Haydn's Piano Sonatas

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Haydn’s Piano Sonatas

Early Sonatas (-1765)

ü“Divertimento” or “Partita”

üTeaching pieces, short 3-4 movements

üFor Harpsichord

- short, miniature sonatas Hob.XVI: 1, 7, 8

- more elaborated sonatas Hob.XVI: 12, 13

Middle Sonatas (1766-1779)

üIndicated as “Sonata”

üMore matured in style, appearance of the minor keys

(Empfindsamkeit, Sturm und Drang)

üExpanded Exposition & Development, dynamic markings

üFor Harpsichord or Fortepiano

üDramatic, expressive and experimental sonatas

- Hob.XVI: 45 in Eb Major (1766)

- Hob.XVI: 44 in G Minor (1769)

- Hob.XVI: 20 in C Minor (1771): published in 1780 in Vienna by Artaria

- Hob.XVI: 21-26 (1773): published in 1774 for Nicholas Esterhazy

21 in C Major

23 in F Major

- Hob.XVI: 27-32 (1774-76)

29 in F Major
*galant style: an 18th-century movement in music, in opposition to the strictures
of the Baroque style, emphasizing light elegance, similar to rococo style

*empfindsamkeit: (sentimentality) expressing "true and natural" feelings and

featuring sudden contrasts of mood, often related to C.P.E. Bach’s music

*Sturm und Drang: (Storm and Stress) a proto-Romantic movement in German

literature and music between the late 1760s and early 1780s. often found in
melodically innovative and expressive works in minor keys by Haydn or Mozart
History of the Pianoforte, A Documentary in Sound
Bartolomeo Cristofori(1655-1731)

the Medici family

1700 “un cembalo di nova invenzione che fa il piano e il forte (a newly

invented cembalo as a new harpsichord which may be played soft and
loud dynamics)

1720 cembalo con martellini (cembalo with hammer)


Hammer mechanism, Escapement lever

Dulcimer – Pantalone

Gottfried Silbermann(1683-1753)

Johann Andreas Stein(1728-1792)

1777, Mozart met Stein’s piano

Schantz piano

Walter piano

Fortepiano Pedale (Pedal piano)

Broadwood piano

Pedal – How to lift “Damper”

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