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Co to są sety leksykalne?
Set leksykalne to zestawy zdań z luką, w której brakuje jednego słowa -
dokładnie tego samego dla wszystkich zdań w zestawie.
W zbiorze znajdują się 3 rodzaje zestawów. Każdy z nich składa się z:
 trzech zdań,
 dwóch zdań, ..............................................................................................................

 dwóch zdań z trzema podpowiedziami.

Zadanie polega na rozpoznaniu jednego słowa, które uzupełni Nina’s ability to use sign language to
wszystkie trzy zdania. Słowem-odpowiedzią najczęściej jest communicate with her deaf sister is beyond … .
czasownik, rzeczownik, przymiotnik lub przysłówek - to samo This tricky … cannot be answered straightaway.
słowo, w tej samej formie, użyte w dwóch lub trzech różnych She told the police that the man in … was still
kontekstach. working in the same department.

Jak rozpoznać słowo, którego brakuje w zdaniach?

Przeczytaj zdanie po zdaniu w zestawie. Jaka jest tematyka Znaczenia, jakie tworzy poszukiwane słowo
poszczególnych zdań? Czy potrafisz sobie przypomnieć kilka słów w trzech zdania są podobne:
związanych z tą tematyką? Sprawdź, czy nie ma wśród nich słowa, Zdanie 1: wątpliwości lub ich brak;
które logicznie uzupełni wszystkie zdania.
Zdanie 2: podchwytliwa kwestia do odpowiedzi;
Zdanie 3: człowiek omawiany wcześniej, będący
przedmiotem rozważań.
Znaczenie poszukiwane w trzech zdaniach wyraża
się w „poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi”, „dowiedzeniu
się czegoś”, „kwestii, zagadnieniu, problemie,

Przeczytaj zdania kolejny raz. Czy wśród nich jest jedno, którego Najbardziej podstawowe znaczenie
lukę potrafisz uzupełnić od razu, bez wątpliwości? Czy to słowo poszukiwanego słowa dostępne jest w zdaniu 2:
pasuje również do pozostałych zdań w zestawie? Dlaczego tak? wiemy, że jednoznaczą frazę „answer a tricky ...”
Dlaczego nie? może uzupełnić rzeczownik QUESTION.

Przeanalizuj wiadomości na temat luk w zestawie. Poszukaj W zdaniu 1 poszukiwane słowo utworzy z
związku logicznego pomiędzy poszczególnymi lukami w przyimkiem ’beyond’ kolokację, która nada
zdaniach. Co mają ze sobą wspólnego? Jaka treść je wypełni? zdaniu znaczenie: „There is no doubt that Nina
Czynność? Miejsce? Osoba? Cecha? Czy znasz jedno słowo, które can use sign language.”
oddaje kategorie wszystkich luk? W zdaniu 2 poszukiwany rzeczownik łączy się
również z czasownikiem ’answer’ (what is tricky
and cannot be answered straightaway?).
W zdaniu 3 ’the man in ...’ to człowiek, o którym
była mowa, wcześniej wspomniany przez policję.

Przeanalizuj uważnie pozycję składniową luki. Jaką funkcję Poszukiwane słowo jest rzeczownikiem. Świadczy
gramatyczną pełni w zdaniu? Czy jest to rzeczownik, czasownik, o tym pozycja luki we wszystkich zdaniach:
przymiotnik, a może przysłówek? Zdanie 1: przyimek ’beyond’ tworzy z
rzeczownikiem wyrażenie przyimkowe.
Zdanie 2: przymiotnik ’tricky’ określa rzeczownik.
Zdanie 3: przyimek ’in’ tworzy z rzeczownikiem
wyrażenie przyimkowe.

Przeanalizuj uważnie bezpośrednie „sąsiedztwo” luki. Jakich Zdanie 2 nie pozostawia wątpliwości co do liczby
informacji o poszukiwanym słowie dostarczają słowa przed i za rzeczownika. Zaimek wskazujący „this” łączy się
luką? Czy brakujące słowo łączy się z przyimkiem? Czy brakujące jedynie z rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej.
słowo jest częścią kolokacji, idiomu, czasownika frazalnego
lub przysłowia? Prawidłowa odpowiedź to QUESTION.

