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6, 2010, 1322–1330

A New Carrier Gas Type for Accurate

Measurement of N2O by GC-ECD
WANG Yinghong ( ), WANG Yuesi∗ ( ), and LING Hong (  )
State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry,

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029

(Received 2 December 2009; revised 29 January 2010)

The accurate measurement of concentration is the basis for determining emission sources and sinks of
nitrous oxide (N2 O). The detection of N2 O showed that the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) biased the
N2 O response when pure nitrogen (N2 ) was used as a carrier gas for gas chromatography (GC) equipped with
an electron capture detector (GC-ECD). In this study, laboratory experiments were carried out to explore
how the presence of CO2 interferes with the accurate determination of N2 O. The aims were to address the
extent of the influence to try and explain the underlying mechanism, and to uncover technical options for
solving the problem. Three GC carrier gases are discussed: pure nitrogen (DN); a mixture of argon and
methane (AM); and a high concentration CO2 , which was introduced into the ECD cell with a low flow rate
based on DN (DN-CO2 ). The results show that when DN was used, the existence of CO2 in the ECD cell
greatly enhanced the response of N2 O, which increased with CO2 content and remained constant when the
content reached a limit. Comparisons between the three methods show that the DN method is defective for
the accurate determination of N2 O. The bias is caused by different electron capture mechanisms of CO2 and
N2 O and depends heavily on the detector temperature. New GC carrier gas types with make-up gases that
can remove the CO2 -induced influence, such as the DN-CO2 and DN-CH4 methods reported in this paper,
are recommended for the accurate measurement of N2 O.
Key words: nitrous oxide, gas chromatography, electron capture detector, carbon dioxide, overestimation
Citation: Wang, Y. H., Y. S. Wang, and H. Ling, 2010: A new carrier gas type for accurate measurement
of N2 O by GC-ECD. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 27(6), 1322–1330, doi: 10.1007/s00376-010-9212-2.

1. Introduction worth and Freeman, 1973; Mosier and Mack, 1980;

Arah et al., 1994; Loftfield et al., 1997; Hadi et al.,
Nitrous oxide (N2 O) is one of the most important 2000; Wang and Wang, 2003; Butterbach-Bahl et al.,
long-lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It con- 2004; Akimoto et al., 2005). Another type is based
tinues to rise approximately linearly (0.26% yr−1 ) and on closed-path tunable diode laser infrared absorption
reached 319×10−9 mol mol−1 in 2005 (Forster et al., spectroscopy analyzers (De Klein et al., 1999; Edwards
2007). Studies show large uncertainty in N2 O sources, et al., 2003; Pattey et al., 2006; Phillips et al., 2007),
such as soil, agriculture, combustion, and the sea. and the third on long open-path and Fourier trans-
These studies are all reliant upon the accurate mea- form infrared spectroscopy (Hashmonay et al., 2001).
surement of atmospheric N2 O concentration, what- Among them, GC-ECD is the most mature and stable
ever the long-term variation, and source distribution technique, demonstrating a high level of precision and
or emission uncertainty. is applied widely. The majority of available data con-
In general, there are three kinds of technology ap- tributing to present global or regional inventories were
plied in the measurement of N2 O concentration. First, obtained by this method.
