0%).

The assets in our unit funds are valued using the marked-to-market valuation method.

The unit prices of Pru Life UK’s unit funds are published every Friday on major newspapers, or you may log on to our website for the latest unit prices.

Certified true and correct:

Francis P. Ortega
EVP and Chief Financial Officer

Date of Certification: January 18, 2022

Presented by : CARMINA PANGAN Agent's Code : 70072158

Presented to : 29 FEMALE Agent's Signature :
This Sales Illustration was prepared on 02/11/2022 and is valid until 01/01/2023.
Page 6 of 6



Applicant's Name : 29 FEMALE

Application Number :


Agent's Code : 70072158

Agent's Unit :

I acknowledge that:

I have applied with Pru Life UK for a Variable Life Insurance Policy and have reviewed the illustration(s) that shows how a life insurance policy
could perform using Pru Life UK’s assumptions and based on the Insurance Commission’s guidelines on investment returns

I understand that since the fund performance may vary, the values of my units are not guaranteed and will depend on the actual performance at
any given period and that the value of my Policy could be less than the capital invested. The unit values of my variable Life Insurance Policy are
periodically published.

I understand that the investment risks under the Policy are to be borne solely by me, as the Policyowner.

I confirm that:
a. I have been furnished with copies of the sales illustration/quotation proposal, Product Highlight Sheet and any other relevant sales
materials ("Materials");
b. the Materials have been properly, completely and satisfactorily explained to me; and
c. I have fully understood the Materials.

I hereby declare that I accept, agree with and understand the features, benefits, nature, limitations, exclusions, risks, terms, and conditions of the
Policy that I am applying to purchase.

Applicant's signature over printed name Date

Presented by : CARMINA PANGAN Agent's Code : 70072158

Presented to : 29 FEMALE Agent's Signature :
This Sales Illustration was prepared on 02/11/2022 and is valid until 01/01/2023.
Plus This document provides you with key information
about PRULink Assurance Account Plus but does not
Product description: PRULink Assurance Account Plus is a form part of the Policy Contract. You should not invest
whole-life variable life insurance product which offers the in this product based on this document alone. Please
most comprehensive protection benefits. consult your agent for further information and/or
customized proposal.

Entry age 0-70 years old against disability, accident, critical illness, and
Minimum premium PhP 15,000 or USD 580
Payment term Up to age 100 (whole life)
Top-up: It is a one-off payment which may be done
Payment mode Annual, semi-annual, anytime with the goal of increasing the fund value. It
quarterly, or monthly also provides additional insurance coverage equivalent
Benefit term Up to age 100 to 125% of the top-up amount. Top-ups are subject to
3% initial charge.
Premium allocation 0%-50%-50% of the
premium for the first 3 years • Fund switch: It is a fraction or the whole fund value of
respectively, and 100% a fund that you may transfer to another fund due to
onwards your change of life stage or risk profile, subject to a fund
switch charge of 0.5% of the switched amount, in
Insurance charge Varies depending on the excess of one (1) free switch per year.
attained age of the Life
Insured and is deducted • Partial withdrawal: It is a fractional amount that you
monthly from the fund value. may take out from the fund value to meet your urgent
cash requirements, subject to surrender charges of 5%-
Annual management Current fund management fee 4%-3%-2%-1% for the first five years, respectively,
charge which ranges from 0.5% to counted from the time the top-up was made, based on
2.25% depending on the type first-in, first-out rule. Surrender charges apply only to
of fund withdrawal of units created by top-ups.
Policy fee PhP 400/year or 33.33/month • Full withdrawal: Buying a regular unit-linked insurance
(USD 0.67/month) plan is a long-term commitment. It is not advisable to
Available funds Wide array of funds which hold this Policy for a short period of time in view of the
invest in bonds, equities, or high initial costs. Nonetheless, you can apply to fully
both withdraw (surrender) your Policy at any time. This
however results to the cancellation of your Policy. The
Fund manager Eastspring Investments full withdrawal value consists of the value of the units
(Singapore) Limited in the Policy less the surrender charge, if any. We pay
PRODUCT BENEFITS: you the value of the units in the Policy by selling all the
units allocated to your Policy after accepting your
• Death benefit: Sum assured + fund value + 125% of application.
top-ups – 125% of all withdrawals on the top-up units -
(if any) • ADD coverage: ADD sum assured will be paid upon
• Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability (ATPD): death, loss, or disablement except those sustained or
Advances the sum assured upon total and permanent contracted, in whole or in part, in any of the
disability circumstances specified in the Policy Contract.

