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Spida 5

Operating Manual

Micro Medical
PO Box 6
England ME1 2AZ

Drg No: - 055-01

Revision 2.7 June 07
Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Version 2.7
June 07

The information given in this manual is subject to change without notice. No part of this
manual may be reproduced ot transmitted in any form or by means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the written consent of Micro Medical

©2006 Micro Medical Limited, All rights reserved

Microsoft is a registered trademark and windows is a trademark of Microsoft

corporation. Other trademarks and branch names are the property of their respective

Micro Medical Limited

Chatham Maritime


Micro Medical Ltd and the consensus group which designed the algorithm and the
assessments underlines that these assessments should be regarded as a help. The
final assessment of spirometric data, and any decisions regarding diagnosis, treatment
and other interventions in a patients care remain the sole responsibility of the physician
in charge of the patient who should come to a conclusion on the basis of information
from various sources, of which spirometric data form only a part.
Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Software License Agreement

Read carefully before use

The software included is subject to the following license terms and conditions. By
installing the software onto your computer, you are signifying your acceptance of the
terms of this agreement. If you do not agree in full with the terms of the agreement
described below, please return the installation disk intact together with all accompanying
manuals and packaging to your supplier.


This is a single user software license granted to you by Micro Medical Ltd. The software
remains the property of the manufacturer and is not sold.
You, as end user of the software, may use multiple copies of the software installed on
multiple computers for which it is designed, However only one Spida program can be run
with each USB dongle.
Once installed on the computer, you may make back-up copies of the database for the
purpose of security.
You may not copy the original CD-Rom.


For support on the software, please contact your distributor first. UK customers. Please
contact Micro Medical Ltd. Tel: 01634 893500


The enclosed software is owned by Micro Medical Ltd (and in parts by the Microsoft
Corporation) and is protected by United Kingdom or United States copyright laws and
international treaty provisions. Neither the software nor the accompanying manuals may
be reproduced in whole or in part. You may not make changes or modifications to the
licensed software, and you may not decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse
engineer the software.

The software may not be rented or leased to others, but you may transfer your rights
under this agreement in full provided that all copies of the software and written manuals
are transferred, and that the recipient agrees to the terms of this agreement.
Spida 5 - Operating Manual


Micro Medical Ltd warrants that the material on which the software is supplied and the
product documentation is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal
use. Micro Medical Ltd warrants that the software will perform in accordance with the
product manual for a period of 90 days from the date of receipt.
During the warranty period,
*Micro Medical Ltd will replace, at no charge, any magnetic media or printed manual,
which proves defective in materials or workmanship on an exchange basis.
*Micro Medical Ltd undertakes to replace or repair, at no charge, any software that
does not perform substantially in accordance with the product documentation.
*If Micro Medical Ltd is unable to replace or repair the software; Micro Medical Ltd will,
at its discretion and as a final remedy, replace the software with a functionally similar
program or refund the price paid for the software license in full.


Micro Medical Ltd undertakes to ensure that the product meets the specification given in
the product literature; it does not warrant that the software supplied in this package is
suitable for your specific requirements or usage. The warranty does not extend to any
damage or corruption to the supplied media or documentation subsequent to your
receipt of the product, however caused; nor does it extend to any damage or corruption
of the program image on your computer subsequent to installation.
Micro Medical Ltd does not warrant the compatibility of the software on any computer
other than that described in the product specification, and takes no responsibility for any
incompatibility or problems arising from the use of other operating systems or
application programs on your computer.
Should you need to request replacement or repair of the software or documentation
under the terms of this warranty or if you have any questions regarding this license
agreement, please call Micro Medical Ltd customer service department quoting the date
of purchase and the name of the supplier.
Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Table of Contents

Part I Overview 2
1 Welcome ................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Setting up SPIDA
................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Dongle License
................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Contact Details
................................................................................................................................... 4

Part II How to... 4

1 Create a new database
................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Create a new patient
................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Delete an Examination
................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Delete a Patient
................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Edit a patient's
details 5
6 Enter and Edit...................................................................................................................................
Examination Notes 5
7 Open a saved...................................................................................................................................
database 6
8 Print a Report................................................................................................................................... 6
9 Run a live test................................................................................................................................... 6
10 Search for a record
................................................................................................................................... 7
11 Sort Data ................................................................................................................................... 7
12 Setup the child
incentive view 8
13 Upload data from
a spirometer 8
14 View Trend Plot
................................................................................................................................... 8
15 Overlap an Examination
................................................................................................................................... 8
16 Configure your
MicroDL 9
17 Perform a calibration
check 9
18 Create A Today
List 10
19 Use a SpiroPro
with Spida 11
20 Use a FlowScreen
with Spida 15

Part III Views 15

1 All FVL View................................................................................................................................... 15
2 All VTG View................................................................................................................................... 16
3 All Tidal VC View
................................................................................................................................... 18
4 Best FVL View
................................................................................................................................... 18
5 Best VTG View
................................................................................................................................... 19
6 Best Tidal VC...................................................................................................................................
View 21
7 Child Incentive
View 21
8 Examination...................................................................................................................................
Notes View 22
9 Forced Results
View 22

Spida 5 - Operating Manual
10 Summary Results
................................................................................................................................... 23
11 Relaxed Results
View 24
12 Medication View
................................................................................................................................... 25
13 Patient Data ...................................................................................................................................
View 25
14 Patient History
View 26
15 Trend View ................................................................................................................................... 26

Part IV Indices 27
1 Forced ................................................................................................................................... 27
VC (Relax Vital..........................................................................................................................................................
Capacity) 27
FEV.75 (Force..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Volume in 0.75 second) 27
FEV1 (Forced..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Volume in 1 second) 27
FEV3 (Forced..........................................................................................................................................................
expiratory volume in 3 seconds) 27
FEV6 (Forced..........................................................................................................................................................
expiratory volume in 6 seconds) 27
FVC (Forced Expiratory
Volume) 27
PEF (Peak Expiratory
Flow) 27
FEV.75/VC .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
FEV.75/FVC .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
FEV1/VC .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
FEV1% (Tiffeneau-index
) 28
FEV3/VC .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
FEV3/FVC .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
FEV.75/FEV6 .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
FEV1/FEV6 .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
FEF25 (Forced ..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC has been exhaled) 28
FEF50 (Forced ..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC has been exhaled) 28
FEF75 (Forced ..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC has been exhaled) 29
MEF25 (Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC remains to be exhaled) 30
MEF50 (Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC remains to be exhaled) 30
MEF75 (Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC remains to be exhaled) 31
FEF25-75 (Forced
Expiratory Flow Between 25% and 75%) 31
MMEF (Maximal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Mid Expiratory Flow) 32
FEF25-75/FVC.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
FEF50/VC .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
FEF50/FVC .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
MVV (ind) (Maximal
Voluntary ventilation Indirect) 33
FIV1 (Forced Inspiratory
Volume in 1 second) 33
FIVC (Forced ..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Vital Capacity) 33
PIF (Peak Inspiratory
Flow) 33
FIV1% (Ratio ..........................................................................................................................................................
of FIV1/FIVC) 33
FIF25 (Forced..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled) 33
FIF50 (Forced..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled) 34
FIF75 (Forced..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled) 34
MIF25 (Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FIVC has been inhaled) 35
MIF50 (Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FIVC has been inhaled) 35
MIF75 (Maximum ..........................................................................................................................................................
Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FIVC has been inhaled) 36
R50 (Ratio of ..........................................................................................................................................................
FEF50/FIF50) 36
MET (Mean Expiratory
Time) 37
FET (Forced Expiratory
Time) 37
Lung Age .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Relaxed .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
TV (Tidal .........................................................................................................................................................
Volume) 37
ERV (Expiratory
Reserved Volume) 37
IRV (Inspiratory
Reserve Volume) 37
IC (Inspiratory
Capacity) 37

Spida 5 - Operating Manual
FRC (Functional
Residual Capacity) 37
RV (Reserve
Volume) 38
TLC (Total
Lung Capacity) 38
FRC/TLC......................................................................................................................................................... 38
RV/TLC ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
IVC (Inspiratory
Vital Capacity) 38
EVC (Expiratory
Vital Capacity) 38
2 Relaxed ................................................................................................................................... 38
EVC (Expiratory..........................................................................................................................................................
Vital Capacity) 38
IVC (Inspiratory
Vital Capacity) 38
IC (Inspiratory..........................................................................................................................................................
Capacity) 38
TV (Tidal Volume)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 38
ERV (Expiratory..........................................................................................................................................................
Reserved Volume) 39
IRV (Inspiratory
Reserve Volume) 39
FRC (Functional..........................................................................................................................................................
Residual Capacity) 39
RV (Reserve Volume)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
TLC (Total Lung..........................................................................................................................................................
Capacity) 39
RV/TLC .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
FRC/TLC .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
BF (Breath Frequency)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
TI .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
TE .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
TI/T_TOTAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
TV/TI .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
VE .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
VC (Relax Vital..........................................................................................................................................................
Capacity) 39

Part V Menu Commands 40

1 The File Menu
................................................................................................................................... 40
File Menu Commands
.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
New (File Menu).......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Open (File Menu)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Save As... (File
Menu) 40
Export to MSWord
(File Menu) 40
Export to PDF..........................................................................................................................................................
(File Menu) 41
Print (File Menu)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Print Preview..........................................................................................................................................................
(File Menu) 41
Print Setup... ..........................................................................................................................................................
(File Menu) 41
Exit (File Menu)
.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
2 The View Menu
................................................................................................................................... 41
View Menu Commands
.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Save Settings..........................................................................................................................................................
(View Menu) 42
3 The Data Menu
................................................................................................................................... 42
Data Menu Commands
.......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Add New Patient
(Data Menu) 42
Edit Patient (Data
Menu) 43
Delete Patient..........................................................................................................................................................
(Data menu) 45
Delete Examination
(Data Menu) 45
Enable Delete..........................................................................................................................................................
(Data Menu) 45
Disable Delete..........................................................................................................................................................
(Data Menu) 45
Upload All (Data
Menu) 45
Change Password
(Data Menu) 45
4 The Setup Menu
................................................................................................................................... 45
Predicted Values
.......................................................................................................................................................... 45
the Predicted Value Set 47
Factor 47

Spida 5 - Operating Manual
Sets 47
Austrian ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Berglund ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Cotes ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Crapo/HSU ......................................................................................................................................... 49
Crapo/Polgar ......................................................................................................................................... 50
ECCS ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Eigen/Crockett ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Filipinos ......................................................................................................................................... 52
Gutierrez ......................................................................................................................................... 53
Hedenstrom ......................................................................................................................................... 53
Indonesian ......................................................................................................................................... 54
Knudson ......................................................................................................................................... 55
Koillinen/Viljanen ......................................................................................................................................... 56
Mexican ......................................................................................................................................... 57
New Zealand ......................................................................................................................................... 57
NHANES III ......................................................................................................................................... 58
Pereira ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Roca ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Taiwan ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Thailand ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Setup Menu Commands
.......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Options (Setup ..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu) 63
Indices (Setup ..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu) 64
Report (Setup..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu) 64
Trend (Setup ..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu) 65
Child Incentive..........................................................................................................................................................
(Setup Menu) 65
Device Configuration
(Setup Menu) 66
Calibration Check
(Setup Menu) 66
Customisation ..........................................................................................................................................................
Wizard (Setup) 68
5 The Window ...................................................................................................................................
Menu 68
Window Menu..........................................................................................................................................................
Commands 68
Cascade (Window
Menu) 68
Tile (Window ..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu) 68
Arrange Icons..........................................................................................................................................................
(Window Menu) 69
6 The Help Menu
................................................................................................................................... 69
Help Menu Commands
.......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Help Topics (Help
Menu) 69
Register Spida
5 (Help Menu) 69
Check for Updates
(Help Menu) 69
About SPIDA ..........................................................................................................................................................
5... (Help Menu) 70

Part VI Other Features 71

1 Interpretation................................................................................................................................... 71
2 Composite Curve
................................................................................................................................... 73
3 Include / Exclude
manoeuvre 73
4 Best Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 74
5 ATS/ERS Criteria
2005 74
6 Forced ATS/ERS
Reproducibility Criteria 75
7 Relaxed ATS/ERS
Reproducibility Criteria 76

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

1 Overview
1.1 Welcome
Welcome to SPIDA 5 PC Software, the SPIrometry DAtabase from Micro Medical.

Spida 5 is designed to interface with all Micro Medical spirometers to perform Live spirometry, and to upload data from units
that support this feature. The aim is to allow a quick review of any data held in the database. Within two or three mouse
clicks, the user can find the required patient data and view the Flow Volume Loops and Volume Time Graph. The main
features are:
· View Flow Volume Loops and Volume Time Graph of the best manoeuvre.
· View Flow Volume Loops and Volume Time Graphs of ALL the manoeuvres.
· View indices of the selected manoeuvre and compare it with the best and predicted values.
· View trends of major indexes of all the examinations held in the database of the selected patients.
· Ability to enter and view examination notes.
· Facility to add and view patient history and medication information.
· Child Incentive view with the bubble gum kid, skate board race, Milkshake Kid and Wolf!
All the above features can be viewed simultaneously and simply with mouse clicks.

For the best results, set the Spida 5 to your desired settings. Setting up SPIDA.

