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Kumospace, is a new platform that provides an immersive and fun experience online.

Designed to recreate the physical experience and atmosphere of being in a room, you can move
around and connect with others virtually with the simplicity of a video chat and creativity of
video games. Kumospace is the first application where multiple people can have multiple
conversations at the same time!

In our Cave Canem Reunion space, we have various rooms in our hub that you can go in and out
of for mingling. There are different kinds of rooms available (bars, lounges, gardens, ballroom,
classrooms, etc) that are used to replicate different environments of gathering. This year, our
rooms will be organized either by geographic location or fellowship year.

We understand it can sometimes feel cumbersome to learn how to navigate new technology or
new platforms, but we can assure you the learning curve is not too steep and once you’re in the
room(s), it will feel intuitive.

We hope this guide will help you with some of the Kumospace features you’ll be using
during your time with us.


Supported Devices

Kumospace works best on Google Chrome on a desktop or laptop computer.

Mobile phones and tablets are not yet fully supported.


To access our rooms for the reunion, no registration is required.

Upon clicking the link provided you will be asked to fill in your name
and check your video/ audio settings. It is important to add the name
you’re most recognized with so people can recognize you with ease
while in Kumospace.

If you are directed to the Kumospace Welcome webpage, please

click on “continue without an account” to be directed to the joining
form as referenced in the above image.

Upon joining you will be redirected to the Cave

Canem waiting room, where you’ll be able to
enter a selection of rooms we’ve built for your
gathering. Rooms will be organized by
geographic location and/or fellowship year.

Each room has a capacity limit that everyone

can view, once a room reaches capacity it will
close until someone leaves.


Moving Around while in a room

There are multiple ways to move around in Kumospace.

1. Click with your mouse or tap on your screen to where you want to go and your video
will move to that location.
2. Use your keyboard's Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys. These keys will move you
up, down, left, and right, respectively.
3. On a phone or tablet, swipe towards a certain direction. This will move you in that

Spatial audio

The Sound in Kumospace behaves like it does in real

life. The closer you are to someone, the louder they
sound. We call this spatial audio.

Who can hear me?

Around your avatar is a faint circle which represents
your Spatial Audio Range. You can hear anyone inside
this circle and they can hear you. Anyone outside the
circle is out of "earshot." This is how you can have
separate private conversations in Kumospace. You can
hide the Audio Range Indicator and adjust the size of your Audio Range by clicking on
Adjusting Window

You can zoom in and out to view more or less

of your surroundings and other people in
Kumospace. Zooming in and out can be easily
done by clicking the plus (+) and minus (-
) icons at the right side of the screen.
Alternatively, pressing the + and - ⌨ keys will
do the same.

Expanding Window
Directly beneath the zoom buttons, you can
also click on the expand icon to have Kumospace fill up your entire screen.
Click on it again to return to normal view.

Map (Navigating the room you’re in)

There is a Map button at the bottom right

corner of your screen. This will show you
where everyone is in the room and include
their initials. If you hover over their initials
on the map, you can see their whole name.


To find people click on the people icon, located at the bottom of your window or “control panel”.
A menu will appear showing you the people in your current room, then a comprehensive list of
everyone in the space.

Use the three dots “…” next to each name to private chat them.


Click on the chat icon to send a message to a room, the space, or individuals. When chatting,
scroll down your messenger box to see the latest message.
Exiting a Room

You can click the Exit button to leave the Kumospace, which is located near where you entered
at the bottom center of the space.

Alternatively, you can just close out the browser tab, and disappear 💨. When using this method,
we encourage you to say goodbye to everyone first!

To move between rooms:

1. Move towards the door and then click on the Exit button to leave the room you
are in.
2. This will bring you back to the waiting room. You can now see all the rooms in
the space. Simply click on another room to enter it. You'll even take your virtual
drink with you!

Technical Issues

Mic and Camera Issues

Some simple fixes are muting and unmuting, refreshing the browser or setting your computer to
allow the browser to use the camera and mic

Cannot Move
Close the chat or people tab, your cursor might in a submit field.

Laggy or Freezing
The attendees internet might be slow. Have them move closer to the wifi transmitter or close all
other browser windows

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