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1. MGIB/PR/08-001 1-Sep-08 GENERAL ATTENDANCE There was no written policy of no half lateness or
GUIDELINE FOR LOCAL any under time working hours apply for local
ASST, MANAGER Assistant Manager & above. Also there was no half
&ABOVE day annual leave and off-in-lieu policy written
under Company Rule and Regulation.

2. MGI/HR/2010- 1-Jan-2010 Change in Salary January 2010 is the routine review of salary, Salary
002 Structure for Al January will be reviewed by change in:
2010 Exercise 1. UMK increase
2. Annual Incresment
3. Upgrading and Promotion
4. Market Factors
3 MGI/HR/2010- 1-Feb-2010 Control of Over Time Previously the control of OT Approval was not
003 (OT) Approval being followed accodingly thus resulted no proper
OT control and wrong order of meals by HR/GA
4 MGI/HR/2010- 1-April- COMPANY DONATION There was no donation provided by company for
004 2010 FOR BENEFICIARY OF beneficiary of decease employee. Recently, we had
DECEASE EMPLOYEE several cases of employee ‘s death (caused by
illnes,accident,etc) and it would be better if
company can provide donation as the appreciation
to the late employee for his/her service, which will
be received by employee’s beneficiary.
5. MGI/HR/2010- 26-March- ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE  Currently , the Attendance Incentive provided for
005 2010 FOR SUB-CONTRACT Sub-Contract Operator is Rp.18.000.-(eighteen
EMPLOYEES thousand rupiah)
 Management plants to improve the condition of
Sub-Contract Operator by increasing the
Attendance Incentive with terms and condition
same with Attendance Incentive proveded for
Permanent Employees.

6. MGI/HR/2010- 1-August- RECRUIT JMSB IN-HOUSE  Curently, we convert Sub-Contract employees

006 2010 CONTRACT AFTER who have good performance to be In-House
COMPLETION SUB- Contract employees.
CONTRACT  The conversion is performed by HR upon the
completion of employees’ contract with sub-cont
7 MGI/HR/2011- 1-Jan-20011 Salary Review and Maret January 2011 is the routine review of Salary.
001 Factor (Non-Fix) for Al Besides the routine increase in salary base on UMK,
Jan 2011 Exercise Seniority, Upgrading and Promotion, JMSB
Management (Division Heads Meeting 17 Jan 2011)
introduc ed these changes to improve the market
competitiveness of our salary structure :
1) UMK Jan 2011
2) Seniority Pay Jan 2011 for Permanent
3) Market Factor (Non-Fix) 2011 [MF-NF-2011]
for degrees and diploma holders;
4) Revise seniority payment for Subcontract
Employees to similar level as Permanent
5) (Later) Review the Minimum Grades of
permanent employees to match their position
and Peformance.