W jakiej formie gramatycznej powinno być brakujące słowo?

W liczbie pojedynczej czy mnogiej? W jakim czasie? W której osobie?


„beyond question” (dosłownie: „poza pytaniem”, czyli „bez wątpliwości”);

„this tricky question cannot be answered” („podchwytliwe pytanie, na które nie można odpowiedzieć od razu”)
”the man in question” (dosłownie: „człowiek w pytaniu” „człowiek, o którym rozmawiano, którego wcześniej wspominano”)
2 unit 1
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
He was doing his ... to pass the exam but the questions were really hard.
The bride and the groom were waiting for the ... man, who arrived 15 minutes late.
A. fine B. ring C. best

2. ...............................................................
„I will never ... you down,” he promised during the wedding ceremony.
My parents sometimes ... me sleep over at my friend’s home.
A. make B. let C. bring

3. ...............................................................
Didn’t she ... beautiful in her light pink dress at her sister’s birthday party?
I always ... forward to visiting my grandparents in NY.
A. look B. see C. wait

4. ...............................................................
I ... on really well with my cousins - we spend a lot of time together at weekends.
What time do you usually ... up on Sunday? Later than on weekdays?
A. stand B. go C. get

5. ...............................................................
They checked in and filled in all documents at the ... desk.
The first dance of the newlyweds opened the wedding ... .
A. ceremony B. party C. reception

6. ...............................................................
After she moved to Mexico, her friend never wrote an e-mail, called or ... in touch.
My friends ... me going through the most difficult days of my life.
A. kept B. held C. made

7. ...............................................................
What do you ... most of your pocket money on?
Teens say that their phones are almost always out when they ... time with their friends.
A. have B. spend C. pay

8. ...............................................................
I really ... London - I would like to come back there one day.
Don’t ... out on our great bargains on Black Friday!
A. ignore B. forget C. miss

9. ...............................................................
A newly married ... drove away in the car decorated with balloons, flowers and stickers.
It takes just a ... of minutes to buy a ticket online.
A. couple B. twin C. duo
Matura 2023

10. ...............................................................
As they say: A friend in need is a friend ....
..., that was the most impressive football match I have ever seen!
A. surely B. indeed C. forever
2 unit 2
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
She ... a little money for her holiday abroad.
Mark ... all the documents in one folder but his workmate deleted them a day later.
A. saved B. had C. made

2. ...............................................................
There were 20 ... from 13 different countries at the international conference.
My computer ... are broken and I cannot listen to YouTube music.
A. talkers B. speakers C. listeners

3. ...............................................................
Why don’t you ... up the volume a bit? That’s my favourite song!
The kids didn’t ... off the lights after dark.
A. switch B. get C. turn

4. ...............................................................
She saw a ... in the kitchen, jumped on the chair and started screaming.
Open the document by left clicking the ... .
A. mouse B. rat C. bat

5. ...............................................................
She wrote an interesting ... on Egyptian mummies for The ScienTeen website.
I will send you a ... when I see these headphones in the shop.
A. book B. text C. article

6. ...............................................................
What cards does your younger brother ...?
Scientists didn’t ... enough evidence for their theory.
A. save B. put C. collect

7. ...............................................................
First run the app and then ... the printer to your computer.
The website can ... people all around the world.
A. join B. connect C. match

8. ...............................................................
He did not ... the app correctly so it closed automatically.
I can’t ... up the engine, I’m afraid we need to take a taxi.
A. stop B. start C. finish

9. ...............................................................
They need to ... a lot of experiments before people can use this medication.
Emilia and her husband always ... some research on the food they eat.
A. do B. make C. take
Matura 2023

10. ...............................................................
A Japanese company is ... interactive toy pets that can read human emotions.
My younger brother was ... much faster than his friends and was a university student at the age of 14.
A. working B. making C. developing
2 unit 3
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
She loves watching Brazilian and Turkish ... operas.
We are using a lot of antibacterial ... these days.
A. soap B. gel C. cream

