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Driving Safety Analysis Name: ________________

For each of the following Traffic Collision Summary Graphs, do the following.
1. Analyze the data in the graph
2. Answer the following questions:
a. Figure 1 – Fatal Collisions
- Is there a general trend? State what it is.
- Suggest a reason(s) for the trend.
b. Figure 1 – Injury Collision Rates
- Is there a general trend? State what it is.
- Suggest a reason(s) for the trend.
c. Figure 2 – Alberta Fatality Rates
- Is there a general trend? State what it is.
- Suggest a reason(s) why fatality rates in figure 1 and 2 seems to be
d. Figure 2 – Provincial Fatality Rates
- Which province or territory has the highest fatality rates? Which has
the lowest? Suggest reasons for these differences.
e. Figure 3 – Collision Occurrence By Month
- Which month has the highest fatality rate? Suggest reasons why.
- Which month has the lowest fatality rate? Suggest reasons why.
- Which month has the highest property damage, but not the highest
fatality rate? Suggest reasons why.
f. Figure 3 - Collision Occurrence By Day of Week
- What day of the week are you least likely to be a fatality in a
collision? Suggest reasons why.
- What day of the week are you most likely to be a fatality in a
collision? Suggest reasons why.
g. Figure 3 – Collision Occurrence By Time Period.
- What period of time during the day seems to be the most dangerous
to be driving? Suggest reasons why.
h. Figure 4 – Age of Casualties
- What 2 age groups have the highest casualties? Suggest reasons
i. Figure 5 – Age and Sex of Drivers Involved in Casualty Collisions
- At what age do male and female drivers have almost exactly the
same rate of casualty collisions? Suggest reasons why.
- Why do male drivers involved in casualty collisions peak at age 18 –
19, and why are females considerably lower for the same age?

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