N2 O content can be analyzed with gas chromatogra- As a sensitive detector, ECD has been used for de-
phy (GC) equipped with an electron capture detec- termining N2 O concentrations since the 1970s (Went-
tor (ECD), known as the GC-ECD method (Went- worth and Freeman, 1973; Mosier and Mack, 1980).
∗ Corresponding author: WANG Yuesi,,
© China National Committee for International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), Institute of Atmospheric
Physics (IAP) and Science Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
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However, the detailed mechanism of ECD is not very 2. Material and methods
clear, even today. Different types of carrier gas affect
the stability and sensitivity of ECD. High purity N2 , 2.1 Instrumental methods
high purity Ar and Ar-CH4 , a mixture of argon and
A HP5890II GC system (Hewlett Packard, Palo
methane, have been most commonly used as carrier
Alto, California, USA) equipped with an ECD was
gases for ECD. Maggs et al. (1966) proved that using
used to measure N2 O. Two stainless steel columns were
Ar-CH4 can provide higher ECD sensitivity than N2
used to separate N2 O, both the precolumn (length,
or Ar. Although N2 does not give the best sensitiv-
1 m) and the main column (length, 3 m) were packed
ity for ECD analysis, it has still been widely adopted
with Porapak Q. An oven temperature of 55◦ C and
because of certain advantages, such as its inexpensive-
a carrier gas flow rate of 35 mL min−1 were applied.
ness, its convenience in terms of supply, its safety in
CO2 concentrations were analyzed using the Agilent
transportation, and its compatibility with other detec-
6820 GC-FID system (Agilent Technologies Limited
tors like the flame ionization detector (FID). In fact,
Co., Shanghai, China) coupled with a nickel catalytic
approximately one-third of all published research on
the measurement of N2 O used N2 as the carrier gas
The carrier gas methods used were (1) high purity
of the ECD. However, Zheng et al. (2008) reported
N2 , written as DN hereafter; (2) Ar-CH4 , a mixture
that when they used N2 as the carrier gas of the ECD,
gas with 10% CH4 in argon, written as AM hereafter;
N2 O concentrations were generally overestimated in
and (3) N2 -CO2 , high purity N2 as the carrier gas and
the presence of elevated CO2 . Unfortunately, most
a mixture gas (10% CO2 in N2 ) introduced into the
laboratories worldwide are not aware of the potential
ECD with a 2 mL min−1 flow rate as the make-up
interference between CO2 and N2 O when using N2 as
gas, written as DN-CO2 hereafter.
the carrier gas. This has significant implications for
Series gases were employed in the experiments: (a)
existing estimates of N2 O emissions from terrestrial
standard gases with N2 O concentrations at 94×10−9,
systems, since CO2 interference with N2 O may have
137×10−9, 330×10−9 and 520×10−9 mol mol−1 ; (b)
positively biased many flux measurement results. In
dry ambient air with N2 O and CO2 concentrations of
this paper, experiments were designed to explore how
330×10−9 mol mol−1 and 403×10−6 mol mol−1 , re-
the presence of CO2 interferes with the accurate de-
spectively; and (c) the same dry ambient air as with
termination of N2 O. Different carrier gases were com-
(b), but with CO2 concentrations modified by the ad-
pared and a new carrier gas type is recommended for
dition of pure CO2 . As a small amount of pure CO2
accurate measurement of N2 O concentrations by GC-
gas (0.1–3 mL) was added to a large air volume (800
mL), the resulting change in N2 O concentration was