2. ...............................................................
She has never spoken to such a large ... before.
The ... was applauding for 10 minutes - they really liked the play.
A. crowd B. audience C. staff

3. ...............................................................
The Egyptian mummies are on ... at the British Museum.
The ... includes 200 pieces of ancient jewellery.
A. play B. show C. exhibition

4. ...............................................................
She played in several ... series watched by millions of viewers around the world.
He didn’t go to any ... school but he is such a fine actor!
A. police B. drama C. comedy

5. ...............................................................
A famous YouTuber ... this video clip.
A young police officer ... traffic at the crossroads when the lights went out.
A. directed B. took C. told

6. ...............................................................
After the end of the play the actors returned on the ... to talk with the audience.
What is the next ... in the butterfly life cycle?
A. set B. step C. stage

7. ...............................................................
There are three colourful ... next to the text on this page.
The kids enjoyed special effects and computer-generated ... in the superhero film.
A. pictures B. photos C. images

8. ...............................................................
My mum always reads a bedtime ... to me.
His ... about the dinosaurs in our park was a big lie.
A. story B. joke C. tale

9. ...............................................................
You can move the driver’s ... to make some leg space.
Please, take a ... and we can start the play.
A. sitting B. seat C. sit
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10. ...............................................................
Kindergarten kids ... bored very easily.
What time did you ... home yesterday after the performance?
A. get B. become C. come
2 unit 4
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
She painted one ... black and decorated it with lots of house plants.
Their parents built an interior ... to create separate spaces for the twins.
A. ceiling B. wall C. floor

2. ...............................................................
Which household chores do you really hate ...?
I see you’re ... your best at ironing but remember to select the correct temperature.
A. doing B. making C. getting

3. ...............................................................
He had a row of five medals on his ... - it was clear he was a champion!
Tom keeps his T-shirts and socks in an antique wooden ... of drawers.
A. back B. box C. chest

4. ...............................................................
You can sweep the ... and listen to audiobooks at the same time.
If you live on the ground ..., you don’t have to climb the stairs.
A. ceiling B. floor C. cellar

5. ...............................................................
My two-year-old brother always ... a mess around himself throwing toys everywhere.
She hardly ever ... her bed before she leaves for school in the morning.
A. makes B. does C. lies

6. ...............................................................
Moira is looking for a nice studio apartment for ... within walking distance from her college.
We can’t move into this flat in the city centre, the ... is much too high.
A. price B. rent C. lend

7. ...............................................................
The Jacksons moved ... three times last year!
My dream ... overlooks the ocean and is located on green hills.
A. home B. house C. flat

8. ...............................................................
My new running shoes were not ... and I took them back to the shop.
In the hotel lounge you can find the most ... sofas, helpful staff and free WiFi.
A. relaxed B. cosy C. comfortable

9. ...............................................................
At the university I ... a room with a girl who collected soap bars.
My pet rabbit ... his food with the canary - best pet friendship ever!
A. shared B. rented C. had
Matura 2023

10. ...............................................................
Loch Ness, the second largest lake in Scotland, attracts thousands of ... who want to see the monster.
The receptionist welcomed the ... in the hall and offered them tea and coffee.
A. clients B. guests C. visitors
2 unit 5
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
Kids ... their favourite cartoon characters for the competition.
The teams ... 1-1 after a tiring match in the heat.
A. drew B. lined C. pictured

2. ...............................................................
She ... her nose while playing volleyball for the school team last week.
Kipchoge ... the world record for men at the Berlin Marathon in 2018.
A. set B. hurt C. broke

3. ...............................................................
She ... her aunt’s cheesecake on the floor when she tripped over the dog’s bowl.
The students ... Maths as soon as they realized they don’t need it to pass the final exam.
A. threw B. dropped C. quit

4. ...............................................................
The dog ran away through the ... in the fence.
I will consider taking a ... year after high school - I would like to travel and learn Chinese.
A. space B. hole C. gap

5. ...............................................................
My little brother used to ... me everywhere - it was so annoying!
Please, ... the rules given on the first page of the exam sheet: write in ink and do not talk.
A. stick B. follow C. use

