Modul Contoh Soalan Stem Decathlon Challenge 2021

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Semakin besar jisim sesuatu objek, …

The greater the mass of an object, …

A. Semakin mudah objek mula bergerak

The easier the object starts moving
B. Semakin besar inersia objek tersebut.
The greater its inertia
C. Semakin seimbang objek tersebut
The more balanced it is
D. Semakin banyak ruang yang diperlukan
The more space it takes up
Antasid melegakan perut yang terlalu berasid kerana komponen utama antasid adalah
An antacid relieves an overly acidic stomach because the main components of
antacids are _______.

A. Isotop
B. Asid
C. Bes
D. Neutral
Sebuah kereta bergerak dengan kelajuan tetap 40 batu sejam. Sejauh mana perjalanan
kereta dalam 45 minit?
A car travels at a constant speed of 40 miles per hour. How far does the car travel in
45 minutes?
A. 25 batu
25 miles
B. 30 batu
30 miles
C. 35 batu
35 miles
D. 40 batu
40 miles
Apakah nama robot moden pertama yang dicipta oleh George C. Devol pada tahun
What is the name of the first modern robots created by George C. Devol in 1950’s?

A. Siri
B. Asimo
C. Shakey
D. Unimate
Apa maksud AC dan DC di dalam medan elektrik?
What does AC and DC stand for in the electrical field?

A. Alternating Current and Direct Current

B. A Rock Band from Australia
C. Average Current and Discharged Capacitor
D. Atlantic City and District of Columbia
Singkatan komputer ‘CD’ biasanya bermaksud?
‘CD’ computer abbreviation usually means?

A. Command Description
B. Change Data
C. Copy Density
D. Compact Disc
Asas dalam perlindungan teknologi radiasi nuklear adalah berdasarkan kepada
prinsip “ALARA”. “ALARA” bermaksud..
Fundamental of nuclear radiation technology protection is based on ALARA
principle. ALARA stands for..

A. As Low As Reasonably Achievable

B. As Long As Radiation Absent
C. As Long As Radiation Allowed
D. As Low As Radiation Acquired
Pesawat Airbus A330 atau lebih dikenali sebagai “Beluga” merupakan pesawat
yang mengangkut komponen pesawat untuk disatukan. Berapakah jumlah enjin
yang dipasang pada “Beluga” (A300-600ST)?
The Airbus A330 or better known as "Beluga" is a giant aircraft that transports
aircraft components to be assembled. How many engines are installed on the
"Beluga" (A300-600ST)?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Apakah hasil darab bagi punca-punca persamaan tersebut?
What is the product of the real roots of the equation?
𝑥 2 +45𝑥+2630
= 𝑥 2 + 45𝑥 + 2651?
A. 2363
B. 3450
C. 2602
D. 3445

(1+cot θ+tan θ ) (sin θ−cos θ)

sec3 θ−cosec3 θ
A. sin2 θ cos 2 θ
B. cos 2 θ sin2 θ
C. sin2 θ tan2 θ
D. cos 2 θ tan2 θ
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A

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