Table 1. An overview of the laboratory experiments.

Experiment Carrier gas type Make-up gas ECD temperature (◦ ) Gases series∗∗
in the ECD cell
(10−6 mol mol−1 )∗
1 DN-CO2 0–900 330 (a)
2 DN 230, 250, 270, (b)
290, 310, 330,
AM 250, 330
DN-CO2 1000 250, 330
3 DN 250, 290, 330, 380 (c)
AM 250, 290, 330, 380
DN-CO2 1000 330, 380

Note: ∗ Make-up gas: 10% CO2 in N2 ; ∗∗ (a) standard gases with N2 O concentration at 94×10−9 , 137×10−9 , 330×10−9 and
520×10−9 mol mol−1 ; (b) dry ambient air with N2 O and CO2 concentrations of 330×10−9 mol mol−1 and 403×10−6 mol mol−1 ,
respectively; (c) the same dry ambient air as (b) but with CO2 concentrations modified by the addition of pure CO2 . As a small
amount of pure CO2 gas (0.1–3 mL) was added to a large air volume (800 mL), the resulting change in N2 O concentration was

2.2 Experiments
The laboratory experiments were designed to com-
pare (1) the ECD signals of N2 O at different CO2 con-
centrations in the ECD pool; (2) ECD signals of N2 O
and CO2 at different temperatures of ECD; and (3)
ECD signals of a fixed N2 O concentration to differing
CO2 concentrations under different methods of carrier
gas. Table 1 provides an overview of all the experi-
In Experiment 1, using the DN method, the ECD
temperature was kept at 330◦ C. A mixture gas (10%
CO2 in N2 ) was introduced into the ECD through the
make-up gas channel. The flow rate of make-up gas
could be adjusted by a controller from 0–4 mL min−1
and the CO2 content in the ECD pool changed from
0 to 1000×10−6 mol mol−1 . Gases eluted from the
ECD were collected at each make-up flow rate, and
actual CO2 concentrations were detected by the GC-
FID. Standard gases in series (a) were analyzed at each
make-up gas flow rate.
Under the DN method in Experiment 2, ECD tem-
peratures changed from 230◦ C to 350◦ C at intervals of Fig. 1. (a) GC-ECD-yielded nitrous oxide (N2 O) sig-
20◦ C. Dry ambient air was measured at different ECD nals peak area in response to the CO2 content in
ECD. Different symbols represent different given N2 O
temperatures (230◦ C, 250◦ C, 270◦ C, 290◦ C, 330◦ C,
concentrations in ECD, with ppb denoting 10−9 mol
and 350◦C). Dry ambient air was also analyzed at ECD mol−1 and the curves fit Michaelis-Menten equa-
temperatures of 250◦C and 330◦ C under the AM and tion: 94 ppb, y=32137.27x/(53.479 + x), r 2 =0.972;
DN-CO2 methods, respectively. 172 ppb, y=52937.46x/(40.61 + x), r 2 =0.967; 330
Finally, in RXN 3, gases of (c) series were mea- ppb, y=95346.61/(38.62 + x), r 2 =0.966; 520 ppb,
sured under the DN, AM and DN-CO2 methods at y=144133.2x/(37.27 + x), r 2 =0.963; (b) The CO2 limit
different ECD temperatures. When the ECD temper- caused constant N2 O response were decreased with the
ature was set to 250◦ C and 290◦C, only the DN and N2 O concentration.
AM methods were involved; and when the tempera-
ture rose to 330◦ C and 380◦C, the DN-CO2 method affected by the content of CO2 . When CO2 concen-
was added into the comparison. The precision of each trations ranged between 0 and 100×10−6 mol mol−1 ,
method was compared by dry ambient air, which was the N2 O signal increased quickly. However, the speed
analyzed for N2 O every five runs (n6, n is the repe- decreased with an increase in the content of CO2 and
tition number of ambient air). remained constant when the content reached a limit.
For example, the sample signal area of 330×10−9 mol
2.3 Statistical analysis mol−1 was 11 080 when the CO2 concentration was
The software package SYSTAT 5.0 (SPSS Inc., 10×10−6 mol mol−1 , increased to 72 900 when the con-
Chicago, USA) was used for statistical data analy- centration was 100×10−6 mol mol−1 , and remained
sis. The significance levels between any two GC–ECD stable at 88 000 when the concentration was larger
methods were determined using paired t-tests. than 400×10−6 mol mol−1 . The relationship between
the N2 O signal and CO2 content could be described by
the Michaelis-Menten equation, although there were
3. Results
different mechanisms behind the phenomena:
3.1 The influence of CO2 content in the ECD Y = (b1 × X)/(b2 + X) , (1)
pool on N2 O signals
where Y is the ECD response signal for N2 O, X is
Experiment 1 was designed to compare the ECD the CO2 content in the ECD, b1 is the maximum N2 O
signals of N2 O at different CO2 concentrations in the signal (Ymax ), and b2 is the CO2 content that caused
ECD pool. The results of Experiment 1 are shown in half of Ymax . The correlation coefficient (r2 ) of the
Fig. 1, which demonstrates that the N2 O signals were fitted equations were 0.972, 0.967, 0.966 and 0.963 for
NO. 6 WANG ET AL. 1325