8 MG/BHR/11-003 23-Nov- TO MANAGE LATE Due to Batam Union Demonstration on 23, 24 and
2011 ATTENDANCE AND 25 November 2011 cousing lateness and absence
ABSENCE COUSE BY during that period
9 MG/HR/2012-00 1-Jan-2012 New Salary Structure Every year there is a routine increase in salary
based on UMK
10 MGI/HR/2012-02 14-Mar- FLOOD On 14 March 2012, the flood affected to the
2012 employees’ attendance. JMSB Management
Meeting (Devision Head Meeting 21 Mar 2012)
made the policy on this.
11 MGI/BHR/2012- 1-May 2012 TO MANAGE LATE Due to Batam Union Demonstration on 01 May
003 ATTENDANCE AND 2012 block road between Batamindo I and II (Panbil
ABSENCE CAUSE BY Junction) causing lateness during that period.
12 MGI/BHR/2012- 1-June- MOTIVATION SUBSIDY To improve employe motivation by implementing
004 2012 SUBSIDY SUPPORT productivity & quality and other major imrovement
(MOTIVATION project achievment.
13 MGI/BHR/2012- 1-June- PASSPORT AND OR To provide passport for employee who assign to go
005 2012 DRIVING LICENSE COST oversea for training or meeting and or driving
license for employee who assign an company
backup driver (Company initiated)
14 MGI/BHR/2012- 5-Sep-2012 ADDITIONAL To provide additional transport fare subsidy for JMS
006 TRANSPORT FARE CIP ,LKD and external Warehouse Employees due to
SUBSIDY IDR 2,000/DAY tansfer work area
15 MGI/BHR/2012- 10-Sep- COMPANY WILL COVER Base on Goverment Regulation (PP) No. 53/2012,
007 2012 NEW JAMSOSTEK regarding 8th Amendment of Goverment Regulation
HEALTH SERVIS BENEFIT No.14/1993 regarding Labor Social Warranty
UNTIL END OF OCTOBER (JAMSOSTEK) Program Implementation. Some of
2012. helath insurace coverage are not fully covered by
Primadati. Negotiation between Company and
Primadati/ other services regarding new premi and
benefit still in progress.
16 MGI/BHR/2012- 3-Oct-2012 WORK ARRANGEMENT Due to October 2012 there are massive
008 FOR 3 OCTOBER 2012 strike/demo siuation bloctade Panbil Junction, Gate
DUE TO STRIKE 1, Gate 2, and Gate 4 most our employee cannot go
in to campany and inside Batamindo Industrial Park
and strike comb and force company to release
employees/operator to participate strike/demo and
this action causing production stop.
17 MGI/BHR/2012- 3-Des-2012 OFF IN LIEU FOR Due to company work arrangement on the off day,
009 COMPANY WORK those employees who instructed to work on the off
ARRANGEMENT day are entitled for off in lieu.
18 MGI/BHR/2013- 1-Jan-2013 SALARY GRADE Currently more than 200 permanent employees
001 ADJUSTMENT FOR salary gade are not link with JMSB Salary Structure.
PROMOTION AND To make inline with JMSB Salary Structure those
UPGRADE EMPLOYEES employees who are approved to be promote
or/and upgrade by Division/HOD Meeting the grade
will be adjusted to minimum or inline with actual
grade on each position.

Base on 1st Division/HOD meeting on 10 January

2013 and 2nd Division/HOD meeting on 15 January
19 MGI/BHR/2013- 1-June- 1. REVISI POSITION 1. The position pay promoted Senior Supervisor to
002 2013 PAY FOR SENIOR Controller is lower than Supervisor to Senior
CONROLLER Some employees (Supervisor – Controller)
2. MARKET FACTOR completed the diploma/ degree holder while they
(NON FIXED) FOR are working in company
20 MGI/BHR/2013- 8-May-2013 OFF IN LIEU 1. MGI/BHR/2010-09 OFF IN LIEU FOR COMPANY
SUBMISSION FOR PRE- 2. Due to in MGI/BHR/2010-009 does not state
APPROVAL the lead time to submit off in lieu applicaton
form for pre-approval by President Directior
21 MG/BHR/2013- 23-May- AKAD SUPERVISOR 1. Outstanding recruitment for supervisor level
003 2013 SALARY NEGOTIATION will be recruited from inter ragion/AKAD (from
outside Batam)
2. To make more attractive salary package
3. To retain good AKAD employee
4. To motivate employee to achieved high
22 MGI/BHR/2013- 1-Aug-2013 TERMINATION FOR 1. MGI/HR/2010-007 LONG ILLNESS
3. Currently there is no procedure to monitor
Long Illness employee and how to propose the

23 MGI/BHR/2013- 25-June- TRANSFER MATENITY 1. Current maternity leave and long illness staff
006 2013 STAFF AND LONG headcount impact production/section
ILLNESS STAFF attendance ratio.
HEADCOUNT TO 7320 2. To improve production/section attendance
24 MGI/BHR/2013- 16-Sep- TERMINATION OF 1. Resign-plus package may not comply whith Law
007 2013 SERVICES if not offered to all employees.
2. Resign-plus package does not improve the good
work attitude fot poor-performance employees.
3. The Companys Code of Conduct for Good Work
Attitude and Responsibillity had weekend.
4. Warnings to employees become ineffective
guidance and motivation for improvements.
5. Termination of servis is encouraged only as last
resort, after repeated counseling, and
6. Needed to maintain morakle and harmony of all
7. Poor performance by some employees may
effect the morale and workload of other
25 MGI/BHR/2013- 18-Sep- LATENESS DUE TO 1. There is flood in Sido Mulyo Tembesi Daeng
008 2013 FLOOD (5 Sep 2013) AND area o 5 September 2013 at 17.30-18.30pm
UNION DEMO (12 Sept that impact to lateness of JMSB employees on
2013) AND UNION 2nd shifft.
DEMO (12 Sep 2013) 2. There is demonstration conduct by SPMI on 12
September 2013, the demonstration participant
start blockig Panbil Junction direction from Batu
Aji to BIP at 07.00am until 9.30am
3. These incident causing employee come late to

