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A union of two souls, forever entangled as one we shall be

Complete trust, total sharing, together we map our future carefully

Two souls we shall be, but that's not how we live our life these days
So connected we find ourselves, each day our love simply does amaze
They say honey is the sweetest substance on earth and you are the sweetest thing
that have happened to me in recent time so i will call you sweetie if you don't

Inspiration is needed in geometry just as much as in poetry

All that we are is the result of what we have thought

To love is to admire with the heart. To admire is to love with the mind�

The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn

Somebody loves you! Guess who?!

I love you so very much.

I'm all yours!

My heart belongs to you.

You mean the world to me.

I love your kisses.

I am so lucky to have you.

I am so happy to have you.

Wherever you go, I am there with you.

Though we are apart, you're always in my heart.

XOXOXOXOX (hugs and kisses)

thank you= khop khun

raak khun

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,

I just might be

Falling for you.

You melt me.

You make my head spin and

my legs go weak.

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This coupon good for one kiss.


I can't wait to be with you again!


This coupon good for one hug.


I luv u beary much.

[Tie to a little stuffed bear.]


Can't wait to see you!

I'm thinking about you - right now.

1) You are my one and only.

2) You are the love of my life.
3) With every breath I take, I love you more and more.
4) You are my everything.
5) Yesterday I loved you the most I could love anyone, yet today I love you even
6) You make my heart go pitter-patter.
7) Roses are red, violets are blue, this is a note%u2026to say I love you.
8) Be my love forever more.
9) I can't imagine my life without you.
10) My hearts aches when we are apart.
11) I care so much for you.
12) It's you and me forever, baby.
13) You are the most beautiful person in the world.
14) Luv ya!
15) I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile.
16) Thank you for loving me.
17) You are so special to me.
18) You are my sweetie!
19) Marry me?
20) Everyday my first thought in the morning and my last thought of the night is of
21) You make me smile.
22) I love you so much I feel like my heart will burst.
23) Forever Yours.
24) Always and Forever, I will love you.
25) Every day, in every way, my love for you grows.
26) How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
27) You are my soul mate.
28) Ich liebe dich (German for I love you)
29) Je t'aime (French for I love you)
30) Kimi o ai shiteru (Japanese for I love you)
31) Te amo (Spanish for I love you)
32) Vos amo (Latin for I love you)
33) Ya lyublyu tebya (Russian for I love you)
34) Wo ie ni (Chinese for I love you)
35) Jag a"lskar dig (Swedish for I love you)
36) You are the cream in my coffee.
37) You are my perfect match.
38) You take my breath away.
39) I prayed for love and you came into my life.
40) You are my gift from God
41) I Found My Love In You

One is loved because one is loved... No reason is needed for loving and to love
someone is to see a miracle invisible to others sweetie i pray see what i am
feeling for you:x lovestruck

1. I love that smile of yours, whether you keep it that sparkling white or age and
let the teeth fall clear out of your head, seeing that grin stretch across your
face always makes me happy. I couldn't be happier than when I catch you smiling at
me and it�s all I need to bring one to my face, so as long as you keep smiling I'll
keep making sure mine stays there.

2. I know you always work on looking sexy and you do a d*mn good job at it, but you
always look absolutely stunning to me. Whether you're wearing hot club attire or a
pair of sweats and a t-shirt that you stole from me, you always look beautiful. I
appreciate both your bed head and smeared make up, so when I don't always comment
enough about how wonderful you look when you get all dolled up, it is because you
looked gorgeous to me from the second I saw you that morning.

3. One of the simplest pleasures I get is when I have you riding shotgun and our
hands are entwined when I drive. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other
on your knee, driving without isn't quite the same. Even though most of the time
someone commandeers the radio and puts on techno or rap and then proceeds to drift
off to sleep. I can put up with the horrible music and the difficulty shifting, to
feel my wonderful girlfriend wrapped round my arm.

4. I love being able to let loose and be goofy with you. It is nice to be serious
with you and we always can be, but it means so much more to me that we can just be
playful. Our relationship has had tons of times for seriousness, but finding the
fun in it all has made every bump a pleasant adventure. Hearing the silly gooses,
and any other little phrases you dig up that make me smile. So laugh for me you
silly goose and call me butt head or something else I haven't been called since I
was a kid.

5. Seeing you with your fish for the first time was beautiful. It was so nice to
see you care so much for something and e so passionate. You were so devoted to them
and it was really neat to see you like that. I think you are a lot more
compassionate than you let on and I really loved seeing your softer side.