1.2 Setting up SPIDA

Step 1: Views.
Spida 5 is a multi window environment with the possibility of fourteen different views in operation at any one time. You can
select which views you would like to see all the time. The rest can be opened and closed at any time you prefer. The size of
the view can also be individually set. You will get the most benefit from Spida 5 if you set your PC display to its highest
resolution setting. This way you can see more information at the same time. A screen resolution of 1240 X 1024 would be
desirable, but the best viewing can be obtained with 1600 X 1200 with 19" or 21" monitor.
NOTE: You can use the Customisation Wizard to configure most options more easily…
The patient database view is the main window and is present at all times. The rest of the windows can be opened from the
View Menu. The patient window consists of up to four panes, and each pane consist of columns. Each pane and each
column size can be changed by placing the mouse on the right hand edge of the column and dragging it to the desired
All changes must be saved by selecting Save Settings from the View Menu. The result screen always appears as it did the
last time you saved it.
The types of Views are:
· Patient data – consists of patient information, date and time of examinations the patient attended, and tests per
· Best Flow Volume – shows the best Flow Volume Loops of the Baseline and the Post 1 / Post 2 tests and the
predicted areas.
· Best Volume Time – shows the best Volume Time Graph of the Baseline and the Post 1 / Post 2 tests and the
predicted line.
· Best Tidal VC – shows the best Tidal VC Graph of the baseline, post1, post2 relaxed tidal tests. Show Relaxed
must be enabled to use this.
· All Flow Volume – shows all the Flow Volume Loops of the Baseline (in green), the Post 1 (in red) and the Post 2
(in magenta) tests. The selected test is shown in Blue.
· All Volume Time – shows all the Volume Time Graphs for Baseline and the Post 1 / Post 2 tests.
· All Tidal VC – shows all the tidal VC graphs for baseline, post1, post2 tests. Show Relaxed must be enabled to
use this.
· Child Incentive – Displays the selected child incentive animation. The current selected animation can changed by
selecting Options -> Child Incentive. This view is only used in live exams.
· Forced Results – shows the indices of the current forced test, and the comparison with the best test and the
predicted values. In the case of Post BD test, it shows the comparison with the best Baseline test.
· Relaxed Results – shows the indices of the current relaxed test and a comparison with the best test and predicted
values. In the case of a post BD test it shows a comparison with the best baseline test. Show Relaxed Data must
be enabled in setup-> Options, in order to see the relaxed results.
· Trend – shows the trend of major indexes (VC, FEV1, FVC and PEF) from all the examinations of the selected
patients. The indexes can be selected from Options à Trend.
· History – shows the history of the patient as it was entered when the patient was added. You cannot edit the
information in this view. To edit, you must go to Data -> Edit Patient.
· Medication – shows the Patient medication at the time of the examination. It must be added prior to performing
the examination, Via Data -> Edit Patient. It can not be added after the spirometry exam.
· Examination notes – allows you to view, enter or edit examination notes which are saved in the database.
· Summary Results - Displays the Current best manoeuvres.

NOTE: To enter information with regard to Patient History and Medication, you will need to select Data on the menu bar,
and choose 'Edit Patient '. You can then add the relevant information to the appropriate 'History' or 'Medication' box. Again,

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

please note that Medication must be added before a test, as it can not be added or edited afterwards.

If you are not sure which views to have on the screen, then here is a little tip.
The important views are, Patient View (always present), Best FVL, All FVL, Forced Results and Examination notes. Set
them up as shown below. If you have a high resolution screen, then select the Trend View as well.

You can let Spida position the windows for you easily by closing down the unwanted windows, and then going to the Menu
Windows – Tile.

Step 2: Options

Select Setup -> Options and select the options you prefer.

Step 3: Reports

Select Setup -> Reports and select the type of printed report you require. You can always change this later on when you
require a different type of report.

Step 4: Predicted Values.

Select Setup -> Predicted Values and select the predicted values you prefer to use.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

1.3 Dongle License

Dongle License
Spida 5 uses a hardware dongle license which must be inserted in to the computer each time Spida 5 is used.
A dongle is a device you attached to a computer to allow you to easily move the license from one computer to another.

Dongle Missing Form

If the dongle missing form is being displayed as shown in the following image you must plug in your Spida 5 dongle and you will
be free to use the software as normal.

1.4 Contact Details

Micro Medical website:-

Address : - Quayside
Chatham Maritime

Telephone : - +44(0) 1634 893500

Fax : - +44(0) 1634 893600
Email : -

2 How to...
2.1 Create a new database
Spida 5 allows you to create as many databases as you choose. You may have one database for COPD patients, another
one for asthmatic patients, etc. To create a database, select New from the File Menu, and a box will appear; either select a
file or create a new one. First, select the directory where you want to place the file, and then enter the filename. You do not
need to enter the extension (.mdb), as this will be added automatically. If you select an existing file, it will be cleared and

The new file created will be blank. When you enter the data, you do not need to save the file. The data is directly written in
the file.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

2.2 Create a new patient

To create a new patient, select Add New patient from the Data Menu. Fill up all the fields as required. Patients are
categorised by an ID field, so a unique ID is required for every patient. The ID can be a number or mixture of number and
letters. If the ID you type already exists, a warning message will be displayed, prompting you to enter a different ID.

If you are using long ID – longer then nine characters, then you can use Alias ID to correspond with MicroLoop/Lab. When
the data is uploaded, it is matched with the ID or with the Alias ID. The Alias ID has to be unique as well, and cannot be the
same as any other ID or Alias ID. There is no need to enter an Alias ID if it is not used or if the ID field is sufficient.
Date of birth, gender, height and in some cases weight fields are required for calculating predicted values. If any of these
fields are incorrectly entered, a warning message will remind you to correct it.

There are some easy ways to enter this data quickly. For date of birth, click on the down arrow on the side. A calendar will
appear with today's date. Click on the year, and using the little up/down buttons, select the year. Click on the month, and
pick the required month, and finally click on the date. Alternatively, you can just type in the date in the edit box.
When entering the height, it is not necessary to know the measurement in the units selected. If, for example, you have
selected the height to be in centimetres, but the patient only knows his height in feet and inches, simply enter '5f9' or '5ft9',
for 5 feet 9 inches and the height will be converted automatically.
Similarly, in the cm setting, you can also type '62i' for 62 inches, and in the Inches setting, you can use '157c' for 157 cm,
which will be converted to 62 inches.

The same applies to weight; you can enter '10s4' or '10st4' for 10 stones 4 lbs, and it will be converted into the correct unit.
For the Kg setting you can enter '144p' or '144lb' for 144 lbs, whilst in the Pound setting, you can enter 65.2k for 65.2 Kg
and it will be converted to 144 Lbs.

Units can be set from Setup à Options.

The Patient History cannot be more than 200 characters. This field is not meant for the whole detailed history, but enough
information so that a consultant or technician carrying out an examination is aware of the situation. This history is printed in
the report.

2.3 Delete an Examination

Only authorised personnel are allowed to perform delete operations. The Delete Examination option in the Data Menu is
normally disabled (greyed). To enable it, first select Enable Delete from the Data Menu, and enter a valid password. Now
select Delete Examination and a warning will remind you that the Examination with all the relevant tests will be deleted.
Check that the correct examination is being deleted and select OK.
Please be careful when deleting data, as the process is irreversible.
After the delete operation, remember to disable the delete functions by selecting Disable Delete from the Data menu.
The default password is ADMIN when Spida 5 is first installed. Change this password as soon as possible with one of your
own choice.

2.4 Delete a Patient

Only authorised personnel are allowed to perform delete operations. The Delete Patient option in the Data Menu is normally
disabled (greyed). To enable it, first select Enable Delete from the Data Menu, and enter a valid password. Now select
Delete Patient and a warning will remind you that the patient with all the relevant examinations will be deleted. Check that
the correct patient is being deleted and select OK.
Please be careful when deleting data, as the process is irreversible.
After the delete operation, remember to disable the delete functions by selecting Disable Delete from the Data menu.
The default password is ADMIN when Spida 5 is first installed. Change this password as soon as possible with one of your
own choice.

2.5 Edit a patient's details

Patient details can be edited by first selecting the required patient, and then selecting Edit Patient from the Data menu.
All fields can be changed as required.
Refer to Add Patient for tips on how to enter the data quickly or to take advantage of the Alias ID.
It is advisable to update the height and weight of patients every time they come for an examination, as this data is used for
calculating the predicted values. This is of more importance for children, as they are growing up.

2.6 Enter and Edit Examination Notes

Individual text notes can be entered for each examination.

Open the examination view (if not opened) by selecting View à Examination Notes.
Click on the heading (blue bar) of the examination notes and type the required information. You can use standard Windows
editing functions, like Ctrl X to Cut, Ctrl-C to copy and Ctrl-V to paste. Select any other view and the examination notes will
be automatically saved.

To Edit the notes, place the cursor in the required position and enter new information, or delete any test. You can even
highlight the text and press the delete key to delete the information.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Word wrapping is active in this view.

Since the text is saved automatically, the edit process is irreversible, so please be careful.

2.7 Open a saved database

To open a previously saved database within Spida 5, select 'File' on the Spida 5 menu bar, then click on 'Open'. The
command allows you to open a previously saved database from your computer or over a network. Navigate your way to the
desired database and click open. The previous database will close and the new one will appear in the data window. The
path name of the open window is displayed in the title bar of the program.

2.8 Print a Report

Every user has a different opinion about what should be include in a printed report. Some users prefer a single page report
consisting of indices and graphs, whilst others prefer a more comprehensive report with all the information available, like the
Patient History and Examination notes. Occasionally you may wish to print the Trend Graphs. So there is no such thing as a
standard report. For this reason, Spida 5 allows you to choose what you prefer in a report. The number of pages in the
report will depend on the sections you choose and the number of indices you have switched on for display.

To configure your report, select 'Setup' on the Spida 5 menu bar, then choose 'Reports'. The report is divided into the
following sections and you should tick the sections you would like in your report by clicking on the appropriate boxed (on-
screen). The sections will be printed in the specified order.

Patient Details
Patient history
Summary of all forced tests
Selected indices of the best blow
Flow Volume Loop and Volume Time Graph
Examination Notes
Signature Line
Summary of All the Examinations
Trend Graphs
Relaxed Volume Time Graphs
Summary of Relaxed Tests
Relaxed Indices

Note: The Relaxed items are only available if the show relaxed option has been set in setup options.

Page size and top margins of the first page and subsequent pages can also be specified. If plain paper is used, then a top
margin of one Cm is recommended.

If you would like your report to include a business / doctor / hospital name and address, select 'Setup' from the Spida 5
menu bar, then choose 'Options' and complete the 'Print Title' section.

To Print a report, select Print form the File menu.

To see what the page will look like before printing, select the Print Preview command.
There is an 'Export to MS Word' option in 'File' on the Spida 5 menu bar that allows you to export a report to MS Word.
They contain the same information as the printed report and can be attached to a patient's medical records within any
medical system which allows a Word document to be attached.

2.9 Run a live test

To run a live test, firstly select the patient who is to be tested. If the patient does not exist in the database, create a new
patient as follows:
Select 'Data ' on the Spida 5 menu bar and choose 'Add New Patient '. Make sure the relevant data is completed for the
patient, i.e. age, height, etc. This is important with regard to calculating the Predicted Values.
An Examination can be performed as 'Relax VC' followed by an FVC test or just as an FVC test. If Relax VC is required, tick
the VC box on the Spida 5 toolbar.

There are two types of FVC test:

1. Tidal breathing followed by Forced Expiratory and Forced Inspiratory
In this test, the patient is requested to relax first, and then (ensuring their mouth fully covers the mouthpiece) continue
normal breathing. The patient is then requested to 'inhale' as deeply as possible and then to 'exhale' all the air from
their lungs, as quickly as possible (forcefully); and then continue with the final inhalation of as much air as possible.
The patient may end the blow abruptly, if not sufficiently encouraged.
2. Direct Forced Expiratory (with forced Inspiratory)
Encourage the patient to take a deep breath and then (ensuring their mouth fully covers the mouthpiece) 'exhale' all
the air from their lungs, as quickly as possible (forcefully). The patient may end the blow abruptly, if not sufficiently
encouraged. The graphs in the FVL view and the VTG view will show the amount and flow of air as it is being exhaled.
If the Inspiratory test is also required, instruct the patient to 'inhale' as soon as they feel their lungs are completely

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

empty. Inhalation should be as rapid as possible.

To begin an examination, select a current patient; then click the 'New Examination' button on the Spida 5 toolbar. 'Blow
Now' will then appear on the toolbar. However, If the prompt is on (see the Spida 5 menu bar 'Setup ': 'Options ': 'Prompt')
a message will be displayed on the PC screen reminding you to switch 'ON' the Spirometer in PC communication mode and
ensure that it is connected to the computer securely. Click 'OK' on the message and 'Blow Now' will then be displayed on
the Spida 5 toolbar.

Once 'Blow now' is displayed on the Spida 5 toolbar and the patient is ready, request them to perform a Relax VC (if
selected) or an FVC (forced expiratory manoeuvre). The FVL and the VTG will appear in the Best FVL view and the
Best VTG view respectively.
Once the manoeuvre has been completed, the results will appear in the results window.
There will be three options on the toolbar: Accept + Next, Reject, Accept + Done.
'Accept + Next' will save the test and allow you to begin a new test by displaying 'Blow Now' on the toolbar.
'Reject' will discard the last manoeuvre and 'Blow Now' will be displayed on the toolbar for you to begin another test.
'Accept + Done': after a VC manoeuvre (when VC must be ticked on the toolbar) will save the test and complete the VC
part of the examination, moving on automatically to 'Blow Now' for the FVC manoeuvres.
'Accept + Done': after an FVC manoeuvre will save the test and also end the examination.

NOTE: If you press 'Cancel' during a blow, you will lose the test being performed, and automatically end the current

A maximum of 10 Baseline, five Post 1 (Post BD 1) and five Post 2 (Post BD 2) tests may be carried out.

In the Best FVL view the colours relate to the tests as follows:

BLUE - Current
GREEN - Best Baseline
RED - Best Post 1
MAGENTA - Best Post 2

2.10 Search for a record

Within SPIDA 5, you can search for a patient using any of the information details present in the patient database. This
means you do not have to know the name of the patient, you could find him or her by their identification number (ID), their
age, or their gender. Firstly, select the column of the information you wish to search in (the records will be sorted
alphanumerically (0 to 9 and A to Z) by that field ). Next, type the name or number of the desired patient in the Search
box in the toolbar, and click Search or press Enter on the keyboard.
The corresponding record will be highlighted in blue. All the respective views will change accordingly.

2.11 Sort Data

SPIDA has the facility to sort the Patient data under any of the headings in the window - you can choose from:
· Surname
· First name
· ID
· Age
· Sex
· Height
· Weight
· Race
· Factor
· Occupation
· Referred by

To sort data by a particular field, click on the grey column title of the appropriate column. A down arrow will appear on the
title to mark the selected column. All data will be sorted in ascending alphanumerical order (0 to 9 and A to Z). If you click
the column again, an up arrow will appear and the data will be sorted in descending alphanumerical order.

Searching for a record.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

2.12 Setup the child incentive view

For the first blow, the value required to reach the target is as a percentage of the predicted value (default 100%). To change
this, double click on the Child Incentive View or select Setup and Child Incentive and change the number in the top box.

For subsequent blows, the patient has to exhale a percentage of the best blow for the target to be reached (default 100%).
Setting this value at 110% entices the patient to exceed their previous attempt. To change this value, double click on the
Child Incentive View or select Setup and Child Incentive and change the bottom box.

The new values will be remembered by Spida 5, therefore there is no need to set it every time.

You have also a selection of child incentive screens available from the setup dialog box: a bubble gum kid, a skate board
race, milk shake kid or Wolf

2.13 Upload data from a spirometer

When uploading data from a spirometer, firstly make sure that the unit is securely connected, switched on and that the
correct database is open. Then click the UPLOAD button on the left of the toolbar. All the tests and new patients since the
last upload will be uploaded. This saves time as only the test not available to Spida are sent.

