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Electronic Communications of the EASST

Volume X (2008)

Proceedings of the Workshop on

Service-Oriented Computing
at KIVS 2009

The Web Service Challenge - A review on Semantic Web Service

Steffen Bleul, Thomas Weise, and Kurt Geihs

12 pages

Guest Editors: Sebastian Abeck, Reinhold Krger, Nicolas Repp, Michael Zapf
Managing Editors: Tiziana Margaria, Julia Padberg, Gabriele Taentzer
ECEASST Home Page: ISSN 1863-2122

The Web Service Challenge - A review on Semantic Web Service

Steffen Bleul, Thomas Weise, and Kurt Geihs

Kassel University, Distributed Systems Group, {bleul,weise,geihs}

Abstract: Every year, contesters submit contributions to the Web Service Chal-
lenge (WSC) in order to determine which service composition system is the most
efficient one. In this challenge, semantic composition tasks must be solved and the
results delivered by the composers are checked for correctness. The time needed for
the composition process is another important competition criterion.
After we had participated with great success in the 2006 and 2007 WSC, we were
asked to manage the Web Service Challenge 2008. In this paper, we present the
challenge task, the challenge rules, the document format used, and the results of this
competition. We provide a summary over the past challenges and give first previews
on the future developments planned for the Web Service Challenges to come.
Keywords: Business Process Management, quality of service, Web Service com-
position, orchestration, sub-orchestration, BPEL, WSBPEL, WSDL, OWL, WSC,
Web Service Challenge

1 Introduction
Since 2005, the annual Web Service Challenge1 (WSC) provides a platform for researchers in
the area of Web Service composition which allows them to compare their systems and to ex-
change experiences [1]. It is always co-located with the IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce
Technology (CEC) and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (EEE) [2, 3, 4].
In the past, the WSC contest scenarios as well as the involved data formats had no resemblance
with real-world scenarios but were purely artificial tests for the capability of syntactic and se-
mantic Web Service Composition systems. After being asked to manage the 2008 competition,
we decided to develop the WSC to a more practice-oriented event. Therefore, we introduced
new rules and based the challenge on standardized data formats such as OWL [5], WSDL [6],
and WSBPEL [7]. Additionally, we introduced a new test set generator which produces config-
urations very similar to those found in real Service Oriented Architectures in the industry.
This led to an increase in the complexity and the quality of the challenge tasks. In this pa-
per, we also introduce our novel and extensible generator for service composition tasks and an
additional composition verification utility – both building on WSBPEL, WSDL, and OWL. Com-
bined, the two form an efficient benchmarking system for evaluating Web Service composition

1 see (2007-09-02)

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The main contributions of this work are
1. a detailed discussion of the requirements for realistic test scenarios for service composition
2. the introduction of a versatile system able to generate such scenarios and to verify the
results of composition processes,
3. and a review on the 2008 WSC.

2 Prerequisites
Before discussing the idea of semantic service composition, we define some necessary prerequi-
sites. First, let us assume that all semantic concepts in the knowledge base of the composers are
members of the set M and can be represented as nodes in a wood of taxonomy trees.

Definition 1 (subsumes) Two concepts A, B ∈ M can be related in one of four possible ways.
We define the predicate subsumes : (M × M) 7→ {true, false} to express this relation as fol-
1. subsumes(A, B) holds if and only if A is a generalization of B (B is a specialization of A).
2. subsumes(B, A) holds if and only if A is a specialization of B (B is a generalization of A).
3. If neither subsumes(A, B) nor subsumes(B, A) holds, A and B are not related to each other.
4. subsumes(A, B) and subsumes(B, A) is true if and only if A = B.
The subsumes relation is transitive, and so are generalization and specialization.

If a parameter x of a service is annotated with A and a value y annotated with B is available,

we can set x = y and call the service only if subsumes(A, B) holds (contravariance). This means
that x expects less or equal information than given in y.
The set S contains all the services s known to the registry. Each service s ∈ S has a set of
required input concepts ⊆ M and a set of output concepts s.out ⊆ M which it will deliver on
return. We can trigger a service if we can provide all of its input parameters.
Similarly, a composition request R always consists of a set of available input concepts ⊆ M and a set of requested output concepts R.out ⊆ M. A composition algorithm dis-
covers a (topologically sorted) set of n services S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sn } : s1 , . . . , sn ∈ S. As shown
in Equation 1, the first service (s0 ) of a valid composition can be executed with instances of
the input concepts Together with, its outputs (s1.out) are available for executing the
next service (s2 ) in S, and so on. The composition provides outputs that are either annotated
with exactly the requested concepts R.out or with more specific ones (covariance). For each
composition solving the request R, isGoal(S) will hold:

isGoal(S) ⇔ ∀A ∈ s1 .in ∃B ∈ : subsumes(A, B) ∧ ∀A ∈ si .in, i ∈ {2..n}

∃B ∈ ∪ si−1 .out ∪...∪ s1 .out : subsumes(A, B)∧ (1)
∀A ∈ R.out ∃B ∈ s1 .out ∪...∪ sn .out ∪ : subsumes(A, B)

The search space that needs to be investigated in Web Service composition [8] is the set of all
possible permutations of all possible sets of services.

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3 The Web Service Challenge 2008

In this paper, we want to give insight into the rules, software, and evaluation criteria of the
WSC 2008 [9]. In the past years, we have participated in the Web Service Challenge [10, 11]
as contestants. Although these challenges were state of the art at this point in time, some issues
arose. Foremost, the WSC is directly related to the Web Service technology but the file formats
used were proprietary and did not correlate with real-world formats. In 2008, standard formats
were utilized in the challenge tasks and solutions. The services in the SOAs in these tasks were
described in a WSDL format annotated with semantic concepts of an ontology stored in an OWL
document. The compositions produced by the composers as solutions had to be delivered in

3.1 The Semantic Web Service Composition Rules

In the competition, we adopt the idea of so-called Semantic Web Services that represent Web Ser-
vices with a semantic description of the interface and its characteristics as outlined in Section 2.
The task is to find a composition of services that produces a set of queried output parameters
from a set of given input parameters. The overall challenge procedure is as follows:

Challenge Server Side Challenge Client Side WSDL of

file Parse WSDL
Service Description Evaluation

Required Service
WSDL of Composition
file Parse OWL required file Interface Time
Ontology Service Package Measurement

Required Service

Interface WS-BPEL Composition

Package file Evaluation


Challenge Score

Figure 1: The procedure of the Web Service Challenge 2008.

The challenge environment itself is a distributed system. The composer software of the con-
testants is placed on the server side and started with a bootstrap procedure. First, it is provided
with a path to a WSDL file which contains a set of services along with annotations of their input
and output parameters. The number of services will change in each challenge. Every service has
an arbitrary number of parameters. Additionally to the WSDL file, we also provide the address
of a file containing an OWL document during the bootstrapping process. This document holds
the taxonomy of concepts used in the challenge. The bootstrapping process comprises loading
all relevant information from these files.

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After the bootstrapping on the server side is finished, a client-side GUI queries the composition
system with the challenge problem definition and memorizes the current time. The software of
the contestants must now compute a solution – one or more service compositions – and answer
in the solution format which is a subset of the WSBPEL schema. When the WSBPEL document
is received by the GUI, the time is taken again and the compositions inside the document are
This evaluation process is illustrated on the right side in Figure 1. The Web Service Challenge
awards both, the most efficient system and also the best system architecture. The best architec-
tural effort will be awarded according to the system features and the contestant’s presentation.
The evaluation of efficiency consists of two parts as described below:

1. Time Measurement: We take the time after submitting the query and the time when the
composition result is fully received. The bootstrap mechanism is excluded from the as-
sessment. There is also a time limit for bootstrapping after which a challenge is considered
as failure.

2. Composition Evaluation:
• Composition Length: The least amount of services which are necessary to produce
the required output parameters.
• Composition Efficiency: The least amount of execution steps inside the orchestration
in order to solve the challenge.