N2 O concentrations of 94×10−9, 172×10−9, 330×10−9 Rfs obtained. These normalized Rfs increased rapidly
and 520×10−9 mol mol−1 , respectively. According to from 1 to 8.31 when the CO2 concentration increased
Eq. (1), for each N2 O concentration there is a Ymax from 0 to 51×10−6 mol mol−1 , then increased slowly
and a corresponding CO2 content limit resulting in from 8.31 to 12.02 when CO2 increased from 51×10−6
a constant signal at that particular N2 O level. It is to 369×10−6 mol mol−1 , and remained constant when
impossible to obtain the Ymax value according to the the CO2 concentration was higher than 400×10−6 mol
equation; instead, a close value of 95% Ymax was used mol−1 .
to obtain the CO2 limit at each N2 O level. As Fig. Therefore, with N2 as the carrier, the authors intro-
1b shows, with an increase in N2 O concentration, the duced 10% CO2 into the detector and made the CO2
CO2 limit decreased. content in the ECD cell greater than 1000×10−6 mol
This phenomenon shows that the CO2 content in mol−1 and obtained a new carrier type, DN-CO2 .
the ECD can affect the N2 O signals. Usually, the CO2
3.2 Influence of ECD temperature on ECD
concentration of air samples varies from 380×10−6 to
response signals of CO2 and N2 O
2000×10−6 mol mol−1 ; it would be diluted to less than
50×10−6 mol mol−1 by the N2 in the ECD cell, which The influence of ECD temperature on signals of
can cause an abnormal increase of N2 O response. On CO2 and N2 O was investigated in Experiment 2, and
the other hand, the phenomenon also indicated that if the results are shown in Fig. 2. The responses of CO2
enough CO2 exists in the cell, a more stable and sen- and N2 O signals were different as the temperature in-
sitive response of N2 O will be obtained. The relation- creased. As Fig. 2 shows, the CO2 and N2 O in the
ship between N2 O concentrations and the response sig- gas samples could be separated perfectly in the experi-
nal could be described by linear regression (r2 >0.999). ment. For N2 O, the signal increased with temperature,
The response factor (Rf) where no CO2 was added into the response signal maintaining a positive linear corre-
the ECD was defined as the base; Rfs at different CO2 lation with ECD temperature (y=2.865x−466.47,
concentrations were compared with it and normalized r=0.99, n=6, p<0.001). For CO2 , when the ECD was

Fig. 2. Chromatograph signals of N2 O and CO2 in dry ambient air as a response to

different ECD temperatures under the DN method: (a) 230◦ C; (b) 250◦ C; (c) 270◦ C;
(d) 290◦ C; (d) 290◦ C; (e) 310◦ C; (f) 330◦ C; (g) 350◦ C. The concentrations of N2 O
and CO2 in dry ambient air were 330×10−9 mol mol−1 and 403×10−6 mol mol−1 ,
respectively. Both N2 O and CO2 peaks were detected by the ECDs. The solid arrow
points to the CO2 signal and the dashed arrow to the N2 O signal. Definition of the
DN method is provided in section 2.

Fig. 3. Chromatograph signals of N2 O and CO2 in dry ambient air as a response to different
methods at ECD temperatures of 250◦ C and 330◦ C. (a), (b) and (c) show results for a detector
temperature of 250◦ C in the DN, AM and DN-CO2 methods, respectively; (d), (e) and (f) for a
detector temperature of 330◦ C, again in the DN, AM and DN-CO2 methods, respectively. The
concentrations of N2 O and CO2 in dry ambient air were 330×10−9 mol mol−1 and 403×10−6 mol
mol−1 , respectively. Both N2 O and CO2 peaks were detected by the ECDs. Definitions of the DN,
AM and DN-CO2 methods are provided in section 2.

at lower temperatures (230◦ C–270◦C), a positive peak Rfs of CO2 at 250◦ C were 53.59, 29.82, 15.60 for DN,
appeared and the signal decreased with an increase in AM and DN-CO2 , respectively; and the Rfs of N2 O
temperature (Figs. 2a, 2b, 2c). When the tempera- were 8.29, 32.07, 24.42 for DN, AM and DN-CO2 , re-
ture continued to increase (290◦ C–380◦C), the posi- spectively. When the ECD temperature rose to 330◦ C,
tive peak disappeared and was replaced by a negative it was incapable of detecting CO2 ; it had a negative
peak; the negative signal also increased slowly with peak in the DN method, no peak in the AM method,
temperature (Figs. 2d, 2e, 2f). It is apparent that the and a weak positive peak in the DN-CO2 method, as
inherent response mechanisms of CO2 and N2 O in the shown in Figs. 3d–3f. However, the Rfs of N2 O were
ECD were totally different. enhanced to 29.01, 72.96 and 79.56. The AM and DN-
Figure 3 shows the changes in the signals of CO2 CO2 methods were apparently more stable in detecting
and N2 O at lower (250◦ C) and higher (330◦ C) ECD N2 O at high temperatures than the DN method. The
temperatures under the DN, AM and DN-CO2 meth- coefficients of variation (CVs) of dry ambient air were
ods. At lower temperatures, the ECD demonstrated a 1.5%, 1% and 1.5% at 250◦ C and 1.2%, 0.6%, 0.7% at
good detection ability for CO2 , with a positive peak 330◦ C for the DN, AM and DN-CO2 methods, respec-
under all three methods, as shown in Figs. 3a–3c. The tively.
NO. 6 WANG ET AL. 1327