If you need to upload all the data because you have opened a new database or are using another PC, then select
Upload All from the Data Menu.

The data from the spirometer is then added into the current database. The data on the computer is always added to, never
replaced. It is never deleted or overwritten.
If the patient ID does not exist, a new patient is created and all the details available from the unit is filled. Use Edit Patient to
add any additional information.
Warning: Make sure the target database is open before pressing the upload button or selecting Upload All.

2.14 View Trend Plot

Trend plots are a good way to view data over a period of time. Open a trend view by clicking View à Trend, if it is not yet
opened. In the Patient data view, click on the patient of interest. The trend view will show the trend plot. If the patient is not
in view, then either scroll up/down to find him/her or use the search feature.

You need at least two examination results to see the trend plot. You can zoom into the plot by clicking and dragging the left
mouse button over the region of interest. Clicking on the right mouse button will return to the previous scale. If you zoom in
and then zoom in further, the right mouse click will take you back to the first zoom scale, and clicking again to original scale.

You can print the trend view, by first selecting the report type as 'Summary and Trend' (Setup -> Report) and then selecting
File à Print. The printed trend plot will have the same view and scale as in the Trend View, so make sure you have the
correct portion in view before printing. This feature allows you to print the zoomed region. You can view the page layout by
selecting File - > Print Preview

2.15 Overlap an Examination

You can overlap a previous Flow Volume Loop and Volume Time Graph on top of the current examination by pressing the
CTRL key and left clicking the required examination. This will then be highlighted in pink. The overlapped view will appear in
a darker colour then the current one, i.e. the base line will be dark green, post 1 will be dark red and post 2 will be dark
magenta. You can overlap only one examination at a time, so selecting another one will de-select the present one. To
remove the overlapping curve, just click on the examination again with the CTRL key pressed. This feature is very useful for
comparing the current examination with previous ones.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Another good tip is that you can overlap the last examination before starting a new one. This will act as a reference on the

2.16 Configure your MicroDL

To configure your MicroDL, simply select the patient who will be using the device, and then press Device Configuration from
the setup menu. The patient details will appear on the top part of the dialog box. Then you will be able to enter manually the
values that will be used as target for the patient.
Alternatively, you can choose from the patient's current best and the predicted values.
You can also decide which parameters to display, and the best blow selection criteria. Finally, the levels in percentage of
the target values can be configured in Yellow level and red level.

2.17 Perform a calibration check

The calibration check facility is provided to help verify that the device is within the calibration limits (+- 3% of expected volume).
We recommend that it is be performed each day before the device is used (more calibration checks may be performed in the
same day if user requires)

Performing a daily calibration check helps determine any invalid calibration results within the first day of the issue arising, as
well as providing day-to-day laboratory variability.

The calibration tool has been designed to meet the 'ATS ERS Standardisation of lung function testing' requirements as well as
a quick simple method.
The ATS ERS recommends that during a calibration check, the user will need to perform three syringe waveforms (Minimum of
1) for three different flow rates (Between 0.5 and 12 L/Sec). The purpose of this is to help identify any invalid calibration results
at various flow rates.

Starting the Calibration Check

The calibration check can be found under the 'Setup' menu in Spida and then selecting 'Calibration Check'.
Spida will then close and the calibration check tool will open

Please click here for a step by step guide through the calibration process, or click 'Next' at the top of this help screen

Before proceeding please verify that the device that is going to perform the calibration check, is connected to the PC via a
Serial or USB cable (Depending on the device type)

Calibration Syringes
To help achieve improved results during a calibration check, Please Verify the following: -

1. The syringe used to perform the calibration check on the device, should have a accuracy of +- 15ml or +-0.5 % of
the syringe volume (15ml for a 3 Litre syringe)
2. Syringes with adjustable or variable stops may be out of calibration if the stop is accidentally moved or reset.
3. Calibration syringes should be leak tested periodically (Monthly) by blocking the air outlet and applying pressure on
the syringe handle (A dropped or damaged syringe should be leak tested before a calibration check is performed)
4. The calibration syringe is kept with the spirometer (Not in direct Sunlight or any heat sources) to help maintain the
same temperature and humidity of the testing location

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

2.18 Create A Today List

The MicroLab Mk8 provides a feature that enables the user to produce a list of patients from the database that the user will be
performing examinations on with in that day.

Spida also provides a feature where the user can produce the list of patients, and download the list to the MicroLab Mk8.

If the patient being downloaded from spida does not exist in the MicroLab Mk8 database, the patient will be automatically
created using the details held within the spida database.
If the patient being added to the today list does exist on the MicroLab Mk8 database then they will be flagged as being added to
the list, however the patients details such as height, weight etc will not be updated from the spida database.

Note: - When the MicroLab Mk8 internal clock rolls over to midnight (00:00), the today list will be cleared (results will remain
held in the MicroLab database).

Adding a patient to the Today list in spida: -

1. Open the database the patients you wish to add to the list exists in.
2. Right click on each patient you wish to add to the today list, from the first section of the patient details window (the
patient row's background should turn yellow)
3. Connect the MicroLab MK8 to the PC and verify that in spida the correct comm. port or USB is selected within
4. Verify that the MicroLab Mk8 is switched on and is in the main menu
5. Select the 'Setup' menu and then 'Device Configuration'
6. After clicking OK on the message prompts a new window should be displayed. In the top frame of the window should
be the today list the user just created in spida.
Note: -If on clicking 'Setup', 'Device Configuration' the Microlab Mk8 clock time is +/- 5 minutes of the computer clock, a
message will prompt the user, informing them that the time needs to be adjusted.
As the wrong time may be on either the Microlab Mk8 or the PC, the Microlab Mk8 time is not adjusted. This message is
only displayed the first time device configuration is selected on each spida load.

Removing a patient from the Today list created in spida

From 'Today List' window in spida, left click on a patient in the list (the patient row's background should turn blue) and click the
'Remove' button. The patient should now be removed from the list.
To remove multiple patients from the Today list left click on each of the desired patients whilst holding the 'Ctrl' button on the

Sending the Today List from spida to the MicroLab Mk8 unit: -
1. From the 'Today List' window verify the patients to be tested are displayed in the list
2. Select 'Send List To Unit' button.
3. A download screen will now be displayed indicating the current status and progress of the download. Each time the
download of a patient finishes the patient row will be removed from the list in the 'Today List' window.
4. Once download is complete the user will be taken back to the 'Today List' window (The list in the 'Today List' window
will now be empty)
Note: - All patients in the today list once 'Send List To Unit' is clicked will be downloaded, highlighted or not.
Cancelling During Download
The download can be stopped by clicking cancel. Once pressed the current patient being downloaded will finish being
downloaded before cancelling the process. The user will be taken back to the 'Today list' window. Any patients remaining
in the list are patients that were not downloaded.
The user the has the option to exit the today list, remove patients from the today list or continue downloading the
remaining patient to the MicroLab Mk8

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

2.19 Use a SpiroPro with Spida

Spida 5 is compatible with the SpiroPro device. (A product of JAEGER-TOENNIES, a subsidiary of VIASYS Healthcare).
When the user receives a newly purchased SpiroPro unit, it has to be configured to communicate with Spida. Once this is done
the user can perform Live spirometry, as well as Upload saved data from the SpiroPro's Database.
The user is also given the ability to change Time and date on the SpiroPro via spida

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Configuring the SpiroPro for the first time

To be able to perform live testing on spida using the SpiroPro device, the unit first needs to be configured. This configuration
only needs to be performed for the first time you use the unit.

1. Switch the SpiroPro on so that it is displaying the main screen

2. Press the Settings button (bottom right of the screen)

3. Press the Settings button (top right of the screen)

4. Press the Settings button (bottom left of the screen)

5. Press the up arrow button until "Online Display" is highlighted

6. Press the scroll button at the bottom of the screen until the "Online Display" has "Yes" selected

7. Press the OK button at the bottom right of the screen

8. Press the root button at the bottom right of the screen to return you to the main menu

Performing a Live Test

To perform a live test, first make sure that the SpiroPro is switched on so that it displays the main menu, and the serial cable is
connected to the PC.

1. In Spida select the patient you wish to perform a test on, from the 'Patient Data' Window

2. Select the 'New Examination' button from the menu bar at the top of the screen (Check the VC check box if you wish to
perform a relaxed Vital Capacity), or select the Relaxed or Forced command buttons if you wish to continue post testing

3. A message box will then appear, asking you to put the SpiroPro into the correct test module. The SpiroPro will then beep
and display the PC Communication screen.

4. Once the PC Communication screen has disappeared, and the user has put the SpiroPro into the correct test module, the
Spida message box will change, indicating that the unit has been found and is ready for testing

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5. Press the OK button on the SpiroPro screen

6. Introduce the Patient to the SpiroPro and perform the required test maneuver
7. Once the Patient has finished performing the maneuver, press the OK button on the unit to end the test

8. The Results screen is now displayed on the unit, press the root button so confirm the test and send the results to Spida

Note: - Once a test has been performed, the user can select either 'Accept + Next', 'Accept + Done' or 'Reject' from Spida, If
'Accept + Next' or 'Reject' is selected the unit will display the PC Communication screen, and the user will need to put the
SpiroPro back into the correct test module before being able to perform another effort, If the user chose 'Accept+Done'
Spida will exit testing saving the results.

Selecting the correct test module

Before the user can perform a live test the user has to put the unit into the correct test module (The same as that being
performed by spida).
1. First from the units Main Menu select the Test button icon

2. Select the desired test button (Relaxed or Forced)

3. If you selected Forced, press the 'Post Button' (Even if doing a Baseline test), else if you selected Relaxed then skip this

Note: - If the user selects the wrong test module to that being performed by Spida (e.g Spida is performing a Relaxed VC,
however the user accidentally put the unit into the forced module), and an effort is performed. The SpiroPro will send
incorrect data to spida. Please verify the SpiroPro is in the correct Module before the blow is performed.

Uploading data to Spida

The SpiroPro is capable of uploading its database to Spida. To do this : -
1. Switch the Unit On so it is in the Main Menu
2. Verify the serial cable is connected to the PC
3. Select either the 'Upload' button from Spida's Tool Bar, or select the 'Data' drop down menu and then 'Upload All' to
upload all of the tests held on the SpiroPro's database.

Changing Time and date on the SpiroPro via spida

The user is also given the ability to change Time and date on the SpiroPro via spida. To do this: -
1. Switch the Unit On so it is in the Main Menu
2. Verify the serial cable is connected to the PC
3. Select the 'Setup' drop down menu and then 'Device Configuration'.
4. A window will then appear allowing the user to change the Date and time
5. Once the changes have been made in the Spida window click on the 'Set Date/Time' button, else click on 'Cancel' to exit
without saving the changes.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

NOTE: - The SpiroPro can not be used with the calibration tool

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

2.20 Use a FlowScreen with Spida

Although Spida 5 can not perform live tests with the FlowScreen device (A product of JAEGER, a subsidiary of VIASYS
Healthcare), it is able to upload stored data from the unit.

To Upload Data from the FlowScreen device

1. Switch the FlowScreen Device off and then back on again, so that it displays the main menu
2. Verify the serial cable is connected to the PC and the Device
3. Select either the 'Upload' button from Spida's Tool Bar, or select the 'Data' drop down menu and then 'Upload All' to
upload all of the tests held on the FlowScreen database.

NOTE: - The FlowScreen can not be used with the calibration tool

3.1 All FVL View
This view shows the Flow Volume Loop of ALL the tests of the selected examination.
The Baseline tests are shown in green, the Post 1 tests in red and the Post 2 tests in magenta. The selected test is in blue.
The predicted region is displayed as a grey background.
Excluded manoeuvres are displayed in the drug stage colour as dashed curves.

Best FVL View

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The Flow Volume curve indicates the position of FEV1 using a short vertical line (circled below in red).

3.2 All VTG View

This view shows the Volume Time Graphs of all the test of the selected forced examination.

The Baseline tests are shown in green, the Post 1 graphs are in red, and Post 2 graphs are in magenta. The selected test is
in blue. The predicted line is shown in grey. Excluded Manoeuvres are displayed in the drug stage colour as dashed curves

Best VTG View.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Time Zero Position

Spida recalculates the Extrapolated Volume (EV) on manoeuvres with a 'Slow Start' blow quality, and repositions the
waveform to the new time zero position.
In doing this it will cause all of the Volume/Time graphs expiratory curves to start at the same time zero, which helps the
user identify and compare the time dependant indices such as FEV1, FEV3, FEV6 Etc

The diagram above demonstrated how spida calculates the patients Extrapolated Volume
on the early part of the waveform, through the steepest part of the curve and determine the new time zero.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

3.3 All Tidal VC View

This view shows the volume time trace for ALL tidal tests of the selected examination.
The Baseline tests are shown in green, the Post 1 tests in red and the Post 2 tests in magenta. The
selected test is in blue.

To enable this view the Show Relaxed option must be selected in the Setup Options.

Best Tidal VC View

3.4 Best FVL View

This window shows the best Baseline Test (in green), the best Post 1 test (in red), and the best Post 2 test (in magenta).
The grey area/line is the predicted region/line.
If a live examination is being performed, the FVL will be drawn in this window, superimposed onto the best flow volume
loops for reference. The current live test will be coloured blue.

If there are other examinations available, you can overlap its flow volume loop with the current one, by pressing the CTRL
key and left clicking the required examination. This will then be highlighted in pink. The overlapped view will appear in a
darker colour then the current one, i.e. the base line will be dark green, post 1 will be dark red and post 2 will be dark
magenta. You can overlap only one examination at a time, so selecting another one will de-select the present one. To
remove the overlapping curve, just click on the examination again with the CTRL key pressed. This feature is very useful for
comparing the current examination with previous ones.

Another good tip is that you can overlap the last examination before starting a new one. This will act as a reference on the

All FVL View.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

The Flow Volume curve indicates the position of FEV1 using a short vertical line (circled below in red).

3.5 Best VTG View

This view shows the best Baseline Test (in green), the best Post 1 test (in red), and the best Post 2 test (in magenta). The
predicted line is in grey.
If a live examination is being performed, the Volume Time Graph will be drawn in this window, superimposed onto the best
VTGs for reference. The live test will be coloured blue. In the case of Post test, the best Baseline test is also displayed in

All VTG View

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Time Zero Position

Spida recalculates the Extrapolated Volume (EV) on maneuvers with a 'Slow Start' blow quality, and repositions the
waveform to the new time zero position.
In doing this it will cause all of the Volume/Time graphs expiratory curves to start at the same time zero, which helps the
user identify and compare the time dependant indices such as FEV1, FEV3, FEV6 Et.

