Oral Lesson

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1. rasgos de personalidad: positivo, negativo, algo que te gustaría cambiar.

personality traits: positive, negative, something you would like to change.)

I am very adventurous. I love to go and do new things like food, sports and places also
to new people. I am very curious about topics that interest me such as international
news or world history. I am also quite careful when carrying out an activity or task, I
like it to look good.
I am not very optimistic about problems, it is difficult for me to find the solution even if
it is a small problem. And that has brought me many problems in my life
Something you would to change
What I would like to change is to be very careful with the things I do, because that
causes me worry and stress and that affects my health.

2. ¿Cuándo naciste? Habla sobre tu signo zodiacal.( When you were born? Talk about
your zodiac sign.)

I was born on July 2, 1999. My zodiac sign is cancer and what it says is that I must be
very patient and wait for the right moment to act. That I am a person who is not at all
sociable and that it is difficult for me to make new Friends
2. Da tu opinión: temas de tu libro páginas: 66 (actividad D) ; página 67
actividad 4 hablar.
Page 66 - d
1.Las mujeres son mas testarudas que los hombre.(Women are more stubborn than
In my opinion, I think so because women think differently from men and that is why
they act differently, they are more sensitive in certain situations.
2.Nunca esta bien mentir.(It is never okay to lie)
Maybe it's just me but I think lies are known sooner or later, so it's better to speak the
truth even if we don't like it. Besides, it can harm people we love
3. A veces esta bien mentir.(Sometimes it’s okay to lie)
But I think it depends on the situation, in certain cases you have to be prudent so as not
to hurt others and cause irreparable damage
4.Un pequeño grupo de amigos es mejor que un gran grupo de amigos. (A small group
of Friends is better tan a large group of Friends)
5.Un gran grupo de amigos es mejor que un pequeño grupo de amigos.(A large group
of Friends is better tan a small group of Friends)
Maybe it's just me but I think it's better to have few friends that you can count on and
trust than to have many friends, I prefer quality over quantity
Because what good is it for me to have many friends if in difficult situations no one
would be there
Page 67
1. La gente es mas o menos ambiciosa en estos dias. (People are more or less
ambitious these days.)
Well maybe it's just me but I think people are more ambitious these days, they care
more about money, houses, cars than their family or friends
2. Los jovenes son mas o menos optimistas que los mayores(The young are more or
less optimistic than the older)
In my opinion it depends on the person age has nothing to do with your personality
3.Los primogenitos o los ultimos hijos suelen ser mas tranquilos (The first-born or the
last children are usually calmer)
If you ask me, for me the firstborn are calmer because in my family my younger
brothers are not calm at all.
4. Es posible o imposible cambiar tu personalidad. (It is possible or impossible to
change your personality.)
I'm not so sure, but I think that if your personality is not what you want to be, it can be

Pagina 66 - d
1. Las mujeres son mas testarudas que los hombre.
En mi opinion creo que si porque las mujeres tienen un pensamiento diferente a la de los
hombre y por eso actuan diferente son mas sensibles en ciertas situaciones.
2.Nunca esta bien mentir.
Talvez solo sea yo pero pienso que las mentiras se saben tarde o temprano por eso es
mejor hablar con la verdad aunque no nos guste. Aparte puede dañar a personas que
3. A veces esta bien mentir.
Pero creo que depende de la situacion , en ciertos casos hay que ser prudentes para no
lastimar a los demas y causar daños irreparables
4. Un pequeño grupo de amigos es mejor que un gran grupo de amigos.
5.Un gran grupo de amigos es mejor que un pequeño grupo de amigos.
Talvez solo sea yo pero pienso que es mejor pocos amigos en los que puedas contar y
confiar que tener muchos amigos , yo prefiero calidad y no cantidad
Porque de que me sirve tener muchos amigos si en situaciones dificiles nadie estaría

Pagina 67
1. La gente es mas o menos ambiciosa en estos dias.
Bueno talvez solo sea yo pero pienso que la gente es mas ambisiosa estos dias , les
importa mas el dinero, casas , carros que su familia o sus amigos
2. Los jovenes son mas o menos optimistas que los mayores
En mi opinion depende de la persona la edad no tiene nada que ver con tu personalidad
3.Los primogenitos o los ultimos hijos suelen ser mas tranquilos
Si me preguntas , para mi los primogenitos son mas tranquilos porque en mi familia mis
hermanos menores no son nada tranquilos.
4. Es posible o imposible cambiar tu personalidad.
No estoy tan seguro , pero creo que si tu personalidad no es lo que tu quieres ser , se
puede cambiar

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