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Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 1

Jessica Wertz

Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary

Towson University

ISTC 702
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 2

Executive Summary

Technology is everywhere especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that devices

are one-to-one in Baltimore County Public Schools, it is essential teachers are provided with the

necessary training to effectively incorporate technology into the classroom instead of using it just

because it is now more easily available. The integration of technology in classrooms needs to

make learning meaningful, authentic, and differentiated for students. It is also critical staff

members are able to educate students on how to remain safe online. Through my three-year

professional learning plan, staff members at Sparks Elementary will be empowered to

successfully integrate technology into the classroom while keeping students safe in the years to



Sparks Elementary School is in the Baltimore County Public Schools system located in

Sparks Glencoe, Maryland. The current population is 490 students. There are thirty-one teachers,

two guidance counselors, and two administrators on the staff (one principal and one assistant

principal). Two classroom teachers also act as the school’s technology liaisons. Students who

attend Sparks Elementary live in either Monkton or Sparks, Maryland. 82% of the student

population is White, 9% are Asian, 5% are Hispanic or Latino, and 4% are Black or African

American. 7.43% of students receive FARMS (Free and Reduced Meals). 3% of students are

English Language Learners, 4% of students have 504 plans, and 12% of students have IEPs

(academic, speech, and/or OT).

According to the latest MSDE School Report Card for the 2021-2022 school year, Sparks

Elementary ranked in the 98th percentile earning a 5/5 stars. 68.2% of Sparks students are
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 3

proficient in math, 76.4% are proficient in reading, and 64.3% are proficient in science based on

Maryland state testing. These achievements are higher than those of Baltimore County overall

and the state.

Staff members at Sparks have a wide range of abilities when it comes to technology, but

the technology available at the school is limited. Each teacher has their own HP EliteBook

computer, and each classroom has a projector, document camera, speakers, and docking station.

Every student has their own Chromebook. Baltimore County Public Schools uses Schoology as

their learning management system. Staff more comfortable with technology integrate it in their

classrooms more than others. There are a few teachers at the school who use technology in their

classrooms just to say they use it, but their incorporation of it does not add any value to learning.

On the contrary, some teachers never have their students get on devices during the school day

and the integration of technology within their classrooms is severely lacking. Thankfully, Sparks

has a Computer Science and Innovation special area class, so all students still get technology

exposure. We have a wide variety of access to many different apps and online learning tools for

students to use such as Microsoft Word, Wixie, RazKids, BrainPop, and Kahoot. My plan will

enable the educators of Sparks to feel more comfortable using technology in meaningful ways in

their classrooms to improve student success and create a more engaging learning environment

for all.

Literature Support

It is critical technology is not used in a classroom solely just to use it. When technology

is integrated into the learning environment there needs to be a clear purpose for using it that

makes learning more meaningful, authentic, and individualized for students. According to Liz

Kolb, educators should ensure there are still opportunities for socialization when using
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 4

technology, value needs to be added to the learning when using technology, and there should be

a connection to real-world experiences (2018). All of these ideas will help students apply

learning via technology to their real lives. Students could work simultaneously using a tech tool

such as Padlet to create socialization. A way to add value and make learning individualized

would be to have students work on a technology platform such as RazKids that gives them texts

specific to their individual reading levels. An idea to make learning authentic would be to have

students connect digitally with people they are learning about in class via Google Meet or Zoom.

Deciding what tech tools to use in the classroom is critical to ensure meaningful learning.

Sarah Kavanagh and Tess Bernhard created three questions educators should ask themselves

when deciding what tech tools to incorporate in the learning environment: “will this technology

expand student-to-student communication, will this technology expand possibilities for student

choice, and will this technology enhance assessment?” (2023). Keeping these questions at the

forefront will allow educators to feel confident in their choices for choosing appropriate tech

tools they want to use in their classrooms to enhance learning.

Learning Needs

Even though Sparks scored well above the rest of the county and the state on the

Maryland School Report Card in reading and in math, there are still many areas of improvement

that should be addressed in order to achieve greater student success. Four ISTE Educator

Standards Sparks needs to work on are 2.1 Learner, 2.3 Citizen, 2.5 Designer, and 2.7 Analyst.

These specific standards are important for the educators of Sparks Elementary to focus on so that

learning can become more meaningful, individualized, and better connected to real-world

experiences. My plan will address all of the specific needs mentioned below in a three-year
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 5

timeline of professional development and activities. This will create a better learning

environment for students at Sparks and allow them to become more successful learners.