The diagram above demonstrated how Spida calculates the patients Extrapolated Volume
on the early part of the waveform, through the steepest part of the curve and determine the new time zero.

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3.6 Best Tidal VC View

This window shows the best relaxed tidal Baseline Test (in green), the best Post 1 test (in red), and the best Post 2 test (in
If a live tidal examination is being performed, the tidal trace will be drawn in this window, superimposed onto the best effort
so far for reference. The current live test will be coloured blue.

If there are other examinations available, you can overlap its flow volume loop with the current one, by pressing the CTRL
key and left clicking the required examination. This will then be highlighted in pink. The overlapped view will appear in a
darker colour then the current one, i.e. the base line will be dark green, post 1 will be dark red and post 2 will be dark
magenta. You can overlap only one examination at a time, so selecting another one will de-select the present one. To
remove the overlapping curve, just click on the examination again with the CTRL key pressed. This feature is very useful for
comparing the current examination with previous ones.

Another good tip is that you can overlap the last examination before starting a new one. This will act as a reference on the

To enable this view the Show Relaxed option must be selected in the Setup Options.

All Tidal VC View.

3.7 Child Incentive View

The Child incentive view is designed to give visual feedback as to how much air has been exhaled.

The "Bubble Gum Kid" blows a bubble whose size is proportional to the amount of air exhaled. If the FVC value reaches a
specified value, the bubble bursts.
The skate board race allows the patient to compete against the computer, and to pass the finish line if the target is reached.
The milk shake kid blows bubbles into the milk shake and overflow's when the target is reached.
The Wolf blows out and if the target is reached, will blow the house away.

See Setting up the Child Incentive window for details on how to change the value of when bubble burst, and the view you
wish to use.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

3.8 Examination Notes View

This view shows the examination notes of the selected examination. Every examination can have its own diagnostic notes.
The notes can be entered or edited by simply placing the cursor on the notes view and typing the required notes. All the
normal edit functions, for example, cut and paste are available. The view can be set to any size required, and the words will
wrap round to fit the window size.

The data will be saved automatically when the focus changes from this view to another view, or Spida 5 is terminated.

3.9 Forced Results View

This view is in three parts.
The top part displays the Quality Check of the manoeuvre. If the manoeuvre is correctly performed, it displays 'Good Blow'
otherwise it displays a warning indicating where a blow could be improved. If more then one blow has been preformed in this
examination, then it displays the variance of this blow with respect to the current best blow. If the variance is above 100%
and this blow is accepted, then this becomes the best blow. The variance is calculated using the best criteria as selected in
the Options dialog box. The default is FEV1+ FVC.

The following warnings could be displayed:

Slow Start
Low Volume
Short Blow
Possible Cough
Abrupt End
Poor Effort

The second part displays the selected indices of the current test.
The Indices can be selected from Setup à Indices. Any number of indices can be selected, but care should be taken as the
same selected indices will be printed in the report. Un-required indices may unnecessarily increase the size of the report.
The following indices can be viewed:
VC - Relax Vital Capacity.
FEV.75 – Force Expiratory Volume in 0.75 second.
FEV1 - Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second.
FEV3 – Forced Expiratory Volume in 3 seconds.
FEV6 – Forced Expiratory Volume in 6 seconds.
FVC- Forced Expiratory Vital Capacity.
PEF- Peak Expiratory Flow.
FEV.75/VC – Ratio of FEV.75/VC.
FEV1/VC – Tiffeneau Index. Ratio of FEV1/VC. Only available if VC test is performed.

FEV1% – Tiffeneau Index. Ratio of FEV1/FVC. Uses VC if available and selected. Options.
FEV3/VC – Similar to Tiffeneau Index, but uses FEV3 instead of FEV1.
FEV3/FVC - Similar to Tiffeneau Index, but uses FEV3 instead of FEV1. Uses VC if available and selected.
FEV.75/FEV6 – Ratio of FEV.75/FEV6.
FEV1/FEV6 – Similar to Tiffeneau Index for those who use FEV6 instead of FVC.
FEF75 - Forced Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC has been exhaled
FEF50 – Forced Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC has been exhaled
FEF25 – Forced Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC has been exhaled
FEF25-75 – Forced Expiratory Flow Between 25% and 75%
FEF25-75/FVC – Ratio of FEF25-75/FVC.
FEF50/VC – Ratio of FEF50/VC.
FEF50/FVC – Ratio of FEF50/FVC.
MVV (ind) - Maximal Voluntary Ventilation Indirect - air expired during voluntary ventilation for one minute.
FIV1 – Forced Inspiratory Volume in 1 second.
FIVC – Forced Inspiratory Vital Capacity.
PIF PIF - Peak Inspiratory Flow.
FIV1% - Ratio of FIV1/FIVC. – Similar to Tiffeneau Index but for Inspiratory.
FIF75 – Forced Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

FIF50 – Forced Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled
FIF25 – Forced Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled
R50 – Ratio of FIF50/FEF50.
MET – Mean Expiratory Time.
FET – Forced Expiratory Time.
TV – Tidal Volume.
ERV – Expiratory Reserve Volume.
IRV – Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
IC – Inspiratory Capacity.
FRC – Functional Residual Capacity.
RV – Reserve Volume.
TLC – Total Lung Capacity.
FRC/TLC – Ratio of FRC/TLC.
RV/TLC – Ratio of RV/TLC.
Lung Age – Estimated Lung Age.
Dyspnoea Score.

The table shows the actual values alongside the predicted values and a comparison between the two. It also shows the best
value and how the current test compares to the best.
If it is a Post 1 test, then the results window also displays the best Baseline test values, and shows the % change between
the two. For Post 2 test, there is addition of comparison with Post 1 test.

The third part displays the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria as well as the Interpretation (as based on algorithms published
by Enright, ATS, NICE.)

3.10 Summary Results

The Summary Results screen Differs slightly from the forced and relaxed results views, in that it always displays the Best
Base and Post1 result from the selected examination. This way the user is always given the correct up to date best results.

Unlike the relaxed and forced results windows, if a test is selected from the Patient data view that is not the best, the
summary Results window still displays the same information, where as the forced and relaxed view will update to display the
selected test.

The Indices displayed in this view can be selected from 'Setup', 'Indices' menu option. Any number of indices can be

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

selected, but care should be taken as the same selected indices will be printed in the report. Un-required indices may
unnecessarily increase the size of the report. (Please see 'Forced Results' View for a list of available Indices)

The table shows the Best Base and Post1 values, alongside the predicted values and a comparison between the two. It also
shows the percentage change between the base and the pos1 test.

It also provides a blue information box regarding Predicted Values. It gives information on the current predicted set in use
aswell as give the height or age used in the predicted values equations if the patient height or age entered fell outside of the
sets age or height range

3.11 Relaxed Results View

This view is in three parts.
The top part displays the %variance between the selected relaxed blow, and the best relaxed blow (blank if the best blow is

The second part displays the selected indices of the selected test.
The Indices can be selected from Setup à Indices (Relaxed Tab). Any number of indices can be selected, but care should be
taken as the same selected indices will be printed in the report and exported to MS Word. Un-required indices may
unnecessarily increase the size of the report.

The following indices can be viewed:

EVC – Slow expiratory VC.
IVC – Slow Inspiratory VC.
IC – Inspired Capacity.
TV – Tidal Volume (also VT).
ERV – Expired reserve volume.
IRV- Inspired reserve volume.
FRC- Functional Residual Capacity.
RV – Reserve volume.
TLC – Total lung capacity.
RV/TLC – Ratio of RV to TLC.
FRC/TLC – Ratio of FRC to TLC.
BF – Breath Frequency (also FR)
TI – Time inspired (tidal).
TE – Time expired (tidal).
TI/T_TOTAL - Time inspired / Time in total (tidal).
TV/TI – Ratio of TV to TI.
VE – Minute Ventilation - volume of air expired in 1min (TV * BF).
VC – Relaxed vital capacity.

The table shows the actual values alongside the predicted values (where available) and a comparison between the two. It also
shows the best value and how the current test compares to the best.

If it is a Post 1 test, then the results window also displays the best Baseline test values, and shows the % change between the
two. For Post 2 test, there is addition of comparison with Post 1 test.

The third part displays the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

3.12 Medication View

This view shows the patients medication at the time of the examination.

3.13 Patient Data View

This view gives access to the entire SPIDA 5 database instantaneously. The Data view is split into 3 or 4 panes. The left
hand pane contains the patient details and information. The data can be sorted by any one of these fields (See Sorting the
Data). To select a patient, click on the name of the patient. The selected row will be coloured blue to show that it has been

It is not necessary to view all the fields. A pane can be truncated after the main fields i.e. Surname, First name, ID, and age.
All the column widths can be sized separately by clicking and dragging on the right margin of the column. The Patient
History and the Medication can be viewed on its own separate view.
The middle pane contains information about all the examinations performed on the selected patient, the date and time of the
examination, and how many tests (baseline, Post 1 and Post 2) were performed (max for each is fifteen). The height and
weight of the patient at each examination is also recorded, so the predicted values can be calculated accordingly.

The right hand pane contains the information about the tests within the selected examination and can be split horizontally in
two providing a fourth pane. FEV1, FVC and PEF details are available immediately in the top half and EVC, IVC, VC in the
bottom. To get an in depth review of the results for a particular test click on the relevant row and they will appear in the
forced Results view or relaxed results view. The FVL and the VTG will appear in the relevant views with the selected test
highlighted in blue.

Tests are automatically excluded from the forced results pane if they do not have a blow quality of either 'Good Blow' or
'Short Blow'. Excluded results are Highlighted in light blue.
Excluded exams can not be selected unless the user Re-Included the test to the examination.
To Include or exclude manoeuvres to the examination simply right click on the effort, and select Include or exclude from the
drop down menu.
Note: - A minimum of one test must be included.

Use the setup options to enable the fourth pane and see the relaxed results.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

3.14 Patient History View

This view shows the patient history as specified in the patient database. The history can be edited by selecting Edit Patient
from the Data Menu. All the other patient data can be viewed in Patient Data View.

3.15 Trend View

This view shows the graph of the parameter values over a period of time. It is very useful to see how the patient is
progressing. Four major parameters in any combinations can be selected. See Setup à Parameters.

Trends can only be viewed on best baseline test. At present there is no trend facility on Post BD data.

The y-axis units for VC, FEV1 and FVC is Litres whilst for PEF it is L/S. If the PEF is selected with any other parameter,
then the y-axis will not have any units, but just the numbers. Note: PEF is always in L/S.

You can zoom into the graph by clicking and dragging the left mouse button over the required region. The graph will show
the area specified. Clicking the right mouse button will return back to the original area.

Double clicking on a parameter point will select that examination, and all the respective views will change accordingly.

The format of date and time on the graph is as per your PC settings. Try to set this as the shortest date and time so as to
not cluster the x-axis. For example, set your date to display as dd/mm/yy rather then dd/mm/yyyy. For time, set as hh:mm
instead of hh:mm:ss. The format of date and time can be set from the control panel.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4 Indices
4.1 Forced
4.1.1 VC (Relax Vital Capacity)
The change in lung volume from the beginning of a relax expiratory manoeuvre when the lungs are completely full, to the
end when they contain only the residual volume.

Note: This value will be taken for FEV1% calculation if available and the desired setting set. See Setup -> Options.
Note2: It is defined in Spida as whichever value available between EVC and IVC.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.1.2 FEV.75 (Force Expiratory Volume in 0.75 second)

The volume exhaled during the first 0.75 second of a forced expiratory manoeuvre. FEV1 is most commonly used, but some
physician prefer 0.75 seconds instead of one second.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.3 FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second)

The volume exhaled during the first second of a forced expiratory manoeuvre.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.4 FEV3 (Forced expiratory volume in 3 seconds)

The volume exhaled during the first three seconds of a forced expiratory manoeuvre. This index is sometimes used by
physicians who thinks FEV1 is too short, especially for COPD patients.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.5 FEV6 (Forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds)

The volume exhaled during the first six seconds of a forced expiratory manoeuvre. Not many patients can perform an FVC
manoeuvre correctly without the assistance of a trained nurse, so FEV6 is sometimes preferred by some physicians.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.6 FVC (Forced Expiratory Volume)

The change in lung volume from the beginning of a forced expiratory manoeuvre when the lungs are completely full, to the
end when they contain only the residual volume.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.7 PEF (Peak Expiratory Flow)

Maximum flow generated during a forced expiratory manoeuvre starting when the lungs are at full capacity.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.8 FEV.75/VC
This ratio is similar to the Tiffeneau-index, but based on FEV.75 . This index will only be available if a VC test is performed.

4.1.9 FEV.75/FVC
This ratio is similar to the Tiffeneau-index, but based on FEV.75. If the setting 'use VC if available' is set in Setup à Options,
then it will use VC if available.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4.1.10 FEV1/VC
This is the true Tiffeneau Index. This index is only available if a VC test is performed. See FEV1%.

4.1.11 FEV1% (Tiffeneau-index )

The Tiffeneau index is the ratio of FEV1%/VC if Relax VC is available, or FEV1/FVC. In Spida 5, you can select to use

Relax VC (if available) or always use FVC. Options.

This is a standard index for assessing and quantifying airflow limitation.

4.1.12 FEV3/VC
Ratio of FEV3/VC. This is for users who use FEV3 instead of FEV1.

4.1.13 FEV3/FVC
Ratio of FEV3/FVC. . This is for users who use FEV3 instead of FEV1. If the setting 'use VC if available' is set in Setup à
Options, then it will use VC if available.

4.1.14 FEV.75/FEV6
Similar to the Tiffeneau-index, but uses FEV.75 in place of FEV1 and FEV6 instead of VC. Suitable for those who use these
two values.

4.1.15 FEV1/FEV6
Similar to the Tiffeneau-index, but uses FEV6 instead of FVC. Suitable for those who uses FEV6 instead of FVC or VC.

4.1.16 FEF25 (Forced Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC has been exhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 25% of the total volume that has already been exhaled.

This is similar to MEF75 (Maximum Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC remains to be exhaled)

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.17 FEF50 (Forced Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC has been exhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 50% of the total volume that has already been exhaled.

This is similar to MEF50 (Maximum Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC remains to be exhaled)

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.18 FEF75 (Forced Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC has been exhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 75% of the total volume that has already been exhaled.

