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PA 627 Leadership and Organizational Change

Syllabus Course Title : Leadership and Organizational Change Course Code : PA 627 Course Credit : Three (3) Units Course Description The course deals with leadership principles and practices as they influence the development and effectiveness of the organization as a public entity. It delves on discussion of social problems, supervision, motivation, and communication at various levels of the organization. The examination of existing and evolving new techniques and strategies of enhancing and developing leadership critical factors in bringing about changes in the organization will be undertaken. V. Course Requirements 1. Class Interaction 2. Attendance 3. Oral Presentation of Research Work: Team Work and Individual Effort 4. Final Examination VI. Course Grading System Class Standing 70% Attendance and Participation in Class Discussion/Recitation Oral Presentation of Research Work Midterm/Final Examination 30% Total 100% VII. Vision, Mission Statements of the MPA Program Vision Promoting a relevant and responsive graduate program that caters to the requirements and imperatives of an effective, efficient, efficacious, engaging and electronic public organizations and administration or (ePA) Mission To produce responsive, committed, progressive public administrators who are proactive, innovative, creative and transformational in managing the affairs of public organizations in particular and in sharing and teaching the discipline of public administration in general VIII. Course Objectives I. II. III. IV.

This course aims to provide the students with critical understanding of the role and nature of effective leadership in the management process of the bureaucracy. Also, to familiarize them with the various tools, techniques and practices of supervision necessary to achieve organizational goals IX. Course Outline: 1. Overview Course presentation including all academic requirements 2. Man and the Organization: Issues and Concerns i. The administrative man versus the creative-free-spirited leader ii. Organizational theory, administrative processes, public responsibility and accountability iii. Bureaucracy and citizens participation: Who leads who? Who educates who? Who controls who? 3. Leadership i. Definitions, Kind and Practices: According to Traits, Personality, Training, Circumstances and Inheritance ii. Leadership in big organization and teams: Difference and Similarities iii. Leadership: In democracy, Aristocracy Meritocracy iv. Leadership and Followership and the Organization 4. Ethics of Leadership i. Pragmatism ii. End Justifying the Means iii. Divine Right of Rulers iv. Managerial Work Ethics: 3Es (Efficiency, Economy and Effectiveness) v. Man for the Masses vi. Man for Others 5. Train the Trainer Born the Leader, Educate the Manager i. Executive training, education and development 1. Formal Institutional Process Role of DAP, CESB, CSC, agency program and other private agencies. University and Influential leaders 2. Informal Process Coaching, experience, benchmarking and mentoring 6. Leadership Practices, Tools and Techniques i. Communication, MBO, Coaching, Contract Agreements, Delegation, Participative Management, Group Methods, Quality Circle, Continuing Education, Job Enrichment and Redesign, Assessment Center Method ii. Innovation and challenges in Management functions and process (planning, organizing, coordination, controlling and evaluating) iii. Stress Management: What is it? Effects? How to cope with it? Is it same as burn-out? 7. Study of Profile in Contrast

i. President Cory Aquino, Marcos, FVR, ERAP and GMA ii. Lee Iacocca, H. Ford III, Gandhi iii. Rizal, Bonifacio, Aguinaldo 8. Leadership and Followership: Managership and the Managed i. Look into your organization. Observe. Find out when is a leader perceived and appreciated as 1. Effective Leader or Inept 2. Popular Leader or Unpopular 3. Loved Leader or Disliked ii. You may conduct interviews or surveys. It can either be formal or informal iii. Write our your findings in not less than 10 pages of research report 9. Evaluation Techniques i. Oral and Written Reports ii. Class Participation iii. Midterm and Final Examinations 10. References John C. Daresh. Leader Helping Leaders. 2001 G. Moorhead and R. Gaiffin. Organizational Behavior. USA, Houghton Miffling, Co., 1995 J. Katzback and D. Smith. The wisdom of Teams. Harper Business, 1993 P. Capesio and D. Morehouse. Taking the Mystery out of TOM, National Press, 1995 Giuliani, Rudolf W. Leadership, 2002 Mc. Lean, J.W. and Weitzel, W. Leadership Magic, Myth or Method. 1995 Greene, Robert. The 48 laws of power, 1998 Dotlich, David and Cairo, Peter. Unnatural Leadership: Going Against Intuition and Experience to Develop Ten New Leadership Traits. 2003

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