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Yee Mein Braised E-Fu Noodles (乾燒伊麵)

Main Ingredients
1 lb yee mein noodles
1 bunch yellow chives
8 dried shiitake mushrooms
2 king oyster mushroom
1 medium carrot
1 clove garlic

2 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce (regular oyster sauce is also fine)
1 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
0.50 tsp salt
1 tsp sesame oil

1 tbsp oil (for stir-frying)
0.50 cup boiling water
1 tsp oil (for finishing)

Step 1 - Prepare ingredients

Rehydrate the dried shiitake mushrooms (8 ) ahead of time in warm water for half an hour to an hour.
Cut the yellow chives (1 bunch) into 1 inch lengths.
Cut the rehydrated shiitake mushrooms into thin strips.
Cut the king oyster mushroom (2 ) into thin slices, and then thin strips.
Cut the carrot (1 medium) into thin slices, and then thin strips as well.
Finally, peel, smash, and mince garlic (1 clove).

Step 2 - Cook noodles

Pour boiling water, enough to submerge the noodles, into a deep, wide wok with the stove on high heat.

Put the yee mein noodles (1 lb) in and cook for about 2 minutes, until they have softened and loosened up. Immediately
remove them and let drain in a colander or strainer.

If you're not going to proceed with stir-frying right away, shock the noodles in cold running water.

Step 3 - Stir-fry vegetables

Dry the wok to prepare for stir-frying.

Heat the wok on high for 15-30 seconds, then add oil (1 tbsp). Let it heat the oil for 30-40 seconds, then add the minced
garlic and fry for about 10 seconds, so that it's fragrant.

Add the sliced shiitake mushrooms and the sliced king oyster mushrooms, cook for 10 seconds, and then the sliced
carrots. Continue cooking for 40-50 seconds.

Add boiling water (0.50 cup) and let the ingredients boil for about a minute.

Step 4 - Add seasoning

Turn off the heat briefly.

Add vegetarian oyster sauce (2 tsp), light soy sauce (1 tsp), dark soy sauce (1 tsp), sugar (1 tsp), and salt (0.50 tsp).
Mix them in, and adjust for taste if necessary.

Step 5 - Add noodles

Add the noodles after the sauce is to your liking, and mix them in. Keep mixing so that the noodles can evenly absorb all
of the sauce.

Continue cooking on high heat until the liquid has cooked out, which will take about 2.5 to 3 minutes.

Step 6 - Add sesame oil & yellow chives

Turn the heat down to medium, and add sesame oil (1 tsp) and oil (1 tsp). Then turn the heat off and add the chopped
yellow chives.

Step 7 - Taste test & plate

Taste to adjust the flavors and plate once it's to your taste! This is usually served in a large serving bowl or plate and
everyone can take the amount they want.

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