This is similar to MEF25 (Maximum Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC remains to be exhaled)

Click here for a graphical explanation

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4.1.19 MEF25 (Maximum Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC remains to be
Flow in Litres per second when 25% of the total volume remains to be exhaled

This is similar to FEF75 (Forced Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC has already been exhaled)

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.20 MEF50 (Maximum Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC remains to be
Flow in Litres per second when 50% of the total volume remains to be exhaled

This is similar to FEF50 (Forced Expiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC has already been exhaled)

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.21 MEF75 (Maximum Expiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC remains to be
Flow in Litres per second when 75% of the total volume remains to be exhaled

This is similar to FEF25 (Forced Expiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC has already been exhaled)

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.22 FEF25-75 (Forced Expiratory Flow Between 25% and 75%)

The FEF25-75 is the average expiratory flow over the middle half of the FVC.
FEF25-75 = ½FVC/X(where X = time required to exhale the middle half of the FVC).

The best FEF25-75 result displayed in the Forced Results window, Summary Results window and on the printed reports is
the effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC from all acceptable blows ('Good Blow' or 'Short Blow').
If the patient has not produced any acceptable blows, then the effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC from the included tests
shall be used

If the composite curve is not set, then the current set best FEF25-75 result shall be used.

This is also referred as MMEF (MMEF (Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow).

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4.1.23 MMEF (Maximal Mid Expiratory Flow)

The MMEF is the average expiratory flow over the middle half of the FVC.
MMEF = ½FVC/X(where X = time required to exhale the middle half of the FVC).

The best MMEF result displayed in the Forced Results window, Summary Results window and on the printed reports is the
effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC from all acceptable blows ('Good Blow' or 'Short Blow').
If the patient has not produced any acceptable blows, then the effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC from the included tests
shall be used

If the composite curve is not set, then the current set best FEF25-75 result shall be used.

This is also referred as FEF25-75 (Forced Expiratory Flow Between 25% and 75%).

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4.1.24 FEF25-75/FVC
This is the ratio of FEF25-75 to FVC.

4.1.25 FEF50/VC
Ratio of FEF50/VC. This index is used by some physicians in France, but there is no additional information available. The
unit of this is 'per Second'.

4.1.26 FEF50/FVC
Ratio of FEF50/FVC. This index is used by some physicians in France, but there is no additional information available. The
unit of this is 'per Second'. If the setting 'use VC if available' is set in Setup à Options, then it will use VC if available.

4.1.27 MVV (ind) (Maximal Voluntary ventilation Indirect)

MVV is the Maximal Volume of air expired during voluntary ventilation for one minute. Since this test is not done, the
reading given here is an indirect reading based on the FEV1 value. It is given as 37.5 X FEV1 for all predicted value
settings, except Austria, where it is 30 X FEV1.

4.1.28 FIV1 (Forced Inspiratory Volume in 1 second)

The volume inhaled during the first second of a forced Inspiratory manoeuvre. Normally this manoeuvre is done after the
Forced Expiratory manoeuvre.

4.1.29 FIVC (Forced Inspiratory Vital Capacity)

Total volume inhaled during the forced Inspiratory manoeuvre.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.30 PIF (Peak Inspiratory Flow)

Maximum flow generated during an Inspiratory manoeuvre started when the lungs are at residual volume

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.31 FIV1% (Ratio of FIV1/FIVC)

This is similar to the Tiffeneau index, but for Inspiratory manoeuvre.

4.1.32 FIF25 (Forced Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 25% of the total volume remains to be inhaled.

This is similar to MIF75 (Maximum Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC has already been inhaled)

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.33 FIF50 (Forced Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 50% of the total volume remains to be inhaled.

This is similar to MIF50 (Maximum Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC has already been inhaled)

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.34 FIF75 (Forced Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FIVC remains to be inhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 75% of the total volume remains to be inhaled.

This is similar to MIF25 (Maximum Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC has already been inhaled)

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.35 MIF25 (Maximum Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FIVC has been inhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 25% of the total volume has already been inhaled.

This is similar to FIF75 (Forced Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FVC remains to be inhaled)

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.36 MIF50 (Maximum Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FIVC has been inhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 50% of the total volume has already been inhaled.

This is similar to FIF50 (Forced Inspiratory Flow when 50% of the FVC remains to be inhaled)

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.37 MIF75 (Maximum Inspiratory Flow when 75% of the FIVC has been inhaled)
Flow in Litres per second when 75% of the total volume has already been inhaled.

This is similar to FIF25 (Forced Inspiratory Flow when 25% of the FVC remains to be inhaled.)

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.1.38 R50 (Ratio of FEF50/FIF50)

Percentage ratio of FEF50 / FIF50

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4.1.39 MET (Mean Expiratory Time)

Time taken in forced expiratory manoeuvre to exhale the lung capacity from 75% to 25%.

4.1.40 FET (Forced Expiratory Time)

Time taken to perform the forced expiratory manoeuvre.

4.1.41 Lung Age

Estimated Lung Age of the patient as specified by Morris and Temple.

This index was originally created as a motivation for smoking cessation. The estimated lung age can be passed to a patient
to inform them of 'how old their lungs are performing'. It is based on height and the FEV1 value of the patient.

James F Morris and William Temple. Spirometric "Lung Age" Estimation for Motivating Smoking Cessation. Preventive
Medicine 14, 655 – 662 (1985).

4.1.42 Relaxed
Some Device such as the MicroLab Mk6 and MicroLoop Mk6 measure some relaxed indices from a
forced maneuver and will therefore display the relaxed indices in a forced result screen, and will only
display the VC (EVC or IVC) as relaxed.

Click here for a graphical explanation of some of the Relaxed Indices. TV (Tidal Volume)

Volume of air expired during tidal breathing.

Click here for a graphical explanation. ERV (Expiratory Reserved Volume)

Additional volume of air exhaled (below the tidal breathing) during forced expiratory manoeuvre.

Click here for a graphical explanation. IRV (Inspiratory Reserve Volume)

Additional volume of air inhaled (over the tidal volume) during forced Inspiratory manoeuvre.

Click here for a graphical explanation. IC (Inspiratory Capacity)

Volume of air inhaled before the forced expiratory manoeuvre. This is from the end of tidal breathing.

Relaxed IC
The IC value listed as best in the relaxed results window and on the printed report, is the average IC value from all tidal
relaxed efforts performed for the selected drug stage, wether 'Show Composite Curve' is enabled or not'.

Forced IC
The forced IC value listed in the forced window should only be given if performing or uploading a test from a MicroLab or
MicroLoop Mk6.

The IC value listed in the forced results window (For Older Devices), will also average the IC value when 'Show Composite
curve' is enabled, but only from the Acceptable blows. (Acceptable manoeuvres are blow which resulted in a 'Good Blow' or
'Short Blow' quality check). If composite is unchecked it will give the IC value from the best effort.

Reference : - "ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation Of Lung Volume Testing", Eur Respir J 2005 26:319-338.

Click here for a graphical explanation. FRC (Functional Residual Capacity)

Value in Litres entered in the patient details. FRC is measured by some other equipment. Entering this value allows some
more indices to be calculated.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual RV (Reserve Volume)

Possible amount of air remaining inside the lungs after forced expiration.

Click here for a graphical explanation. TLC (Total Lung Capacity)

Maximum volume of air inside the lungs at maximum inspiration.

Click here for a graphical explanation. FRC/TLC
Ratio of Functional Residual Capacity/ Total Lung Capacity. RV/TLC
Ratio of Reserve Volume/Total Lung Capacity. IVC (Inspiratory Vital Capacity)

The volume change of the lung between a maximal expiration to residual volume and a inspiration to full capacity.

Click here for a graphical explanation. EVC (Expiratory Vital Capacity)

The volume change of the lung between a maximal expiration to residual volume and a inspiration to full capacity.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.2 Relaxed
4.2.1 EVC (Expiratory Vital Capacity)
The volume change of the lung between a maximal expiration to residual volume and a inspiration to full capacity.

Click here for a graphical explanation

4.2.2 IVC (Inspiratory Vital Capacity)

The volume change of the lung between a maximal expiration to residual volume and a inspiration to full capacity.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.3 IC (Inspiratory Capacity)

Volume of air inhaled before the forced expiratory manoeuvre. This is from the end of tidal breathing.

Relaxed IC
The IC value listed as best in the relaxed results window and on the printed report, is the average IC value from all tidal
relaxed efforts performed for the selected drug stage, wether 'Show Composite Curve' is enabled or not'.

Forced IC
The forced IC value listed in the forced window should only be given if performing or uploading a test from a MicroLab or
MicroLoop Mk6.

The IC value listed in the forced results window (For Older Devices), will also average the IC value when 'Show Composite
curve' is enabled, but only from the Acceptable blows. (Acceptable manoeuvres are blow which resulted in a 'Good Blow' or
'Short Blow' quality check). If composite is unchecked it will give the IC value from the best effort.

Reference : - "ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation Of Lung Volume Testing", Eur Respir J 2005 26:319-338.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.4 TV (Tidal Volume)

Volume of air expired during tidal breathing.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

4.2.5 ERV (Expiratory Reserved Volume)

Additional volume of air exhaled (below the tidal breathing) during forced expiratory manoeuvre.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.6 IRV (Inspiratory Reserve Volume)

Additional volume of air inhaled (over the tidal volume) during forced Inspiratory manoeuvre.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.7 FRC (Functional Residual Capacity)

Value in Litres entered in the patient details. FRC is measured by some other equipment. Entering this value allows some
more indices to be calculated.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.8 RV (Reserve Volume)

Possible amount of air remaining inside the lungs after forced expiration.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.9 TLC (Total Lung Capacity)

Maximum volume of air inside the lungs at maximum inspiration.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

4.2.10 RV/TLC
Ratio of Reserve Volume/Total Lung Capacity.

4.2.11 FRC/TLC
Ratio of Functional Residual Capacity/ Total Lung Capacity.

4.2.12 BF (Breath Frequency)

Breath frequency – also respiratory frequency and is the number of single breaths achieved (or would have been achieved)
in one minute during normal tidal breathing.

4.2.13 TI
The time taken for the Inspiratory part of the tidal volume loop for a single breath.

4.2.14 TE
The time taken for the expiratory part of the tidal volume loop for a single breath.

4.2.15 TI/T_TOTAL
The Inspiratory time involved in a single tidal breath divided by the total time for the breath. Also TI / (TI + TE).

4.2.16 TV/TI
Ratio of TV/TI

4.2.17 VE
Minute Ventilation – this is the volume of air expired in 1 minute and is equal to tidal volume (TV) * respiratory frequency

4.2.18 VC (Relax Vital Capacity)

The change in lung volume from the beginning of a relax expiratory manoeuvre when the lungs are completely full, to the
end when they contain only the residual volume.

Note: This value will be taken for FEV1% calculation if available and the desired setting set. See Setup -> Options.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Note2: It is defined in Spida as whichever value available between EVC and IVC.

Click here for a graphical explanation.

5 Menu Commands
5.1 The File Menu
5.1.1 File Menu Commands
The File Menu offers the following commands:-

New To open a new database. Select a name for your database within extension mdb. You can have different
database for different group of patients, for example, Asthmatic, COPD etc.
Open To select a database which already exist.
Save As To save this database with a new name. This is the same as making a copy of the current database.
Export to Word To export all the currently opened windows to a Microsoft Word document.
Print To print a report. A report can be of three different type. See Setup -> Report.
Print Preview To view the report on the screen before printing it out.
Print Setup To select the printer and paper size.
Exit To exit from Spida 5.

5.1.2 New (File Menu)

This creates a new blank database, the path and name of which can be specified.

5.1.3 Open (File Menu)

This opens an already existing database from your PC or network.

5.1.4 Save As... (File Menu)

This command copies the open database and renames it to a name of your choice. Any changes thereafter are made to the
new database, and not the old one.

5.1.5 Export to MSWord (File Menu)

If you click on this menu item, the currently selected options in the report setup will be exported to a Microsoft Word
MS Word will need to be installed on the machine in order to gain access to this function.
Compatible versions of MS Word supported: Word97, Word2000 and Word XP.
Note that if you use Word97, you might get overlapped pictures, in which case you will have to re-position them before
saving your document.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.1.6 Export to PDF (File Menu)

If you click on this menu item, the currently selected options in the report setup will be exported to a PDF document.
Acrobat Reader will need to be installed on the machine in order to gain access to this function.
It is recommended that you have the latest version of Acrobat Reader installed, which is free to download off of the internet.

If you are unable or do not have access to the internet, a copy of Acrobat Reader is available on the Spida Installation CD.

5.1.7 Print (File Menu)

This command prints a report of the selected examination.
To change the printer used, click Print Setup … from the File Menu. To Set the Hospital Name and address used on the
report, change the relevant fields in the Options dialogue box.

5.1.8 Print Preview (File Menu)

This command allows you to view how the report would look if it were printed. If you are satisfied with the result, click the
print button to send it to the printer. (See Print Setup for details about selecting a printer) This feature allow you to zoom in
and out to view particular areas of the document more closely.

5.1.9 Print Setup... (File Menu)

This command allows the user to change the printer used when a report is printed.
Select the desired printer from the drop down box and click OK.
If you are unsure as to which printer to use, contact your systems administrator.

5.1.10 Exit (File Menu)

Running this command will close the application. The open database will be saved.

5.2 The View Menu

5.2.1 View Menu Commands
Listed in the view menu are all the windows available. To make a window appear, click on it in the view menu. To remove it
from your screen, click the cross in the top right corner of the screen.
Only one instance of each window is allowed to be open.

The View Menu offers the following commands:-

List of views: Clicking on any view will open the view window (if not opened). To close the window, click on the cross
situated on the top right hand side of the window. To use the relaxed views the Show Relaxed option must
be selected in the Setup Options
Copy View Selecting the menu option will copy the contents of the currently selected window within spida to the
windows clipboard
Save Settings Saves the settings of all the windows, their positions and size as default. Even the Patient Data View
window panes and columns position and sizes are saved. Whenever you start Spida 5, it will start with
this default settings.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.2.2 Save Settings (View Menu)

Use this command to save the current windows that are opened, its position and its size as default. In Patient Data View, it
also saves the size and the position of the three window panes and its columns. When you next run SPIDA 5, the last saved
window arrangement will be restored.

Setting up SPIDA.

