Bleeding Consultation

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REP: Hello, I'm Dr. Grimes at Memorial Hospital and I have Mrs. Sonia Pineda with me. Can you ask her
what brings her to the hospital today?

LEP: He estado teniendo mucho sangrado de mi vagina.

REP: When did the bleeding start?

LEP: Hace dos días.

REP: How many pads are you using per day?

LEP: Como tres o cuatro.

REP: Can you describe the bleeding? Is it heavy? Is it mild?

LEP: Es poquito, pero constante. A veces me salen unos grandes cuajarones y me asusto.


REP: Do you feel dizzy or nauseous? Any headaches?

LEP: Sí, me siento como mareada y como si quisiera vomitar.

REP: Is there any chance you might be on your period?

LEP: No, dejé de tener mis periodos desde hace como cinco años.

REP: Is there any history of uterine or cervical cancer in your family? Your mom or your sisters? Any
other relative?

LEP: Sí, mi tía por parte de mamá.

REP: When was your last Papsmear?

LEP: Hace como 7 años.

REP: Ok so we are going to do a Papsmear on you today to check if there are any abnormal cells on the
lining of the uterus that may be causing your bleeding. Are you comfortable with that plan?

LEP: Sí.

REP: I'll be also taking some swabs to send them to the lab. Please undress from the waist down and you
can use that sheet to cover yourself. I'll be out of the room for one moment, but I'll be back with a nurse
who is going to assist me.
LEP: Muy bien.

REP: Interpreter that will be all for today. Thank you for your services.


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