6. You found my weak spot when you scratched my head. I love lying with my head in
your lap and your hands rubbing or scratching my head. I just feel so close to you
and couldn't worry or care less about anything else. It raises the hair on the back
of my neck and puts me right to sleep. It's nice to return the favor but I have to
be careful not to do it during your political speeches because you fall asleep. I
can't find a better place to lay my head than in your lap.

7. .................I was never much of a phone guy but I love your cute texts that
let me know you are thinking about me, and I use to love showing them off to my
buddies at work. So when I call you up for a lack luster conversation that only
lasts a few minutes, hearing your voice was probably enough to bring a smile to my

8. You've taught me a lot of things but the most important thing has been teaching
me how to really love. Baby girl you were the first person I fully cared about and
I knew it that first night. As much as I would have liked to kiss you I knew it had
to wait. When I told you I didn't ever really have a choice it was because I
didn't, I fell for you hard and you can't just let love pass you by, It was always
love and you taught me how to just give in to it and not to hold anything back.
Thank you for letting me love you.

9. It probably sounds ridiculous but one of the first things that really turned me
on about you and I thought was absolutely adorable was how you caught bees with
your bare hands. It was just very whimsical and simple and I liked it. I know I
tease you about being a city girl, but I like that about you. It's different from
how I am and I know we don't always see eye to eye but I do like it. It is very
nice to see that city girl holding a little nature in her hand without any worry of
it stinging her.

10. ............................. It feels so good to meet my lips to your and even

when the taste of morning breath is heavy in both our mouths I couldn't think of
anything I'd like to do more in the morning than wake up to one of your kisses.

11. There is no doubt that you have beautiful eyes. I know I give you hell about
the makeup, but I just don't want any distractions to take away from them. In a
couple of photos you can see how close our eyes look alike. I think it�s pretty
neat, but it's a little more special when they meet and I get to look into them
just before I steal a kiss. Whether they are open, squinty from smiling, or slowly
closing just before we kiss - I think your eyes are magnificent.

12. A cheap mattress, weak springs that dip in the middle and barely enough room
for one person to stretch out - you made that bed comfortable. Ever since our first
night, I could roll over and see the person I would be dreaming about before I fell
asleep. You know that warm spot in your bed that you roll over into and it makes
you never want to leave bed? You are my warm spot. .......................

13. ....................

14. Lauren sometimes I wish you saw yourself through the eyes that I do. You
deserve more credit than you give yourself. You're a beautiful girl with a great
personality and anybody with the opportunity to be your friend is a lucky person.
Don't worry yourself with being liked, I like you enough for everyone, and anyone
who has the time to get to know you will back me up on how great a girl you are.
Don't go bragging but you have more than enough to back it up.

15. Baby girl I really enjoy giving you a massage from time to time, It is nice to
be able to make you feel good and hear you make those noises when I rub your back
or your feet and know that I hit a good spot when your eyes roll back in your head.
Sometimes I just want to do something like that to really let you know I appreciate
you and all I want to do is make you feel good and happy. And on top of everything
I get to rub your soft skin and great body, and your feet don't smell half bad
(kidding!). So when I give you a full rub down, sometimes it is just to say thank
you for being a fantastic girlfriend.

16. I've told you that I find comfort with you no matter what, even when you are
hanging upside down from my neck. I love being close and even if that leads to some
abstract positioning with you wrapped around me. It always feels good to feel you
like that. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone. You are the first person to
pull my mind away from anything else and really relax. Next to you I never feel
that awkwardness, so it always feels right.

17. You have more strength than I could ever imagine. You are a tough girl and
don't make any grimace over the weight that you bear. I know you yell at me when I
call you a woman, but I can't understand a girl having the strength you have. From
the time we spent under the tree and on the red couches, till now, I grow
increasingly amazed by you.

18. ...................

19. I know you have been to the clubs many more times than I have but there is one
thing that I've gotten out of it that you will never be able to quite experience.
I've been able to walk into the club with the best looking girl in the whole place.
I love dancing with you and trying my hardest to keep up. It is fun to hang out and
do something that you love so much. You are a great dancer and a pretty girl. It is
nice to be the proud boyfriend and know that other guys are jealous of who I am

20. Baby girl all the time I have spent with you had been well worth it. You taught
me love, you gave me happiness and I want to spend time and keep you smiling more
than anything else. We've been through a hell of a lot, sometimes better than
others but I wouldn't trade a single one. You are a wonderful girlfriend, a best
friend, a great kisser and a fantastic person. ................... I promise to be
the guy you fell in love with and be a good man for you. I can't wait to keep this
up and continue adding chapter to our little book. I love you Lauren.