5.3 The Data Menu

5.3.1 Data Menu Commands
The Data menu offers the following commands:-

Add New Patient Add a new patient to the database

Edit Patient Edit a currently selected patient. All the fields can be edited except the ID
Delete Patient Delete the patient and all its examinations. This option is only available to users who are authorised to
delete data. To enable the authorization, see Enable Delete.
Delete Examination Delete a selected examination. This option is only available to users who are authorised to delete
data. To enable the authorization, see Enable Delete.
Enable Delete Select this to enter a password to allow Delete Patient and Delete Examination to be enabled. This
ensures that only authorized person are allowed to delete data.
Disable Delete Once the delete functions are enabled, you can disable them so that data cannot be deleted by un-
authorised persons.
Upload All Upload ALL the data from the spirometer to Spida 5. The UPLOAD button only uploads the data
that has been added since the last upload, whilst this selection will upload all the data, even
though they already exist in Spida 5.
Change Password Allows you to change the password. The default password is ADMIN. It is important to change this
password to your own password so that only authorized people can enable the delete functions.
Select a password that you can remember , but it should not be very simple (like your name) so
that unauthorised persons can gain access to it. If it helps, note it down in a safe place. However,
if you forget the password, get in touch with your dealer, who may be able to help you out.

5.3.2 Add New Patient (Data Menu)

This command allows you to add a new patient to the open database.
For the predicted values to be correct, the Date of Birth, gender and height should be filled in, although it is preferable to fill
in everything.
ID must be filled in with some value. The maximum number of characters allowed is 20. ID must be unique for every patient;
otherwise error message will be displayed.
If your ID is longer then nine characters, you can use alias ID to correspond with MicroLoop, MicroLab or MicroDL ID's.
When the data is uploaded from these spirometer's, it will try to match with the Patient ID or with Alias ID. This allows you
to have long ID's in Spida 5, yet the upload will load the data to the correct patient. Alias ID cannot be the same as any
other ID or any other Alias ID.
Height: must be between 20cm and 300cm.
Origin (Ethnic Origin) is used for adjusting the predicted values where Ethnicity is not defined. For most predicted values,
origin other then Caucasians will be considered as Non-Caucasian. A correction factor of 12% for ages 6- 17 and 15% for
ages 18+ will apply for indices FEV1 and FVC for non-Caucasians. If other correction factors are required, then use the
factor field.
A factor is used for changing the predicted value of FEV1 and FVC by the amount specified. For example, if the predicted
value for FEV1 is 3.0L and factor set for 10%, then the predicted value will be 3.0L – 0.01 X 3.0L = 2.7L. The factor has no

effect on Crapo predicted values. Predicted Values.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Note: All the fields must have valid values, otherwise an error message will be displayed.
You can enter height as '5f4' or '5ft4' for 5 feet 4 inches, and it will be converted into the correct units. If your setting is in
Cm., you can also enter the height as '64i' for 64 inches or in the Inches setting, you can enter as '163c' for 163 Cm.
You can enter weight as '10s5' or '10st5' for 10 stones 5 pounds, or as 145p (145 pounds), or 65.6k (65.6 Kg).

Click the down arrow next to the Date of Birth box to reveal the date picker below.

5.3.3 Edit Patient (Data Menu)

This command allows the user to change the details of the selected patient.
Complete the necessary changes and press OK. If you make a mistake, press the Cancel button to close the dialogue box
without saving the changes made.
If your ID is longer then nine characters, you can use alias ID to correspond with MicroLoop, MicroLab or MicroDL ID's.
When the data is uploaded from these spirometer's, it will try to match with the Patient ID or with Patient Alias ID. This
allows you to have long ID's in Spida 5, yet the upload will load the data to the correct patient. Alias ID cannot be the same
as any other ID or any other Alias ID.
Origin (Ethnic Origin) is used for adjusting the predicted values where Ethnicity is not defined. For most predicted values,
origins other then Caucasians will be considered as Non-Caucasian. A correction factor of 12% for ages 6- 17 and 15% for
ages 18+ will apply for indices FEV1 and FVC for non-Caucasians. If other correction factors are required, then use the
factor field.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

A factor is used for changing the predicted value of FEV1 and FVC by the amount specified. For example, if the predicted
value for FEV1 is 3.0L and factor set for 10%, then the predicted value will be 3.0L – 0.01 X 3.0L = 2.7L. The factor has no

effect on Crapo predicted values. Predicted Values.

You can enter height as '5f4' or '5ft4' for 5 feet 4 inches, and it will be converted into the correct units. If your setting is in
Cm., you can also enter the height as '64i' for 64 inches or in the Inches setting, it can be entered as '163c' for 163 Cm.
You can enter weight as '10s5' or '10st5' for 10 stones 5 pounds, or as '145p' (145 pounds), or 65.6k (65.6 Kg).
Patient ID can be changed using the 'Change Patient ID' button.

Click the down arrow next to the Date of Birth box to reveal the date picker below.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.3.4 Delete Patient (Data menu)

This command removes a patient from the database, and all their examinations. To perform this task, the Delete function
must first be enabled (which requires a password). See "Enable Delete" for more details.

WARNING: This process is irreversible.

5.3.5 Delete Examination (Data Menu)

This command removes the selected examination from the database. To perform this task, the Delete function must first be
enabled (which requires a password). See "Enable Delete" for more details.

WARNING: This process is irreversible.

5.3.6 Enable Delete (Data Menu)

This command allows access to the 'Delete Patient' and 'Delete Examination' functions of the Data menu. A password is
needed to enable deleting for security reasons. The default is "Admin" (without quotes) Contact the Doctor in charge or the
system administrator for the latest password. Once you have deleted the required data, it is advised that you disable the
delete function to protect your data.

5.3.7 Disable Delete (Data Menu)

This command removes the ability of the user to delete a patient or examination unless a password is entered. Once you have
finished deleting data, the command should be run to prevent unauthorized removal of data. To allow data to be removed
again, run Enable Delete from the Data menu (which requires a password).

5.3.8 Upload All (Data Menu)

Uploads all the data from the spirometer to Spida 5, even if the data has previously been uploaded. The upload button only
uploads the data that has been added since the last upload. This makes it more efficient, but there are times when you may
need to upload all the data, for example, when you open a new database, or change your PC.

When uploading all the data, if the data exist in Spida 5, then it will not be overwritten; only new data will be added in.

5.3.9 Change Password (Data Menu)

This command allows the user to change the password necessary to delete patients and examinations.
Enter the current Password into the first box to ensure that you have the authority to change the Password.
Enter the new password when requested, and confirm it by typing it again. If the confirmation Password does not match the
original Password, a message will be given. Retype it if necessary.

Warning: Without this password you will not be able to delete data.

If you want help on Enable delete function click here.

5.4 The Setup Menu

5.4.1 Predicted Values
Spirometry tests are interpreted by comparing the results with 'Predicted Values' (or sometimes called 'Reference Values').
These 'Predicted Values' are usually obtained by performing studies on selected populations to obtain equations for specified
indices to cover a selected age range.
When performing these studies, factors that are usually taken into account are Age, Height and Gender, however they can also
differ with ethnic origin and weight, which not all sets take into account.

Two standard deviations are given for most predicted sets either side of the Normal values (Minimum and Maximum), which
usually covers the range of which the study was performed.

Predicted values will not give a true representation for all populations, which is why spida Spida incorporates numerous

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

predicted sets, covering multiple origins

· Austrian
· Crapo/HSU
· Crapo/Polgar
· Knudson
· Roca
· Gutierrez
· Eigen/Crockett
· Pereira
· Taiwan
· Hedenstrom
· Koillinen/Viljanen
· Berglund
· Cotes
· Filipinos
· Thailand
· Mexican
· New Zealand
· Indonesian

Age Ranges
Each set may use one or more predicted value reference papers, for example the Crapo set uses 2 papers, 'HSU' for Children
aged 7~18, and 'Crapo' for Adults aged 19~120. If a patient age is entered that is outside of the Predicted Sets age range then
the predicted value will be given, but will use the maximum / Minimum age for the set in the equations, therefore truncating the
patient age.
For example if using 'Crapo' and a patient age of 6 is used, then Predicted values will be given, however a patient age of 7 will
be used when calculating them.

If the entered patient age fell outside of the sets age range then the age used in the predicted value equations will be displayed
in the Summary or results window.

If a patient age is entered in to spida which falls within the age ranges, the entered patient age will be used.

Height Ranges
Each age range of a set (If there is more than one) also uses a Height range. this height range is usually determined by the
lowest and highest patient height that the predicted value study was performed on.
if a patient is entered in spida with a height outside of the predicted sets height limit, it will truncate the height used in the
equation to either the lowest or highest height for the set.
For Example in the 'Crapo' set if a patient Age of 10 is entered with a Height of 100 cm it will calculate the predicted values for
age range 1 (7~18 Years) using a height of 111cm. This is because Age Range 1 (HSU) height limit is 111~190cm, as 100cm
falls below the 111cm boundary range, the height used is truncated to the lowest boundary height.

If the entered patient height fell outside of the sets height range then the height used in the predicted value equations will be
displayed in the Summary or results window.

If a patient height is entered in to spida which falls within the age ranges height boundary, the entered patient height will be

Some predicted sets (such as Austrian), require a weight to be entered before predicted values can be given

The indices given in each predicted set are only those specified on the reference paper. for example if the FEV1 and FVC are
specified but no FEV1/FVC. we do not calculate the FEV1/FVC by dividing the given Predicted FEV1 by the FVC.

Negative Predicted Values

If a Lower Limit predicted result is calculated to give a negative value, then Indices predicted Normal and Upper limit value will
only be given leaving the lower limit as blank.

If a Normal predicted value is calculated to give a negative value, then none of the Indices predicted values will be displayed
(Lower Limit, Normal and Upper)

Indices given as Ratios (%) such as FEV1/FVC that calculate a predicted value over 100%, will truncate the result and display
the predicted value as 100%

Correction Factors (Ethnic Origins)

There are some predicted values that use different equations for different Ethnic Origins. For example NHANES III uses
different equations for Caucasian, Black and Hispanic. If a race correction factor is entered for the patient which is one of these
Ethnic Origins, it will be ignored. this is because the equations have been specially calculated to give the predicted values for
that Origin.
If a Origin is entered into spida which does not have its own equations, then the Caucasian set of equations will be used and

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

the correction factor applied. Changing the Predicted Value Set

Multiple Predicted sets are available in Spida.
To change / view the list of predicted set available, please select 'Setup' -> 'Predicted Values'

To find out more information on each predicted set, please view the set description in this help document. Correction Factor

No predicted set covers all ethnic origins, so it would be impossible for one set to cover all of the local population. For example
Asian and African American patient's tend to have lower pulmonary function values than predicted's referred by ECCS, in this
case an ethnic correction factor is subtracted from predicted values.

It is important to know if the set being used has already had a factor applied before entering a value. Some sets such as
NHANES III and Crapo/HSU give sperate equations for different races. in this case if a correction factor has been entered for
one of these races, it will not be used as the equation already takes into account the patients race. if the set does not specify a
equation for each race or there is no equation for the race then the race correction factor will be used,

To find out what ethnic origin equations are available for each set in spida, please view the predicted set description in this help
document. Predicted Sets Austrian

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 17 109 ~ 196 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75 N/A
2) 18 ~ 90 144 ~ 200 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75 N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 15 110 ~ 182 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75 N/A
2) 16 ~ 90 140 ~ 190 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75 N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Osteweichische Bezugswerte fur Spirometrie. G Forche, H Friedle, E Stadlober, K Harnoncourt.
Age Range 2: - Osteweichische Bezugswerte fur Spirometrie. G Forche, H Friedle, E Stadlober, K Harnoncourt.

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document

Spida 5 - Operating Manual Berglund

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 7 ~ 19 115 ~ 179 No FEV1, FVC, VC, MVV N/A
2) 20 ~ 70 150 ~ 195 No FEV1, FVC, VC, FEV1/FVC N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 7 ~ 19 121 ~ 178 No FEV1, FVC, VC, MVV N/A
2) 20 ~ 70 150 ~ 195 No FEV1, FVC, VC, FEV1/FVC N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Acta Pediatrica, 1963, By Jan Bjure (Ventilatory Capacities in Healthy Children 7 - 17 Years of age)
Age Range 2: - Acta Medica, 1963 By E.Berglund, G. Birath, J. Bjure, G. Grimby, I. Kjellmer, L. Sanqvist and B. Soderholm
(Forced Expirograms in subjects between 7 and 70 years of age)7

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Cotes

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 20 ~ 90 150 ~ 190 Yes FEV1, FVC, MVV, VC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FRC, N/A


Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 20 ~ 90 140 ~ 180 Yes FEV1, FVC, MVV, VC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FRC, N/A

Note: - With this predicted sets, if an Age is entered which falls below the lower age limit, predicted values will not be given.
This is because the set contains no child predicted values.

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - J.E. Cotes 1965

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Crapo/HSU

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 7 ~ 18 111 ~ 190 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75 Cau
2) 19 ~ 120 110 ~ 200 No FEV0.5, FEV1, FEV3, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEV3/FVC, N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 7 ~ 18 111 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75 Cau
2) 19 ~ 120 110 ~ 190 No FEV0.5, FEV1, FEV3, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEV3/FVC, N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Katharine H. K .Hsu, MD., * Daniel E, Jenkins, MD., Bartholowmew P. His, PHD., Erwin Bourhofer, Virginia
Thompson, R.N., M.P.H., Nobuo Tanakawa, MD., and Grace S.J Hsieh, B.S., M.P.H., Houston, Texas,
1979, (Ventilatory functions of normal children and young adults - Mexican- American, White and Black)

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range 2: - Crapo R O, Morris A H, Gardner R M. Reference Spirometric Values using techniques and equipment that
meets ATS recommendations. Am Rev Respir Dis 1981, 123, 659 - 664;

Correction Factor
Note: - If a correction factor is applied to one of the ethnic origins listed above that have dedicated equations then it shall be

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Crapo/Polgar

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 7 ~ 18 111 ~ 190 No VC, FEV1, FVC, MVV, PEF, PIF, FEF25~75, FRC, RV, N/A
2) 19 ~ 120 110 ~ 200 No FEV0.5, FEV1, FEV3, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEV3/FVC, N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 7 ~ 18 111 ~ 180 No VC, FEV1, FVC, MVV, PEF, PIF, FEF25~75, FRC, RV, N/A
2) 19 ~ 120 110 ~ 190 No FEV0.5, FEV1, FEV3, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEV3/FVC, N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Polgar and Promadhat 1971

Age Range 2: - Crapo R O, Morris A H, Gardner R M. Reference Spirometric Values using techniques and equipment that
meets ATS recommendations. Am Rev Respir Dis 1981, 123, 659 - 664;

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document ECCS

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.


Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 6 ~ 16 100 ~ 199 No VC, FEV1, FVC, IC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, N/A
2) 17 ~ 120 155 ~ 195 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 15 100 ~ 199 No VC, FEV1, FVC, IC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, N/A
2) 16 ~ 120 145 ~ 180 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Indices FEV1, FVC, FEV1%, MMEF: Zapletal et al. Normal Values 1977, Indices MEF25, MEF50, MEF75:
Solymar et al. 1980, Index PEF : Cogswell et al. Normal Values 1975.
Age Range 2: - European Respiratory Journal, Vol 6, Supplement 16 March 1993 Pages 26,27.

Correction Factor
Patients with a ethnic origin of : -
· Hong Kong Chinese, should apply a correction factor of 0% (As per Caucasian Individuals)
· Japanese American, should apply a correction factor of 11%
· Polynesian, should apply a correction factor of 10%
· North Indians and Pakistanis, should apply a correction factor of 10%
· South Indians and those of African Descent, should apply a correction factor of 13%

Ref: Lung Volumes and forced Ventilatory Flows. P.H. Quanjer et al. European Respiratory Journal, 1993, 6, Supplement, 16
Page 5 - 40.

Note: - The above correction factors are ONLY suitable when using the ECCS predicted set.

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Eigen/Crockett

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 3 ~ 7 87 ~ 127 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75/FVC N/A
2) 8 ~ 17 120 ~ 190 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A
3) 18 ~ 120 110 ~ 200 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC N/A

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 3 ~ 7 87 ~ 127 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75/FVC N/A
2) 8 ~ 17 120 ~ 176 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A
3) 18 ~ 120 110 ~ 200 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Eigen et al, Am J Respir Crit Care Med. (2001) 163: 619-623
Age Range 2: - Hibbert et al, Paediatric Pulmonology. (1989) 7: 101-109.
Age Range 3: - Spirometric Standards for healthy adult lifetime nonsmokers in Australia. CJ Gore, AJ Crockett, DG
Pederson, ML Booth, A Bauman, N Owen, Eur Resp J, 1995, 8, 773-782

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Filipinos

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 20 ~ 70 151 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 20 ~ 60 127 ~ 174 No FEV1, FVC N/A

Note: - With this predicted sets, if an Age is entered which falls below the lower age limit, predicted values will not be given.
This is because the set contains no child predicted values.

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Philippine College of chest physicians council on asthma, Prediction nomograms for spirometric values in

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document

Spida 5 - Operating Manual Gutierrez

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 12 100 ~ 199 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)
2) 13 ~ 18 100 ~ 199 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)
3) 19 ~ 40 155 ~ 195 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)
4) 41 ~ 120 155 ~ 195 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 12 100 ~ 199 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)
2) 13 ~ 20 100 ~ 199 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)
3) 21 ~ 40 145 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken From ECCS)
3) 41 ~ 120 145 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75 (All Other Indices N/A
Taken FromECCS)

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

All Ranges: - Spirometric values for the Chilean population at sea level, Rev. Med Chile 1996; 124; 1295-1306 by Mónica

Note: - This set only gives FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC and FEF25~75. All other Indices given are taken from the ECCS set

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Hedenstrom

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.


Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 20 ~ 70 110 ~ 200 Yes VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 20 ~ 70 110 ~ 200 Yes VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A

Note: - With this predicted sets, if an Age is entered which falls below the lower age limit, predicted values will not be given.
This is because the set contains no child predicted values.

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Male: Hans Hedenstrom, Reference values for lung function tests in men: Regression equations with
smoking variables, Upsala Journal of Medical Science 91: 299-310, 1986
Female: Hans Hedenstrom,Reference values for lung function tests in men: Regression equations with
smoking variables, Bull. Eur. Physiopathol. Respir. 1985, 21, 551-557

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Indonesian

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 13 ~ 70 150 ~ 172 No FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEV1/FVC N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 13 ~ 70 150 ~ 172 No FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEV1/FVC N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Pneumobile Project, Indonesia 1992. By 3 Indonesian Universities in collaboration with Oregon University

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

and Boehringer Ingelheim

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Knudson

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 11 112 ~ 155 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
2) 12 ~ 24 140 ~ 193 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
3) 25 ~ 39 157 ~ 196 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
4) 40 ~ 84 157 ~ 196 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A

PEF Range
Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 15 110 ~ 180 No PEF N/A
2) 16 ~ 84 140 ~ 196 No PEF N/A

FEV1/FVC Range
Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 24 112 ~ 193 No FEV1/FVC N/A
2) 25 ~ 84 157 ~ 196 No FEV1/FVC N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~10 106 ~ 147 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
2) 11~ 19 132 ~ 183 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
3) 20 ~ 39 147 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
4) 40 ~ 69 147 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
5) 70 ~ 87 147 ~ 168 No FEV1, FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A

PEF Range

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 6 ~ 15 110 ~ 180 No PEF N/A
2) 16 ~ 87 135 ~ 180 No PEF N/A

FEV1/FVC Range
Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 19 106 ~ 183 No FEV1/FVC N/A
2) 20 ~ 87 147 ~ 180 No FEV1/FVC N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

All Age Ranges: - Ronald J.Knudson, Michael D.Lebowitz, Catherine J.Holberg, Benjamin Burrows(Changes in the Normal
Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve with Growth and Aging (Am Rev Respir Dis 1983; 127: 725-734)

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Koillinen/Viljanen

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 5 ~ 17 110 ~ 180 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEV0.5, N/A
2) 18 ~ 65 100 ~ 199 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEF75 N/A
3) 66 ~ 120 155 ~ 195 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 5 ~ 17 110 ~ 170 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEV0.5, N/A
2) 18 ~ 65 100 ~ 199 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEF75 N/A
3) 66 ~ 120 145 ~ 180 No VC, FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, N/A

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Terveiden suomalaislasten spirometrian ja uloshengityksen huippuvirtauksen viitearvot

Age Range 2: - AA Viljanen, Spirometric Studies in non smoking, heathly adults, J. Clin. Lab Invest.41 Supp. 159, 5-20
Age Range 3: - European Respiratory Journal, Vol 6, Supplement 16 March 1993 Pages 26,27.

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Mexican

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 8 ~ 20 101 ~ 193 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF50, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC N/A
2) 21 ~ 65 142 ~ 190 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEF50,FEF75, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 8 ~ 20 109 ~ 177 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF50, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC N/A
2) 21 ~ 65 135 ~ 174 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEF50,FEF75, FEF25~75, FEV1/FVC N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Spirometric function in children of Mexico city compared to Mexican -American children, Pediatric
Pulmonology 35:177-183 (2003), Rogelio Perez- Padilla
Age Range 2: - Jose Rogelio, Spirometry Reproducibility and reference values in Mexican workers claiming disability,
Salud Publica Mex 2001; 43:113-121

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document New Zealand

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.


Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 25 ~ 74 147 ~ 190 Yes FEV1, PEF, FEF25~75, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEV6, N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 25 ~ 74 147 ~ 190 Yes FEV1, PEF, FEF25~75, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEV6, N/A

Note: - With this predicted sets, if an Age is entered which falls below the lower age limit, predicted values will not be given.
This is because the set contains no child predicted values.

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Marsh et al, The New Zealand Medical Journal, Vol 119 No 1244 ISSN 1175 8716

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document NHANES III

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 7 115 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC Cau
2) 8 ~ 20 120 ~ 200 No FEV1, FEV6, FVC, PEF, FEF25~75 Cau
3) 21 ~ 80 120 ~ 200 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC Cau

FEV1/FVC & FEV1/FEV6 Range

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

*) 8 ~ 80 120 ~ 200 No FEV1/FVC, FEV1/FEV6 Cau

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 7 115 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC Cau
2) 8 ~ 18 110 ~ 190 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC Cau
3) 19 ~ 80 110 ~ 190 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC Cau

FEV1/FVC & FEV1/FEV6 Range

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
*) 8 ~ 80 110 ~ 190 No FEV1/FVC, FEV1/FEV6 Cau

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Xiaobin Wang, Pulmonary Function Between 6 and 18 years of age, Pediatric Pulmonology
15:75-88 (1993)
Age Range 2 , 3 & * : - John L Hankinson,Sirometric Reference Values from a sample of the general US population –
AM J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED 1999; 159:179-187
Correction Factor
Patients with a ethnic origin of Asian or Eastern Indians should apply a race correction factor of 6%.
Note: - If a correction factor is applied to one of the ethnic origins listed above then it shall be ignored.

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document

Spida 5 - Operating Manual Pereira

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 14 112 ~ 155 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FEF25~75/FVC N/A
2) 15 ~ 24 140 ~ 193 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FEF25~75/FVC N/A
3) 25 ~ 78 140 ~ 193 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FEF25~75/FVC, N/A
FET25~75, MVV

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 14 112 ~ 155 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FEF25~75/FVC N/A
2) 15 ~ 19 140 ~ 193 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FEF25~75/FVC N/A
3) 20 ~ 76 140 ~ 193 Yes FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF25~75, FEF25~75/FVC, N/A
FET25~75, MVV

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: -
Age Range 2: -

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Roca

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 20 100 ~ 199 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
2) 21 ~ 120 140 ~ 199 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A


Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 6 ~ 20 100 ~ 199 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A
2) 21 ~ 120 135 ~ 199 Yes FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25~75 N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - J Roca et al. Bult. Eur. Physiopathol. Respir. 1986, 22, 217-224.
Age Range 2: - J Roca et al. Bult. Eur. Physiopathol. Respir. 1986, 22, 217-224.

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Taiwan

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Ethni
1) 6 ~ 16 100 ~ 199 No VC, FEV1, FVC, IC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, N/A
2) 17 ~ 120 155 ~ 195 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF35, FEF50, FEF75 N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 6 ~ 15 100 ~ 199 No VC, FEV1, FVC, IC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF25, FEF50, N/A
2) 16 ~ 120 145 ~ 180 No FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC, FEF35, FEF50, FEF75 N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Indices FEV1, FVC, FEV1%, MMEF: Zapletal et al. Normal Values 1977, Indices MEF25, MEF50, MEF75:
Solymar et al. 1980, Index PEF : Cogswell et al. Normal Values 1975.
Age Range 2: - Journal Formosan Medical Association, 80, 19-29, 1981, Study of maximal expiratory flow and volume in
Chinese, normal nonsmoking adults, Min Chein Wu

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document Thailand

Below are details of the predicted sets age and height boundaries, along with a list of Indices given for each age range. It also
specifies if the Predicted set contains sperate equations for different Ethnic Origins as well as if the set requires a weight to be
entered to generate the predicted values.


Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth

1) 10 ~ 87 125 ~ 185 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, PEF, FEF25~75 N/A

Age Range Height Range (Cm) Weight Needed? Indices Eth
1) 10 ~ 92 121 ~ 184 No FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, PEF, FEF25~75 N/A

The predicted equations were obtained from the following reference papers

Age Range 1: - Reference Spirometric Values for Healthy Lifetime nonsmokers in Thailand,J Med Thai May 2000, 457:466

To see a list of other available predicted sets please see the 'Predicted Value Overview' section of this document

5.4.2 Setup Menu Commands

The Setup Menu offers the following commands:

Options Set the operation mode of Spida 5.

Indices Select the indices to be displayed in the result view.
Reports Select the type of printed report.
Trend Select the parameters to show on trend plot.
Predicted Values Select the type of predicted values.
Child Incentive Set the criteria when the bubble should burst
Device Configuration Performs device-specific configuration.
Calibration Check Launches the Calibration Check Tool
Customisation Wizard Launches the Customisation Wizard for configuring Spida.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.4.3 Options (Setup Menu)

The options box allows the user to customize how SPIDA 5 will work.
The options that can be changed are the following: -
Best Criteria: Sets which parameters are used when deciding the best blow.
Com Port: Set the serial or USB port connected to the spirometer.
Show Grids: If you select this option, your graph windows will display a background grid to
help you compare the values on the graph.
Prompt:: Reminder to switch on the Spirometer. Prior to the first blow of every test, a
reminder appears to switch on your spirometer. If you find this annoying, just set
Prompt to OFF, but remember to switch on your spirometer before starting a live
Show Composite Curve: If this option is selected, then the composite curve will be displayed in a yellow
highlighted line of the test view. This virtual curve is made out of the outline of the
expiratory flow/volume curves, and its indices are selected as the best indices for
this base, post1 or post 2 session. If selected, the composite curve will replace
the best selection, and the best criteria will only be used to assess the variation
between consecutive tests.
Select this option to comply with the ATS/ERS 2005 criteria
Show Extended Tool tips: Select to show tool tips when the mouse pointer remains over menu items.
Use VC instead of FVC Select to use VC instead of FVC (if available) for calculating %FEV1.
Show Relaxed Data Select to use the relaxed mode – including a relaxed test section in the
database, two relaxed graph views for tidal efforts and a new results view for
relaxed indices.
PEF Units The units used when displaying the PEF, either Litres per second or Litres per
Height Units: The units used when displaying the height, either Centimetres or Inches.
Weight Units: The units used when displaying the weight, either Kg or Lbs.
Flow type: Allows the user to look at the expiratory loop only, or both the expiratory and
Inspiratory loops together. If you are using spirometer's with expiration only or are
only interested in expiration tests, then select Expiratory only, this will only show
expiratory information and will utilize the screen area better.
Predicted Area/Line: Select Predicted Area or line to be displayed in the Best FVL view and All FVL
View. The area is determined from predicted indices of PEF, MEF75, MEF50,
MEF25 and FVC. For some predicted values (for example Crapo), MEF values
are unavailable,. In such cases, predicted area will be determined from PEF
and FVC.
The predicted Line is always determined from PEF and FVC values. Select none
if no area or line is required.
Interpretation Type: Select Enright, ATS or NICE - these selections give a choice of standard
interpretations. Click here to see the algorithms used for each.
Print Title: Sets the title that will appear on the top of the printed report. The first line is in a
larger font and is meant for the Hospital or clinic name, and the second line is in
a smaller font for the address etc. Of course you can use it for any purpose you
prefer. Use the Print Preview function to check that the information appears as

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.4.4 Indices (Setup Menu)

You will be presented with a tab view giving access to configure the forced indices (and optionally relaxed) to be included in
the results view window, export to word and the printed report.
Select the indices you would like to display by checking the boxes to the left of the index title. There is no limit to the number
of indices you can select, but be aware that the same indices will be printed out in the report. Selecting too many indices will
make the report unnecessarily long.

The ability to show relaxed indices separately can be activated from the setup options.

Result View

5.4.5 Report (Setup Menu)

Select the sections you need to be printed in your report. Select also the page size and top margins.