3.2 The WSDL service descriptions

In a SOA, services are requested by client applications. Both, the client and service interfaces
can be specified with WSDL. Therefore, the challenge request, the challenge response, and the
descriptions of all involved services are formulated in valid WSDL documents. Semantics spec-
ified in OWL are used to annotate the service descriptions.
In the WSC scenarios, each service has just one unique service binding, portType, request, and
response message. For simplification purposes, the elements related to one service adhere to the
sequence sketched in Listing 1.
1 <?xml v e r s i o n =” 1 . 0 ” e n c o d i n g =”UTF−8”?>
2 < d e f i n i t i o n s xmlns =” h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / w s d l / ” ...
3 xmlns : mece=” h t t p : / / www. v s . u n i −k a s s e l . de / mece ”>
4 <s e r v i c e . . . / > . . .
5 <b i n d i n g . . . / > . . .
6 <p o r t T y p e . . . / > . . .
7 <m e s s a g e . . . / > ...
8 < s e r v i c e /> . . .
9 <t y p e s >
10 <x s : schema />
11 </ t y p e s >
12 <!−− WSC−08 S e m a n t i c A n n o t a t i o n S e c t i o n −−>
13 <mece : s e m E x t e n s i o n > . . . </mece : s e m E x t e n s i o n >
14 </ d e f i n i t i o n s >
Listing 1: A WSDL Document for the WSC-08

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3.3 Semantic Annotation with OWL and MECE

Ontologies are expressed with OWL, an XML format. The semantic evaluation in 2008 was
limited to taxonomies consisting of sub and super class relationship between concepts only. In
addition to semantic concepts (OWL-Classes), OWL allows to specify instances of classes called
individuals. While individuals and classes were distinguished in the competition, the possibility
to express equivalence relations between concepts was not used.
In OWL, semantics are defined with statements consisting of subject, predicate, and object,
e.g. ISBN−10 is a ISBN (ISBN subsumes ISBN−10). Such statements can be specified with simple
triplets but also with XML-Hierarchies and XML-References. The implementation of an OWL-
Parser is hence not trivial. In order to ease the development of the competition contributions, we
defined a fixed but valid OWL-Schema.
In the WSC-08 competition, semantic individuals are used to annotate input and output pa-
rameters of services. Individuals are instances of classes and can be defined like in the following
example. We illustrate the specification of an individual in line 8 with the name Individual1 which
is an instance of class Class1
1 <?xml v e r s i o n =” 1 . 0 ”?>
2 <r d f : RDF xmlns : r d f =” h t t p : / / www. w3 . o r g / 1 9 9 9 / 0 2 / 2 2 − r d f −s y n t a x −n s # ” . . . >
3 <owl : O n t o l o g y r d f : a b o u t =” ” />
4 <owl : C l a s s r d f : ID=” C l a s s 1 ” />
5 <owl : C l a s s r d f : ID=” C l a s s 1 . 1 ”>
6 < r d f s : s u b C l a s s O f r d f : r e s o u r c e =” # C l a s s 1 ” />
7 </ owl : C l a s s >
8 <owl : T h i n g r d f : ID=” I n d i v i d u a l 1 ”>
9 <r d f : t y p e r d f : r e s o u r c e =” # C l a s s 1 ” />
10 </ owl : Thing>
11 </ r d f : RDF>
Listing 2: An example for the specification of semantic individuals.
The semantic annotation of the WSDL-files is done with MECE [12, 13], a valid extension of
the WSDL schema.
1 <mece : s e m E x t e n s i o n >
2 <!−− S e m a n t i c E x t e n s i o n f o r a m e s s a g e w i t h ID ” g e t P r i c e R e q u e s t ” −−>
3 <mece : semMessageExt i d =” BookShopARequestMessage ”>
4 <!−− S e m a n t i c A n n o t a t i o n f o r t h e x s d : e l e m e n t w i t h ID ” p r i c e ” −−>
5 <mece : semExt i d =” p r i c e ”>
6 <!−− O n t o l o g y r e f e r e n c e t o t h e s e m a n t i c i n d i v i d u a l −−>
7 <mece : o n t o l o g y R e f >
8 h t t p : / / www . o n t o l o g i e s . o r g / O n t o l o g y . owl # B o o k p r i c e
9 </mece : o n t o l o g y R e f >
10 </mece : semExt>
11 </mece : semMessageExt>
12 <!−− A r b i t r a r y amount o f m e s s a g e a n n o t a t i o n s −−>
13 <mece : semMessageExt i d =” BookShopAResponseMessage ” />
14 ...
15 <mece : semMessageExt . . . / >
16 ...
17 </mece : s e m E x t e n s i o n >
Listing 3: The Semantic Extension