3.3 Comparisons between the DN, DN-CO2 creased, giving rise to a significant difference to the
and AM methods AM and DN-CO2 methods when the temperature was
at 330◦ C and 380◦ C (Figs. 4b, 4c, 4d).
Experiment 3 was designed to compare the anti-
For the DN method, the response signals of N2 O
interference ability of each method for CO2 . The N2 O
increased gradually with an increase in the content of
response signal for the air sample without CO2 added
CO2 . At a temperature of 330◦C, the CO2 concentra-
is defined as A0 ; and the signals of samples with added
tion of gas samples changed from 400 to 3121×10−6
CO2 is expressed as Ai , where i is the number of gas
mol mol−1 , and the rate of (Ai − A0 )/A0 ranged from
bags to which CO2 was added, ranging from 1–20. The
−1.3% to 15.2%. When the CO2 content was below
ratio of (Ai − A0 )/A0 denotes the N2 O signal variation
820×10−6 mol mol−1 , the augmentation of the N2 O
caused by the increase in CO2 concentration; it also
peak area was not significant, and the overestimated
represents the overestimated part of N2 O concentra-
part changed at a range of −1.3% to 2.5%, which fell
tion. Experimental error might be caused by sample
into the acceptable variation range. When the CO2
error or instrument error. In most cases, sample error
content exceeded 900×10−6 mol mol−1 , the overesti-
is less than 0.5% because no more than 3 mL pure CO2
mated part extended to 6.1%–15.2%. The relationship
was added into 800 mL ambient air. Instrument error
between CO2 content and the overestimated part of
by the DN, AM, and DN-CO2 methods is less than
the N2 O signal was logarithmic [y=7.3282ln(x)−44.9,
2.5%, 1.0% and 1.0%, respectively. Therefore, the to-
r2 =0.899, n = 25, p<0.001]. At a temperature of
tal experimental error should be within 3%. Then,
380◦ C, the CO2 concentration of gas samples changed
the (Ai − A0 )/A0 values at −3% to 3%, can be consid-
from 400 to 2809×10−6 mol mol−1 ; the rate of (Ai −
ered within the experimental error; beyond this range,
A0 )/A0 ranged from 1.5%–19.7%, and the relation-
meaning that there existed a significant impact.
ship between CO2 content and the rate could be ex-
As Fig. 4 shows, at a lower ECD temperature
pressed as y = 10.421ln(x)−64.885 (r2 =0.951, n=25,
(250◦ C), the difference between the DN and AM meth-
ods was not significant (Fig. 4a); as the temperature
For the AM method, the N2 O signals maintained
increased, the variation in the DN method also in-

Fig. 4. The influence of detector temperature on the bias of N2 O in the different methods. N2 O concen-
tration was 330×10−9 mol mol−1 : (a) 250◦ C; (b) 290◦ C; (c) 330◦ C; (d) 380◦ C. Dark circles represent the
DN method, triangles the AM method, and empty circles the DN-CO2 method. The solid arrow points to
the CO2 signal and the dashed arrow to the N2 O signal. Definitions of the DN, AM and DN-CO2 methods
are provided in section 2.

