ValidatedQuestionnaire3 AlbaniaGarciaJavier

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Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: Study Habits in Online Classes during Covid – 19 Pandemic

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. How may the personal profile of the student’s respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 age,

1.2 sex

1.3 learning modality, and

a) Synchronous learning

b) Asynchronous learning

1.4 monthly family income

2. How may the study habits in online classes be described in terms of:

2.1-time management

2.2 attendance and participation

2.3 study strategies

2.4 resourcefulness

3. What intervention program may propose to improve the study habit during Covid – 19 Pandemic?



Direction: Kindly put a check mark (/) on the blank provided to indicate your response.

Name: (optional) _________________________________

___Male ___Female

____20-25 ___41-45
____26-30 ___46-50
____31-35 ___51-55
____36-40 ___56-60
_____ Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

_____ Bachelor of Elementary Education

_____ Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics

_____ Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education major in Food & Service Management

Learning Modality
____Synchronous Learning ____ Asynchronous Learning

Monthly Family Income

_____Php 3,001 – Php 6,000 _____ Php 6,001 – Php 9,000

_____Php 3,001 – and below _____Php 9,001 – Php 12,000
_____No fixed income _____Php 12,001 – Php 15,000
_____Others (specify) _____Php 15,001 and above

Point Scale Verbal Interpretation

5 Always
4 Sometimes
3 Often
2 Seldom
1 Never

5 4 3 2 1
Time Management
1. I find it easy to stick to my study schedule.

2. I look for the most convenient time where I can concentrate and focus on
my studies.
3. I schedule the deadlines in my personal calendar to avoid cramming in
submission of my school tasks.
4. I see to it that I devote enough time to study my lesson.

5. I spend more time on difficult courses.

6. My on-line time is under control: it doesn’t interfere with other things.

7. I set day for each subject to study.

8. I marked on a calendar for the dates of exams, project due dates and

9. I make daily “to do” lists and manage to accomplish them

10. I take time to relax during weekends to reenergize me for the coming

Table 1.

Table 2.

5 4 3 2 1
Attendance and Participation
11. I attend my online classes faithfully.

12. I observe punctuality in attending my class.

13. I pay attention during the discussion.

14. I proactively give opinions during recitation.

15. I give personal opinions based on reading material and class content.

16. I ask questions regarding concepts I don’t fully understand.

17. I engage in conversations regarding the topic under study during class
discussion sessions.

18. I join group activities and participate in project making.

5 4 3 2 1
Study Strategies
19. I use picture and words to learn information or to review.

20. I recall information without looking at my books and notes.

21. I spent 15-20 minutes of studying on what I research before I enter our
online class.
22. I ask question to my teacher/professor if they are lesson, I did not
23. I take down notes the important details or lesson
24. I listen music or song that motivate me to study.

25. I take a break when my brain is not

26. I sleep on time and observe recommended time to sleep to have a
productive day.
27. I set my tasks earlier than the deadline and if there are some problems,
I will still have time or be on time in passing it.
Table 4.

5 4 3 2 1
Use of Resources
28. I am able and willing to collaborate with my classmate.

29. I use “people-resources” available, when needed.

30. I use, internet, or e-library as my resources.

31. I feel confident about my note-taking methods.

32. I use my allowance to purchase educational books / e-books to

gather more knowledge or idea in my major.
33. My family can provide the materials I need in school.
34. I visit the school e-library to find information.

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