Functional and Non

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Functional requirements describe the specific functions, tasks, or operations that

the software system should perform. These requirements define the behavior and
functionality of the software and serve as the foundation for designing and
developing the system. Here are a few examples of functional requirements:

1. **User Registration**: The software should provide a user registration feature

that allows new users to create an account by providing their name, email address,
and password. Upon successful registration, the user should be able to log in to the

2. **Product Search**: The software should include a search functionality that

allows users to search for products based on specific criteria, such as keywords,
categories, or filters. The search results should be relevant and displayed in a user-
friendly manner.

3. **Shopping Cart**: The software should provide a shopping cart feature that
allows users to add products to their cart, view the items in the cart, update
quantities, and proceed to the checkout process.

4. **Order Placement**: The software should enable users to place orders for
selected products. Users should be able to provide shipping information, select a
payment method, and confirm the order. The system should generate an order
confirmation and notify the user of the successful transaction.

5. **User Profile Management**: The software should allow users to manage their
profiles by providing options to edit personal information, update contact details,
and change account settings. The system should securely store and retrieve user
profile data.

6. **Admin Dashboard**: The software should provide an administrative

dashboard that allows authorized administrators to manage product inventory,
review and process orders, generate reports, and perform other administrative

7. **Notification System**: The software should have a notification system that

sends automated email notifications to users for various events, such as order
confirmations, shipping updates, or account-related notifications.
8. **Reporting**: The software should include reporting capabilities that allow
users or administrators to generate and view reports on various aspects, such as
sales, user activity, or inventory levels. Reports should be customizable and
exportable in different formats.

It's important to note that functional requirements should be specific, measurable,

and testable. Each requirement should clearly state what functionality is expected
and provide any necessary criteria for validation. Additionally, requirements should
be prioritized based on their importance to the software system and its users.

These examples give you a glimpse of functional requirements, but in practice,

there could be numerous functional requirements depending on the complexity of
the software system and the specific needs of the stakeholders.A

Non-functional requirements specify the qualities, attributes, and constraints that

the software system should possess. Unlike functional requirements that focus on
what the software should do, non-functional requirements address how the
software should behave and perform. Here are some examples of non-functional

1. **Performance**: The software should respond to user actions within an

acceptable time frame. For example, the system should load web pages within 3
seconds or generate search results within 1 second.

2. **Scalability**: The software should be able to handle increased user load or

growing data volumes without significant degradation in performance. It should be
designed to scale horizontally or vertically to accommodate future growth.

3. **Reliability**: The software should be dependable and operate without

frequent failures or crashes. It should be able to recover gracefully from errors or
exceptions and maintain data integrity.

4. **Availability**: The software should be available for use during specified

periods. For example, it should have an uptime of at least 99% and be accessible to
users 24/7, except during scheduled maintenance windows.
5. **Security**: The software should protect sensitive data and prevent
unauthorized access. It should employ encryption, authentication mechanisms, and
access controls to ensure data privacy and integrity.

6. **Usability**: The software should be intuitive and easy to use. It should have a
user-friendly interface, clear navigation, and provide helpful error messages and

7. **Compatibility**: The software should be compatible with specified hardware,

operating systems, browsers, or other software components. It should adhere to
industry standards and guidelines for interoperability.

8. **Maintainability**: The software should be designed and structured in a way

that allows for easy maintenance and updates. It should have clear and well-
documented code, modular architecture, and support for version control.

9. **Portability**: The software should be portable across different platforms or

environments. It should be adaptable to different operating systems, hardware
configurations, or cloud infrastructure.

10. **Regulatory Compliance**: The software should comply with relevant laws,
regulations, or industry standards. It should adhere to data protection regulations,
accessibility guidelines, or any other applicable compliance requirements.

It's important to note that non-functional requirements may have associated metrics
or thresholds to measure compliance. For example, performance requirements may
specify a maximum response time, while security requirements may define
encryption protocols to be used.

Non-functional requirements play a critical role in ensuring the overall quality and
effectiveness of the software system. They provide guidelines for system design,
development, and testing, and help meet the expectations and needs of the
stakeholders beyond just functional capabilities.

DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram. It is a graphical representation that depicts
the flow of data within a system or process. DFDs are commonly used in software
engineering and system analysis to visualize how data is input, processed, stored,
and output by a system.

DFDs consist of various components that represent different aspects of the system
and how data moves between them. Here are the key components of a DFD:

1. **Processes**: Processes, represented by circles or rectangles, represent the

activities or operations that transform the data. They can represent computations,
algorithms, or manual tasks. Each process takes input data, performs some
processing, and produces output data.

2. **Data Flows**: Data flows, represented by arrows, depict the movement of

data between processes, external entities, and data stores. They show how data is
transmitted from one component to another. Data flows can be labeled to indicate
the specific data items being transferred.

3. **External Entities**: External entities, represented by rectangles, represent

sources or destinations of data that are external to the system being analyzed. They
can be users, other systems, or devices that interact with the system.

4. **Data Stores**: Data stores, represented by open-ended rectangles or two

parallel lines, represent places where data is stored within the system. They can be
databases, files, or any other form of data storage. Data stores act as repositories of
data that can be accessed and updated by processes.

DFDs can be hierarchical, meaning they can be decomposed into multiple levels of
increasing detail. The highest level is often referred to as Level 0, representing the
overall system, while subsequent levels provide more detailed views of individual
processes or subprocesses.

DFDs are useful for visualizing the flow of data and understanding the overall
structure of a system. They can help identify data dependencies, bottlenecks, or
inefficiencies within a system. DFDs are often used as a foundation for
requirements analysis, system design, and communication between stakeholders.

There are different types of DFDs, such as Context DFD (provides an overview of
the system's interactions with external entities), Physical DFD (focuses on the
implementation and hardware aspects of the system), and Logical DFD (focuses on
the functionality and data transformations of the system).

DFDs are an effective tool for modeling and analyzing the flow of data within a
system, enabling a clear understanding of the system's data processing and

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