6. ...............................................................
The school bag contained several books and notebooks, a lunch box and a fancy pencil ... .
We don’t need more food for the party but I’ll bring some cupcakes just in ... .
A. case B. bin C. box

7. ...............................................................
His ... was beating really fast at the end of the race.
You don’t need to learn this poem by ... - just read it out loud.
A. head B. pulse C. heart

8. ...............................................................
The class was not ... attention when the teacher explained the experiment.
How about ... a visit to one of the after-school clubs?
A. paying B. drawing C. making

9. ...............................................................
It was hard to ... any notes because the lecturer was speaking really fast.
If you are not able to turn up in person, you can ... the exam online by writing the essay on the website provided.
A. sign B. take C. do
Matura 2023

10. ...............................................................
She ... the egg whites until they were stiff and added a teaspoonful of sugar.
My friend ... me in squash again - I need some extra lessons to be better!
A. won B. mix C. beat
2 unit 6
Sety leksykalne

Obok numeru zadania wpisz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1. ...........................................................................................................................
He called in sick and posted his photo on a ski slope with his wife. He got the ... on the very same day.
Santa fills the ... with presents for all children - he doesn’t care if they’re naughty or nice.

2. ...........................................................................................................................
She is ... to become a licensed cosmetologist.
Pete was ... three times a day before he went on a hiking tour of Iceland.

3. ...........................................................................................................................
It’s quite rewarding to ... your own business but you have the most demanding boss ever!
How often do the buses ... here? I can’t see the timetable anywhere.

4. ...........................................................................................................................
... workers help people to deal with psychological, health, family or financial problems at every stage of life.
By nature humans look for the company of others and our ... life gives us a lot of satisfaction and fulfilment.

5. ...........................................................................................................................
Men should know how to hide a tie behind their shirt ... .
This district is inhabited by white-... workers trying to make their American dream come true.

6. ...........................................................................................................................
Is it possible to use ... materials in 3D printing? I need to print a baking mat.
You need to be really self-disciplined to manage ... working schedule because you may come and go as you please.

7. ...........................................................................................................................
The company offers a guaranteed job ... and promotion prospects to all engineering graduates.
The film contained a carefully planned product ... of a world-known Swedish car make.

8. ...........................................................................................................................
It is very difficult to ... a team of workers if you are not patient, empathetic and supportive.
„Will you make it to our faculty staff meeting at 5pm today?” „I think, I’ll ... .”

9. ...........................................................................................................................
If you have ... behind with your work, you’d better face the music and end putting it off anymore.
Don’t raise your voice, the baby’s just ... asleep.

10. ...........................................................................................................................
They needed to work shifts for two weeks to ... the deadline.
A careers counsellor may ... people from different walks of life and should be prepared to identify and examine
Matura 2023

their interests, skills and abilities.

2 unit 7
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
Sparkling water is just as good for your health as ... water.
Can you sit ... for a while? I want to take a photo of you.
A. still B. fizzy C. calm

2. ...............................................................
Outlets normally sell goods at much lower prices than ... stores.
He was afraid of being burgled so he had an extra ... installed on the door.
A. locker B. chain C. net

3. ...............................................................
... shopping doesn’t cost anything and may be a fun way to take the stress away.
My web browser keeps opening links in a new ... and not a new tab as I would wish.
A. floor B. door C. window

4. ...............................................................
The most expensive high-heels are decorated with diamonds and cost a small ... - enough to buy 42 luxury
houses in the US.
One thing a ... teller will never tell you is when and how you will die - unless you ask her clearly.
A. fortune B. bomb C. future

5. ...............................................................
I don’t have enough money to invest in ... shares - I just save a small amount each month.
This book is out of ... now - you will be e-mailed when it’s available again.
A. market B. stock C. shop

6. ...............................................................
14 students have gone on a(n) ... program to Australia and New Zealand to study English for a year.
How can I ... a product that I received as a gift?
A. switch B. change C. exchange

7. ...............................................................
Are designer ... really worth the price or is it just a human ego?
Whenever I travel I stick address ... on my suitcases - just in case they get lost.
A. labels B. tags C. tickets