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3.4 The WSBPEL solution format
During the WSC 2007, many participants encouraged the usage of a process language like BPEL
as output format for the composition solutions. First of all, a process language has more expres-
siveness than the 2007 solution format. Secondly, a process language can be used to connect the
challenge implementation to real world technologies and thus, improves their reusability. There-
fore, we decided to use a subset of the common Web Service standard WSBPEL as sketched
Listing 4.
In WSBPEL, the concurrent execution of services can (which is a desired feature for the chal-
lenge) can be specified. In the 2008 WSC WSBPEL subset, specification details like partner-
links and copy instructions on message elements were omitted. In the example in 4, two alterna-
tive solutions to a composition request are given.
1 <p r o c e s s name=” M o r e C r e d i t s B P ”
2 xmlns =” h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . x m l s o a p . o r g / ws / 2 0 0 3 / 0 3 / b u s i n e s s −p r o c e s s / ”
3 t a r g e t N a m e s p a c e =” h t t p : / / www. ws−c h a l l e n g e . o r g / W S C 0 8 C o m p o s i t i o n S o l u t i o n / ”>
4 <s e q u e n c e name=” main ”>
5 <r e c e i v e name=” r e c e i v e Q u e r y ”
6 p o r t T y p e =” S o l u t i o n P r o c e s s ” v a r i a b l e =” q u e r y ” />
7 <s w i t c h name=” S o l u t i o n A l t e r n a t i v e s −S o l u t i o n A −S o l u t i o n B ”>
8 <c a s e name=” A l t e r n a t i v e −S o l u t i o n A ”>
9 <s e q u e n c e >
10 <i n v o k e name=” s e r v i c e A ”
11 p o r t T y p e =” seeWSDLFile ”
12 o p e r a t i o n =” seeWSDLFile ” />
13 <flow>
14 <c a s e name=” A l t e r n a t i v e −S o l u t i o n B ” > . . . < / c a s e >
15 </ s w i t c h >
16 </ s e q u e n c e >
17 </ p r o c e s s >
Listing 4: The WSBPEL document

4 The Test Set Generation

Besides being not able to express concurrent service invocations, the pre-2008 challenge and
solution formats had another limitation: Alternative services inside a composition could only
differ in their names but always had exactly the same input and output parameters. This has the
effect that the search space shrinks dramatically.
In order to provide challenges which are more realistic, the test set generation had to be rebuilt
from the scratch. Doing this revealed several scientific challenges concerning a property which
we refer to as the Test Set Quality.
There are several features a generator must offer. The basic ability is the generation of a
test set consisting of concepts inside taxonomies, a set of services and a challenge with a valid
composition solution. The generation must be able to be configured. The desired configuration
options include the number of concepts for the ontology and the number Web Services in the
knowledge base. The concepts and Web Service have to be ordered and named in a way that no
obvious solution appears. This issue becomes even more challenging when we want to be able to

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configure the number of solutions, the execution depth of a valid composition, and the inclusion
of concurrent execution of Web Services.

Problem- BPEL- (BPEL)
Parser Creator
User-Input Services
Testset-Builder Services- WSDL-
Parser Creator Task
Taxonomy OWL- Taxonomy
-Parser Creator (OWL)


Figure 2: The test set generation process.

Figure 2 illustrates the challenge generation process. We have implemented a user interface for
entering the configuration of the test set. Afterwards, the Test Set Builder produces an ontology
an ontology which consists of an arbitrary amount of taxonomies with differing size and depth.
A set of disjoint solutions is created according to the specified configuration parameters. Then,
a set of additional services is added which may (misleadingly) involve some (but not all) of the
concepts used in these solutions. The result of the generation process is saved as an intermediate
XML format. This format will then be transformed to the discussed WSBPEL, WSDL, and OWL
subsets by the Converter component. The intermediate format is still human-readable for manual
evaluation of the Test Set Quality. Both, the Test Set Builder and the final challenge formats are
independent and can be extended or modified separately, making the Test Set Builder reusable in
scenarios different from the WSC.
We define Test Set Quality as a term for generating demanding test sets. The solutions of
the generated challenge include complex process patterns, such as multiple levels of sequential
and parallel threads of execution. Furthermore, the Test Set Builder can generate multiple valid
solutions, so there may be one solution which involves the minimum number of services and
another one which has more services but lesser execution steps due to better parallelism. As an
example, we used one test set in the WSC 2008 where the minimum amount of services for one
solution was 37 with an execution depth of 17, but another solution existed with 46 services and
an execution depth of 7 (Table 1).
The evaluation of the composition engines became much more interesting just because of
the improved Test Set Quality. In the example just mentioned, for instance, the participating
composition engines delivered different optimal results.