The 2.1 Learner ISTE Standard states educators should improve their teaching by

learning with others and exploring ways to incorporate technology to improve learning.

Specifically, Sparks should focus on indicator 2.1a which states, “set professional learning goals

to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their

effectiveness” (ISTE, 2023b). It will be important for educators to reflect on the effectiveness of

the incorporated technology to ensure technology is not being used solely just to use it. It is

important that technology is incorporated into learning in meaningful ways.

The 2.3 Citizen ISTE Standard states educators should inspire students to participate in

an online world responsibly. Indicator 2.3c is a critical part of the Citizen ISTE Standard Sparks

should focus on to improve the learning environment for students. Indicator 2.3c states,

“mentor students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of

intellectual rights and property” (ISTE, 2023b). A problem at Sparks is that students are unaware

their online actions can hurt others and they are not fully educated on how to stay safe while

online. Educators focusing on this indicator will help students realize the impact their digital

actions can have on others and enable them to successfully provide students with the knowledge

needed for them to stay safe while working digitally.

The 2.5 Designer ISTE Standard has educators focus on creating authentic learning

environments for all types of learners. Indicator 2.5a states, “use technology to create, adapt

and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner

differences and needs” (ISTE, 2023b). This indicator will be essential for Sparks staff to

incorporate in their classrooms so students are able to learn at the right pace for them.
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 6

The last standard Sparks staff should focus on improving is the 2.7 Analyst ISTE

Standard. This standard empowers educators to use data to create instruction and support student

learning goals. Specifically, indicator 2.7a says, “provide alternative ways for students to

demonstrate competency and reflect on their learning using technology” (ISTE, 2023b). Students

greatly benefit from choice when it comes to their own learning. Providing students with the

option for how to demonstrate their knowledge will heavily increase their motivation.

ISTE-C Reflection

Some of the ISTE Standards for Coaches align with my professional learning facilitator

plan for Sparks Elementary School. My plan incorporates the Change Agent standard because

coaches will help connect educators with technology and inspire teachers to use it to create an

effective and successful learning environment. A key indicator of the Change Agent standard

found in my plan is 4.1b, “facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet

the needs of each learner” (ISTE, 2023a). Throughout my plan, educators will be introduced and

given time to explore tech tools that will provide meaningful learning experiences for students

back in the classroom. These professional development opportunities will allow educators time

to collaborate with experts and their colleagues on how to make learning individualized with tech

tools and how to choose appropriate ones.

The Professional Learning Facilitator standard is also evident in my plan. Coaches will

assess each staff member’s current ability and confidence level when it comes to appropriate and

effective tech integration. From there, coaches will identify the specific needs that should be

addressed throughout the professional development sessions which may cause some sessions to

be altered.
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 7

Another standard evident in my plan is the Digital Citizenship Advocate standard. Two

indicators of this standard in particular are heavily found in my plan: 4.7a and 4.7d. 4.7a states,

“partner with educators, leaders, students and families to foster a culture of respectful online

interactions and a healthy balance in their use of technology,” and 4.7d states, “empower

educators, leaders and students to make informed decisions to protect their personal

data and curate the digital profile they intend to reflect” (ISTE, 2023a). Two of the key

components of my plan are empowering educators to help students stay respectful and safe while


Project Plan

ISTE Standard 1: Learner

Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring
proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.

Performance Indicator 1.a.

Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible
by technology  and reflect on their effectiveness.
Action Steps & Person (s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment
Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)
August 2023 -Teachers Google Docs -Everyone will Administrators
August 2024 -Administrators will allow be held will review and
August 2025- will hold teachers to accountable approve learning
Teachers will teachers update their while working goals.
create technology accountable progress with towards
integration goals their goals so achieving their
at the start of administrators goals.
each school year can see it in real -Classrooms will
that enhance time. use technology
student learning in an effective
and digital safety. way that
supports student
Ongoing- -Sparks’ -Staff devices -Teachers will -Implementation
Staff will attend technology -Projector for identify best of tools in the
various liaisons presentations practices for classroom
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 8

professional -Staff from -BCPS Digital technology -Knowledge

development BCPS’ Tools integration. checks
sessions. At the Educational -Google Apps -Digital tools -Educator
first PD session, Technology -Google Form and experiences feedback via
staff will be asked Team -Schoology will be surveys
to fill out a -Administrators thoroughly
survey indicating -Teachers introduced and
their current -Representatives explored for use
knowledge and from Digital in the classroom.
comfortability Tools platforms -Staff will reflect
using tech tools in (such as Class on their
the classroom Flow) experiences and
journeys towards
goal completion.

