Simple Past Questions

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Name: Isabel Jaramillo

Hello students. Here's a grammar explanation on how to form questions in

English using the simple past tense. I will cover both yes/no questions and
questions with Wh-words. Additionally, I'll provide six exercises at the end for
you to practice ordering words to form questions.
Forming Yes/No Questions:
To form a yes/no question in the simple past tense, we usually invert the subject
and the auxiliary verb. If the sentence does not have an auxiliary verb, we use
the auxiliary verb 'did' to form the question.
Subject + Auxiliary Verb (did) + Base Form of the Verb + Rest of the Sentence?
1. She played tennis. -> Did she play tennis?
2. They studied for the exam. -> Did they study for the exam?
3. He visited his grandparents. -> Did he visit his grandparents?

Forming Wh-Questions:
To form Wh-questions (questions that begin with Wh-words) in the simple past
tense, we use the same structure as yes/no questions, but the Wh-word
replaces the information we want to ask about.
Wh-Word + Auxiliary Verb (did) + Subject + Base Form of the Verb + Rest of
the Sentence?
1. Who played tennis? -> Who did play tennis?
2. What did they study for the exam?
3. When did he visit his grandparents?
Now, let's move on to the exercises. I'll provide you with the words, and you
need to arrange them in the correct order to form a question.
Exercise 1:
did / watch / you / movie / last night / a?
Did you watch a movie last night?
Exercise 2:
when / you / visit / did / your friend?
When did you visit your friend?
Exercise 3:
play / football / they / did / yesterday?
Name: Isabel Jaramillo

Did they play football yesterday?

Exercise 4:
what / you / eat / did / for breakfast?
What did you eat for breakfast?
Exercise 5:
did / she / at / work / what / yesterday / do?
What did she do at work yesterday?
Exercise 6:
where / go / they / did / on vacation?
Where did they go on vacation?

1. Did you watch a movie last night?
2. When did you visit your friend?
3. Did they play football yesterday?
4. What did you eat for breakfast?
5. What did she do at work yesterday?
6. Where did they go on vacation?

I hope this explanation and the exercises help you practice forming questions in
the simple past tense. Keep practicing, and you'll become more confident with
your English skills!

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