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SAX-based Web Service

(A) + (D)
Input Parser Interface

(C) Client

(E) SAX-based Web Service
Knowledge Service Output Writer (H) Interface
Base Registry



Figure 3: Example Composition System Implementation.

5 The Challenge Software

An important characteristic of the Web Service Challenge is the extent of software which was
provided to the contestants. There was not only a Test Set Generator, but also a Composition
System client, a Solution Validator, and implementation examples in Java. This bundle is called
the interface package. We provided not only the binaries but also the source code of all software
prior to the Challenge itself in order to attain full transparency.
Since 2007, the WSC allows heterogeneous implementations in differing programming lan-
guages and technologies of composition systems as long as they can be invoked and queried with
the Web Service client. In order to make this work, the contestants must implement a server-side
Web Service interface defined by a given WSDL description. We present the communication
pattern on the basis of our example implementation illustrated in Figure 3.
Firstly, the WSC Client Application submits the URL of two local or remote challenge files
(A). The first URL locates the OWL taxonomy and the second one locates the WSDL service
description (B). The SAX-based Input Parser initializes the internal Knowledge Base and the
Service Registry as part of the bootstrap mechanism (C). Secondly, the WSC client submits
the URL of the WSDL query document (D). Starting from this point, the parser notifies the
Composer (E) which computes a solution (F). The solutions are passed to the SAX-based Output
Writer (G). Thirdly, the client UI offers an internal Web Service as a callback interface. The
client-side callback interface is used to avoid communication timeouts. The composition system
calls this callback Web Service in order to stream the composition result to the Client Application
The evaluation of the result is done with the Test Set Validator software. The validator takes
the returned WSBPEL document as its input and produces a readable XML-based analysis. An
excerpt of an example in this format is presented in Listing 5. The most prominent feature

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is the analysis of the correctness of the solution. A correct solution not only is an executable
composition (validity) but also delivers all wanted output parameters of the challenge (solutions).
Furthermore, the evaluator determines the minimum set of services and minimum execution steps
from all correct solutions in its WSBPEL input.
1 <r e s u l t >
2 < v a l i d i t y numYes=” 2 ” . . . > A l l p r o p o s e d BPEL p r o c e s s e s c a n be
e x e c u t e d . </ v a l i d i t y >
3 ...
4 < s o l u t i o n s numYes=” 2 ” . . . > A l l p r o p o s e d BPEL p r o c e s s e s a r e c o r r e c t s o l u t i o n s
f o r t h e c h a l l e n g e . </ s o l u t i o n s >
5 <c o m b i n a t i o n s . . . > 5 4 0 6 9 1 2 e x e c u t i o n s e q u e n c e s . . . were f o u n d i n
t o t a l . </ c o m b i n a t i o n s >
6 <m i n L e n g t h . . . > The s h o r t e s t e x e c u t i o n s e q u e n c e t h a t s o l v e s t h e c h a l l e n g e
f o u n d i s 14. </ minLength>
7 <m i n S e r v i c e . . . > The e x e c u t i o n s e q u e n c e i n v o l v i n g t h e l e a s t number o f
s e r v i c e s . . . c o n s i s t s o f 20 s e r v i c e s . </ m i n S e r v i c e >
8 <r e d u n d a n c e S t a t . . . > No r e d u n d a n t s e r v i c e s h a v e b e e n
d i s c o v e r e d . </ r e d u n d a n c e S t a t >
9 </ r e s u l t >
Listing 5: The Evaluator XML output.

In this analysis, redundant service invocations are detected as well. A redundant service may
be part of a composition but does not provide any necessary output parameter or is executed
more than once.

6 Evaluation
The evaluation of the efficiency of the composition systems in the 2008 WSC consisted of two
steps as described below. A condition of the Web Service Challenge is that each composition
system must be evaluated on the same test system, a Lenovo X61 ThinkPad with an Intel Core2
DUO 1.6 GHz processor, 3 GB memory, and the operating system Windows XP Professional.
Three challenge sets we used in the competition and each composition system can achieve up
to 18 points per challenge set. The time limit for solving all challenges has been 15 minutes. The
score system for each challenge set was:
• +6 Points for finding the minimum set (Min. Services) of services that solves the
• +6 Points for finding the composition with the minimum execution length (Min.
Execution) that solves the challenge.
• Additional points for:
1. +6 Points for the composition system which finds the minimum set of services or
execution steps that solves the challenge in the fastest time (Time (ms)).
2. +4 Points for the composition system which solves the challenge in the second
fastest time.
3. +2 Points for the composition system which solves the challenge in the third fastest