• Accidental Death and Disablement (ADD): Provides for • ATPD Coverage: ATPD sum assured will be paid if total
the payment of the benefit in the case of the Life and permanent disablement is not due to any of the
Insured’s accidental death, or a percentage of the circumstances specified in the Policy Contract. Waiting
benefit in the case of accidental disablement up to period is 180 days/ (6 months) of continuous
100% (uninterrupted) period of disability.

• Loyalty bonus: Provides additional allocation equivalent • Child’s Lien: When the Life Insured is aged zero to four
to 10% (for peso plan) and 5% (for dollar plan) of the (0-4), only a certain percentage of the sum assured will
regular premium starting on the 11th year through the be paid, according to the following:
20th year of the Policy subject to conditions Age of death Percentage of sum
• Fund value: This refers to the worth of the Policy in peso assured
or dollar based on the number of units multiplied by the 0 10%
unit price per chosen fund and its aggregate.
1 20%
• Maturity benefit: This is given when you outlive your
Policy (at age 100). This will be equal to the sum 2 40%
assured + fund value + 125% of top-ups – 125% of 3 60%
withdrawals – policy debt (if any).
4 80%
• Optional benefits: Riders or optional benefits can be
attached to the plan which will cover the Life Insured

Note: This material does not form part of the sales illustration and Policy Contract. It serves as a leave-behind to aid the client in making a buying decision.
• Claims: In general, death claims are not payable when DEFINITION OF RISKS:
there is fraud, misrepresentation, and/or concealment
• Investment Risk: refers to the probability of losses
in the application of the Policy.
relative to the expected return on any particular
• Cooling-off: You have fifteen (15) days upon receipt of investment
the Policy Contract to return it to us. The amount
• Credit Risk: refers to the probability that a counterparty
refundable is equivalent to the total premiums paid.
to an investment may not be able to fulfill its obligations
• Incontestability: The Policy cannot be contested after it accordingly, resulting to an adverse effect on the value
has been in force during the lifetime of the Life Insured of a money market or debt security such as a bond.
for two (2) years from the Policy Effectivity Date or from
• Currency Risk (or Foreign Exchange Risk): refers to the
the date of last reinstatement, if any.
probability of losses due to fluctuations in foreign
• Suicide: The death benefit is not payable if death is exchange rates. Currency exchange rates depend on a
caused by suicide within the first two (2) years of the variety of global and local factors such as interest rates,
Policy, unless the suicide was committed in the state of economic performance, and political developments. The
insanity. Death claims due to pre-existing conditions, value of an investment held in foreign currency, such as
which are not declared, are also not compensable within the US dollar, may decrease to incur loss when the local
the first two (2) years. currency or Philippine peso appreciates.
This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract • Interest Rate Risk: refers to the possibility that the
for more details about the major exclusions under this value of an investment in a debt instrument may rise or
Policy. fall due to changes in interest rates. Interest rate
changes may affect the prices of debt instruments such
as bonds inversely, i.e. as interest rates rise, bond
• The fund value is dependent on the performance of the prices fall and when interest rates decline, bond prices
fund/s; therefore, it is not guaranteed. rise.
• The performance of the investment funds associated • Liquidity Risk: refers to the possibility of losses due to
with this insurance product is valuated every day. You the inability to sell or convert assets into cash
may visit our website to track immediately or in instances where conversion to cash is
the unit price on a daily basis. The unit price is also possible but at a loss. This risk occurs when certain
published every Friday in major dailies. securities may be difficult or impossible to sell at a
• If you fail to pay the premium, you are given 31-days particular time, which may prevent the Company to
from your due date to make such payment (also called satisfy redemption services to Policyowners.
as grace period). If no payment was received after the • Mark-to-Market Risk: refers to the probability that the
grace period, your Policy may still remain in force if the market value of an investment will rise or fall based on
amount of fund value in your Policy is sufficient to pay overall market conditions. The value of the market can
for the charges. Otherwise, the Policy will lapse vary with changes in the general economic and financial
rendering all your benefits to cease. conditions as well as political, social and environmental
• In remote cases during extreme market volatility, the factors.
Policyowner may be asked to put top-up payments to
ensure that the Policy will remain in force.
• Partial withdrawals reduce the fund value of the Policy.
Substantial withdrawals may lead to the depletion of the
fund value which may eventually lead to the termination
of the Policy.
• In general, the Policy will terminate upon death or full
withdrawal of the fund value, or when there are not
enough units in the Policy to pay for the charges.
• As a variable life insurance product, the Policyowner
must understand and realize that the product is subject
to certain risks, which could affect the account or fund
value of the whole VUL Policy.



Note: This material does not form part of the sales illustration and Policy Contract. It serves as a leave-behind to aid the client in making a buying decision.

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