stable values, although the CO2 content ranged from AB + e → A• + B− RXN 2

400 to 3121×10−6 mol mol−1 ; the ranges of the over- With the performance of CO2 and N2 O under dif-
estimated parts were −1.3% to 0.4%, −1.8% to 1.5%, ferent ECD temperatures (as shown in Fig. 2), it
−2.3% to 0.9%, and −0.1% to 0% at temperatures of seems that the inherent response mechanisms of CO2
250◦ C, 290◦ C, 330◦ C, and 380◦C, respectively. This and N2 O in the ECD cell were different. The electron
shows that the existence of CO2 did not affect the capture mechanism of CO2 should belong to mecha-
actual analysis of N2 O. Similarly, when the DN-CO2 nism I (RXN 1); CO2 colliding with electrons in the
method was applied, the stabilities of the N2 O signals ECD cell will emit heat. Therefore, a higher temper-
were better than in the DN method, and close to those ature is a disadvantage for CO2 electron capture, and
for the AM method. The ranges of the overestimated thus the sensitivity of the ECD for CO2 decreases with
parts were −2.4% to 1.2% and −1.4% to 1.1% at tem- an increase in temperature. In contrast, N2 O should
peratures of 330◦ C and 380◦ C, respectively. There was belong to mechanism II (RXN 2), i.e. a dissociative
no significant difference between the AM and DN-CO2 reaction, which absorbs heat when reacting with elec-
methods in the 5890II system (paired test, p=0.515). trons in the cell; the sensitivity will be greatly en-
The results show that the influence of CO2 on hanced by an increase in detector temperature.
N2 O depends on the ECD temperature. For the DN
method, when the ECD temperature was 250◦ C and 4.2 Possible explanation of the N2 O bias
290◦ C, the stability of the instrument was worse, but caused by the presence of CO2
the existence of CO2 did not influence the signal of When N2 is applied as a carrier gas, CO2 and N2 O
N2 O obviously. When the ECD temperature was in the air samples may generate the following reactions
higher, the influence became more and more obvious. (Da, 1999; Ševčı́k, 1977):
It seems that the operating temperature of the ECD
also greatly influenced the overestimation: the higher N2 + β → N+ 
2 +β +e RXN 3
the detector temperature, the greater the overestima-
tion. N2 + β → N∗2 + β  RXN 4
The results of this experiment showed that the CO2 N2 + e → N∗2 + e RXN 5
content in gas samples can exaggerate the ECD re-
CO2 + β → CO+ 2 +β

+e RXN 6
sponse signal for N2 O and give overestimated concen-
trations under the DN method. Experiments carried CO2 + e → CO2 − RXN 7
using other GC systems from different manufacturers, −
N2 O + e → N2 + O RXN 8
such as Shimadzu, Agilent and Varian, led to a sim- 
ilar conclusion (data not given here). This is a com- Where β represents primary electrons; β represents
mon phenomenon and an important one for researchers slow primary electrons; e is a secondary electron; N+ 2,
working in this field. Compared to the DN method, CO+ 2 , CO −
2 , and O −
are ionic nitrogen, carbon diox-
the AM and DN-CO2 methods were able to resist the ide and oxygen, respectively; N∗2 is the super-excited,
influence of CO2 and provide more stable and sensitive long-lived state of nitrogen; and e is a slow secondary
responses to N2 O. Furthermore, the concentrations of electron.
N2 O detected under these two GC methods were close Here, RXN 6 is an ionization reaction producing
to actual values. electrons; furthermore, it is endothermic. RXN 7 gives
the CO2 electron capture process (mechanism I) and is
4. Discussion an exothermic reaction. The electron capture process
of N2 O is also an endothermic reaction (mechanism
4.1 The possible electron capture mechanism II, RXN 8). When the ECD temperature is low, it
of CO2 and N2 O encourages RXN 7 and limits RXN 6 and RXN 8, so
the reaction of CO2 capturing electrons dominates the
When an electronegative compound AB enters the ECD cell, and the behavior of CO2 in the cell performs
ECD, there are two mechanisms for electron capture as negative ion production. It reduces the baseline cur-
and the formation of negative ions. Mechanism I is rent and forms a negative peak, which is reversed to
an exothermic and non-dissociative reaction, which positive by the signal recorder for easy observation. As
prefers a lower temperature (RXN 1); mechanism II for N2 O, there are two reasons for its low sensitivity.
is an endothermic and dissociative reaction, where a On the one hand, the low detector temperature limits
higher temperature will accelerate the reaction (RXN N2 O electron capture; on the other, CO2 competes for
2) (Da, 1999). and takes more electrons. The electron density is not
affected by RXN 6 because low temperature does not
AB + e → AB− RXN 1 benefit the reaction. The two compounds can both be
NO. 6 WANG ET AL. 1329