8. ...............................................................
She bought a new ... for winter because her old one was too thin.
Leave the paint dry for 10 hours before putting on the top ....
A. trench B. coat C. layer

9. ...............................................................
Maria had to ... home from the bus stop to check if she turned the iron off.
You can ... a product and ask for a refund if it’s faulty.
Matura 2023

A. return B. back C. turn

10. ...............................................................
The shoe was so small that it ... only Cinderella’s foot.
The new oven ... perfectly the space in the kitchen furniture.
A. matched B. suited C. fitted
2 unit 8
Sety leksykalne

Spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest poprawnym uzupełnieniem luki w obu zdaniach.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

1. ...............................................................
The factory offers special facilities for the ... workers: ramps, chairs, walkways and automated doors.
If the light on the device flashes, it means that the function has been ... automatically.
A. weak B. disabled C. wounded

2. ...............................................................
It’s been six months after the viral infection and he still hasn’t ... his sense of smell.
She never fully ... from burnout and had to retire earlier.
A. recalled B. remembered C. recovered

3. ...............................................................
What is the best way to ... back into shape after winter?
If you ... out of breath while running, it may mean the level of carbon dioxide is too high in your body.
A. run B. get C. keep

4. ...............................................................
Johnson played in the match but was totally ... to score any goals.
I am terribly ..., I’ll have to take up yoga, maybe next Monday.
A. unfit B. unsuitable C. wrong

5. ...............................................................
My neighbour was ... down by an ambulance while he was helping the injured in the accident.
His friends ... on the window not to wake his parents up.
A. clicked B. knocked C. run

6. ...............................................................
You need to ... down on white bread, alcohol and potato chips from if you want to lose weight faster.
The company ... costs by organizing all conferences online.
A. cut B. reduce C. break

7. ...............................................................
Mark ... a muscle in his arm when he lifted a heavy toolbox.
I ... down the blinds because I couldn’t see you in the sun.
A. broke B. pulled C. put

8. ...............................................................
He had his blood ... taken every day in hospital.
Many employers like to ask candidates how well they work under a lot of ... .
A. stress B. tension C. pressure

9. ...............................................................
When he was diagnosed with diabetes, he instantly ... on a diet.
The tourists ... around the Old Town by a horse-drawn carriage.
A. came B. went C. travelled
Matura 2023

10. ...............................................................
You can ... the competition by filling in the form and signing the documents.
Did you know that the police might ... your house without permission to make an arrest?
A. enter B. open C. break
Sety leksykalne

Unit 1 Unit 5

1. best (C) 1. drew (A)

2. let (B) 2. broke (C)
3. look (A) 3. dropped (B)
4. get (C) 4. gap (C)
5. reception (C) 5. follow (B)
6. kept (A) 6. case (A)
7. spend (B) 7. heart (C)
8. miss (C) 8. paying (A)
9. couple (A) 9. take (B)
10. indeed (B) 10. beat (C)

Unit 2 Unit 6

1. saved (A) 1. sack

2. speakers (B) 2. training
3. turn (C) 3. run
4. mouse (A) 4. social
5. text (B) 5. collar
6. collect (C) 6. flexible
7. connect (B) 7. placement
8. start (B) 8. manage
9. do (A) 9. fallen
10. developing (C) 10. meet

Unit 3 Unit 7

1. soap (A) 1. still (A)

2. audience (B) 2. chain (B)
3. drama (C) 3. window (C)
4. exhibition (B) 4. fortune (A)
5. directed (A) 5. stock (B)
6. stage (C) 6. exchange (C)
7. images (C) 7. tags (B)
8. story (A) 8. coat (B)
9. seat (B) 9. return (A)
10. get (A) 10. fitted (C)

Unit 4 Unit 8

1. wall (B) 1. disabled (B)

2. doing (A) 2. recovered (C)
Matura 2023

3. chest (C) 3. get (B)

4. floor (B) 4. unfit (A)
5. makes (A) 5. knocked (B)
6. rent (B) 6. cut (A)
7. house (B) 7. pulled (B)
8. comfortable (C) 8. pressure (C)
9. shared (A) 9. went (B)
10. visitors (C) 10. enter (A)

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