Caso-3 Ingles

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AÑO: ¨Año del fortalecimiento de la soberanía




TURNO: Noche

IV Ciclo


 Jade Yuliana Ramirez

 Halim sawaya Velásquez
 María Angelica Cuya

Pág. 1
YULIANA : Hi Maria. how are you? 
MARIA:Hi Yuliana, Hi Halym
HALYM:Hello friends, how was your day?
MARIA:Very well coming from picking up my daughter from school and you Halym?. How
are you?
HALYM:all right, girls, and if we go to a park so we can get to know each other better
YULIANA: It sounds great! so we continue talking more at ease.
MARIA:Now that we’re in the park together, tell me what their personalities are you  like? 
YULIANA:Mmmmm or am I not very friendly, sensitive, I don't like to go out with friends a lot,
I love being with family and you?
HALYM:my personality is calm I always look for the good, I am a worker
MARIA: I Am a person, with a strong character, but very friendly, hard-working, happy and I
be like to go out with my friends
YULIANA:I'm sure you already know many places.
HALYM:Maria,  is your daughter look like her father? 
MARIA:Yes, the truthis, my daughter is dark- haired, she has curly hair, she is tall , she is
thin, and who do you look like in your family?
YULIANA:I look like my mom because I'm short, chubby, with small eyes and I'm also
HALYM:In my family I look like my father, because we both have the same hair color, and we
are tall. And what are your occupations ?
MARIA:mmm…. well, I dedicate myself to work, study, and take care of my family
YULIANA:I am working in the mornings, and I study at night and on Sundays I am playing
volleyball in the afternoons.
HALYM: And what do they work?
MARIA:I work as a cashier in stores five hours  for four days a week. and you Halym?
YULIANA:I am working in a naturist center, it is a family business, I am there most of the
time and I study at night.
HALYM :I work as a stocker in tottus and I study at night
MARIA:hmmm…Well guys, since we all work, what do you think if I invite you to my
apartment to go to the movies, since I have a commitment right now?
YULIANA:As for me, I’m normally waiting for your invitation.
HALYM:Of course, it would be nice to meet again
MARIA:ready then bye¡
YULIANA:¡Bye blessings.!
HALYM: bye.

Pág. 2
Pág. 3

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