He�s also made me a story called �A bed time story� which is how we met and a few
naughty nights. You are on your own for this one! ;-)

I am forever yours.

Good morning, my love.

Have a great day at work knowing I love you!

Can't wait until tonight!

You are SO sweet!

[Try taping the above note to a candy bar]

Love you now. Love you forever.

Thanks for being you.

You are on my mind today.

You're the love of my life.

Love you, Sweetie!

Bee my honey!

Ooh Baby, I love your way.

My heart is all yours!

You are so adorable!

You are so hot!

Love you, Babe!

A union of two hearts. forever we will share the same heartbeat

No planning did it take, a love of destiny made our life complete
Two hearts we cannot deny, but in each other we placed our heart to stay
A belief that runs so deep, our love touches us each and every day

A union of two loves, forever in love is our dream come true

Tears and sadness, happiness and smiles, sprinkled with a miracle too
Two loves it may appear, but to us we know our love is all the same
Many memories we have shared, so incredible is what our love became

A union of two people, forever as a couple we shall be known

From a tiny seed so small, into a miraculous love we have grown
Two people to the world, but our own private world we did create
Heaven on earth we both did find, so blessed with our soulmate

A union of two dreams, forever a sunrise will be shared as one

Like the hope of each new day, our love has now just begun
Two dreams of long ago, but these dreams of yesterday are now so real
A love thru eternity, a forever union, that's the way we both feel.

Love you till eternity

July 12
They say that as long as there is one person loving you, life isn't a waste. So if
you lose hope and thought that life is not worth living, just remember I'm here.

its against the ethics/policy of my profession as a US military personnel to make

voice/video calls and moreover we don't have such facilities, it was stopped when
the al-qaedi's and talibans used that medium to hack into our security network and
that has led to the death of some generals that's why they put a final stop to it

No man's character is greater that is words

sweetie, love isn't all about age, race its something of the (h) ok

sweetie,destiny has brought us together and we will uphold it till eternity

i will give you the maximum security you will ever get in the entire world

Everyday my first thought in the morning and my last thought of the night is of you

sweetie i haven't like this for a long time but acquaintance with brought back joy
and happiness
sweetie, anytime spent with is very meaningful and i won't let you down at anytime
and give the maximum protection anyone can give

I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile and feel like a real woman
that you are...

when my vacation is been approved from the Defense Headquarters in Washington DC, i
will come over to spend it with you in Thailand and explore the world together
i know you are God sent to me and i will treasure you as long as i live and even my

If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, if hugs were the leaves I would
give you a tree, but if love was time, I would give you eternity

I love you so much I feel like my heart will burst

Every day, in every way, my love for you grows







DARLING, As I wake by your side,

My feelings for you I can not hide,
I touch your face gently and slowly in the morning light,
Being with you just feels so right

You make me feel like I'm a Lover,

Like being inside an awesome dream,
Although this is real, that I know,
As the love that surrounds us continues to grow

I think of what the future holds...

Marriage, children, us growing old,
And as I lay, with you dear,
I'm just so glad you're mine, you're here.

My love for you is forever and ever

My love for you always grows
My love for you is always here
Even though the whole world knows

My love for you won't fade

My love for you won't go away
My love for you is always here
And nothings getting' in its way

I know my love for you will be tested

I know my love for you is challenged everyday
I know my love for you will never give up
Because my love for you is here to stay
Now my love for you is in your heart
And that's where I want it to be
Cuz' my love for you was here from the start
It's just now you hold the key.

When the breeze kisses the flowers,

When the earth gets the first showers,
When the birds chirp melodious songs,
When I feel lonely among the throngs,
I think of you hours after hours.

When the glistening stars whisper at night,

When the silvery moon throws upon us light,
When the emerald leaves murmur in serenity,
When the clouds float in the sky of divinity,
I think of you with passions bright.

When, in the sky, the rainbows arch in pride,

When, over the hills, the fountains glide,
When the confident roses spread their scent,
When the twilight becomes crescent,
I think of you craving to be your bride.

To love you without holding back

Is a feeling of sure bliss
I love you more then you'll ever know
I'm blessed to have you in my life
There is no other in this world
I would ever take to be...
You are so many things to me
Wife..Lover and my best friend
I will always be here at your side
Until my life comes to an end
There are so many soft and tender words
So many sweet things I want to say
About how you've shown me how to love
In a very unselfish and giving way
You have shown me to love from the heart
And I am what I am because of you
I hope there is never any doubt
To how much I Love You, always
And I'm always be here for you ...

- Believe me

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