26 MGI/BHR/2013- 4-Des-2013 WORK ARRANGEMENT 1. There was sweeping at BIP by internal union
009 FOR MORNING cousing employee leave company by voluntary
SHIFT/NORMAL SHIFT 2. There was sweeping at CIP by external union
EMPLOYEES WHO causing employee leave company forced by
REQUESTED BY external union.
COMPANY TO STAY 3. There were employees who still working until
UNTIL 2.30PM AND 2.30pm
CONTINUE WORKING There were employee requested by company to
AFTER 2.30PM ON 28 continues working after 2.30pm
27 MGI/HR/2014-00 1-Jan-2014 New Salary Structure on 1. Every year there is a routine increase in salary
UMK January 2014 and based on UMK
Seniority Pay Revised the Seniority Pay
28 MGI/BHR/2014- 27-Jan-2014 IMPLEMENTATION Due to agreement has been agreed by both parties
001 PROBLEM OF employer and employees
AND 1ST NOV 2013
29 MGI/BHR/2014- 28-Apr- HOLD SALARY 1. Due to agreement has been agreed by both
002 2014 DEDUCTION DUE TO parties employer and employees
MOGOK ON 26-28 2. Company has to hold salary deduction due to
MARCH 2014 MOGOK until get final decision from IR Court
30 MGI/BHR/2014- 5-May-2014 CONVERT HOUSING 1. Due to agreement has been agreed by both
003 INCENTIVE (OPR-LDR) parties employer and employees
FROM NON FIXED 2. Company has to convert housing incentive
ALLOWANCE (NFA) TO (operator-Leader) from no fixed allowance to
FIXED ALLOWANCE (FA) fixed allowance
31 MGI/BHR/2014- 24-July- SHUTDOWN/ BLOCK 1. Current block leave arangement initiated by
006 2014 LEAVE ARRANGEMENT section/dept do not have policy
INITIATED BY 2. To establist the clear company policy
SECTION/DEPT. 3. Base on survey more than 50% employee
take leave
4. Production cannot running
5. Need president direction/plant director to
approve shutdown/ block leave initiated by
32 MGI/BHR/2014- 24-July- WORKING DURING 1. Current working arrangement during
005 2014 SHUTDOWN/BLOCK shutdown do not have policy
LEAVE 2. To establish the clear company policy
3. MOM Circular letter
SE.302/MEN/SJ-HK/XII/2010 regarding
implementation of Mass Leave in Private
Sector year 2011
4. Joint Decision Ministry of Manpower/Ministry
of State Apparatus/Ministry of Religion
No.05/2014 regarding National Public Holiday
and Mass Leave FY 2015
5. MOM Decision No. 102/MEN/VI/2004
regarding Overtime and Overtime Wage
6. To appreciate those employees who ask by
company to work when block leave
day/shutdown period
33 MG/BHR/2014- 1-Des-2014 TRANSPORTATION 1. Fuel hike Rp 2,000/liter
011 SUBSIDY DUE TO FUEL Gasline fron IDR 6,500 to IDR 8,500
HIKE Diesel from IDR 5,500 to IDR 7,500
2. Currently JMS Policy to subsidy 80% from
actual fare from RS Batu Aji to BIP as
3. Data as per attached
34 MGI//BHR/2014- 10-Sep- LEAVE ARRANGEMENT 1. Poor attendance during 24 December 2013 for
007 2014 24 DECEMBER 2014 2ND 2nd Shift
SHIFT 2. Chirstian Employees need to attend Christmas
3. To establish the clear company policy
35 MGI/BHR/2014- 1-Sep-2014 BUSINESS TRIP – OFF IN Staff assigned to represent JMSB on business trip
008 LIEW FOR WORK are fully committed and responsible to complete
ARRANGEMENT. the work goal of the business trip.

Generally when staff is on business trip,the working

terms and conditions in Indonesia will not
automatically apply to working on business trip.
The working terms and conditions on bussiness trip
complies with the Training /Business Trip
procedure BHR/PRO/AX/014 and related MGIs.

Here, this MGI clarifies the working terms when

staff on bussiness trip has to work overseas when it
is rest day, off-day,public holiday,or shut-down day
in JMSB working calendar.

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