The following sections are available:

Patient Details
Patient history
Summary of all the tests
Selected indices of the best blow
Print Large ATS/ERS Recommended Graphs
Flow Volume Loop and Volume Time Graph
Examination Notes
Signature Line

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Summary of All the Examinations

Trend Graphs
Relaxed Volume Time Graphs
Summary of Relaxed Tests
Relaxed Indices

Note: The Relaxed items are only available if the show relaxed option has been set in setup options.

5.4.6 Trend (Setup Menu)

Select the parameters to trend on. You can select any number of parameters. However, if you select PEF (L/S) and any
other parameter with units of Litres, then the y-axis will not have any units.

Trend View

5.4.7 Child Incentive (Setup Menu)

Set the child incentive values.
For the first blow, the value required to reach the target is as a percentage of the predicted value (default 100%). Change
this value if you want to set the target at a different value, say 80%.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

For subsequent blows, the patient has to exhale a percentage of the best blow for the target to be reached (default 100%).
Change this to encourage the patient to do better then the previous best blow. A value of 110 % would be appropriate.
The new values will be remembered, therefore you don't have to set it every time.

Setting The Child Incentive View

Please see 'Setup the Child Incentive view' in the How to section of this help document / file for more information

Child Incentive Type

The type of visual incentive is determined by your choice of option between a skateboarder race, a bubble gum kid, milk
shake kid or Wolf.
In the skate board race, the blow will determine the position of the skate boarder on the right, and the opponent will be
defeated if the target is reached.
If the bubble gum kid is selected, a boy will be blowing a bubble gum, which will pop if the target is reached.
The milk shake kid blows bubbles into the milk shake and they overflow when the target is reached.
The Wolf will take a deep breath and blow the straw house away once the target has been reached.

5.4.8 Device Configuration (Setup Menu)

This menu item will allow you to access device specific configuration menus.
Simply connect the device to PC and click this item to launch the menu.

For most devices, it will allow you to set-up the date / time and reset the memory.
For more recent ones, it will ask you to chose between Inspiratory and expiratory relaxed manoeuvres and even relaxed
Click here to find out about the MicroDL configuration.

5.4.9 Calibration Check (Setup Menu)

The calibration check facility is provided to help verify that the device is within the calibration limits (+- 3% of expected volume).
We recommend that it is be performed each day before the device is used (more calibration checks may be performed in the
same day if user requires)

Performing a daily calibration check helps determine any invalid calibration results within the first day of the issue arising, as
well as providing day-to-day laboratory variability.

The calibration tool has been designed to meet the 'ATS ERS Standardisation of lung function testing' requirements as well as
a quick simple method.
The ATS ERS recommends that during a calibration check, the user will need to perform three syringe waveforms (Minimum of

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

1) for three different flow rates (Between 0.5 and 12 L/Sec). The purpose of this is to help identify any invalid calibration results
at various flow rates.

Starting the Calibration Check

The calibration check can be found under the 'Setup' menu in Spida and then selecting 'Calibration Check'.
Spida will then close and the calibration check tool will open

Please click here for a step by step guide through the calibration process, or click 'Next' at the top of this help screen

Before proceeding please verify that the device that is going to perform the calibration check, is connected to the PC via a
Serial or USB cable (Depending on the device type)

Calibration Syringes
To help achieve improved results during a calibration check, Please Verify the following: -

1. The syringe used to perform the calibration check on the device, should have a accuracy of +- 15ml or +-0.5 % of
the syringe volume (15ml for a 3 Litre syringe)
2. Syringes with adjustable or variable stops may be out of calibration if the stop is accidentally moved or reset.
3. Calibration syringes should be leak tested periodically (Monthly) by blocking the air outlet and applying pressure on
the syringe handle (A dropped or damaged syringe should be leak tested before a calibration check is performed)
4. The calibration syringe is kept with the spirometer (Not in direct Sunlight or any heat sources) to help maintain the
same temperature and humidity of the testing location

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.4.10 Customisation Wizard (Setup)

The Customisation Wizard is an independent way for setting the configuration options for Spida without having wade through all
the application setup dialogs.

Upon selecting this option the Customisation wizard application will start and Spida will exit to be re entered when the
Customisation wizard is finished.

The Customisation wizard will guide you through setting up Spida for your individual needs in an easy and intuitive way using a
collection of simple pages in a window (see below)

Click here to go through the various screens offered.

5.5 The Window Menu

5.5.1 Window Menu Commands
The Window Menu offers the following commands:
Arrange Icons

It also offers a list of the currently open views within Spida with a tick against the view that is activated. Bring a view from
this list to the foreground of the main window by clicking on it.

5.5.2 Cascade (Window Menu)

This command arranges all the windows on top of each other with only the title bar of each window showing.

5.5.3 Tile (Window Menu)

This command fills the SPIDA window with all the open windows, maximizing space.

If you prefer this setting, select Save Settings from the View Menu and it will be remembered. To maximize the window
size, close windows you do not need. If you want to open a closed window, select it from the View menu.

If you are not happy with the arrangement, do not save it and your previous settings will be restored next time you run

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.5.4 Arrange Icons (Window Menu)

When a window is minimized, it appears as a bar icon at the bottom of the main window. This icon can be moved anywhere
around the SPIDA screen. To open the window, double click on the icon.
"Arrange Icons" lines up these minimized windows at the bottom of the SPIDA window for your convenience.

5.6 The Help Menu

5.6.1 Help Menu Commands
The Help Menu offers the following command:
Help Topics
Register Spida 5
Check for Updates
About SPIDA 5

5.6.2 Help Topics (Help Menu)

Opens this help file.

5.6.3 Register Spida 5 (Help Menu)

This window will allow you to register your purchased version of Spida 5. If you haven't registered yet, you will only be
allowed to use Spida 5 for 30 days.
During this trial period, we strongly advise you to fill in the relevant details inside this box and to send by any of the provided
means your details in order to get from us an authorization key which will unlock the software for you.
Note that you will only need to do this ONCE!
Finally once you receive the key from our registration team, simply enter the key inside the authorization key box, and press

5.6.4 Check for Updates (Help Menu)

This command will allow you to check the Micro Medical web server for updates to your Spida 5 software.
To do this, you will need an Internet connection.
The update wizard will automatically compare the version of Spida 5 you are running against the version available on the
website, and offer you to download it if necessary.
This is a very easy operation, which allows you to keep using our latest software, at no extra cost!

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

5.6.5 About SPIDA 5... (Help Menu)

This option will open a box giving information about Spida 5 including the Version number, serial number and copyright

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

6 Other Features
6.1 Interpretation
Interpretation is based on an algorithm published by Enright et al. ATS (BTS) or NICE. The selection can be made in the
Options Setup screen.

The algorithms flow charts are as follows:

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

6.2 Composite Curve

Enabling this feature in the 'Option' screen performs multiple functions, when calculating the best effort as well as displaying
the best curve.

1. The best FEF25-75 result displayed in the Forced Results window, Summary Results window and on the printed reports
is the effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC from all acceptable blows ('Good Blow' or 'Short Blow').
If the patient has not produced any acceptable blows, then the effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC from the included
tests shall be used.
2. A new row under each drug stage highlighted in yellow, within the patient data window will be added. Selecting this Row
will display the best result from all indices, from all of the acceptable blows ('Good Blow' or 'Short Blow').
If the patient did not manage to obtain an effort with a blow quality of either 'Good Blow' or 'Short Blow', then the
selected best criteria will be applied to all efforts (with any blow quality), and the blow with the biggest best criteria is
included and reported as the best effort.
Note: - If only one drug stage effort is performed the yellow best individual row will not be displayed as only one blows
results can be reported as best. Two or more tests are required to display the individual best row of results.
3. The Best FVL graph will display an envelope curve of all acceptable blows. The Expiratory curve is an outline off all
acceptable efforts ('Short Blow' and 'Good Blow') starting from the TLC position, and the Inspiratory is an outline curve
of all acceptable blows ('Short Blow' and 'Good Blow') starting from the RV position.
4. All indices with a unacceptable blow ('Slow Start', 'Abrupt End', 'Cough', 'Poor Effort' and 'Low Volume' ) will be
excluded from calculating the individual best results, Only acceptable blows such as 'Good Blow' or 'Short Blow' are
If no acceptable blow has been performed then an effort with the biggest value for the selected best criteria is included
and set as best.
If composite curve is disabled the automatic exclude will not occur and all efforts are included and are eligible to be the
best effort based of the best criteria, no matter the effort blow quality.

Note: -
1. When recalculating the composite curve the recalculated Inspiratory curve is joint at the RV position of the expiratory
2. The automatic exclude of unacceptable quality blows is only performed once the user selects 'Accept + Done' during a
live test or on uploading the data from a unit. It is not performed when enabling or disabling the composite curve (i.e. if a
live exam has been performed with composite disabled and then the user enables this feature, it will not run the
automatic exclude feature. The user will have to manually exclude the unacceptable blows).
For the same reason databases created before Spida 5 v2.0.7 will also not automatically exclude the unacceptable
efforts, this will need to be done manually.

6.3 Include / Exclude manoeuvre

In the patient data window, the user has the option to include or exclude a manoeuvre from the final

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

To Include an excluded manoeuvre, right click on a excluded test in the patient data window and select
Include. (Simply reverse the procedure to exclude a included blow).

Excluded blows are not used for determining if the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria, so by including or
excluding tests may change the drug stage ATS/ERS Reproducibility being Met.

When 'Show composite Curve' is enabled in the 'Options' menu, and either a live test is performed or a
exam uploaded, Spida will automatically exclude unacceptable blows (Blow qualities other than 'Good
Blow' or 'Slow Start'), and display the individual best results and composite curve only on the
acceptable ones ('Good Blow' or 'Slow Start')
If an acceptable blow has not been performed then the blow with the biggest set criteria (with any blow
quality) is included and set as the best test. The individual best results and composite curve given are
made only from this effort.
If composite curve is disabled the automatic exclude will not occur and all efforts are included and are
eligible to be the best effort based of the best criteria, no matter the effort blow quality.

Note: - If the Composite curve is disabled the Best effort can not be excluded until another effort has
been selected as best

6.4 Best Criteria

After an examination has been performed, Spida automatically selects the best effort for each drug
stage using the best criteria as specified in the 'options' screen.

FVC - It will automatically select the effort with the biggest FVC
FEV1 - It will automatically select the effort with the biggest FEV1
PEF - It will automatically select the effort with the biggest PEF
FEV1+FVC - It will automatically select the effort with the biggest FEV1 + FVC

If the composite curve is enabled within the options screen, all efforts performed with a unacceptable
blow quality (a quality other than 'Good Blow' or 'Slow Start'), are excluded from calculating the best
results, only acceptable blows are used to derive them.
If no acceptable blow has been performed, Spida will then apply the selected best criteria to all efforts
(with any blow quality), and the blow with the biggest best criteria is included and reported as the best
The individual best results will be displayed as a new row under each drug stage within the patient data

If the user wishes to override the automatically Include / excluded function, that is used to determine
the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria and the current best selected test, simply right click on the
desired effort on the patient data window, and select Include or exclude from the drop down menu.
Click here for further information.

Note: - A minimum of one test must be included

6.5 ATS/ERS Criteria 2005

To enable all features to comply with ATS/ERS 2005 Criteria, Enable / Disable the following options: -

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

Options Menu
Select the following options in the 'Options' Menu

Show Composite Curve Enabled

Show Relaxed Data Enabled
Interpretation 'ATS'
Flow Type 'Expiratory + Inspiratory' (If your device supports Inspiratory flows)

Reports Menu
Select the following options in the 'Reports' Menu

Print large ATS/ERS Recommended Graphs Enabled

Indices Menu
Select the following options in the 'Indices' Menu

IC (Forced) Enabled
IC (Relaxed) Enabled
FEF25-75 Enabled

From the 'View' drop down menu in the main screen, select the following screens (In addition to other
desired windows)

Best VTG Enabled

All VTG Enabled
Best FVL Enabled
All FVL Enabled
Forced Results Enabled
Relaxed Results Enabled

Reference : - "ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation Of Lung Volume Testing", Eur Respir J 2005

6.6 Forced ATS/ERS Reproducibility Criteria

As forced spirometry tests are performed by a patient, Spida checks to see if the efforts obtained meet the ATS/ERS
Reproducibility criteria.

The results from this check are displayed in the Forced Results window in the bottom frame.

To meet ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria

· A minimum of 3 acceptable FVC maneuvers are required (Acceptable maneuvers are blow which resulted in a 'Good
Blow' or 'Short Blow' quality check).
· If the FVC is bigger than 1 Litre, two of these three acceptable efforts should have a FVC and FEV1 less than or equal to
150ml of each other.
· If the FVC is less than or equal to 1 Litre, two of these three acceptable efforts should have a FVC and FEV1 less than or
equal to 100ml of each other.

The colour of the text within the Forced Results window regarding the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria and interpretation will
change depending upon its status.
· If the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria is not met then it will be displayed in Red.
· If the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria is has been met then it will be displayed in Green.
· If the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria is has been met, however the interpretation is anything other than 'Normal
Spirometry', then it will be displayed in yellow.

Note: - The "ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation Of Lung Volume Testing" requirements specifies that blows performed
with a bad blow quality should be excluded from the results. For spida to automatically exclude bad quality blows
during a live test or on upload, Spida has to have the 'Show Composite Curve' enabled in the Options screen.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual

If 'Show Composite Curve' is not enabled, all tests are included on a live test or on upload (This has been done so
that Spida displays the same results as the best effort as the devices it was uploaded from if the best criteria is set to
something other than Individual best (such as the MicroLab Mk8, Mk6 etc)). The ATS/ERS Reproducibility text will
then be based on all blows, however users can manually exclude bad quality blows from the patient data view
window, if they require true ATS/ERS Reproducibility description based on only good quality blows ('Good Blow' or
'Short Blow').

Reference : - "ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation Of Lung Volume Testing", Eur Respir J 2005 26:319-338.

6.7 Relaxed ATS/ERS Reproducibility Criteria

As Relaxed Tidal, Expiratory or Inspiratory spirometry tests are performed by a patient, Spida checks to see if the efforts
obtained meet the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria.

The results from this check are displayed in the Relaxed Results window in the bottom frame.

To meet ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria

· A minimum of 3 VC maneuvers are required
· Two of these three acceptable efforts should have a VC less than or equal to 150ml of each other.

The colour of the text within the Relaxed Results window, regarding the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria will change depending
upon its status.
· If the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria is not met then it will be displayed in Red.
· If the ATS/ERS Reproducibility criteria is has been met then it will be displayed in Green.

Reference : - "ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation Of Lung Volume Testing", Eur Respir J 2005 26:319-338.

Spida 5 - Operating Manual


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