detected at this temperature and do not disturb each gas, and similar results were obtained. With the above
other, though the precision and sensitivity are worse. principle, GC methods that introduce slow-down me-
With the detector temperature increasing, RXN 7 dia such as CH4 and CO2 into the ECD can supply
falls into decline and RXN 6 and RXN 8 become more sufficient electrons and eliminate the CO2 -induced in-
and more active. Gradually, the dominating reaction fluence; it also greatly increases the sensitivity and
of CO2 transfers from RXN 7 to RXN 6, and the whole stability of the ECD for N2 O analysis.
act of CO2 in the ECD cell changes from electron cap- Accurate measurement of concentration is the ba-
ture to electron production. Thus, with an increase in sis for determining emission sources and sinks of N2 O.
ECD temperature, the signal of CO2 becomes weaker However, many laboratories are unaware that their
and weaker. When the detector temperature is high analyses of N2 O are incorrect. An estimated one-
enough, RXN 6 and RXN 7 maintain the balance and third of all published measurements have overesti-
no net CO− 2 exists; the CO2 positive peak disappears mated N2 O fluxes from terrestrial or aquatic systems
(see Fig. 2). As the detector temperature continues to when using the DN method. Some researchers use
increase, RXN 6 totally dominates the reactions and pre-columns filled with ascarite to remove CO2 before
CO2 acts as a positive ion source; it enlarges the cur- analysis; this is not recommended by the present au-
rent and forms a positive peak that appears negative thors because the efficiency of ascarite decreases as the
on the chromatogram. number of samples increase. On the other hand, labo-
For N2 O, on the one hand the temperature increase ratory experiments show that the initial use of ascarite
encourages electron capture and the decline of RXN 7 also absorbs small amounts of N2 O.
provides more available electrons, which enhances the
sensitivity of N2 O (see Figs. 3a–3d). On the other 5. Conclusions
hand, RXN 6 plays an important role when the ECD
The results of this study show that the detection
temperature is high (e.g. 330◦ C); it produces more
of N2 O by GC-ECD using only N2 as a carrier gas
electrons and enhances the electron density in the ECD
was defective. The existence of CO2 in air samples
cell, and the more CO2 , the greater the electron den-
or in the ECD cell greatly enhanced the response of
sity. As a result, N2 O can capture more electrons than
N2 O, which produced an overestimation of the N2 O
free of CO2 . Thus, the response signal of N2 O appears
concentration. The relationship between the N2 O sig-
to increase with the CO2 content (see Fig. 1). How-
nal and the CO2 content could be described by the
ever, the response of N2 O depends on the quantity
Michaelis-Menten equation. The bias between the ap-
of N2 O and the electron density in the cell. When
parent N2 O concentration and the actual result in-
enough CO2 is present, the ECD becomes saturated
creased with ECD temperature and CO2 content. Ac-
with electrons and the response of N2 O is only de-
cording to the performance of CO2 and N2 O at differ-
termined by N2 O content; therefore, it remains stable
ent ECD temperatures, it was hypothesized that the
and no longer increases with CO2 concentration (see
mechanism of electron capture was responsible. The
Figs. 1 and 4). This is why adding enough CO2 into
electron capture mechanism of CO2 should belong to
the ECD can enhance the sensitivity of N2 O and the
mechanism I, an exothermic and non-dissociative re-
response is no longer disturbed by the content of CO2
action; and the electron capture mechanism of N2 O
in the gas samples.
should belong to mechanism II, an endothermic and
β + CH4 → β  + CH+
4 +e RXN 9 dissociative reaction.
Comparisons between the three methods have
Similarly, when highly abundant CH4 is introduced shown that the DN method overestimated the N2 O
into the ECD, a reaction like RXN 9 occurs (Ševčı́k, concentration at high ECD temperatures; it was defec-
1997). CH4 is not an electronegative compound and tive in determining the N2 O concentration. N2 O con-
no electron capture occurs. The ionization potential centrations measured by the AM and DN-CO2 meth-
of CH4 (12.6 eV) is lower than that of CO2 (13.7 eV), ods were close to actual values; the bias caused by the
which facilitates the reactions with β and electrons, presence of CO2 could be eliminated by these meth-
and provides slower electrons. Thus, when Ar-CH4 is ods, and there was no significant difference between
applied as a carrier gas or introduced into the ECD them. New GC carrier gas types with make-up gases
as a make-up gas, the CH4 may supply abundant slow that can remove the CO2 -induced influence, such as
electrons in the ECD pool; the response of N2 O only the DN-CO2 and DN-CH4 methods, are recommended
depends on the content of Ar-CH4 in the gas samples, for the accurate measurement of N2 O,.
and the influence of CO2 in the samples can be elim-
inated. The authors also tested the effect of adding Acknowledgements. This study was supported by
CH4 as a make-up gas when N2 was used as a carrier the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese

Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-204) and changes on nitrous oxide emission from tropical peat-
the National Basic Research Program of China (No. lands. Chemosphere-Global Change Science, 2, 347–
2007CB407303). 358.
Hashmonay, R. A., D. F. Natschke, K. Wagoner, D. B.
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