Business Case New Bookers 1

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Product Owner.

You should not spend more than 2-4

hours on completing this case
We don’t want to make excessive use of
your spare time.
The objective of this case study is mainly
to assess your thought process and
product management skills. It’s more
about your approach rather than the
actual outcome.
Business Case –New Bookers. is known mainly as a place to find hotel rooms, however we also
have a growing selection of alternative properties such as apartments. This
creates a unique problem: how do we accommodate the segment of users
looking for apartments?

1. Outline your long-term vision.

2. For the short-term, prepare 2 sprints worth of ideas with the goal of providing
value to users looking for apartments on

Sprints are typically 1-2 weeks and teams include a developer, a designer and a

Use the qualitative and quantitative information to inform your decisions.

*The data provided is strictly for this exercise and fictitious.
User Testing Observations:

- During a user testing session, users looking for an apartment were confused by
the naming of the rooms.

- Other users were worried about the check-in process if there is no reception
"How are we going to check in? Is someone going to meet us? How will we know
this? The whole process seems a bit cumbersome"
"Ah, it's usually annoying and takes time. All you want to get to the room and rest.
With children it is worse”

- Other users weren't sure what the apartments offered and whether they would
meet the needs of their family:
"Is the kitchen equipped? Do I need to bring my own stuff?"
"How are the beds positioned? We are going with kids and parents and I want to
know who will sleep where"
"Is there a dryer?"
"What kind of a view does it have?" Please also see the attached sample data.
Quantitative data: PLATFORM DATA Mobile Web Mobile Apps Desktop

Visitors (daily) 100,000 20,000 400,000

Bounce rate 50% 40% 30%

Conversion rate 10% 15% 20%

Share of apartments 15% 10% 20%

booked (vs. hotels)

PROPERTY DATA Hotel Apartments

Average commission per booking 15 EUR 20 EUR

Customer Support calls (daily) 5,000 2,000

YoY growth of properties listed on

20% 30%

Net Promoter Score 8,9 7,4

Marketing spent (quarter) 200k euro 100k euro

YoY growth of bookings 19% 24%

Industry YoY growth rate 18% 35%

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