ISTE Standard 3: Citizen

Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital

Performance Indicator 3.c.

Mentor  students in safe, legal, and  ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of
intellectual rights and property.
Action Steps & Person (s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment
Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)
August 2023- -Sparks’ Canva The whole -Student
Create digital technology school will be feedback
safety posters to liaisons educated and on -Knowledge
be hung in every -Administrators the same page checks
classroom and about digital
throughout the safety tips.
August 2023- -Staff from -Currently Students will Tracking student
-Review BCPS’ approved BCPS have a better profile safety
currently Educational Digital Tools chance of and antivirus
approved Technology such as RazKids, staying safe data on
licenses to BCPS Team BrainPop, online and will individual
digital tools to Legends of avoid student devices
ensure their Learning, etc. jeopardizing
safety and -Devices their identity
protection of -Google Forms and/or
students while in to submit downloading
use. websites viruses onto
-Block ability their school
for students to device.
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 9

websites on
student devices
and create a
form for teachers
to submit
websites to be
blocked from
student use.
August- -Sparks’ -ActivInspire Students will Digital
September 2023 technology -Digital Safety understand how assessment on
& Ongoing liaisons Videos/Read to stay safe online safety for
Create and -Teachers Alouds from online and how students created
implement YouTube to appropriately via Schoology.
digital safety -Assessment use their device.
lessons to be Feature on
reviewed at the Schoology
beginning of
each school year
before device
use starts in

ISTE Standard 5: Designer

Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and
accommodate learner variability.

Performance Indicator 5.a.

Use technology to create, adapt and  personalize learning experiences that foster independent
learning and accommodate  learner differences and needs.
Action Steps & Person (s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment
Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)
Ongoing- -Representatives -Various BCPS -Increased staff -Knowledge
Staff will attend from BCPS approved tech confidence and checks
various Approved tools such as knowledge when -Teacher
professional Digital Tools RazKids, integrating tech feedback/
development platforms (such Legends of tools reflections
sessions on how as Class Flow) Learning, & -Improved
to individualize -Administrators First in Math lessons
learning using -Teachers -Schoology
tech tools. -Designated staff -Google Apps
from admin to
Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 10

give PDs
Ongoing After -Curriculum -Various BCPS -Personalized -Student
PD Sessions- offices approved tech learning assessments
Staff will create -Teachers tools such as experiences for -Student
and implement RazKids, students feedback
lessons focusing Legends of -Increased -Teacher
on student Learning, & student feedback
personalization First in Math motivation
and -Schoology
differentiation -Google Apps
using tech tools. -ActivInspire

ISTE Standard 7: Analyst

Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in
achieving their learning goals.

Performance Indicator 7.a.

Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their
learning using technology.
Action Steps & Person (s) Technologies Benefit(s) Assessment
Timeline Responsible Employed Method(s)
Ongoing- -Staff from -Schoology -Increased staff -Knowledge
Staff will attend BCPS’ -BCPS tech tools confidence and checks
various Educational knowledge on a -Teacher
professional Technology variety of feedback/
development Team assessment types reflections
sessions on ways -Curriculum -Improved
to provide offices lessons
effective -Administrators
alternate -Teachers
Ongoing After -Curriculum -Schoology -Student choice -Student
PD Sessions- offices -BCPS tech tools -Increased assessments
Staff will create -Teachers -Google Apps student -Student
and implement motivation and feedback
alternate forms pride in work -Teacher
of assessment in feedback

Professional Learning Facilitator Plan: Sparks Elementary 11

International Society for Technology in Education ISTE. (2023a). ISTE standards: Coaches.

ISTE Areas of Focus.

International Society for Technology in Education ISTE. (2023b). ISTE standards: Educators.

ISTE Areas of Focus.

Kavanagh, S. and Bernhard, T. (2023). Managing tech integration in your classroom. Edutopia.

Kolb, L. (2018, Sept. 28). Research-based tech integration strategies. Edutopia.

Maryland State Department of Education. (n.d.). Sparks elementary 2021-2022 school report

card. MSDE. Maryland Report Card - ReportCards - ReportCardSchool

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