9 / 12 Volume X (2008)
Tsinghua University of Pennsylvania State
University Groningen University
Result Points Result Points Result Points
Challenge Set 1
Min. Services 10 +6 10 +6 10 +6
Min. Execution 5 +6 5 +6 5 +6
Time (ms) 312 +4 219 +6 28078
Challenge Set 2
Min. Services 20 +6 20 +6 20 +6
Min. Execution 8 +6 10 8 +6
Time (ms) 250 +6 14734 +4 726078
Challenge Set 3
Min. Services 46 37 +6 No result.
Min. Execution 7 +6 17
Time (ms) 406 +6 241672 +4
Sum 46 Points 38 Points 24 Points
Table 1: Web Service Challenge 2008 Score Board

The results of the Web Service Challenge 2008 are listed in Table 1 which is limited to the results
of the first three places of the eight participants. The performance winners of the Web Service
Challenge 2008 are:
1. Y. Yan, B. Xu, and Z. Gu. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2. M. Aiello, N. van Benthem, and E. el Khoury. University of Groningen, Netherlands.
3. J. Jung-Woo Yoo, S. Kumara, and D. Lee. Pennsylvania State University, and S.-C. Oh of
General Motos R&D Center, Michigan, USA.

Finally, we present the winners of the architectural challenge:

1. M. Aiello, N. van Benthem, and E. el Khoury. University of Groningen.
2. P.A. Buhler and R.W. Thomas. College of Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
3. K. Raman, Y. Zhang, M. Panahi, and K.-J. Lin. University of California, Irvine, USA.
T. Weise, S. Bleul, M. Kirchhoff, and K. Geihs. University of Kassel, Germany.

7 Related Work
The Web Service Challenge is the first competition for (semantic) service composition. During
the last years there also was a syntactic challenge, then the introduction of semantics also covered
the syntactic tasks and hence, a sole semantic approach was favored. In this section, we give a
short overview on other related competitions.
The closest related event is the Semantic Web Service (SWS) Challenge [14]. In contrast to
the WSC, the SWS defines test scenarios which the participant have to solve. The SWS commit-
tees see themselves more as a certification event for frameworks than a competition. Whereas the

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WSC generates vast test sets and concentrate on standardized formats, the SWS defines challenge
scenarios which must be solved by creating new specification languages, matching algorithms,
and execution systems. The scenarios in the SWS comprise state-based services, service media-
tion, ontology reasoning and service provisioning. The certified frameworks not only solve one
or more scenarios, but are also able to execute their results at runtime.
Another closely related contest is the IEEE International Services Computing Contest (SC-
Contest 2007–2008) [15]. This is a Web Service centric demonstration event where participants
choose both problem definition and solution themselves. The participants are invited to demon-
strate methodologies, reference architectures, and tools. The winner of this contest is determined
by evaluating importance in Service-oriented Computing and implementation quality.

8 Conclusion and Preview

In this paper we presented a review on the Web Service Challenge 2008 where eight teams from
all over the world competed. While the previous challenges only utilized scientific formats, the
challenge definition in 2008 adopted the WSBPEL, WSDL, and OWL standards. Additionally,
an extensible test set generator for the semantic service composition problems.
The Web Service Challenge created a research community for automated semantic service
composition and implementations of fast performing composition engines. The focus of the
challenge is currently changing from a solely scientific service indexing competition to a com-
prehensive and practice-oriented solution for Service-oriented Architectures.
In order to tie up to the result of this year and as a call of participation for the reader, we
propose several changes in the WS-Challenge 2009. First, the prescribed test system for evalu-
ation is a restriction for the contestant’s system architecture. In 2009, every contestant can use
their own (remote) system which will then be invoked with the challenge client. Secondly, the
services will be enriched with Quality of Service (QoS) dimensions, e.g. response time and cost.
The compositions must not only solve the challenge but must minimize the cost and response
time of the overall composition. We wish to thank every contestant of the WSC’08 for their par-
ticipation. Hopefully, we will meet and also welcome new contestants at the 2009 Web Service
Challenge. 2

[1] M.B. Blake, K.C. Tsui, and A. Wombacher. The eee-05 challenge: a new web service
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